Coach highlight: Tedra White
Coach highlight: Nikki Evans
@hotmesshotline 15 сағат бұрын
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@hotmesshotline 2 күн бұрын
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@hotmesshotline 3 күн бұрын
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@TruePathLiving 28 күн бұрын
How to deal with multiple bosses: you don't. Gtfo of there.
@jahmilseydou7381 Ай бұрын
That looks like Indy in the background. You from Indianapolis? I was born and raised there, but when the opportunity raised itself for me to leave Indy, I joined the military and GTFO...😂😂
@hotmesshotline Ай бұрын
It is! I love to live here and I love to travel away.
@billmalone9949 2 ай бұрын
You completely missed a vital teamwork aspect. Growing up we freely helped those who needed it. Tommy knows how to stop bleeding, go get him. And Tommy would help, no questions. In the workplace, that carries over. If you get stuck somewhere, Xers are more than happy to show you how to get unstuck.
@Bruski68. 3 ай бұрын
Gen X just wants to do the job, collect their pay and go home to live their lives, they don't want hassles and BS to interfere with any of that.
@joeme 3 ай бұрын
Why didn't you pass it on to your kids?
@geoffreyharris5931 4 ай бұрын
Ok. We were not latch-keys as the mother was there while the father worked (as a professor at CSUS). However, the peers did play sports on their own, my brother and I had elaborate fantastic play and we did a lot of activities in the yard. I was into tree-climbing and hole-digging. Dad, my brother and I swam and went on hiking (and sometimes camping) trips. I compose using elements of classical, celtic, and rock, Have combined Scottish-Irish and hip-hop dancing so get that big about bringing together musical genres. Also, can get by in life setting one's own paths without going along with the crowd which is what the boomers tended to do. The mils and z's are fat whiny dependent softies. I respect the Silents as they were the last really dignified generation.
@DaveMiller2 5 ай бұрын
We don't need meetings, micromanagement, or praise. Tell us what needs to be done and get out of our way. If we need something we'll come find you. Leave us alone.
@jeanetteraichel8299 6 ай бұрын
Spot on about the best generation, Gen X. We work hard, hate supervisors, grew up feral/semi feral, and lived through a tumultuous times in modern history. My mom worked part time evenings until i was maybe 8, but we still came home for lunch all by ourselves. No day care, no car seats, no seat belts, no helmets/knee pads. We could simply say we're going out to play and knew to come home at a certain time for dinner. One other sad fact is we are also mentally f-cked up because we had to grow up so fast and were neglected. We also knew if we were see to not be heard. Sadly, the adults never knew how much damage words can cause
@Badhigh22 6 ай бұрын
We are the real MVPs! Period!
@7SideWays 6 ай бұрын
All this corporate talk makes my mullet wanna blow in the wind of my speeding TransAm.
@RonnieSwafford-l9d 8 ай бұрын
This was an amazing interview about an amazing company. Culture is everything!
@hotmesshotline 8 ай бұрын
Agreed! What Alexei, his co-founders, and his employees demonstrated was/is something for all of us to emulate!
@CHRISANDREOU4199 9 ай бұрын
Not feeling motivated right now why is that? I'm a straight white male in a western country
@dgm2485 10 ай бұрын
Advice to employers: don't micromanage. We don't need it and we don't like it.
@BitcoinFootball 10 ай бұрын
Today's office is great. All those high standards are gone now. I can wear what I want and push ridiculous points of view freely now.
@handimanjay6642 10 ай бұрын
They’ll be fighting boomers for a few more years in Cali for the $20 he fast food jobs.
@johngaltman 10 ай бұрын
Coming from deep in the gen X generation and I have come to understand reality, that is that there are X and Y chromosomes and they don't cross... Also, we tried out multiculturalism and it failed, ya... Biggly... Where ever Africans go, they create Africa, where ever Asians go, they create Asia, where ever Europeans go they create Europe... America when we grew up was European on its way to everywhere else, and now its achieved the edge of the third world, which is not America, its just the cultural soup that we were told would be utopia, and is instead just a toilet bowl on its way down the drain... Good times, except we know how to clean toilets better than anyone else... The great flushing is coming...
