@VideographerGuides 2 ай бұрын
Want to go into much more detail of how to sell and produce these videos for your clients? Check out the Brand Story Blueprint, where we show you how to go from selling $300 videos to $3,000 videos. Link here: videographerguides.podia.com/brand-story-blueprint
@benjamin.kelley 3 ай бұрын
The point about thinking you should be at one point after a ton of work, but you're so far "behind" is where im at abd why I feel like I have no grasp on anything. Its especially hard when you don't have a mentor to help figure out the next step.
@VideographerGuides 3 ай бұрын
It's definitely a tough journey to navigate. Anything in particular that has your brain racing lately? ~Marcus
@charlesnorm4883 4 ай бұрын
Still waiting to hear back from Marcus about my lifetime membership to video warriors course to be restored. Marcus, if you’re reading his, please reach out!
@VideographerGuides 4 ай бұрын
First I've heard of this - shoot me an email with your name/FB profile and what email you bought with to [email protected] ~M
@VideographerGuides 4 ай бұрын
@charlesnorm4883 - haven’t gotten anything from you yet. Just following up here. -Marcus
@KF_Jaymon 4 ай бұрын
I’ve binged so many of your videos so far and they’ve been super helpful and extremely pertinent to my pain points. Thank you guys!
@VideographerGuides 4 ай бұрын
Heya Jaymon! Thanks for sharing - so glad to hear you've been finding them helpful! Anything in particular stand out or resonate the most with you based on where you're currently at in your journey? ~Marcus
@Parker_Gene 4 ай бұрын
Amazing video! Loved how the questions flowed into the responses. Great job guys!
@VideographerGuides 4 ай бұрын
Hey thanks, Parker! Glad you enjoyed it 🙂 ~Marcus
@MikeBabsBC 4 ай бұрын
"they don't have a video yet how can you make a testimonial if they don't even know if they like the video or not" This is literally what has stopped me from shooting testimonials. That answer just opened things up for me! Thank you!
@VideographerGuides 4 ай бұрын
Glad you found it helpful, Mike! We totally get so caught up in the video we forget to document 'the journey' of a client from 'before they buy' to 'after experiencing how great and easy you make things'.
@samuelguce 4 ай бұрын
fantastic thankyou guys - One thing I run into when pitching this style video is sometimes business owners are a bit shy or see this type of video to be "showing off" or boastful - they can be wary to post something "too flashy" - of course not all clients are like this and I do believe these style videos are fantastic for businesses
@VideographerGuides 4 ай бұрын
That's got to be frustrating to experience, especially if people are running a business to reach and serve their customers and their community. ~M
@vizualrhythm 4 ай бұрын
I just had a conversation with Jonas on this, and at the end of the day the experience is so key besides the product.
@VideographerGuides 4 ай бұрын
Most of us get so caught up on the 'thing' we're delivering, and forget to remember the story of our client's transformation 🙂 ~Marcus
@RathOfficial 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!
@VideographerGuides 4 ай бұрын
You're welcome! 🙂 ~Marcus
@HSFilms22 5 ай бұрын
Good advice. Honestly I forgot the main thing in my videos which is to connect with real audience. Thank you for reminding me. I have a client meeting this week. I will keep this in my pitch.
@VideographerGuides 4 ай бұрын
You're welcome, Muhammad! Best of luck with the sales meeting. 🙂 PS: Are you in our Facebook community yet? ~Marcus
@farooqiaryan 5 ай бұрын
Dear Marcus, i guess i have been kicked out from the group. i must have break some rules. I apologize for that. Please let me be a part of your precious community once again. Thanks
@VideographerGuides 5 ай бұрын
Hey man! I’ll look into it when back in the country. Posts were flagged for coming across as spammy. -Marcus
@VideographerGuides 5 ай бұрын
Hey man! I’ll look into it when back in the country. Posts were flagged for coming across as spammy. -Marcus
@farooqiaryan 5 ай бұрын
@@VideographerGuides Thanks Marcus.
@MASTERU487 5 ай бұрын
What is the name of the guest or website?
@VideographerGuides 5 ай бұрын
The guest?
