"The #bible  is SEXIST"
3 ай бұрын
"God DOES Exist" - John Lennox
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A Few Dirty Tactics Christians Use
Are "Good Vibes" Really a Thing?
Combatting Misinformation -  Q&A
The Polytheistic Origins of God
@Thomas-nz4uh 7 сағат бұрын
I have a great understanding about Yawism, Yahweh, El, Elohim and El Shaddai, but I can't find any theological, historical "FACTS," how any of "OUR," ancient and present worship of supernatural deities effect today's worship of, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit within the Christian faith? In other words, Judaism was influenced by Semitic, Mesopotamia, and religions of the surrounding area right? The Canaanites god El was the head God and at some point Yahweh was positioned to the head God, (amongst the Israelite's); I think Yahweh and El became the same/equal. El=Yahweh, Yahweh = El? Another question, Did the term "Yahweh" just become a catch all term for "God"? El literally just means "God", and if Yahweh replaced "El" that would mean its just another word for "God"? Or did Yahweh retain his Cannan roots and just get elevated up to the top position? My ultimate question, and sorry if this is confusing and makes little sense but "Who is Yahweh, and what does it mean for Christianity, and the readers of the New Testament and how does holy spirit play his part in all of this??"
@g30ffm0rt0n Күн бұрын
Not sure if it has been mentioned previously, but there is also the "Kenite Hypothesis" that suggests the god YHWH was introduced to the ancient Israelites from the Kenites, also known as the Midianites. This could potentially have fed the Biblical narrative that YHWH was introduced to Moses (via the burning bush story) while he was living with Midianites after fleeing Egypt.
@DW10463 4 күн бұрын
Yahweh came from the evil mind of some jerk who wanted political leverage.
@dwightlewis304 5 күн бұрын
The statue and the end of the video is Baal, not Yahweh
@dwightlewis304 5 күн бұрын
it's not accurate. There's no mention of baal or the baal cycle.The israelites worshipped Baal as well before Yahweh. There is no mention of Yahweh as the God of Israel till 840BCE
@btrue2day 7 күн бұрын
Yahweh - God of War. Explains a lot
@greypsyche5255 9 күн бұрын
Wow I expected in depth analysis, what the fuck is this superficial full of mistakes pathetic excuse of a video?
@robothug6688 11 күн бұрын
Thomas Jeferson was a satanist.
@Je1St2 12 күн бұрын
Gawd, I miss 43Alley. His videos were so helpful when I was struggling with my beliefs. Does anyone know what happened to him? He just suddenly disappeared, and all his great videos went with him. I hope he is doing well.
@vivamarie2488 13 күн бұрын
Awesome!! Learned so much. Thank you for posting this video!
@jonnylawless6797 13 күн бұрын
Funny thing is Christians will tell you you’re smoking rocks 😂 I’ve had this argument SO MANY times.
@PresidentChristopher 14 күн бұрын
Why doesn't God find a way to save the Devil himself too?
@wordbird711 17 күн бұрын
In Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self, Carl Jung writes: "According to Irenaeus, the Gnostics held that Sophia, ..., in the form of a dove, descended into the water and begot Saturn, who is identical with Yahweh." What Sophia created in error is the Demiurge. In the Secret Book of John, the Savior gives the most accurate description of God the Father or The One, as distinct from the Demiurge who masquerades as god in the Old Testament, and who constantly demands sacrifice; in particular, child sacrifice. In the text, On the Origin of the World, "at the consummation of the age, ..., Sophia will take off her wise flame of afterthought and put on irrational wrath", to drive out the Demiurge and his ruling cabals, ushering in heaven on earth. The same text ends with "Each one by his deeds and his gnosis will reveal his nature."