@atilax6452 10 ай бұрын
Recently, there have been a series of hit-pieces targeting Gen X, countering positive attribute claims. Strange. Why would that be?
@stereodreamer23 10 ай бұрын
As a "First Year Gen Xer (1965), I have a complete and utter disdain for heirarchy, but it is NOT from how I was raised. I have tremendous respect for people who earn it. But after 38 years in the workforce, I have had it demonstrated in almost EVERY company that I've worked for (from small mom-and-pop businesses to HUGE multinational conglomerates,and everything in between) that the VAST majority of upper management are narcissistic sociopaths, with no loyalty to anything but increasing their own egos, salaries, bonuses, and power over others. I'm not a "Leftist". I'm a Conservative Libertarian. So it's not because I'm some sort of "Workers should control the means of production" whack-job. I'm a loyal, hard worker with a graduate degree, who graduated from TWO institutions with Honors. I've won many awards for my work. But I'm only as loyal to a company as they are to me. Loyalty and respect are a 2-way street--treat me well, and I'll jump through flaming hoops for you. But treat me like crap, and I'll "act my wage" while I look for greener pastures. Corporate America is a sick system, and like a dead fish it started rotting from the head. We need a major shakeup in Corporate America, and it needs to start by weeding out the sociopaths, back-stabbers, and psychopaths from our Executive Suites. Unfortunately, the people who are rewarded in Corporate America are not the ones who are hard-working, creative, talented, intelligent, and loyal--they are the boot-licking, politically-scheming, narcissistic sociopaths who are Gen X, Millenials, and Gen Z. The system will continue to perpetuate itself, and the people who actually do the work and are decent human beings will continue to be exploited, abused, and mistreated until we can figure out a way to move up the ranks and take control, without completely selling our souls to the "Dark Side". Am I a little bitter? Yeah, maybe. I'm on my 5th distinctively different career, and loving most of it. But the upper management of this company is no better than any other I've worked for. But now I have the skills to REALLY be invaluable so they treat me well even if I won't become a soul-less boot-liking sociopath, and I LOVE what I'm doing. If only I could figure out a way to convince the people above me that putting profit before EVERYTHING else--including family, personal integrity, and rational business models--might not be a sustainable model...
@drewg1981 10 ай бұрын
honestly if you wanna shorten that you can via a different aspect... my dad is a boomer. one thing that most gen x had in common was the "dad complex" for the lack of a better title. this is where you look up to for advise or guidance from a disciplinarian type figure. in this case the boss. it isn't necessarily boomers holding us back but sometime, is some instances, we don't want to see our mentor leave the position and us take on the task of being the one that someone else depends on at work... it scares us in most cases. but just like our feelings or emotions we just kinda tuck that back in there and go about the usual same ol same ol.
@tobiasb9645 10 ай бұрын
Here do this you got 5 days to do it 3 days later done still want to get paid for your expectation that is us.
@Scrap-dog8181 11 ай бұрын
Bottom line, we are not Baby Boomers and you are confused with who we are. Gen X doesn't give a S what you think. Most of us don't need a boss because we are the boss, other then you. You sound like a Millennial that needs direction and a "how to do" manual. We don't. Please don't include us, don't think about us, and you will be OK. Nothing is holding us back we are fine.
@Vonnie24 11 ай бұрын
Girl bye
@scottiecox2535 11 ай бұрын
No you are wrong. We are always complaining you all aren’t listening!
@richardcook5270 11 ай бұрын
71 genx
@jekyle1980 11 ай бұрын
Gen X is also the generation that makes up the bulk of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans… which has pros and cons.
@dananichols349 11 ай бұрын
One of the reasons Gen-X is awesome for the workplace is because we work hard and then expect to get raises because we demonstrate how much we're worth. Unlike younger generations who do the bare minimum but still expect to be paid top dollar for bottom effort.
@Ryu_Shotokan 11 ай бұрын
Because we actually work lol and i work alone,no stupid people around me.
@carlageorge8130 Жыл бұрын
I am gen x and you are 100 percent right
@kamalclifton Жыл бұрын
This was helpful. I’m between a Manager, and a Managing Director who seems to give contrasting information, and don’t want to clarify with me directly. On a few occasions I’ve discovered contrasting information. Then there are other Managers that seem to have the authority to override my Manager.
