Covering the chicken run for winter
This Is NOT A Hedgehog!
6 ай бұрын
@howarddavies3744 12 күн бұрын
Just found your channel, so far it's looking good!
@tomschooks 12 күн бұрын
Thanks for visiting :)
@anjapajunen5945 13 күн бұрын
kiitos inspiroivasta videostasi. Minä aloitan 2025 ruokametsäpuutarhani perustamisen .. suunnittelen kasvattavani mahdollisimman paljon kasveja vertikaalisesti koska puutarha-alueeni on pieni.. Ensimmäinen tavoite on tärkein, eli maaperän ja kasvu alustan tekeminen.. Rakennan maaperän kompostilla ladatulla biohiilellä. Olen jo aloittanut bokashi-kompostin tekemisen ja kun lumet sulaa niin opettelen alkukesällä tekemään biohiiltä. Kesämökilläni on jo valmista kompostia tehtynä joten minulla on maanparannusainesta ensimmäiseen korotettuun petiin. Teen kuusipuu tukeista korotetut penkit ja sitten pääsenkin jo istuttamaan ensimmäisen kasvi killan., Aloitan kirjoittamaan päiväkirjaa ruokametsä puutarhani rakentamisesta. Asun Suomessa - joten täällä joutuu odottamaan pitkään ennen kuin talvi-aika on mennyt ohi- Mutta ei se haittaa- nyt on paljon aikaa tehdä pihanrakentamis suunnitelmia.. Toivon sinulle runsas- satoista puutarhakesää 2025
@tomschooks 13 күн бұрын
Hei Anja, Kiitos paljon ystävällisistä sanoista! Olen niin iloinen, että pidit videosta, ja on mahtavaa kuulla eräältä viljelijätoverilta aina Suomessa! Kun napakesä alkaa antaa sinulle niin paljon päivänvaloa, uskon, että pystyt kasvattamaan upeita asioita! Millaista on puutarhanhoito näin pitkinä päivinä? Onko sinulla mielestäsi pidempi kasvukausi? Olen todella utelias kuulemaan lisää kokemuksistasi. Kiitos vielä kerran katsomisesta ja kommentin antamisesta. Se merkitsee todella paljon. Hyvää puutarhanhoitoa, Tom
@tomschooks 13 күн бұрын
Translated by Google 😅😀
@anjapajunen5945 12 күн бұрын
@@tomschooks Suomessa on monta kasvuvyöhykettä- minä asun Länsi-Suomessa- täällä on jo kevät kun pohjoisessa on vielä lunta ja jäätä- Suomessa on boreaalinen ilmasto- muistuttaa ehkä eniten Kanadan olosuhteita. Päivät ovat pitkiä ja se on haaste jos viljelee lyhyen päivän kasveja. Mutta useimmat yrtit ja vihannekset kasvavat täällä erittäin vahvan ja hyvän makuisiksi. Hedelmäpuitten valitsemisessa on oltava huolellinen että ne ovat alkuperältään pohjoisessa kasvavia lajikkeita koska eksoottiset hedelmäpuut eivät kestä talven olosuhteita. Minun mökkipihani on on erittäin kamala puutarhaa varten koska pohjavesi on lähellä maan pintaa ja mökin piha alue sijaitsee tulvivan joen rannalla Joen toisella puolella on luonnonsuojelu suo- Maaperä on märkä ja hapan, Siellä ei ollut 5 v sitten multaa jossa voisi mitään viljellä joten olen 5 vuotta joka kesä korottanut maaperää hiekkamultaseoksella. Maan pintaa on nostettu alkuperäisestä noin puoli metriä mutta silti maaperä on vielä märkä ja tulvimiselle altis. olen rakentanut joen reunalle tulvavallin, mutta niitä pitää vielä nostaa korkeammaksi, - Haluan jo vihdoinkin päästä istuttamaan kasvillisuutta. Siksi minun on rakennettava erittäin korkeat kohopenkit kaikille kasveilleni ja erityisesti hedelmäpuille ja marjapensaille puille - ettei niiden juuristo joudu tulva-aikoina kärsimään hapen puutteesta ja aiheuttamaan kasvien kuoleman. Tästä syystä minun täytyy käyttää korotuissa kasvipenkeissä runsaasti biohiiltä - se pitää maaperän ilmavana- - sitoo vettä ja ravinteita jotka tulva huuhtelisi pois. Olen ammatiltani puutarhuri ja olen elämäni aikana suunnitellut ja toteuttanut muille ihmisille puutarhoja erilaisiin olosuhteisiin hyvin vaikeisiinkin olosuhteisiin, mutta tämä minun oma mökkipihani on ylivoimaisesti kaikkein vaikein puutarha mitä olen koko elämäni suunnitellut. mutta minä pidän haasteista ja olen päättänyt onnistua tässä todella vaikeassa projektissani :)
@tomschooks 12 күн бұрын
​@@anjapajunen5945vau! Olet tehnyt kovasti töitä toteuttaaksesi puutarhasi! Toivon, että minulla olisi ammatillista tietämystäsi. Olen 100% varma, että onnistut puutarhassasi. Kiitos, että löysit aikaa katsoa videoni.
