@Thesoulsthatwander Ай бұрын
Get up sausage ❤
@killermansgiro.5810 3 ай бұрын
Pay per mile will include EV’s not just fossil fuel cars.
@Tayg1100 5 ай бұрын
Quality interview mate, Craig’s story touches me in so many ways. Was in tears through most of this, thank you for the questions as well mate your energy made this interview even better
@Mathew-wq6is 5 ай бұрын
Subscribed, class interview mate.
@davidwilliams4830 5 ай бұрын
The best interview I’ve ever seen that stopped me being a piss pot tonight. You talk of many hard to broach topics and I can fall in line with most. Used pot as a distraction from alcohol for many years after a relationship break up from my soulmate. Thought I had found another soul to be close to but got ditched weeks before I proposed. I’m 45 with a big family around me and feel I cannot talk to any of them- broken without reasonable repair. I’ve tried talking to my closest brother but it doesn’t seem to help/work. I see the drug/alcohol issue head on daily and have lived in a haze. Also grew up in hand me down or 2nd hand gear as a kid I’ve been to uni but being constantly told, you’re the first in a family heaps a lot of stress and pressure. I didn’t get a degree but took my dad’s trade and got qualified as a bricklayer. Construction is still a man’s world and I suffered from the abuse of being the only one who could add up at times. Plus the physical beastings to prove you are up to the job. So many things ring true in this interview I will be in touch with Craig for a few words Bravo Fellas and thank you ❤
@adamdavidish89 6 ай бұрын
Seems like a nice guy but has clearly swallowed the meat and dairy industry propaganda. “That footage is from a far away country and wouldn’t happen here” Watch “Land of Hope and Glory” - British footage and you can look up the legal practices. Most pigs are put in a gas chamber to be slaughtered. Chickens are debeaked and often crumble under their own weight because of how they’ve been selectively bred. Piglets have their teeth and tails removed without anaesthetic. This is all available under the RSPCA approved guidelines. So disappointing when people don’t check it out properly and just eat up the meat industries misinformation. This guys just bailed on his ethics without actually researching enough about what nutrients his body needs and where to get it. You can also watch “Gamechangers” looking at the health impacts. You have loads of food as a vegan and do it well or badly just like eating meat. If anyone wants help with it and checking out what they need to eat healthily, use challenge22.com or follow some vegan dieticians like Simon Hill or Nutritionfacts.org You don’t need to kill and eat animals to thrive and it has so many implications for the human race through climate, food and water waste, antibiotic resistance and viruses. It’s so not worth it.
@annemarielindroos4780 6 ай бұрын
The meat- and dairy industry is just horrible and has a huge inpact on the planet/climate (water/deforestation)
@highcalibremen 6 ай бұрын
Watch our other podcast - "every UK citizen needs to watch this" and you'll see another side to the climate change narrative 👀 😁
@annemarielindroos4780 6 ай бұрын
And what about that meat/dairy industry is full of inhumane practices? And eating alot of meat is linked with various types of cancer?
@stanleyfox4201 6 ай бұрын
Fascinating. Really enjoyed this.
@DouglasAbramskiOfficial 6 ай бұрын
Interesting perspective. I prefer eating plants dominantly. I've done the keto carnivore type eating style and felt "super charged" gained about 20 lbs in two months, got stronger, etc... went back to fruits and roots, grains and greens lost about 10 lbs and felt an adjustment period happen where my body used energy to "adapt" back to mainly plants. Went through some breif skin issues, etc... After a short time I adjusted and maintained good weight and I feel great overall. I don't proclaim to have a high understanding of nutrition and the human biological symbiosis. All i can say is; based on my research and experience, health and wellness, like most things seems to be mostly mental. Good video.
@aaronajeti2794 6 ай бұрын
People who eat carnivore are spineless. This guy was never vegan.
@Stoitism 6 ай бұрын
I absolutely love this rationale because it displays clearly the lunacy of people who think this way. Are people not allowed to change? Do people have to be defined for the rest of their lives by their previous beliefs or decisions? This sort of "apostate" approach to ex vegans really does highlight the cult-like nature inherent to the ideology. Thankfully not all vegans think this way, but a great many do. It's pathetic.