@farooqiaryan 5 ай бұрын
Ralph is so wise man. A Guru
@VideographerGuides 5 ай бұрын
He's def been putting in the reps since he first came into my world 🙂 ~M
@farooqiaryan 5 ай бұрын
Bro, no words to pay my gratitude for such valuable video. Never ever let it down. I'll come again and again to watch this
@VideographerGuides 5 ай бұрын
Awesome, glad you enjoyed it! Make sure to pop into our community too if you're on FB. I've been running it since 2017, and there are a ton of awesome people in there with a lot of great insights and experiences. ~Marcus
@farooqiaryan 5 ай бұрын
After watching tons of shit on same topics on youtube. Finally, found some real business talk. Don't stop uploading
@VideographerGuides 5 ай бұрын
Heya Aryan! Glad you found it to be helpful - I totally hear you on it. No shortage of 'fluff' pieces made to appease an algorithm! ~Marcus
@jadamzink 5 ай бұрын
This is so helpful! I've been doing video for a long time, mostly working within companies, and am new to getting outside clients. I've just been learning as I go with what business are wanting and what I should charge for the value that I bring.
@VideographerGuides 5 ай бұрын
Awesome, Adam! Glad you found it to be helpful 🙂 ~Marcus
@pierrebuysfilms 6 ай бұрын
excellent high value content for video makers.
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Hey thanks! 🙂 ~Marcus
@DanielEarl 6 ай бұрын
I know deal with cycles of anxiety and procrastination. Its usually linked with the winter time, cash flow and the types of projects I have to do.
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Sounds like a not so fun experience. Is there anything you’ve found to be particularly helpful whenever you’re going through a “wave”? -Marcus
@Ender_FPV 6 ай бұрын
Great point about hearing market pricing to build confidence! I slowly built up from $300 jobs to $1,500, each one giving me a reference point and yesterday sold my first for $2k. Seeing how they reacted to my quote and thinking about value based pricing, I could have easily gotten $3k or more which would be half the cost of one of their sales. Interesting.
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Hey congrats on the $2k sale! That’s rad - how will you be celebrating your win? Dont get too caught up in the “I could have gone higher” either - you’re already growing. 😀 -Marcus
@Ender_FPV 6 ай бұрын
@VideographerGuides Thank you! You know I don't really have a way of celebrating wins I'll think about that. Usually it's more of a sense of relief that I'm able to get to work. Once a project's complete I'll pick up some gear and upkeep the drones which feels like a celebration in a way.
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Right on - I hear you on that. I feel like 'buying drones' or gear is 'investing in the business' - what's something you can do to invest in yourself? Do it every time you close a deal too - it doesn't have to be super expensive either. It's important as it helps root the feeling of 'success' with 'sales' (which is a big thing us creatives need help with re-wiring), and ya know... self-care :D @@Ender_FPV
@Ender_FPV 6 ай бұрын
Good points! I found myself trapped working jobs that made me miserable, earning just enough to barely keep doing it.. I finally snapped. It's either give up, or figure out how to make a life I want to live. While constantly trying to figure it out and not getting a minimum wage level of success, the gap between expectation and reality's heavy. There are so many business gurus out there selling courses and hype buzzwords that get your money, but don't bring results. After a while it seems like maybe the whole idea of being able to make a path is flawed. There's no choice for me though I'm committed so keep going until until hit a wall. Pick up and go some more thinking eventually I'll get out of the weeds and up cruising doing my thing. It's good to hear you guys experience similar challenges and feelings and are making it happen.
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
It can def be a challenge at times - I’m sorry to hear you’ve been going through the struggle. I’ve been helping fellow video creatives out since 2017 and have seen so many “gurus” come and go - I totally get that too. Farid and I are very anti-hype stuff. It’s an interesting landscape to navigate when you have stuff that genuinely can help, but eh. He wouldn’t be where he is today if it wasn’t for coming into my world back when he did. Hop in the Facebook community I run if you’re not already in there! Lots of amazing people you can learn from and share the journey with. -Marcus
@Ender_FPV 6 ай бұрын
@@VideographerGuides Right on will do!
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
See ya in there 🙂@@Ender_FPV
@PNWMOTION 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing all this, one thing with depression that drives me nuts is people are like o well everyone is depressed at one point or another which kinda invalidates your feelings which is sooooo frustrating but when it comes to clinical depression it’s not the same, like it’s a fight to find joy every single day no matter what is going on, I could win a million dollars today, but that fight for happiness is still there the million dollars change’s absolutely nothing. The only thing for this that I found was you HAVE to have support.
