0:58 "I do not possess an engineering degree nor am I mechanically inclined." - 我既沒有工程學的學位也對機械沒啥興趣。 1:50 "The emotionally disturbed come in very handy at a time like this." - 那些讓你看的不順眼的人這時候就派得上用場了。 4:02 "just a little rubber band in the back is all it is." - 不過就是弄一下後腦勺的橡膠綁帶而已嘛。 5:55 "If those sightseeing announcements are any mark of his intellect, he's lucky to be working at all." - 如果那些介紹目的地的觀光景點的廣播能某程度上反映機長的智商的話,那他能有工作就該偷笑了。 6:56 "Do these people honestly think I might be traveling with a fountain I stole from the park?" - 難不成有人真的會懷疑我帶著公園偷來的噴泉四處跑嗎?