@aaronajeti2794 6 ай бұрын
@@Stoitism What is pathetic is the idea that having compassion for animals is a cultist mentality or sheer lunacy. What is pathetic is throwing defenseless beings under the bus so you can experience "gains". What is pathetic is the normalized apathy and oppression to those who don't have a voice, because you are too greedy to eat plants. Your right to personal choice ends when you actively harm others, and I will stand up to you carnivore twats and tell you that you are wrong every minute of every day if I need to. There is nothing more greedy and gluttonous than consuming the flesh of another, when you know damn well that you do not need to. Also you spelled stoicism wrong...
@hotbeefman69 6 ай бұрын
@@Stoitism It truly is worse than a religion, and I was raised in a very oppressive religion that has left parts of my family fractured. The devout vegans are just grumpy because they have to supplement their ancestrally inferior diet and refuse to believe that death is a natural part of life and they literally wouldn't exist without it because animals die for plants too. 🤣
@cumwotmayinat 6 ай бұрын
​@@Stoitism Well said
@jordanstarr2992 6 ай бұрын
@@Stoitism love when people make points like this but cant look in the mirror. carnivores do the same shit. its called the human condition, not a subject of dieters, or races, or religions, it simply people
@logicalconsistency 6 ай бұрын
What nutritional qualification does Dean have? I don't think he ever mentioned what it was and doesn't have it listed on his IG? I'm curious because he's talking about anti-nutrients in plants 😆💚
@Divinefapper 6 ай бұрын
Damn, Dean is looking good.
@logicalconsistency 6 ай бұрын
"What's natural is moral" - Dean Scott
@Stoitism 6 ай бұрын
I never said that. Please don't put words in my mouth. You may not agree with me, and that is perfectly fine, but we can still be respectful of each other.
@logicalconsistency 6 ай бұрын
You literally used evolution and nature multiple times to justify your action of eating animals. You didn't say those exact words though, correct. I paraphrased it that way because I thought it was funny considering how many times you used nature as a justification. If you want to have a further discussion or debate on veganism, let's set something up :) @@Stoitism
@Stoitism 6 ай бұрын
@@logicalconsistency I may have used evolution and nature as "justification" in your eyes but I also said that "your biology doesn't care about your ethics". Which is quite the opposite of saying "what is natural is moral". How are you going to apply human ethics to processes which came into being before humans even walked the earth? Life eats life is a truism. It will endure long after modern humans are gone, if we ever do infact go extinct (I ofc hope we don't). Do you sincerely think that shifting and ephemeral human ethics trump natures design?
@logicalconsistency 6 ай бұрын
Veganism has nothing to do with meditation or a spiritual journey. It is a rejection of animal exploitation and unnecessary violence. That's it. Saying that "my meditation is better eating meat" doesn't really justify abusing and killing animals when you don't have to for survival. All of this is anecdotal and isn't reliable information. Also, highest animal welfare on the planet? Is breeding billions of animals, keeping them in tight spaces and killing them in mass good animal welfare? There is a ton of investigating and slaughterhouse footage from UK slaughterhouses, btw. One last thing on what he was eating. It sounds like he was eating a lot of nutrient-dense but calorically low foods. Greens, fruits, etc. This is going to be tough to maintain long-term once the high of some weight loss and junkfood cleansing goes away. In addition, a desire to perform better athletically doesn't justify animal abuse. There are tons of vegans who perform very well and I myself powerlifted on a vegan diet with no issue, but even if performance did go down on a vegan diet, going back to slitting animal throats for a little edge in performance is still unjustified. Omg soy does not increase estrogen or decrease testosterone 😂 that myth has been debunked time and time again. Phytoestrogen is not the same as mammalian estrogen. If anything, the hormones in dairy are more likely to affect human hormones versus anything in plants. It sounds like the symptoms he was dealing with were symptoms of undereating or certain vitamin deficiencies. Also, people not sticking with veganism doesn't say anything about the validity of plant-based diets. Many people also don't stick with the gym. It doesn't tell us anything about the adequacy of said action.
@JamesDurcan 6 ай бұрын
Agree 100% . A little cringey this whole dialogue. Like 2 guys stroking each other back and forth with their same beliefs... How can one be a meat eater and yet claim to be spiritual. There is absolutely nothing spiritual about wittingly or unwittingly strengthening systems that are inherently violent and unnecessary so one can have a sandwich. IMHO being spiritual implies a kind of compassion to our fellow earthlings...
