@grearhead 2 күн бұрын
What's up with all the gay shit?
@shragamildiner8472 11 күн бұрын
Alright you convinced me
@oswinhull4203 Ай бұрын
Couple of things working against your theory. First the Stormfather is a confirmed serial liar. I think he lies more than Shallan. He lies that Kal killed Syl. He constantly lies to Dalinar about his abilities. He lies all the time so I don't think you can use lies to prove Stormfaker theory. If anything him lying to Galivar proves that it is the Stormfather talking. The other big thing that doesn't work about Ishar being behind it is that Ishar is totally crazy. I don't think he has the capacity for a convoluted manipulation like this. Also it would just complicate things a lot storywise.
@crockettcast2702 Ай бұрын
I'm glad you think so. I love to hear other thoughts. I still think that given this banquet is years before we see Ishar gives him right about the perfect amount of craziness for a scheme like this.
@irock1929 Ай бұрын
You had me up until the font change. That just seems far to convaluted of an explanation. But the rest was strong
@crockettcast2702 Ай бұрын
Thanks for letting me know. Glad I had some good points. Brandon could certainly just be messing with us. What do you think the font change is for?
@ColumnofWinter 2 ай бұрын
Nice explanation, only getting the greater cosmere interactions now
@Tempest_4444 2 ай бұрын
Where do i get that wallpaper in the bvackground
@crockettcast2702 2 ай бұрын
The art credits are in the video description 😀
@markodonovan9770 3 ай бұрын
If it is a StormFaker, I think the StormFather was giving visions to Gavalir as well. I don't know if the StormFather was actively encouraging Gavilar and interacting or just playing the visions as he did for Dalinar. But it is very probable the Stormfather was more engaged with Gavilar, thinking Honors plan could work. After Gavilar I think he gives up and initially goes through the motions with Dalinar
@covertdrummer 3 ай бұрын
The storm faker says that "journey before destination" wasn't even close to the right words. It's definitely not the stormfather
@crockettcast2702 3 ай бұрын
I feel very similarly
@doubletee9000 4 ай бұрын
Well im convinced. This was really well put together. Thanks dude!
@crockettcast2702 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, we'll see. It's getting closer!!!
@warlord733 5 ай бұрын
Okay, I felt like the stormfather was fake the first time I read it, but this is wild. So wild it might be true
@BlackHand531 5 ай бұрын
Best explanation of this theory.
@crockettcast2702 5 ай бұрын
Thank you
@BlackHand531 5 ай бұрын
@crockettcast2702 5 ай бұрын
You do what you gotta...
@cookiediangelo8511 5 ай бұрын
Don’t apply English rules to rosharan names, they have completely different alphabets
@cookiediangelo8511 5 ай бұрын
Chana’s soalcasting preferences is fire! 😂
@crockettcast2702 3 ай бұрын
I'm a stick!
@parkermm 5 ай бұрын
I’m seeing a lot of comments shooting down the idea of Ishar having ever bonded a Bondsmith spren, citing an in-world text written after the recreance that claims only Nale joined his respective Order. Now besides the possibility of that text being mistaken, it is a common theory that various Bondsmiths of the past, such as Melishi, were Ishar in disguise. Now, it’s true that Melishi was bound to the Sibling, but if the theory is true, that would add a precedent for him having made bonds to spren before.
@parkermm 5 ай бұрын
But I’m also half convinced the Stormfather is just the vestiges of Tanavast’s cognitive shadow trying to hide his true identity 😅
@crockettcast2702 5 ай бұрын
@parkermm I love that theory too
@crockettcast2702 5 ай бұрын
I believe the world text, but I don't believe that all bonds have to be within the confines of an order. Ishar formed the knights radiant. So no bonds existed before his specific organization? He is called the 'binder' of Gods. He convinced all these knights radiant (and probably more importantly all the spren) to form bonds when he himself didn't have one? I'm also a subscriber to the theory of Melishi being Ishar in disguise. The way the knights talk about him knowing what to do echoes how the other heralds talk about Ishar.
@macmay3042 Ай бұрын
I find it amusing that the only comments this guy Likes or replies to are the ones telling him that his assumptions are definitely correct... he just ignores anyone who points out when he's saying something that isn't true. He's literally not willing to engage with anyone who doesn't think exactly like he does. There's no such thing as a valid viewpoint which isn't his own assumptions.
