How to begin the Elden Ring DLC!
Faulty Hellbombs? | Helldivers 2
@poobypoob9626 13 күн бұрын
5 missed parries and super overleveled lmao
@ichubbsthepanda 13 күн бұрын
Yeah man, just getting used to parrying on this game, not really used it till now 😅 I’m like a 112 now in NG+1, tbh I have no idea what’s considered over levelled in this because I’m getting rolled by most things in the DLC
@ChrisKeksii 21 күн бұрын
Its incomplete and not the only way to get there. You can also teleport from the snowfield which also directly leads you to the greatest Rune Farm Spot in Game.
@ichubbsthepanda 21 күн бұрын
Niceee! Shows how big the game is! I’ve only done it this way, will have a look at this method on my next run
@ChrisKeksii 21 күн бұрын
@@ichubbsthepanda that invader you will need to beat is not fun 😅😅
@swellswagal 21 күн бұрын
​@@ChrisKeksiiwell its my only option since i play seamless coop with my buddies
@ChrisKeksii 20 күн бұрын
@@swellswagal i know what you mean. A friend of mine and i cancelled the coop Session, beat Magnus and rejoined to go to moghwyn
@cagtbd 20 күн бұрын
​@@ChrisKeksii it's optional, you can run away and get the cloth in blood and activate the grace or activate the grace, sit down and then soak the cloth in blood. If you're invaded, oddly enough the npc one won't activate.
@hyprvoiton 22 күн бұрын
and you have to kill Radahn
@ichubbsthepanda 22 күн бұрын
Ah nice, didn’t realise that was part of it
@zacharyahner1697 22 күн бұрын
Beforehand you need to meet the two fingers he won't appear at the church till u do
@don8659 29 күн бұрын
The biggest thing that pisses me off about them is how they constantly ragdoll you and tank even some of the hardest hitting weapons. As strong and as fast and as hard to spot as they are they should not be able to ragdoll you like they do....
@A20FtPancake Ай бұрын
HellDiver: I need to stim that was close Stalker: Allow me
@possessedlampshade178 Ай бұрын
@Breauxdog Ай бұрын
If i talked about my mom that way i would be in a body bag kratos hella patient
@grorq Ай бұрын
L3+R3 for belt of sparta
@zetahalo Ай бұрын
ATROCIOUS man i swear that kid just loves getting his ass whooped
@ichubbsthepanda Ай бұрын
@Jefftheman98 Ай бұрын
God damn I miss dragons dogma. Already beat it and almost finished my second playthrough but I just felt like I did everything.
@ichubbsthepanda Ай бұрын
I came way late to the party, but it’s been so fun! There’s going to be a DLC, so personally would take a break and come back when it drops 😊
@laprepper Ай бұрын
I stimmed my teammate about four times today in the matter of a couple of minutes, it was funny because we’re usually killing each other unnecessarily😂
@ichubbsthepanda Ай бұрын
Haha then the extra stims definitely come in handy 😂
@ysgavsela421 Ай бұрын
Game was great.
@ichubbsthepanda Ай бұрын
Honestly loving it so far! Struggles to play well if you haven’t got a decent CPU it seems. Can’t get it to run properly on the Asus ROG Ally, but it’s been pretty good with no significant frame drops (so far) on my PC.
@user-fm1mj5sb8h Ай бұрын
One time I was carrying a fuckload of samples plus the super samples and a stalker flung me off a cliff into the abyss :(
@ichubbsthepanda Ай бұрын
You got caught by the lick of death 🥲
@ceasormayhem101 Ай бұрын
I hate being the only guy on the team that prioritizes destroying the stalker nest.
@cybernurgle6413 Ай бұрын
Jeeze whats next? Broodlords and Zoanthropes? Roaches are on a learning curve
@ichubbsthepanda Ай бұрын
Apparently there’s been hivelord sightings! So would be cool if they start adding some of the OG enemies!
@mrwakacorp Ай бұрын
This has to be game of the year. These devs are crazy.
@Legend_of_Mkoll Ай бұрын
Love this. 👍
@ichubbsthepanda Ай бұрын
Thanks dude!
@lloidd4718 Ай бұрын
I personally prefer using the Liberator Concussive for both bots and bugs. Using low cooldown stratagems for outposts and the jetpack or ammo pack depending on the mission. Since we dont get more exp for killing shit, might as well just blow the objectives to hell then extract 🪨
@Qdobafett Ай бұрын
Pummeler saves lives
@shank1013 2 ай бұрын
Once you get tagged by a stalker, youre done 85% of the time, thanks to the stupid ragdoll and their insane attack rate...