@Stoitism 6 ай бұрын
Hi. Dean here. "Veganism has nothing to do with meditation or a spiritual journey." That's your opinion & you are welcome to it. I respectfully disagree. Just because my reasons differed to yours does not make them any less valid. "That's it. Saying that "my meditation is better eating meat" doesn't really justify abusing and killing animals when you don't have to for survival." I don't have to justify doing something that we evolved to do, which forms part of our very nature and is in alignment with nature. Do I also have to justify breathing oxygen? because I see that of equal value to eating meat. I want to thrive, not survive. I am vastly healthier eating meat and that's the whole crux of it. I'm not sacrificing my health for an ideology which goes against human biology. However, we can always strive to do better for the animals in our care and I hope that animal welfare standards continue to improve. "It sounds like he was eating a lot of nutrient-dense but calorically low foods." Plant foods are not nutrient dense nor as close to as bioavailable as meat. Humans cannot properly digest plant matter. You need different biology for that, that such as ruminant animals and hind-gut fermenters have. Humans are equipped for meat eating. "a desire to perform better athletically doesn't justify animal abuse". I eat animals for my health, I don't abuse them. And its not just about athletic performance. It's about overall metabolic health and longevity. "Omg soy does not increase estrogen or decrease testosterone" Good luck with that. I believe otherwise and believe it to have being a contributing factor to the hormonal problems I had. "It sounds like the symptoms he was dealing with were symptoms of undereating or certain vitamin deficiencies" As discussed my diet and supplements were looked at by a dietician and they said everything required was present in my diet. "Also, people not sticking with veganism doesn't say anything about the validity of plant-based diets. Many people also don't stick with the gym. It doesn't tell us anything about the adequacy of said action." This is a false equivalence fallacy. The reasons why someone might quit veganism would be based in vastly different reasoning than that of someone quitting the gym. The two are incomparable and have nothing whatsoever to do with each other.
@Stoitism 6 ай бұрын
​@@JamesDurcanWhy on earth would you believe a person who eats meat cannot also be a spiritually minded person? I ask in all seriousness. Please explain your perspective.
@JamesDurcan 6 ай бұрын
@@Stoitism Dude I think its all laid out in my initial comment. Take it for what its worth. We can go back and forth on the health benefits of plant-based eating vs omnivore - based eating. We can also lament our individual stories ( One of my fav anecdotes is that of one of the oldest living humans - lived to 114 - and smoked cigarettes all the way up until the day she died ) Aside tho !- The ADA issued a statement a few years ago stating that well planned vegan diets are appropriate for all stages of life from pregnancy to elderhood . This is the body that certifies Dieticians/Nutritionists. You can see for yourself if you go to their website. We may have evolved eating meat but that is via the historical context and out of survival. So now in 2024 we can further evolve and abstain from all the cocktail of crap that is in meat ( IGF1, hormones, growth factors, cholesterol, HA, TMAO etc..), and the unneccesary suffering and violence of the culling of 80 billion land animals a year.
@logicalconsistency 6 ай бұрын
@@Stoitism Hello, Dean! A lot of what you claimed in the podcast may be what you "believe," but they are unsubstantiated claims. You can't just say that soy causes hormone issues and plants have anti-nutrients because of how you "feel." I am also still waiting to hear about your "nutrition certification." If you would like to talk about or debate this topic further, I would love to set something up for my channel :)
@jasonanthonywilper 6 ай бұрын
Interesting conversation - eating carnivore is absolutely fantastic
@SoleEarFGS 6 ай бұрын
Thoroughly enjoyed this conversation lads. A lot of wisdom to be taken from this and not just about the subject matter. Would love to see Dean on again sharing more about his Spiritual beliefs.
@epistimonas35 6 ай бұрын
wanted to say hello really liked the pod cast
@bevan2342 8 ай бұрын
This was brilliant needs more views
@highcalibremen 8 ай бұрын
Thank you... We agree 🙏 please share. For a new channel it's important that our viewers help us get the word out there, especially when the interview is better than the so called "big channels"
@zacdavenport1 9 ай бұрын
local west cumbrian lad that gets the global agenda respect.
@Skibbityboo0580 9 ай бұрын
I cannot relate to that. Sounds awful.
@joshushillman6248 9 ай бұрын
Love craig watch anything with him speaking . Respect brother ❤
@fredtjack23 10 ай бұрын
Your mom don't like dumbazzs
@LisaSmyth68 10 ай бұрын
How would you feel if somebody kills your shitty little family? murderer
@LisaSmyth68 10 ай бұрын
bible says thal shalt not kill... I dont care who you are a murderer is a murderer!.. Even for a gov... You are a murderer! TOT IN HELL YOU EVIL SICK LITTLE MAN! YOUR STILL A FUCKING MURDERER!