@jordanthomas5635 6 ай бұрын
I think it is the Storm Father but the voice did feel off. Probably because it's the draft version
@mmccrownus2406 6 ай бұрын
GOOD LIST. Mine would have to be the top 10, besides Stormblessed. Including JOURNEY BEFORE DESTINATION - YOU BASTARD Shallon - No, I don't think you are who YOU think are... Railn - speaking up and leading those saving the Radiants et al DALLIN- Kaladin can't wake up, so Dallin walks out to try to save the day and protect the Sibling and her last sphere.
@GhostKingDeAngelo 6 ай бұрын
Wit is definitely my favourite cosmere character so far. I love the contrast between the sassy and sarcastic Wit and Therapist Wit.
@kylepollander940 6 ай бұрын
Shallan also does mention that and h can be used as any other letter too for the sake of symmetry
@kylepollander940 6 ай бұрын
just to add to your "the heralds are now synonymous with the 10 fools" in whitespine uncaged (WoR Chap 56) Kaladin says "Honor is dead, but I'll seee what I can do". Right after he jumped in Adolin asked him what he was doing and he specifically said "Playing one of the 10 fools" which I'm assuming he was playing Honor.
@pyrometheus4277 7 ай бұрын
The heralds are all to betray their key ideals in their insanity, so it is only natural for the case of attempted infanticide to be perpetuated by the mother herald
@UnderBarrowBog 7 ай бұрын
Jesus fucking Christ. Spoilers galore in the title of a video. Wtf
@TheDiabeticGameMaster 7 ай бұрын
I totally disagree about Chanarach forgiving Shallan. I think there is a good chance that Shallan will have to kill her again, PERMANENTLY this time. Chanarach tried to kill her the last time they were together. Being sent by your child to Tortureland for 6, 7 years isn't really all that likely to have improved her opinion of Shallan if you ask me.
@crockettcast2702 7 ай бұрын
Very possible...AND so dramatic and heart wrenching for Shallan.
@macmay3042 7 ай бұрын
Soldier: Gets murdered by a toddler. Maybe not so 'check'. Well, at least this isn't the theory that Shallan herself is Chanarach. "A long history" Her mother and brother both worked with the Skybreakers for years. That can be "a long time." The reason the line "didn't stand out" to you when you first read it is because people in this and every book in this series and the cosmere will refer to "a long time" without meaning centuries, let alone millennia. This is the flimsiest possible evidence, to the point that it no more supports your theory than any other because "a long time" could just refer to the decades her mother and brother spent with the skybreakers or her father with the ghostbloods. That would be exactly how he'd say it if it was that, as well. And this is one of your biggest pieces of evidence? About the palindrome names: Sh is one letter in the Vorin Women's Script. So, the letters of her name are "sh", "a", "l", "l", "a", "n". So it's that sh and n are the ones that are off; either nallan or shallash would be perfectly symmetrical. (n and sh do look a little bit like each other). Also, this isn't special or unique to her or the family, this is pretty common in Alethy and Veden Light-eyed cultures. Sadeas notes his own wife's name, Ialai is actually a pure palindrome, which is somewhat daring. Navani. Jasnah (remember, as Shallan tells Pattern, the H is a wildcard that matches to any other letter, so just the sn is the only mismatch). Look through Adolin's list of romantic partners. I guess you're claiming that every lighteyed vorin woman is Charanach's daughter?
@macmay3042 7 ай бұрын
...So you think it has to be Ishar, because no one but the person who makes a thing could possibly be looking to find its replacement? No, that doesn't make any sense. I feel like you missed the part that the Stormfather is lying. So you trying to figure out who could have meant the lie is pointless; no one means a lie, cuz it's a lie. Ishar isn't looking to find someone else to become the Heralds any more than the Stormfather is. Kay I made it about ten minutes into this video but I'm done. You have your ideas, great, you can present them... but the fact that you're trying to present your own assumptions and impressions and state, because this was the first thing I thought, it means it has to be true, nothing else might be the case... The only think you're saying here, for more than 20 minutes, is that you came up with an idea, you decided you like it, and now you won't consider any alternative. And you think that means you get to tell other people they're wrong if they don't think like you and share your opinions. This could have been an interesting video if you'd presented it as, here's an idea, it's based on a lot of speculation, but let me walk you through it. You trying to present it as, my assumptions are always right, is very off-putting to anyone who doesn't already agree with you.