@davesthrowawayacc1162 2 ай бұрын
They finally got the balance right where they go down easier but attack in packs, as opposed to last patch that made them invisible tanks
@Lyze 2 ай бұрын
I've noticed they have a bigger tendency of flanking. Main bugs up ahead and a couple of stalkers all the sudden come in from the sides.
@darthbiscuit 2 ай бұрын
question is how many have snuck onto the evac ships
@ichubbsthepanda Ай бұрын
Trueee, probably how they’re spreading across planets 👀
@2MeterLP 2 ай бұрын
Blitzer shotgun. Completely stunlocks them.
@robbcabaian Ай бұрын
I think Dominator does the same but kills in 1-3 shots
@yoshidinono8095 2 ай бұрын
Ganking? What year is this?
@Im_a_rock764 2 ай бұрын
As if stalkers weren’t annoying and frustrating enough
@Lovelessh3art 2 ай бұрын
I jumped into a fuel extract mission the other night and the squad of 3 was just finished with the main objective and headed to extraction with 1 reinforce left. Unfortunately, extraction was right next to a stalker nest. I dropped in, flamethrower and breaker incendiary out and start trying to form a flame wall. M1 does down and his destroyer leaves orbit immediately. Extraction still has 2 minutes left and we're back pedaling as we're getting swarmed by breach waves, stalkers, and titans. E2 goes down, reinforced on top of a bile titan, goes down again. Their destroyer leaves too. I'm starting to get worried, as it's just me and J3 now when out of nowhere, J3 gets mauled by 3 stalkers at once. I tried to save him, but I couldn't get the reload quick enough. So now, I've turned hide and ran as far from that nest as I can get, extract be damned. J3's destroyer leaves orbit too. I'm alone, fighting for my life, when heroes come to my aid. 3 more divers jump in on my beacon. We're able to push the bugs back enough to make a final stand on the extraction pad. Grab the samples and get the hell off that damned planet. Come to find out, that mission had 3 stalker nests on it. I can't even begin to imagine the hell those original divers went through, but I thank them for their service and sacrifice.
@gojtron 2 ай бұрын
Nah, they abandoned you.
@Lovelessh3art 2 ай бұрын
@@gojtron You could say that. I say they fought until they couldn't fight anymore.
@ichubbsthepanda Ай бұрын
Love that game creates unique stories and experiences like this! Must have felt epic surviving and getting off the planet!
@TechnicianBarry 2 ай бұрын
not gonna lie stalkers are one of the major reasons i bring the arc-12 blitzer to bug missions (besides having infinite ammo and being able to control a horde like the arc thrower)
@ichubbsthepanda Ай бұрын
I think they’ve nerfed the arc blitzer now 😢
@TechnicianBarry Ай бұрын
@@ichubbsthepanda they shadow nerfed it didn’t they
@Gabu_Dono 2 ай бұрын
Deathly. But a weapon with knockback like the punisher or pummeler helps with knockback, while the incendiary breaker can cause them to flee while on fire, making them easier to track if they suddenly go into camouflage.
@federico4556 2 ай бұрын
So that's why i found a helldive mission with 3 fucking stalker lairs
@novaDF6871 2 ай бұрын
with the SMG-72 Pummeler you can fend these things with ease and walk up to the nest taking your time disposing of it. i rush them now ifs the ONLY weapon worth a fck.
@SpartanG007 2 ай бұрын
git gud + teamwork + extra stratagem slot + free backpack slot >>>> shield gen
@user-ir4yk3jb5q 2 ай бұрын
I remember my first stalker condo. Took me five minutes of pure running away before I got an opening to shoot back. Squad had split up and I was low on grenades and ammo. Now I just call in a mech and mow em down. You see a stalker call in the heavy fire power and give everything between you and the nest a hot lead injection. Concussive and anti tank weapons also work well. You get bonus points if you can snipe one. Shotguns are actually the worst weapon type you can use, save for the plasma shotgun. For all other shotguns if your within range of the stalker then the stalker is with in range of you. Over reliance on shotguns for crowd control is the reason people have a problem with hunters as well. Both stalkers and hunters have a distance you have to be with in for them to jump at you. For hunters its about the range of the flame thrower. stalkers is probably longer, I normally don't let them live long enough to ask.