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely - the word "depression" gets thrown around very casually. For a lot of folks, you're feeling "sad" or "down", not "depressed". There's no magical switch to turn it off, if you are going through a major depressive episode or if you live with dysthymia. ~Marcus
@PNWMOTION 6 ай бұрын
@@VideographerGuides that’s definitely a good way to put it is people get those confused, like it’s hard to explain to someone how it feels exactly other then it’s not a feeling of sadness, it’s the lack of joy.
@JoATTech 6 ай бұрын
This channel is gold!
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
“I love gold” 😅 Thanks! -Marcus
@samdub 6 ай бұрын
Loads of value in this video! Enjoying being a part of the Facebook group too!
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
What resonated the most with you? 🤟🙂
@samdub 6 ай бұрын
@@VideographerGuides Mainly the section on branding, and also the reminder not to get caught up in buying gear before you really need it!
@jonnydrumsyt 6 ай бұрын
Oh dude. So happy to hear you have a book. Going to grab it!
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Hey thanks Jonny! Hope ya enjoy it 🙂 Pop in the Facebook group and say howdy too! facebook.com/groups/howtosellvideoproduction ~Marcus
@samdub 6 ай бұрын
You two are brilliant! Thanks for all this! Just starting out in the UK and living the content.
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Hey glad to hear you found it helpful 😀 Are you in our Facebook community yet? I’ve been running it since 2017 and there are over 7,300 badass video creators there sharing their journey and story + meeting new friends. -Marcus
@samdub 6 ай бұрын
@@VideographerGuides Hey Marcus! No, but I’ll jump in there now! Thank you
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Cool, see you on this inside - make sure to say Hi! 🙂@@samdub ~Marcus
@mediakingsinc 6 ай бұрын
I apologize. I have to message this before I forget if it isn’t talked about… Who am I asking for when calling? Owner, CEO, CMO, marketing director?
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
It’s covered a little later in the video - that was a viewer question. Dont remember the time code, sorry.
@mediakingsinc 6 ай бұрын
@@VideographerGuides saw it. thanks for the thorough video!
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Perfect! Putting it to work already?? :D @@mediakingsinc
@mediakingsinc 6 ай бұрын
yessir! @@VideographerGuides
@mediakingsinc 6 ай бұрын
First thing, appreciate all of the videos you guys are doing and I appreciate you guys so forward with everything secondly, I have a client who is already a client and is signed onto a three month package $1000 a month January February and March 2024. This client I cannot get a hold of anymore. I tried calling leaving messages, but they will not book a date with me. They have paid their February’s rate, but did not schedule a shoot February.now we’re in March and they still haven’t scheduled another shoot. I haven’t sent an invoice either though. For me this is untapped ground and I have no idea what to do. What would you guys do?
@VideographerGuides 4 ай бұрын
Dude! I didn't get a notification about this comment - I'm sorry for the delay in replying! Did you get it resolved? ~Marcus
@redwardsmedia 6 ай бұрын
Love this breakdown thanks guys! Appreciate you outlining the sections of the video in a really concise way, and breaking down pricing as well. Super useful stuff and exactly the type of content I'm looking for.
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for sharing - glad you found it helpful! Make sure to visit our Fb community if you’re not already in there 😀 I’ve been running it since 2017 and there are a ton of awesome people sharing their experiences and journey too. -Marcus
@redwardsmedia 6 ай бұрын
Just joined! @@VideographerGuides
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
@@redwardsmedia awesome! I’ll see ya in there - make sure to say “Hello” 😃
@iamalexchua 6 ай бұрын
I really wish that this applies here in the UK. Most clients do not respect the work that comes with production.
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
I’m sorry to hear that’s been your experience. I’ve been working with videographers from around the world since 2017 (UK included), and have heard this sentiment from folks in the Uk quite a lot. There is money - got to get your sales process and lead gen dialled in to bring in the right types of customers. There are folks in the Uk doing this, even if it feels like there’s a lot of jaded business folks there. -Marcus
@PearceWeddingPhotography 6 ай бұрын
It works here too buddy, I've used it. Just got to find the clients.