@lawrencegreen8952 19 күн бұрын
The solution to the issue of the reality or non-reality of God is not philosophical or even theological. The solution is found in the history of the change of Jew's polytheistic belief system to a monotheistic belief system and how that led to even the average reader and believer being able to see that Yahweh is a man-made god by using common sense. This discovery was triggered for me by a Christian bullshit lie by Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham. It is also a claim I have heard many Christian authorities repeat. It is a lie intended to conceal the Jews's polytheistic origins and the FABRICATION OF YAHWEH as the Judeo-Christian God. When the Jews were exiled to Babylon, they were physically and culturally transported from the “sticks” to the most sophisticated city, culture, and mythology in the world at that time. They found themselves in a culturally enriched environment; some became wealthy, and the religiously tolerant Mesopotamians did not discriminate against them for their beliefs. Overall, they prospered, and later, when Cyrus the Great gave the Jews permission to return to Isreal, most refused to return. The Jewish clergy, who did return, influenced by Mesopotamian mythology, which they greatly admired, decided to imitate various elements of “The Epic of Gilgamesh” and the monotheistic, dualistic religion Joroasterism by changing the Jewish belief system from polytheistic to monotheistic. They did this by demoting El (i.e., Elohim) and Baal, eliminating the three Goddess Consorts, and PROMOTING YAHWEH TO SUPREME BEING. The problem is that when men, i.e., the clergy, make life, death, and career decisions for Gods, those gods are not Gods; they are puppets and mere mouthpieces for the clergy. A true God would be non-contingent, i.e., dependent only on himself for his existence. That’s the ONLY WAY a god could be supernatural. Yet the lying, conniving clergy wrote, “And God said…..” But since Yahweh is man-made, he is a concept only and can not speak or appear. No earthly gods are supernatural because they all have a common origin-Man. Yahweh is man-contingent, not non-contingent! The Jewish Clergy plagiarized the myths in Genesis, i.e., the Garden of Eden, the Tower of Babel, Noah's flood, men living to a great age, e.g., 65,000 years, even the Seven Days of Creation, and the trope of the Snake, Magical plant, and Eternal Life. The Mesopotamians gave the week seven days because they revered seven heavenly bodies, literally: the Sun, Mercury, and Venus. They didn't see Earth as a heavenly body, so they continued with the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Some cultures use that exact same system, e.g., France. In our culture, we have named four days after Scandinavian gods, like the god Thor, for Thursday. However, we still have three contiguous days named after the Mesopotamian system: Saturnday, Sunday and Moonday. Mesopotamians counted by twelves and sixties, which is how we tell time. They had elements of calculus and trigonometry and what is still considered an advanced form of agriculture-irrigated multi-cropping. They could compute area and volume and predict eclipses. The Bible calls them the Magi, e.g., the three Wise Men. Magi is the origin of “magic,” which I define as “the manipulation of matter through unseen forces.” As has been observed, any sufficiently advanced technology will appear as magic to less advanced people. Many other nations and cultures ripped the brilliant people of Mesopotamia off without attribution, but the wicked clergy claimed the plagiarized material was both history and "God's word." The clergy's principal talents are lies, fraud, extortion, forgery, fabrication, and promoting fake relics, which must be concealed and never admitted to, or the con game won't work. The clergy will NEVER tell you the truth; their livelihood depends on it. Even ex-clergy won’t tell you, preferring to articulate other reasons for leaving the “faith,” e.g., ignorance of the grift, loss of “faith” over epistemic issues, etc, rather than admitting participation in a con game. The Christian clergy has been lying to believers for 2,000 years. Their lies, their promotion of Yahweh, the man-made god, and their writing and control of their fictive, clergy-controlled, historically inaccurate, scientifically illiterate Bible provide the false pretenses under which the clergy defraud and extort their believers. The clergy violates the 9th Commandment daily because they have something to hide - the fact that Christianity is a con game. ON A PERSONAL LEVEL, if I lied to you to take money and benefits from you, I could go to prison for fraud or extortion, which are felonies. ON A SOCIETAL LEVEL, if I, as a clergyman, lied to you for your money and benefits, I am constitutionally protected no matter how many times I deceive you, and the money or benefits I take from you under false pretenses are tax-free. How’s that for a con game? The clergy made Yahweh not a god of love, but the greatest moral monster, a psycho killer of hundreds of millions to scare the shit out of the faithful, facilitating fraud and extortion. The clergy monetized Yahweh by making him the principal source of evil, not Satan, Yahweh's partner in immorality and evil. I remember Satan's participation in the murders of Job's family and slaves, but I remember no other Satan crimes. If god were actual and on earth today if there were any justice, the MASS MURDERING THUG would be on death row! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genesis en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahweh en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesopotamian_mythology iranian.com/main/blog/nabarz/persian-angels-and-demons.html www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=heaven+and+hell&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_the_Bible
jesus christ and his father are monsters
@engchoontan8483 22 күн бұрын
@engchoontan8483 22 күн бұрын
@seejowcharnai6805 26 күн бұрын
yahweh never had parents. all his people were killed. last of his kind. a captive of the fallen angels, who first recognised him as ythe true existing spirit of the lord. when he realized this truth. he began his service to the father. to rid earth of all fallen things. every thing else is written by the fallen
@keluargajulio1321 28 күн бұрын
What source information do you have for 70 sons of EL?