@earlleegrace3318 Жыл бұрын
Yep, us Gen X'ers think outside the dang box, man.
@soeffner6833 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps the 'Corporate culture' itself is the turn off. I frankly dont know any genx'r who truly cares about their bosses opinions when they make repeatedly bad decisions. In fact I know more of us that would rather be self employed....but the boomers keep taxing us to death. Just sayin
@katrinamillings3651 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, it can be a disadvantage as well. I've been taking care of myself since I was 10. At work I'm not much of a team player. I'm more like just get out of my way and I'll do it myself.
@frankshung8661 Жыл бұрын
Thanks mom
@dancalvin6340 Жыл бұрын
I'm gen x, I'm just waiting for the boomers to die and with them the idiocy their generation inflected on society.
@HeIsNakedLunch Жыл бұрын
“Less token. More bridge building.” 🖤🪬🏴‍☠️💘🦋🦇🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 Ok. I said it, 5th. Now, how come it’s so easy for me to draw similarities and connect dots: I must love myself soooo much! Well, I may not have been the first to work on my selflove, but, a better part of the ‘90s was working real hard - like, a selfimposed bootcamp - on exactly that: it’s ALL about me. Not me, first. Just, me. Fast forward to Italy from 2004 to today and what seems sort of a pivotal year, 2006. While there are a good many layers to this onion, we’re just going to focus on language: native English speaker; quasi bilingual, speak, read, write Italian. One thing is to be friends with the university educated Italian: generally speaking, you can have a decent conversation and get mostly sincere vocabulary and tones. But, it’s a completely different world when you’re a lay person seeking expert advice: there’s a con. It’s in your face and I haven’t a clue if they’re, at all, aware of it. One. Two, I’m in it. It’s happening. And. I’m asking myself, do you hear yourselves? That’s 2006. But, are they university educated? Do I know that for a fact? No. Should it matter, really? No. You’re assigned the expert, or, what am I doing in your “office” seeking advice? That’s me, a lame work contract and a labor union consultant. We’re talking Italian. Etc. Fast forward, again. Now, we’re present. Just a few days old. (The question, itself? It’s been around the block, a lot; ever contracting into a neat little marketing parcel.) We’re talking English. We’re texting in WhatsApp. I swear I made it clear that all I wanted was an answer to ONE question. And, what’re you charging to answer THAT one yes/no question (regarding law, of course). I get the, ok. But, I’ll need a few days. It’s an important question. I’ll get you an invoice tomorrow. I’m asking for an estimate and I get an INVOICE. Ok. That’s fine. I share it with my sisters and they almost went nuts. I’m still fine with it. My sisters, they don’t know the whole conversations. It’s totally understandable. Anyhow. I open the invoice. It doesn’t smack me in the face apart from the grand total. It wasn’t until hours later that it sank. Surely, the intense talk with two of my sisters has something to do with the light of the sun ever slowly rising and shining brighter and hotter that my eyes begin to widen at the itemized list of 4, NOT 1, BUT, 4 different activities to account for in the estimate. Huh? Didn’t you…? Didn’t I… We weren’t on the same page? Really? That’s really weird. It’s weird. Right? The attorney’s reply to my observation was delivered this morning. And, I’m part scared, part upset, part disappointed to even open my WhatsApp. I got pics of my daughter from my ex - they’re in Indonesia - in the same WhatsApp earlier this evening. But, as soon as I got them, I called her on my Viber virtual international calling card. JUST so she’d know why I’m not giving the lawyer the satisfaction of even seeing a time stamp for the last time I open the WA. That time stamp is staying at, like, 3am this morning when I texting that lawyer and open it last! Sunday, in fact, is the soonest I want to be on THAT WA. The point? Language barrier? Really? You’re not conning me into paying 2 or 3 x more? No? That’s how it’s done, here? It’s cultural? Really? Again? You want to give me the “cultural” differences card at “Western European” country? (That’s from a conversation with my big sister in 2006.) Anyways. I’m really glad you showed up in my (KZbin) homepage. Thanks a bunch.