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
@@PearceWeddingPhotography 🤟
@jonnydrumsyt 6 ай бұрын
Enjoyed listening guys 🙌🏽
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Hey that’s rad - thanks for sharing, Jonny! Anything resonate the most with you based on where you’re at in your journey during your listen?
@jonnydrumsyt 6 ай бұрын
@@VideographerGuides Yeah I would say that the bit about being yourself rather than trying to act all serious resonated with me a lot. That's something I try to remind myself about often!
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
@@jonnydrumsyt took me a long time to “accept” that. Used to feel like I had to be someone else for a looooong time. Even chopped my hair and shaved cause I was told I needed to look clean and sharp. -Marcus
@KuriosCreative 6 ай бұрын
Awesome. Been loving your content guys - keep it going! Very practical. For me, I just started getting those reviews right after delivering projects - but I like that idea about recording a video review as a live reaction. I might give that a go! Thanks. Also, are you guys in the Toronto area also? Neat to see other creatives around these parts putting out great content on YT. :) Cheers!
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for sharing + connecting here 😀 Glad you found this to be helpful. If you’re not in the Facebook community yet make sure to hop in to keep the convos going - we’re in the on the regular. I’m in Edmonton and Farid is in Seattle. -Marcus
@zanehubbard 7 ай бұрын
I love your show! I think being a Generalist can hurt you in the video production. You can charge more when you have a niche and specialize in that one thing. It allows you to speak the language of your client and that’s immeasurable.
@VideographerGuides 7 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for the love, Zane 😄 It can definitely help by specializing in a niche - or as Farid mentions specializing in only a few offerings. I agree with getting your communication down. We both feel it’s really easy to get overwhelmed to the point of analysis-paralysis by “picking the right niche” (there is no “right niche”, just what works for you) - hence sharing our perspectives.
@fritzroysmith8526 7 ай бұрын
This is interesting but too common on KZbin, what would be interesting (And GOD knows we need it) is a series of videos on the paperwork that is needed before you get to the shoot day. For example the treatment, pitch, and story, examples of how these look would be interesting.
@VideographerGuides 7 ай бұрын
Hey I totally understand your perspective here. It sounds like you're looking for a more structured commercial videography channel, is that correct? This sort of video is designed to be helpful for local videographers selling directly to business owners. It's not really meant to be used in high-end commercial work where treatments, pitches, and proposals are required. ~Marcus
@fritzroysmith8526 7 ай бұрын
Yes, that's correct. I struggle with paperwork, it would be nice to see what someone else is doing. @@VideographerGuides
@Jona 4 ай бұрын
P l e a s e
@VideographerGuides 7 ай бұрын
⏱ TIMECODES ⏱ 00:00 - Intro 01:04 -What You Need To Know About Cold-Calling 04:30 - Timelines: From Cold-Call To Deal Closed 06:27 - Advice If You’re New To Cold-Calling 07:50 - The Steps Of Cold-Calling 09:15 - First Thing You Say On A Cold Call 09:49 - Cold-Call Script Section 112:09 - Should I Mention What I’m Selling? 13:10 - Cold-Call Script Section 2 14:09 - Script To Sell A Brand Story Video 15:48 - Cold-Call Script Section 3 17:38 - Cold-Call Script Section 4 19:11 - How Long Should A Cold-Call Be? 19:40 - How Do You Manage Your Calls? 