@timgalivan2846 Ай бұрын
Did all that work to find the ten commandments he brought down on tablets and then didn't read it? "Anyway, later on..." then 20 minutes of his opinion on his version of christianiny. Says he doesn't have to keep the old laws but.. Luke 18 A certain ruler asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 19 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good-except God alone. 20 You know the commandments: ‘You shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.’
@timgalivan2846 Ай бұрын
10:00 King James is a historically poor translation 😂
@GXoXdIsNotaMANtimeUtoWakeUp Ай бұрын
my ancestors would have never believed moses lying ass anyway 😊
@Plopiccolo Ай бұрын
Arius was right!
@Zack123Xx Ай бұрын
I feel like each origin video you can find further proves the abrahamic religions rather than disprove them
@Rocklobster456 Ай бұрын
Wow, so informative... If i was an idiot. The god of the bible says to make no graven image (image of god) because he is not visible. And there are no other gods before or after him. To call a statue an image of yahweh is ridiculous and has been debunked by scholars both atheist and believing.
@jimford1256 Ай бұрын
Very well done. I have only one comment, towards the end it was stated that Yahweh became the only God worshiped in around 335 B.C. Well Yahweh was commanded by King Josiah in the around the 7th century to be the one and only God. He destroyed all other Temples other than the Temple of Jerusalem and he (Josiah) removed all other symbols of other gods and destroyed the the Asherah staffs. He also put to death the priests of the other gods. This was done centuries before the time of Alexander in the 300's. Now this does not mean that the population of land became a complete following of Yahweh at this time, however, if found out you still worshiped other than Yahweh, you could be put to death.
@PinChE_LoCo Ай бұрын
Came watching with guard up, now, I'm concerned 😅
@barrywilson4276 Ай бұрын
Yahweh was the god of the Shasu nomadic people. Moses converted to their religion and then forced it onto the Jewish people by saying it was the real name of Abrahams El Elyon. He understood the Jews would never give up their favorite stories, Adam and Eve, Noah etc. So just make the two gods one. It has worked quite well if one ignores the primitive blood thirsty nature of Yahweh, God of the wilderness. El Elyon is a domestic God. Wise and compassionate totally unlike Yahweh.
@MrMattSax Ай бұрын
History as presented in the Bible is clearly mythology. Actual history shows what is completely plausible: creation of myth, legend, fable, bug fish stories, etc.
@BornAgainRN Ай бұрын
1:08:58. As a registered nurse and someone who worked in psychiatry for 10 years, the word “retarded” is not an accepted term to describe individuals with mental disabilities & challenges. At one time, the term “mental retardation” was widely used and is part of the acronym “MRDD.” However, even there, it refers to the diagnoses, not the individual. But Albrecht simply said “retarded” to describe individuals which was never accepted. It would be like calling Albrecht “colored,” even though it is part of the acronym “NAACP,” the term was never accepted and considered a racial slur, regardless of the context. Albrecht trying to weasel out and make excuses is reprehensible, rather than taking responsibility for his language. Albrecht used it as a slur.
@Dark-Sentences Ай бұрын
Atheist = Someone who can't stop talking about a God he pretends doesn't exist.
@Azozeo Ай бұрын
Who cares about books? The end fin
@Azozeo Ай бұрын
Your audio’s clipping
@joshj3787 Ай бұрын
Beautiful discussion. I'm Catholic but have never come across this channel or William Albrecht before, and am so glad I have now found both. Thanks for conducting such a great interview.