@macmay3042 7 ай бұрын
Something like 90% of your evidence is people not finishing a sentence, and you just saying, I assume this is the rest of the sentence, and then going forward like that's what they actually said. Are you a Sharder?
@macmay3042 7 ай бұрын
...Wait, why does "survive the Recreance" mean he was specifically bonded during it? Couldn't it just mean, he was around before, then he was around after?
@oswinhull4203 Ай бұрын
I think you are correct on this. I'm pretty sure the spren that turned into deadeyes is specifically related to the breaking of oaths. If the bonded human just dies the spren doesn't become a dead eyes. Also Ishar apparently has the ability to create and take away bonds based on his chapter in RoW. So Ishar could have been bonded and either not broken any oaths or just undid the bond using his unchained honorblade powers. Or he may not have been bonded during that time.
@macmay3042 7 ай бұрын
This is the most tired theory ever, and absolutely disproven. Your 'gut' doesn't trump all the overwhelming evidence. He's the Stormfather, end of story, your own assumptions notwithstanding.
@Kestrel990 7 ай бұрын
There are not 3 options, there are at least 4, honor blades are a thing that exist
@Degrad21 8 ай бұрын
I think you are making things up. nice stuff you told, you put a lot of work into this. BUT I think most of your conclusions are just wrong. (Also I would not like if this was true) for example: when has the stormfather ever talked about searching new heralds. he has not, but what does that tell us? nothing. he could also not say it because it went so wrong the first time he tried it
@dittrich04 8 ай бұрын
Ouch. Shade thrown at mom! Lol
@crockettcast2702 8 ай бұрын
She knows it and is unabashed.
@CNNBlackmailSupport 8 ай бұрын
It would be more "sandersonesque" if one of the other Heralds was her mother and was just using a lightweaving to impersonate Chanarach. Remember, the Parshmen werent just voidbringers, they werent voidbringers at all. Two revelations and two misleading ideas. I am 100% positive that the Parshendi/Singers used to be humans, too. There is a specific phrase that is in Rhythm of War that a Fused uses about gemhearts and letting spren in that leads me to believe that was a way later adaptation, possible from Cultivation meddling. The Fused dont really make sense, though. They arent spren but they became capable of taking a parshendi body over. They were just individuals at some point. The parshendi forms are based off types of spren, but Fused have types as well, only they are individuals. What made Leshwi a Heavenly One in the first place? Some type of spren in her Gemheart. Where did that spren go? How is she a Heavenly One without it? Its not like lightning spren create two different forms, they only make one. Why is Ulim always in human form? Im betting we find out that the only natives are the cremling dudes, everyone else was a human from somewhere, at least at first.
@TheDiabeticGameMaster 7 ай бұрын
actually, we know for a fact that the Sleepless came from somewhere else. Though we don't know much about it yet.
@CNNBlackmailSupport 8 ай бұрын
Its worth noting that the ONLY thing that could kill a radiant(or one with their powers) is a direct hit from a shardblade. A regular sword wouldnt have killed a Herald or Radiant. Seems like overkill, but we were just fed a ton of story with shardbearers burning out soldiers and parshendi by the truckload.
@CNNBlackmailSupport 8 ай бұрын
She should be alive now, yes?
@crockettcast2702 8 ай бұрын
Yes, returned to Roshar along the same time line as Taln.
@CNNBlackmailSupport 8 ай бұрын
@@crockettcast2702 The reason I bring it up is that her return coincides with the downfall of the Shin, doesn't it? The "unmade" that corrupted the holders of the honor blades may very well have been Chanarach, or she played a part. The timing is too perfect, no?
@crockettcast2702 8 ай бұрын
The timeline matches up but that could simply be because Odium's forces could then freely enter Roshar as well specifically because the Heralds were no longer in Braise. The reason you may be right about us running into Chanarach in Shinovar might simply be because chunks of the next novel will take place there. @@CNNBlackmailSupport
@CNNBlackmailSupport 8 ай бұрын
It is Ulim. (Edit: Or the being known as Ulim, who is no simple void spren or singer soul) 1) "close to the right words, but not the right words"- Ulim treats Venli the same exact way. 2)Stormfather has an appearance that extends toward infinity in every version but the Gavilar one. He has unlimited storms in his eyes, but HE doesnt extend to infinity. 3)Spren cam change color 4)Ulim blurs and gets spiky carapace poking out of his skin when he gets sper angry, and he always appears as a human. He cant be a Singer, yet he is a spren. 5)He travels around in lightning form. 6)Ulim knows the way around the Alethi Capitol, up to and including guard movements, and tells Venli he has MANY contacts in Gavilar's circle. 7)Ulim is a liar that switches from commanding to subservient, and back, instantly 8)Ulim knows all about getting to and from Roshar, even things that only very important world hoppers know. Knowing all this, I believe Ulim attempted all this first with Gavilar, failed and got punished hard, so he had to go after Venli on his own time to redeem himself. When you compare how they talk and what they say, its too close for coincidence.