@radharcanna 15 күн бұрын
Some great resolutions and ideas there. I especially like the garden diary. Just two small suggestions: lower the level of the nice music so that we can hear you and get rid of the jumping colours in the subtitles. Happy gardening.
@tomschooks 15 күн бұрын
@@radharcanna Thanks for your feedback. 🙏 It's really helpful, and I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. 🤔
@billybowen3023 15 күн бұрын
Happy new year. My goals for my garden is year is to grow has much has possible using has little inputs as possible. Use less plastic with the goal of 0 long term. And increase my diversity of plants and animals in my little space. I use a log book to put sowing dates, germination,yields etc etc.....I didn't like a diary I felt abit lost using one. In my log book all my information is on two pages easy to see. It only tuck me 18years to work that out. Thank you for the video happy new year.
@tomschooks 15 күн бұрын
Happy New Year! Great point about struggling. I've always struggled to keep records. That's why it's one of my top resolutions this year. Hopefully, I'll be better at it by the end of 2025. It certainly looks like our goals are aligned!
@nurhidayati3706 18 күн бұрын
@OttawaValleyVibes 19 күн бұрын
Great video, good sir! Definitely will share this one!!! I love composting myself to be honest, but I'm shocked how few people actually compost these days!!!!!
@tomschooks 19 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching. I'm glad you enjoyed 😀
@YoursNadine18 20 күн бұрын
I have so many but here are a few: - arch trellis for my cucumbers to use more vertical space - plant more flowers to attract more pollinators - be better with mulching and fertilizing - extend my garden season by starting seeds earlier and invest more time into cool weather crops - try out mono-planting rather than companion planting - buying max. 5 seedlings in a shop (the rest must come from my own seed starting)
@tomschooks 20 күн бұрын
@@YoursNadine18 Brilliant! Best of luck this year! 😃
@sarahsummer2337 19 күн бұрын
I bought the 16ft cattle panel and stakes from tractor supply which I used to grow cucumbers. It worked wonderfully!
@tomschooks 19 күн бұрын
@sarahsummer2337 great idea. Cattle panel looks so useful. Unfortunately, they're not as ubiquitous here in the UK. I wish they were. 😀
@YoursNadine18 19 күн бұрын
@ i have the same issue in Austria. But I‘m looking into alternatives by asking a friend who works in construction
@tomschooks 19 күн бұрын
@@YoursNadine18 I guess the closest we've got is construction rebar. Great stuff if you can get it. 😀
@vickiphillips7910 21 күн бұрын
What zone do you grow in? Just subscribed to your channel. Great tips and goals.
@tomschooks 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for spending your valuable time with me ♥ We don't really tend to use growing zones in the UK (There's an argument we're too small a country, although we do have some micro climates), however.. For my part of the country, South West, the equivalent would be Zone 8b.
@beverlykandraceffinger3764 22 күн бұрын
I'm renewing my gardens after having had years with little time to tend the land...mourning a bit for the plants I'd lost as the tree-canopy nearby became more profound and took ample direct sunlight away from my healing herbs. But what remains has been the rescue of planned and planted perennials. Nature is so generous! With some work (and the chance to trim back trees in the cold season) my "wild gardens" will be a source of pleasure once more.
@tomschooks 21 күн бұрын
The very best of luck to you! A garden to cherish and enjoy.
@carmenortiz5294 23 күн бұрын
Don't even know how I ended up here BUT I am so glad I did. Great Ideas that I plan to follow once we are done with winter. Although I already have ideas I can start right now that it is officially winter here. (Have a setup, not in use much. It is 3:15 AM.) Great resolutions which I plan to follow! My yard is already a certified wildlife habitat, but it can be much better! Love all those flowers (that I cannot even remotely plant yet). I'm guessing maybe British, I'm in the US, way north. I will be checking out the other videos, really liked this one. I even already have an identical journal!
@tomschooks 23 күн бұрын
Thanks for your lovely comments. I had to use some stock footage of the wildflowers, as we are in the wet and murky season here. But hopefully, next year, there will be something to show off! 😉
@carmenortiz5294 23 күн бұрын
@@tomschooks Been watching your other videos.