@slartibartfast7921 Ай бұрын
I think this might just be one of the most important videos I have seen this year if not longer. Thank you!
@AethiopianHistoricalSociety Ай бұрын
Dear user-pb8bp6sr2u and All Concerned, Fear not, it is an interesting discusion, one that may alarm some, for on the face of it it looks like a case can be made to state that El is the same as the orinal GOD of all things whose uncorrupt knowledge of HIM and his acts is preserved in the Hebrew sacred histories. I assure you however, that GOD who is OMNISCIENT (all knowing) is also doing HIS work to combat mans presumptous considerations in regard to this subject under discussion. I myself have been graced with the knowledge that evidences the contrary, and completed the research that HE has called me to do the shews all those that are comfounded thereby the true origin of the pagan god El. For he, that is the El of the Canaanites and Phoenicians &c, lived in the 2nd Millenium B.C. Long after the creation, the deluge or even the tower in babel was built. He was a near contemporary with Abraham, being of the/one generation prior to him. We must recall that El is simply a discriptive title, not a name proper. Even in Hebrew it is a mere title of the ONE TRUE GOD. I am an ancient historian and archaeologist, and am not only well aware of this subject in hand, but of the origins of the Canaanite El. I am writting a number of scholarly Books which evidence them, one book is/will be entitled 'Archaeology of the Gods' (in addition I have started to put up diverse lecturers and teachings on the channel entitled 'No Apology 4 the Truth', on authentic history, touching on diverse subjects that deal with truth and origins: kzbin.info/www/bejne/fJKrZ4ailph_ebc&ab_channel=NoApology4theTruth Back to the matter in brief, El simply means 'strong one', hence it bacame the name of used for 'god' in general in the Semitic, as it god is strong. In the case of the Canaanite god El however, it appears to be a Semitic translation of a Aethiopian name of this deified king (a name that is derived from the anciengt Aegyptian Language), which is a name-proper, but meaning 'strong one', and was later translated into Semitic as 'El', as it had the same meaning. So as you see, any son of this El, is a very late character, as the Canaanite and Phoenician El lived in the Third age of man, at the outset of the 2nd Millenium B.C. This El was a deified king, hence worshiped by his siblings and subjects, who nonethless had sovereignty over a vast Empire. I will close in saying, that the person who delivered this presentation, has was very careful to cite sources for his presentation, in giving a number of books for we to shew that what he states is in keeping with that published. And he ought to be commended for doing so. Nonethless however, scholars and no publication to date is privy to the origin of the principal Canaaniite gods. In my work, research or forthcoming books to the contrary, one fully deals with the matter of their origin and identity, both as gods, that is deified kings, and as persons, that is to say men who ruled as kings. "GOD has made all things in there time, inorder that man, cannot work out the things of GOD from the begining, even unto the end". (Ecclesiasies iii.11) But "when the seventh angel blows his trumpet, then all the mysteries of GOD shall be accompihshed/revealed" (Rev. x.7) And as we are at the end, all must now be revealed. HIS Mercy Endureth Unto the Ages of All Ages, Rev. Deacon Gabra AGZIAABHIR JR
@atoms-to-atoms Ай бұрын
Its not sciences job to prove god exists...belief vs fact
@atoms-to-atoms Ай бұрын
With your brilliant mind Jean-Claude, Iain McGilchrist should be a good read.
@jeanclaudemalengret Ай бұрын
Never heard of him. I see he is in a lot fo youtube panel discussion. Will check those out. Thanks
@atoms-to-atoms Ай бұрын
@@jeanclaudemalengret kzbin.info/www/bejne/bYKZqGtohd2qg5o
@Cocreatewithus Ай бұрын
For many years now, i have not in good conscience been able to worship Yhwh knowing he started out as merely a god of metallurgy and volcanoes in the Kenite pantheon (the Kenites were metal workers). He became a bit elevated to a storm/war god when the Canaanites north of them adopted him into their pantheon. Yeah why would i worship that kind of god, rather than an actual Creator? Why would i continue worshipping a jealous, bloodthirsty, warmongering, egotistical, narcissistic, deceptive deity? No. If that's actually blasphemy, then so be it. I'll stick with the Creator and open eyes.