20:45 - Google Sheets Page 1 (Contact List) 21:42 - What Expectation Should I Have? 22:45 - Google Sheets Page 2 (Appointments) 23:03 - How To Do Follow Up 24:19 - 10 Lessons Learned From 2,500 Calls 24:51 - Lesson 1: Know Your Audience 27:48 - Where Do You Find Phone Numbers? 28:20 - Lesson 2: Leads List 29:24 - Lesson 3: Keep It Simple 30:23 - Lesson 4: Have A Script 30:50 - Tonality With Cold-Calling 33:00 - How To Learn From Your Calls 35:49 - How To Reach The Decision Maker 36:28 - Lesson 5: Active Listening 39:22 - Lesson 6: DON’T SELL ON THE CALL 40:08 - How To FAIL At Cold-Calling 41:53 - Lesson 7: Change 1 Variable At A Time Ooops - we forgot Lesson 8: Not everyone is going to like you. It's important to remember that not every call will be a winning one, and not everyone will love what you offer. 43:25 - Lesson 9: You Must TRACK Cold-Calls 46:14 - Lesson 10: Cold Calling IS NOT DEAD 47:44 - Rant: DO THE WORK! 48:49 - Avoid “The Death Spiral” 50:26 - Dealing With Negative People 52:56 - What About “Do Not Call” Lists? 54:18 - There’s SO MUCH OPPORTUNITY! 58:04 - Advanced Lesson 1: List Decay 59:29 - Advanced Lesson 2: The Buyer’s Pyramid 1:03:24 - Advanced Lesson 3: Measure To Grow 1:04:55 - Advanced Lesson 4: Skills Beyond Cold Calls 1:07:06 - Best Advice For A Beginner 1:10:00 - What If I’m Not A Natural At Cold-Calling? 1:13:09 - Should I Ask For Social Media Follows on Cold Call? 1:15:43 - What To Do If They Ask For Prices On Cold-Call? 1:16:57 - Final Thoughts On Cold-Calling Are you reading this far down? Respect! 🫡 Leave a comment 😛
@VideographerGuides 7 ай бұрын
⏱TIMECODES⏱ Section 1: Networking 101 00:00 - Intro 00:43 - Networking Horror Stories 03:34 - T.O.M.A. 04:28 - The Objective Of Networking Events 05:16 - Compounding Results Of Consistency 05:49 - But Networking Feels Impersonal! 07:02 - Honor Your Commitments 09:11 - Own Your Calendar 10:12 - How To Politely Reschedule 1x1s 12:36 - Other Videographers In The Room? Section 2: During The Networking Event 14:43 - Best Way To Start A Convo 15:40 - Imposter Syndrome At Events? 16:50 - Do I Need To Wear A Suit? 18:43 - Don’t Show Up “On Time”! 20:11 - Do This When You First Arrive 22:16 - My Favorite Conversation Starter 23:30 - Don’t Get This Wrong! 24:02 - How To Tell If Event Is Right For You 26:35 - Register In-Person! 28:25 - The Worst Thing You Can Do! 29:33 - Giving Referrals? 31:09 - Think Of Networking THIS Way 32:15 - TAKE NOTES! 34:14 - Networking Etiquette 37:01 - Overcoming Social Anxiety 40:37 - You 45 Second Pitch 41:18 - 45 Second Pitch EXAMPLE 42:38 - 45 Sec Pitch Structure 45:30 - Be Weird!!! Infuse YOU! Section 3: From Event To 1x1s 46:43 - Setting Up 1x1s 47:50 - Your 1x1 Is NOT A Sales Meeting 48:09 - Do More “Dad Stuff” 49:12 - From Coffee To Sales Meeting v1 52:06 - From Coffee To Sales Meeting v2 54:55 - When Is It Okay To Pitch? 56:01 - Don’t Bait And Switch! 57:02 - If They Ask About Pricing? 54:38 - Handling A Referral 59:37 - Handing Out Referrals 1:00:39 - Follow Up - How’d It Go? 1:01:20 - If They Ask For A Discount? 1:02:18 - Bonus Tips (Rapid Fire!) 1:04:40 - Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously Are you reading this far down? Respect! 🫡 Leave a comment 😛
@flowprecisionwashing 7 ай бұрын
Wow I see a dobro, a gan cube, and a camera. I’ve been playing guitar for 12 years and am in a rock band, I recently competed at my first cubing competition, and I’ve been growing my video production company for just a couple months now. I can tell we’d get along
@VideographerGuides 7 ай бұрын
Well that’s cool! Speed running cube solving?? I haven’t gone that route yet 😀 That’s my National NRP. -Marcus
@zanehubbard 7 ай бұрын
Having a Niche helped me significantly.
@VideographerGuides 7 ай бұрын
It def helps 🙂 What's your specialty? ~Marcus
@zanehubbard 7 ай бұрын
Financial services, Wealth Management.