@HeIsNakedLunch Жыл бұрын
1971 Born in Italy. Raised in Indonesia and West Coast, United States. Not having balanced transition from employee to entrepreneur, left the States in 2004 in pursuit of, not a better life but, answers. First one began surfacing in 2006. Second one began surfacing in 2016. As of Friday 28 July, this year, a lawyer has agreed to take up these 2 answers in the form of questions (complaints) under pro bono terms starting next January. Until then, I’ve only got my interpretation of right\wrong about the 2 findings. So, whenever my energy’s up and focused on law, I continue to survey the law of this land called Italy, my place of birth. (That’s a quasi cryptic way of saying, I’m still trying to contact lawyers to answer the 2 complaints for as cheap as possible, if not totally free.) Wish me luck? Thx! 🤞🏿🤘🏾🦇🏴‍☠️🖤🦋🙏🏿🪬
@tjj5337 Жыл бұрын
GEN X here and both my parents were home.. Dad knew how to provide properly
@tjj5337 Жыл бұрын
YOU WERE BY YOURSELF!!!!! What did your dad do??
@tjj5337 Жыл бұрын
We Don’t wear masks and cycling helmet like wimpy snowflakes
@seanrodgers1839 Жыл бұрын
You mean that some people need supervision in order to get work done? I can figure out any problem and figure out any technology, and organize different things into a single product.
@istvanpraha Жыл бұрын
Thank you for keeping it positive and not bashing younger people! I am a young X and feel like my main benefit right now is helping people navigate the inflation and cost of living crisis going on. My younger coworkers remember 2008 but didn't follow the news yet. I explain using various data points that the current way stuff is may not be permanent, and give them hope. I try to get my older managers to give more flexibility and raises, their idea of what good salaries are are low/dated
@MaryDunford Жыл бұрын
Care. And don't care. Yep. That about sums it up. 😂
@timfroehlich9200 Жыл бұрын
I worked at a very large corporation that offered a class on Generational Diversity and it was truly the best 8 HR class I've ever attended. It was taught by some dude with a doctorate degree and he explained the differences between all the generations going background my parents time the Depressionists I think they were called. I was born very late in a large family so despite being their child who should have been a baby Boomer I was raised totally Gen X. Anyway the out come if the class ended with the teacher saying this company will have some very great years coming up soon as the Gen Fees take control but unfortunately we are the smallest generation so it won't last long IF the can't figure out how to unbrainfart the milenials
@MicahScottPnD Жыл бұрын
Omg, im seriously tearing up over here. Everything you're saying lines up so well with my experience. I just feels so damn good to hear a long-time unspoken thing said out loud. It feels so validating, like "maybe all that strangeness, growing up the wsy we did, has a real value to it". Ok, leave me alone now while I go shed some long-awaited tears of joy
@garretmiller6343 Жыл бұрын
Religion never failed yet, 🙂+ smiles for a couple of examples, oh well what ever nevermind!!!
@tanyamonk1280 Жыл бұрын
I'm a gen X'er, Born 74. I've worked since I was 14, my work ethic is top notch, my patience is top notch. I can problem solve like there's no tomorrow and able to tackle multiple tasks at the same time, while getting my tasks done timely. I get asked all the time how I do it and so effortlessly. All I can say is, I know what needs to get done and I do it. I don't sit there and whine about it, I just do it and miraculously, it gets done. I don't get upset when others don't get stuff done, that's on them, not me.but it does irritate me when I'm working and co workers (at any past jobs) just stand around waiting for their time to go home,playing on their phones, complaining to me about how hard their job is while I'm actually working. Don't be surprised if I tell you to go somewhere else so I can get my work done. I ain't got no time for that! :)
@lakeishabridgeman1103 10 ай бұрын
Me too! Born in 74 and had my first summer job at 14 ❤
@monsterhobbies 10 ай бұрын
I'm born the same year as you. The Grooviest year in human history.
@ericlarson7556 Жыл бұрын
To the other generations- it was crap from an alpha gen xer but you probably already know that if your past the age of 25. Just be good and take care of yourself and someone else if you figured out how to do it.