@miguelquintana8076 Ай бұрын
Braiin washing is real.
@DingleBerryMilkshake Ай бұрын
All religions are mental illnesses
@andythekid2156 Ай бұрын
If most Christian’s miss the mark on what the Bible is, so does Aron, so does Matt. It’s fine if it’s their choice to be antagonistic towards religion, but I don’t believe their take on it is final or ultimately helpful. If it’s wrong to be dogmatically for, then it’s wrong to be dogmatically against. Two sides to the same coin.
@jameswright... Ай бұрын
All Christians miss the mark when it comes to the bible. They wouldn't be Christians if they hit the mark. Dogma is from religion and used by religion to control. Remove religion you have no dogma just honest people being honest. Ridiculous ideas deserve ridicule! Religious people are the biggest victims of religion and it's not atheist fault the truth hurts.
@OnlineMD Ай бұрын
Seems to me that YAA-WAY is NOT how it would have been pronounced. Why? Because the word is known as a TETRAGRAMMATON. Yod Hay Va Hay. Ya-Ha-Va-Ha or Yahavah, or Yehovah. Seems to me that Yaa-Way is an Americanized version....😊 Also, in both the NIV and the King James versions of Deuteronomy 32, the phrase "Most High" is used, and names like El-Elyon, El-Shaddai, are nowhere to be found. Even the Jewish Tanakh's modern translations have abandoned such names. Those names are clues to the polytheistic origin of the Tanakh (Old Testament) so absolutely had to be abandoned. Same with Exodus 6:2: "God also said to Moses, I am YHVH, Yehovah. I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as El-Shaddai, but by my name Yehovah I did not make myself known to them." The word Yehovah became 'The Lord,' and El-Shaddai became 'God Almighty' in modern translations.
@inscoredbz Ай бұрын
I respect your opinion, but what do you believe in, Nothing? If you believe in the big bang, do you believe everything came into existence from nothing. That doesn't make much sense either. Unless all the matter in the universe is compressed into a teaspoon ball and it finally exploded, and just does it over and over again and again. I can't prove a Creator, but I do like to think there's more to it than just this.
@alexandervarghese5305 Ай бұрын
YAHWEH alone art Eternally Existing One Dear Sisters and Brothers Liberal theologians excavating to finding out the source or origins of the Divine Appellation of YAHWEH the Eternally Existing One the Infinite One the Ultimate One ( Deuteronomy 33:27; Psalms 90:2; YeshaYAH 40:28). The archaeological inscription of YAHWEH probably old as BC 1450. The Divine Appellation pronounced to Moshe in Exodus 3:15,14. Nevertheless the Divine Appellation known to Enosh the son of Sheth even much more. Sheth is the son of Adam the first man (Genesis 4:26). From the time of Enosh , the comprehension regarding worshipping YAHWEH commenced. Adam the grand father of Enosh also received this knowledge through Enosh. However the origin of the Divine Appellation is Eternal and its aseity is Self. Liberal theologians trying to correlate with other pagan deities and archaeological artifacts. How this would be possible. Creation took place from time and in space. How can we ascertain Eternal Truth within the creation. From Adam to The heads of Tribal heads of YisraELites and further known the Divine Name YAHWEH. In Exodus 6:3 And I appeared unto Awraham, unto Yitzchach , and unto Yasher , by the name of God Almighty, but by my name YAHWEH was I not known to them. Here YAHWEH appeared as Elshadai (Almighty), this never signify that Awraham, Yitzchach and Ya’acov never knew the Divine Name YAHWEH. If you read the book of Yasher, referred in Yoshua 10:13,2 ShemuEL 1:18, comprehend that Father Shem was a Priest of Most High EL YAHWEH. Awraham , Yitzchach and even Ya’acov lived during the era of Father Shem and meeting Shem and