@GazzaMusic95 10 ай бұрын
I’ve watched pretty much all of Craig’s podcast appearances and this is easily the the most I’ve seen him laugh and smile it just shows you how much of a funny bloke he is when the ptsd and what not isn’t as present as usual, loved this one 🙌🏻
@mainemermaid6596 10 ай бұрын
Immediately following the HI fire, Jeff Bezos said, I'll pledge 100M if I can build a 15 Min City there. That was the plan all along. (Chi's already doing it.)
@willruss 10 ай бұрын
i wouldnt wear that shirt for a day for 10 grand
@reaperofsouls93 10 ай бұрын
I do know the struggle of farming life, getting little to no appreciation for all the hard work. Of providing stores with fresh healthy produce, for those mostly ungrateful city people. I know for a fact, if all farmers stopped producing for other's. And only provided for themselves, majority of humanity would starve. Cause they have no clue how to survive, without their stores. I mean come on, most city people don't even know how to prepare a camping site. Let alone how to grow, hunt, gather their own food in nature.
@highcalibremen 10 ай бұрын
Instagram @kierancongdon
@aus1107 10 ай бұрын
Awesome bloke good luck to him!🥊
@xavierschatzle7816 11 ай бұрын
@Denmosocial 11 ай бұрын
This dude is a TANK could probably dual wield snipers in each hand lmao
@chris-hz1pc 11 ай бұрын
Had to grip my sides laughing at “is she strapped in” also Craig we need merch with cartoon you gripping a badger and telling it to fuck off 😂
@highcalibremen 11 ай бұрын
haha... brilliant!!
@Eminent972 11 ай бұрын
I'm the truck man
@Eminent972 11 ай бұрын
Least was sold for one
@antcolchester5630 Жыл бұрын
@DanT288 Жыл бұрын
Excellent interview loved it
@highcalibremen 11 ай бұрын
Thanks Dan! Appreciate the feedback
@matthewkent5212 Жыл бұрын
From the outside I couldn't tell he has mental health problems.
@highcalibremen 11 ай бұрын
He deals with it very well considering. Inspirational in our eyes
@lukeashleybell Жыл бұрын
Just subbed... ive read Craigs book 4 times and its nice to see that hes doing well.
@lukeashleybell Жыл бұрын
Also... brilliant questions, I get sick of stupid questions like, how many people have you killed? What is it like to kill? I mean ... ffs give this man a break. Again brilliant and very professional.
@highcalibremen 11 ай бұрын
@@lukeashleybell well said Luke. The exact reason why we wanted to do the interview this way as apposed to trying for clickbait!
@jjjjjm27 Жыл бұрын
What a legend Craig is
@highcalibremen Жыл бұрын
Agreed 👊
@a7eys Жыл бұрын
Well done guys. A very true representation of this incredible man. I was fortunate enough to share time with Craig last weekend at The Maverick Survival School and hearing his accounts first hand was incredible. To know that his life was offered up so many times to the armed forces and they pushed him aside without care or support is disgraceful. What he has managed to achieve and continue to work towards is awe inspiring. I enjoyed every minute of your podcast and the interview approach. His open nature is truly visible here. Well done to you and your team.
@highcalibremen Жыл бұрын
Really appreciate this 🙏 🙏 glad you enjoyed it!
@noellealdi881 Жыл бұрын
It’s so nice hearing Craig laugh and smile in this interview! Awesome hearing more of his personal life as well.
@highcalibremen Жыл бұрын
We agree! Too many interviews of Craig being asked stupid questions for click bait. So we wanted to take a different approach & get a slightly different message accross 😁
@noellealdi881 Жыл бұрын
@@highcalibremen exactly my thoughts! You’ve done an absolute amazing job of interviewing and bringing out CRAIG rather than what he’s done. Fantastic questions and charisma from you ❤️ watching these interviews makes me feel better about my own CPTSD from being in an extremely abusive home growing up
@callumcochrane811 Жыл бұрын
@kristofferlodesjo5781 Жыл бұрын
​@@highcalibremenWant to second many other opinions here. Top job of an interview this was and having followed Craig for a bit he seemed more at ease with you lads compared to many other videos.