@VideographerGuides 7 ай бұрын
Sounds like a most excellent community of clients to serve!@@zanehubbard
@NomadOverNormal 7 ай бұрын
Love the group. I'm so happy you're uploading the livestreams from the page here. Way easier to consume this way. Hopefully you're willing to upload a lot of the back catalogue here too:)
@VideographerGuides 7 ай бұрын
Def working on it - figured it would be easier to edit out the livestream stuff not relevant to the lesson / organize it easier. Cold Outreach over emails are up next! 😀 -Marcus
@VideographerGuides 7 ай бұрын
Well hey, that was a long one! What stood out or resonated the most with you from this class? Comment below! PS: Yea, I totally forgot to ask Ralph what Lesson 8 was. It's "Not everyone is going to like you. It's important to remember that not every call will be a winning one, and not everyone will love what you offer."
@RJBaculo 8 ай бұрын
Great video, clear concise points. I hope your channel blows up, because there's a lot of us videographers and creative types that are just "allergic" to this business and selling stuff. You guys demystify it with such ease and clarity!
@VideographerGuides 8 ай бұрын
Heya RJ! Thanks for sharing, dude! I'm glad you found the video to be helpful. I 100% agree with you - been sharing the message online since 2017 (under another channel at the time 🙂) Anything in particular resonate the most with you? ~Marcus
@MonkeyB5 8 ай бұрын
I would love to see a “figures example” of value-based pricing.
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Heya dude! Sorry for the long reply time 😂 “Profit First", a book by Mike Michalowicz, was a game changer for myself and many in this community. Most people don't pay themselves properly, or feel like they constantly have to "re-invest" into the business. Profit First model (up to $250,000 Annual Sales): - 50% goes towards "Owner's Compensation" (ie: an account for paying your monthly wage) - 30% goes towards covering Operating Expenses (team, gear, rentals, etc) - 15% Tax (covers all tax-related expenses through the year such as bookkeeper, accounting, corporate filing, company taxes) - 5% into a "Profit" account (which the book has specific instructions for paying this out - it's for you, NOT to be spent on gear or business stuff). So, for example, on a $10k project: - $5k covers you - $3k covers hiring subcontractors or editors (or rentals etc) - $1,500 tucked away into an account for coving tax related expenses - $500 into a Profit Acct (follow his instructions for this account - it's meant to be like a "treat" for you). Value based pricing is hard to “give a hard numbers example” when a lot of it depends on your experience and ability to create the right types of videos that fit into your client’s ecosystem. Hope this helps a bit! -Marcus
@MonkeyB5 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the reply, but this gives a breakdown on how to split up an already agreed upon $10k project. I'm asking how you got to the $10k figure based on a value-based pricing model. How did you determine based on the client, job, business, products,, etc. that $10k was appropriate? I know it's hard, but I'm looking for something along those lines. @@VideographerGuides
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Where are your prices currently at?@@MonkeyB5
@VideographerGuides 6 ай бұрын
Also, where does the price of what your clients sell fall into line? It's a lot harder to sell VBP to a small-ticket item client (like a cafe), vs say a Plastic Surgeon or Dentist@@MonkeyB5
@MonkeyB5 6 ай бұрын
They range, but I don't really see how that's relevant. I definitely understand that I'd need a higher-ticket business to sell to. I'm asking what that looks like for a client it would make sense for and what those figures would look like. @@VideographerGuides
@vjirathod 8 ай бұрын
Why this video is not getting views as explained?🤔🤫
@VideographerGuides 8 ай бұрын
Few things: 1) We never said “millions of views” was the end result of a “business video”. Strategically made videos serve a different purpose. If views is your only metric, sure. Go copy the Mr Beast framework and create for a mass-market audience. 2) A relatively new education channel with only a few months of content - and if you look at the analytics in KZbin studio you’ll see it’s actually reaching people and bringing subscribers (like our other videos). More than happy to actually dialogue if you’re not just trolling by trying to be clever.
@vjirathod 8 ай бұрын
@@VideographerGuides makes sense. Information covered in video is helpful.
@VideographerGuides 8 ай бұрын
For sure - a lot of videographers focus on 'visuals' and forget to explore "what does a business need?" or "how do they currently operate / get customers / grow" and create videos that move the needle in that direction 🙂@@vjirathod
@rodneycole1994 8 ай бұрын
Another super helpful video! I appreciate the value you guys provide through these videos.