receiving priestly services. Please read chapter 16 to 24 of Book of Yasher. YAHWEH alone art Eternally Existing One before time, space, matter and energy, forces ( Gravity, electromagnetic, strong and weak nuclear forces) and etc (Deuteeronomy 33:27; Psalms 90:2; YeshaYAH 40:28 ). YAHWEH alone art Infinite One (Psalms 115:3; 147:5, 139:1) YAHWEH alone art Ultimate One(Deuteronomy 10:17-22; Psalms 147:5; Psalms 95:3-7; Yochannan 14:14). YAHWEH alone art Transcendent and simultaneously Imminenet One (YeremiYAH 23:23-24) YAHWEH alone art Omnipotent (Psalms 139; 2 Timotheous 1:7; Psalms 113) YAHWEH alone art Omnipresent(Psalms 139:7-10; Hebrewss 4:14-16) YAHWEH alone art Omniscient (MathathiYAH 10:29-30; Revelation 21:3; 1 Yochannan 3:19-20). Therefore YAHWEH alone art Bara (Creator) ( Genesis 2:4, Genesis 1:1.2; NehemiYAH 9:6; YeshaYAH 40:28) Therefore YAHWEH alone art to be worshiped, YAHWEH alone art EL(Marqose 12:29; Deuteronomy 64; Luqose 10:27; MathathiYAH 22:37) YAHWEH alone art our Saviour and Redeemer (YeshaYAH 60:16) in YAHShua Ha Mashiach (Acts 2:22-36; Galathiar 4:4-7) YAHShua is YAHWEH manifested in the flesh as Man(Yochannan 8:23,24, 58,59; Marqose 14:61-63; Exodus 3:14,15; YeshaYAH 44:6; Revelation 1:8, 11,18; 21:6; 22:13; DaniEL 7:13-14). His Divine Name is YAHShua Divinely proclaimed 105 times in Genesis 49 to Malachi , this signify YAHWEH is Salvation anointed in YAHWEH Ha Kathosh Ruach . We see that YAHShua is YAHWEH manifested in the flesh. Ha Kathosh Ruach is YAHWEH (YeremiYAH 2:13; 17:13; Yochannan 7:37-39; Acts 5:3-4). YAHWEH is Holy, Blessed Triune(Eternal Love)(Numbers 6:24,25,26; Corinthians 13:14; YeshaYAH 48:1-16; MathathiYAH 28:19-20; Hebrews 9:14) Therefore: YAHWEH Ha Ben (Son) referred above YAHWEH Ha Kathosh Ruach, referred above YAHWEH Avinu (Father) (YeshaYAH 48:16; MathathiYAH 3:17; Marqose 1:11; Luqose 3:22; MathathiYAH 17: 5) YAHShua always asserted that YAHShua is I AM, First and Last, Beginning and End, Aleph and Tau, this signifies YAHShua is YAHWEH manifested in the flesh (Yochannan 8:23,24,58,59; Marqose 14:61-63; Revelation 1:8, 11, 18; 21:6; 22:13) . Nevertheless Sleeachs asserted that YAHShua is Alaha(God) (Yochannan 1:1,2,14,18; Romans 9:5; Theethose 2:13; 2 Kepha 1:1; 1 Yochannan 5:20). However , YAHShua Ha Mashiach accepted that YAHShua is Alaha(Yochannan 20:28). The reason why is probably, the generic or common noun Alaha, El, Elohim used as alaha, el, eohim as demonic powers also. In TaNak 240 times el and elohim used as other gods or foreign gods. Similarly in Brit Chadash (NT) as the god of this world(satan). With all due love I exhort and admonish the following: mohammedans believing and worshiping only a black stone lah or the lah (al-lah) having the shape of female genital organ, worshipping only a black stone embedded in kaba, mecca by turning to the direction of black stone lah and prostrating 5 times daily and once in a year visit kaba and kiss this black stone lah the inanimate material. For animating this black stone lah, Waraqat Bin Nouphal a Nestorian heretic, mohammed the pagan , Dihyat Bin Kilbi and etc made narratives and the same recited by mohammed the demonic publicly, the disciples of mohammed written down or inscribed what was recited on bones of animals, stems of the palm tree leafs and skin of animals, pottery and etc. After the death of mohammed the psychopath by poisoning him, Sayed bin Sabit another disciples compiled the inscribed recitations. The narratives were made through plagiarism from stories from Yazidis, Sabeans, Sourashtrians, qureshis, Egyptians, Apocryphal writings of fallen YAHudeans, Gmostic writings of back slided Christians. After compiling these inscriptions recited by mohammed, many a times, this had been edited, inserted additionally and even replaced and at last printed these in 1924 at Cairo. Because