@tomschooks 24 күн бұрын
I'd love to hear about your own gardening resolutions for 2025! Share your goals and aspirations in the comments below. Let's inspire each other to create amazing gardens this year! 🌻
@steveelkins52 Ай бұрын
Could have lived without the music!! I have tried this method and beer, lager, ipa, Strongbow cider, and the little bu**ggers still wreak havoc. This year has been really bad, they had all the marigolds, sunflowers, nothing survived
@tomschooks Ай бұрын
Again, apologies for the picture quality. Computer being a pain, and my free trial has run out on the editing software, so... Screen recorded it so there's no watermark!
@StellasVegetablegardens Ай бұрын
@tomschooks Ай бұрын
Thank you! 😊
@GanggangPeanut Ай бұрын
Tom cool video 👍 loved your propagation box excellent ,you reminded me I still have broad beans to sow, I forgot them 😂
@tomschooks Ай бұрын
Just a quick update again this week. Roll on retirement! 🤣🤣
@GanggangPeanut Ай бұрын
@@tomschooks retirement sounds perfect to me 😂😂👍
@tomschooks Ай бұрын
@GanggangPeanut All that extra time in the garden! 👍
@arcadia1081 Ай бұрын
Nice! I have a horse manure hot bed I start in March. Eat radishes in April. Please tell me what is the heat coil?
@tomschooks Ай бұрын
Thanks for commenting. The heat (coil) cable is an "Elixir Gardens 6m Economical Low Energy Soil Warming Cable" (search term) from Amazon. They come in all sorts of sizes. I'm looking into forms of manure heating for the tunnel next winter. I like the idea of a manure hotbed.
@billybowen3023 Ай бұрын
Mmmm interesting. Given me some ideas thank you! Keep up the good work.
@GanggangPeanut Ай бұрын
Tom fantastic piece of precision engineering with the hanging shelf..🤣you got there in the end and it looks great and works well 👍Love the hotbed idea for winter,i dont have room in my greenhouse to build one,enjoyed the video 👍👍👍
@maxkovall1157 Ай бұрын
No explosion😔
@Dark_Soldier_ 3 ай бұрын
Full support my friend ,i gave big like !
@tomschooks 3 ай бұрын
Big thanks
@oi3 3 ай бұрын
hi new here done big liked nice video
@tomschooks 3 ай бұрын
Thanks and welcome
@billybowen3023 3 ай бұрын
Sorry had to give it some thought! I would pick all the brown ones lay them out on news paper in a warm dry environment and save that seed has good seed it probably will grow. The greener stuff you can cut it at the bottom of the plant hang it somewhere warm to dry or just remove the pods and try dring them. On paper dry place. Package them when dry has "not so good seed". Be selective over seed. I find most of my seed grows well and i find my self in your boat alot when saving seed. Only save good healthy seed. No nothing about grapes sorry😅. I am thinking of getting one for the polytunnel. Thanks Tom, hope it works out for you!
@tomschooks 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! I'll try both these things on Sunday. Now that there's some room in the polytunnel. I'll probably hang the plants from the top tomato strings and let dry inside 😀 Thanks again!
@tomschooks 3 ай бұрын
What should I do?
@billybowen3023 3 ай бұрын
@@tomschooks polytunnel may not be dry enough in winter. Damp air can incuage fungal issues. So be careful! I use the polytunnel in summer(not this one). Might he different for me in SW Scotland!