@VideographerGuides 8 ай бұрын
Hey that's awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed it, Rodney! What do you feel resonated the most with you from this one? ~Marcus
@dougpitt8627 8 ай бұрын
I'm a contractor. When someone asked me for price and a proposal I give them a price. I just tell them what it is and if they like it I send the proposal later. Or a scope of work it later. I never give people proposals because they go shopping with them. And when I give someone a price I give it to them face to face. I rehash everything we discussed talking about every detail of what we're going to do and what they plan on us doing until they agree on my price. If they don't I move on and I haven't had to spend a lot of time sending a proposal to someone who's going to take it and go shopping. I never break down my material versus my labor ever. My price is my price you want it you can have it if not I move on. The hardest lesson that you can learn in business is who not to do business with. So if you have a difficult time with them at this stage move on don't look back there's more work out there for reputable people. Another thing I do that most contractors are not capable of doing. We do not take a draw o or down payment on our jobs. We come and work for a couple of weeks with our material our labor invested before we ask for a draw. I make that clear to people. That sells almost all of my jobs. Because people know that I'm not going to run off with their money. And they know that when money is not an issue and it's just a trust issue and I can prove myself then I never have any problems with us. I never had anybody not pay me. And I get good reviews. Any contractor who is worth this salt should be able to cover the materials and labor for any job that he does. That's what working capital is for. It makes you look real good too.
@thegelo2023 8 ай бұрын
Hey guys! I’m starting my video production business this 2024 and I just want to say thank you for your contents because it’s so focused on the craft and business side, definitely helpful for aspiring filmmakers! Insta fan here
@VideographerGuides 8 ай бұрын
Hey that’s awesome! I’m glad you find the videos to be helpful. How’s the journey going so far? Make sure to plug into our Facebook community - I’ve been running it since 2017 and it’s the place I wish was around when I first started working with clients in 2013. -Marcus
@thegelo2023 8 ай бұрын
@@VideographerGuides First half of 2023 was tough, but I’m grateful that it’s going pretty well now! Plus, I knew your channel ❤️
@VideographerGuides 8 ай бұрын
@@thegelo2023 what do you feel like was the hardest part? what do you wanna do differently for the first half of 2024?
@PinkishBeans 8 ай бұрын
Don't let the clients problem with communication set you off. If they wanna play hard to get, or if they want you to feel like your work is not worth your price, don't let it get to your self-worth. It's a buyer strategi to get a better diel, to get you to lower your prices, or they found someone else and don't have the curtesy to let you know. That sales game sucs man... I'm a straightforward person, and I've seen myself dancing the psychological dance of client-relationships, is so tiresome to me... But when the diel is set, and I finally get to work on what I'm good at, it feels rewarding. Don't let it get to your head. You are worth it. There are a lot of fish in the sea.
@VideographerGuides 8 ай бұрын
Absolutely - though it seems to be easier said than done for a lot of us creatives. So easy to spiral or think it's always "your fault" they ghosted. Mind you, it's on us to learn how to communicate the value of what we bring to the table and sell the right way, though I absolutely agree with the above sentiment. ~Marcus
@DatrysiadMedia 8 ай бұрын
I think imposter syndrome is also key, we feel like we shouldnt be charging what we do, so we put off that difficult conversation.
@VideographerGuides 8 ай бұрын
Absolutely! That's a big reason behind why we wanted to make the videos we share on this channel. There's not a lot of resources to help navigate that evolution we must go through as creatives. ~Marcus
@DatrysiadMedia 7 ай бұрын
@@VideographerGuides yeah its a difficult road to be part of and sometimes we can be our own worse enemy when we don't look for outside guidance to see where we are potentially making mistakes
@navarafilms5692 8 ай бұрын
So true when it doesn't work out with a client, move on to the next client
@VideographerGuides 8 ай бұрын
For sure - it’s a fine line to dance of making sure you’ve done your job as far as the sale goes too, of course. -M
@navarafilms5692 8 ай бұрын
@@VideographerGuides exactly make sure that we dont burn bridges along the way that might come back to bite us in the long run
@VideographerGuides 8 ай бұрын
@@navarafilms5692 you got it, Malcolm! 😃
@navarafilms5692 8 ай бұрын
Depending on who the client is, im flexible to use between Hourly rates / Value based pricing but also working with the clients budget as well
@VideographerGuides 8 ай бұрын
Right on! Which do you find you lean towards more often? ~Marcus
@navarafilms5692 8 ай бұрын
@@VideographerGuides Valuebased pricing 100%
@VideographerGuides 8 ай бұрын