of this pagan literature and other writings such as hadith, thafsir(expositions), seerahs (historical writings) , black stone lah became animated in the minds of mohammedans who are destined for hellfire. mohammed, the satanic infested committed bestiality, necrophilic, pedophilic, homosexuality, incest, cruel, violent, looting on caravans and etc. There are almost 20 Judgements of YAHWEH scripted in TaNaK(OT) and Brit Chadasha(NT). In these 18, 19,and 20 Judgements are for antichrist, false prophets, beast , mohammedans and other sinners . Dear mohammedans flee away from this Judgements, accept YAHShua Ha Mashiach as your personnel Saviour and Redeemer. YAHShua is YAHWEH Salvation anointed in YAHWEH Ha Kathosh Ruach. YAHWEH is Same and One Substance. Father, Son and Ha Kathosh Ruach are Hypostasis in Perechoresis or Corcumincession( Yochannan 17:21) Most of the apologists or Mashianic or YAHudean preachers or rabbis never asserts the primary historical fact regarding Father Shem and the genealogy from Father Shem to Awraham. Father Shem was the blessed son of Noacha, he was blessed due to the fact that Shem the blessed son who covered the nakedness of Noacha who drank vinegar of grapes which ripened in the groves of Noacha, nevertheless the cursed son Ham tried to disclose the nakedness of Noacha. After arising from sleeping, Noacha realised what happened and Noacha blessed Shem and Cursed Ham. After the Flood during Noacha’s time only 8 persons survived viz Noacha, his wife 3 sons and their wives.,YAHWEH granted all Africa and part of Asia to cursed Ham. Yaphet the other son of Noacha received all Europe a part of Asia. Nevertheless, Father Shem received the wider promised land almost 600, 000 to 700,000 Sqr kilometers Frm Nile to Euphrates and Euphrates to Mediterranean Sea. This is referred in Genesis 9-11 and Book of Yasher referred in Yoshua 10:13 and 2 ShemuEL 1:18. The genealogy of Shem to Awraham was 10 descendants. These land is the promised land legitimately granted to Awraham, Yitzchach, Ya’acov and Ya’acov’s 12 sons Ruben to Asher. Approximately BC 2600 Noacha’s flood took place Araham meeting Father Shem in Yerusalayim the capital of Shemite land and Cannan is a misnomer. The palastine again a total misnomer by Romans in 1st century AD. HalleluYAH (Praise Ye YAHWEH) the Eternally Existing One, the Infinite Onethe Ultimate One the Uncredited. Time, space, matter and energy, forces and etc were created only YAHWEH is Eternal (Deuteronomy 33:27; Psalms 90:2; YeshaYAH 40:28) HalleluYAH (Praise Ye YAHWEH)
@JenWith1N 2 ай бұрын
Thinking your prayer (“strongest after confession”) has any affect on the real world or can change the mind of the creator of everything, that you worship, is….. deluded. Thinking your prayers can send a dead atheist to your religious heaven, is…. Deluded Thinking you heard the voice of the god you worship, audibly, is….deluded.
@bigpigslapperoinktoo4953 2 ай бұрын
You fail'd,, before you start'd, you fail'd,,,, physical proof in the world shows Father exists,,,, you know it too,,, your father rebel'd aginst Him,,,
@JPJosefPictures 2 ай бұрын
The guys in the back by the fountain look like they urinate at the same time lol
@TheHakeReport 2 ай бұрын
Thanks man, great talk - I think the people liked it as well. Hopefully Nick the Anchor Baby can help me get video up for the next time!
@AtheistEdge Ай бұрын
Thanks so much for coming man, looking forward to the next time.
@TheseNuts2 2 ай бұрын
Trump was watching the insurrection on TV and was ok with hanging the vice president instead of helping and telling his mob to stop. You can lie and try to change this part of history, the facts are still there.
@TheHakeReport 2 ай бұрын
It's a bit overblown to call it an "insurrection." Insurrection is what BLM did around the country the summer leading up to this.