@tomschooks 3 ай бұрын
It's not too bad down here. It certainly gets damp in the tunnel, but normally later, in December or January, when I have it all sealed up. This year, I'm trying to keep it ventilated. Hopefully, the beans will be dry long before they get damp. :)
@GanggangPeanut 3 ай бұрын
thats cool Tom,we need to look after these little guys 👍
@briansgardenandpolytunnel8172 3 ай бұрын
you've earned yourself a new subscriber, tom.................brian
@tomschooks 3 ай бұрын
@briansgardenandpolytunnel8172 Thanks Brian, so have you! 👍
@GanggangPeanut 3 ай бұрын
Hey Tom ,seeds can easily be collected by placing the pods in a mesh bag the pods can be crushed and the seeds fall to the bottom 👍
@tomschooks 3 ай бұрын
@@GanggangPeanut Cracking advice! Thanks very much! 😀
@GanggangPeanut 3 ай бұрын
Tom I like this video.i have 2 hedgehog houses in the garden at home, never seen a camera view 👍 new subscriber here and fellow KZbinr 👍👍
@tomschooks 3 ай бұрын
@GanggangPeanut Thanks very much! It's a small Amazon Blink camera I bought a couple of years ago on a Prime day special. Perfect for garden wildlife clips. I've subscribed to you as well, looks like you've got a lovely channel there.😀
@GanggangPeanut 3 ай бұрын
@@tomschooks thanks very much Tom,I look forward to seeing more of your videos ,very interesting 👍👍
@jimmyfaulkner5746 4 ай бұрын
Watch a timelapse of this type of trap "working" it's shocking how many slugs are attracted and fed but not trapped . These are slug magnets not traps . Took the ones I made from washing tablet tubs out after I see the video
@tomschooks 4 ай бұрын
What are you growing over winter?🌱
@tomschooks 4 ай бұрын
Slug Trap Video -
@michaelsplot 4 ай бұрын
@billybowen3023 4 ай бұрын
Good morning. Probably not the best video to watch when I'm eating my breakfast😅. Very good video, the slugs have had a good year. This is a good idea and I will probably try this method. On the my own slug defence I generally pick and remove, minimise habit (difficult in a small garden) and build healthy soil with healthy plants to help compete with slugs. I have also found fenugreek seeds distract slugs. Allows transplants to get away. Have a good day.
@tomschooks 4 ай бұрын
Ha! I'll have to add a content warning moving forward! fenugreek seed looks interesting. I'll do some research. Thanks for the info 😊
@tomschooks 5 ай бұрын
I forgot to add the 6 I emptied on day 2! A Grand Total of 32! Not Bad, eh? How are you dealing with this years crazy amount of slimy visitors?
@urbanagmike 5 ай бұрын
Potato buckets? Why not! lol
@tomschooks 5 ай бұрын
@@urbanagmike Worked better than I thought! 😁
@APPR8VXD 5 ай бұрын
@billybowen3023 5 ай бұрын
Hello. Well done on your lovely harvest. Love the potatoe harvest! My favourite time of the year but a sad times as well knowing we are heading in to autumn. Nice to see you reusing the soil for your brassicers they should thrive in that disturbed soil. Thanks.
@tomschooks 5 ай бұрын
@billybowen3023 Thanks Billy 😊
@billybowen3023 5 ай бұрын
I only store simple stuff. Potatoes, beans, peas, garlic, dried herds and the like. I would love to do more. And I would love to do tomatoes but time is a issue. Thanks for the video.
@tomschooks 5 ай бұрын
Thanks! I'm looking forward to trying to store as much as i can this year. Got lots of French beans moving now, and hopefully the main crop spuds should yield quite well this year.
@tomschooks 5 ай бұрын
Do you store much veg for the winter months? Leave a comment!
@Destide 6 ай бұрын
This is our first year in our garden, massive rush to get everything in during Feb/Mar. I made my wife some raised beds out of old water tanks we found in the loft and a donated IBC and that's helped mitigate a lot. Our garden was left for a long while, and we are focusing on more of a wildlife focused garden, literally put in the pond yesterday another water tank :D Benefits of having a more wild permaculture garden I think is it marginalises the massive sways in weather we now have. Looking like we're going to get a bout of sun this week though, hopefully it lasts long enough that will shift the evaporative water cycle we've endured this year.
@tomschooks 6 ай бұрын
@@Destide That's fabulous! Sounds like you are going to have years of enjoyment in your garden! Good luck! 😀
@dune-id7lf 6 ай бұрын
weather is being controlled, GEO ENGINEERING! check it out?
@tomschooks 6 ай бұрын
There's definitely a human element to the mix, but this year has been about the jet stream being more often than not being pushed south.
@dune-id7lf 6 ай бұрын
@@tomschooks watch the planes spraying on a morning! look at the cloud formation! are you aware of the harrp project! have you heard of agenda 21, and 30! did you hear of maui! did you see the rain in Dubai, they (arabs) admitted spraying the skies! stop listening to the mainstream media, do your own research?
@billybowen3023 6 ай бұрын
Well put! I was only thinking of these positives the other day. Thanks for the video.
@tomschooks 6 ай бұрын
@@billybowen3023 Thanks for watching! 😀
@tomschooks 6 ай бұрын
Hey everyone! This season has been quite a challenge with the unpredictable weather and those pesky slugs. 🌧️🐌 How are your gardens holding up? Share your tips and tricks for dealing with bad weather and garden pests in the comments below! 👇 Let's help each other out and make our gardens thrive! 🌱💪
@tomschooks 6 ай бұрын
What did you think about this video? Was the subject something you're interested in? Let me know, I really appreciate any insight to what works for viewers. Thanks 😊