@StofenThe1st 2 ай бұрын
I don’t think I’ve ever had stalker use its jump on me. They jump away a lot but never actually to close the distance.
@Notashi0 2 ай бұрын
I started using the Pummler SMG after unlocking Polar Patriots, and I tell you that concussive stopping power is so useful. Being able to just stop a Stalker dead in its tracks makes it so much easier to handle.
@foxtrot570 2 ай бұрын
Out of all bug types it is possible to deal with them in in some way. Stalker just don't give a sht. An attack move rate which is just beyond stupid, the tongue throw back attack which leaves you with nothing than hoping to survive the fall... NOT THE ATTACK ITSELF and even without stunning ability every other bug can be slowed down when you shoot at them. Stalkers instead: That tickles, more to the left please.
@rz3264 2 ай бұрын
Standard punisher can decimate stalker easily haha, it's my go-to on bug missions.
@deadspeedv 2 ай бұрын
Thank god I main the breaker shotgun. I am usually the stalker pest control in my team because of it
@gamertank1987 2 ай бұрын
I hate em lol
@ichubbsthepanda Ай бұрын
@WolfHack 2 ай бұрын
Breaker is great, but also consider punisher and blitzer to stunlock them.
@jeffpadilla9891 2 ай бұрын
@nyljohnvictoracierto9402 2 ай бұрын
Breaker Spray and Pray for bugs? Are you serious? If you're going to recommend an ammo dumping weapon, it should have been the Breaker Incendiary. Suggesting the Breaker Spray and Pray against Stalkers is a load of BS. It took you 9-10 shots to kill the Stalker at 1:18 at close range (without the guy firing the Sickle, it would be 13-14 shots), whereas if you used the standard Breaker shotgun, it would kill that Stalker in 2-3 shots.
@mindsight9732 2 ай бұрын
Meanwhile stalker head has no armor and only 300 health to kill. Breaker spray spray at the head can easily 1shot when tthery present their heasld, and spam during the window opportunity. Breaker incendary is better for getting them to retreat with only half a mag. Breaker is slightly worse then the ounisher for them if you can hit the counter wind and 1 tap the dome.
@Hando10 2 ай бұрын
SMG-72 Pummeler slaps these guys around 🤙🏽
@darthkang_ 2 ай бұрын
For real?
@Hando10 2 ай бұрын
@@darthkang_ yes sir 🤙🏽 uses concussive rounds so it “stuns” them in their tracks along with every other enemy in the game including the back weak point of hulks. Obviously doesn’t work on tanks, bile titans or towers lol
@darthkang_ 2 ай бұрын
​@@Hando10 thanks for the tip, will try it for sure
@2MeterLP 2 ай бұрын
Blitzer shotgun too
@Mystyx-Sama 2 ай бұрын
Me in the dense AF fog: "I know you're out there, you monsters!" The Stalker that's been walking next to me the whole time: "Monster?! Who is the monster here?!"
@coda_7976 2 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie, I have to use my hearing to detect them before I see them. Saved my ass a couple of times doing so.
@sei_asagiri 2 ай бұрын
We are going to buff enemies that are already powerful and nerf guns that are already weak, thank you for understanding our balancing process.
@Alsborg 2 ай бұрын
Blitzer is the best anti-Stalker
@ichubbsthepanda 2 ай бұрын
Not wrong! Stuns them and does heaps of damage. The arcing on that gun is so good too!
@garyt3hsna1l82 2 ай бұрын
been wondering why everytime i turn around there are always 3-6 stalkers ready to ragdoll me into the flames i just put down.
@ichubbsthepanda 2 ай бұрын
@Pyromaniac77777 2 ай бұрын
Cloaking is nothing, and that tongue attack of theirs has saved my life on many occasions. The healing, on the other hand, is completely insane
@ichubbsthepanda 2 ай бұрын
fair point, the tongue has saved me from bile titans a few times 😆
@SiD19884 2 ай бұрын
they're fine. they dun gank me or my team and i'm using vanilla lib. i like they present more of challenge now. With randoms, if they dunno what they're doing yeah its a gank after gank.. i usually break off alone to kill the nest. Headshots do the trick. their armor not that thick.
@ichubbsthepanda 2 ай бұрын
True how you deal with them is dependent on how good your teammates are haha. Got a video coming up on best stratagems to clear out their nests!