@leonardonakatanimoretti6516 9 ай бұрын
Taln didn't break is the hypest thing
@crockettcast2702 8 ай бұрын
You're telling me!
@dalemason8418 9 ай бұрын
There arent just three options for Ishar to be a Bondsmith. You have to remember, hus posession of his own honorblade gave him the power of a bondsmith unfettered. Unbonded. Just like Szeth had the powers of a Windrunner with no bond. You see this in RoW when Ishar confronted by Dalinar. He bonds the stormlight in the Windrunners to the ground and nearly steals Dalinar's bond to The Stormfather. All without a spren bonded.
@ad1108am 9 ай бұрын
I don’t understand the conclusion that Taln didn’t break? If Chanarach died, she joined him on Braize. Then, both of them would need to break for another Desolation to start, right?
@johnj650 9 ай бұрын
Only one needs to break to trigger a Desolation
@ad1108am 9 ай бұрын
@@johnj650 I totally didn’t go on a 17th Shard and Coppermind binge that went waaay on a tangent 🙈🙄
@smosmo4617 10 ай бұрын
The art at 9:12 is awesome
@ReadingDave 10 ай бұрын
Shalan is going to need at least two more truths to progress.
@crockettcast2702 10 ай бұрын
Right! And wouldn't it be such a fulfilling thing for one of them to be the truth about her maternal heritage?!
@Spoonishpls 11 ай бұрын
In Vorinism, H doesn't count. That's why Alethela is still a perfect name
@joshuafischer684 10 ай бұрын
It's more that the th sound blend is represented by a single symbol. They don't use the English alphabet. Look up the Alethi Women's Script, it looks like sound waveforms.
@crockettcast2702 10 ай бұрын
Duh. Of course. What a silly oversight on my part. Nice observation.
@pojorobo1 11 ай бұрын
to piggy back off your thoughts with the real Stormfather coming in to bid Gavilar goodbye, it takes place after the Stormfaker feels a herald die, I could see a condition to the Stormfather finding a bond being that he had to try after a herald returns to braize, in order to prepare mankind for the desolation. It would make sense that he would immediately look to the king of Alethkar one of the most powerful people on Roshar to take up the defense.
@crockettcast2702 11 ай бұрын
Nice point. Definitely in line with my thoughts.
@kaceekakes 11 ай бұрын
Yeahhhh, I was definitely someone who came into this video thinking you (and all others who held this theory) were reaching a little too far. But, I leave a believer with an insanely new perspective on everything else that I thought I knew. - Bravo, sir. I. Am. Shook.
@crockettcast2702 11 ай бұрын
I wish I could take credit but we have Brandon to thank for that.
@willbfriend7187 5 ай бұрын
@jacksonskinner7879 11 ай бұрын
4:27 we are explicitly told that none of the Heralds joined their order except Nale. That means no Nael bond. Their powers come from the honorblades.
@nathangarza8911 Жыл бұрын
We know that no herald except nail joind their order of knight radiant... and therefor needed no spren bond. Also that bomdsmiths existed bofore the destruction of ashen and that ishar was one of them. Additionally, the stormfather would have had MANY bondsmiths over the times that the radiants existed. Ie, therefore, ishar was most likely NEVER bonded to ANY spren, much less the storm father. Also... whether this is THE stormfather or not, he obviously has the ability to show the visions...
@leechalmers1588 10 ай бұрын
But not the same ones though I don’t remember Dalinar having a vision of the abandoning of the oathpact
@nathangarza8911 10 ай бұрын
@@leechalmers1588 I think that's the vision of aharietiam (the one he takes navani and jasna to, as well as the azish emperor ) that vision shows all the heralds blades in a circle.
@thekwjiboo Жыл бұрын
Has SLA ever said if the Heralds bonded spren? I can't recall either way.
@alakifan98 11 ай бұрын
Just Nale as far as we know
@scibanana3542 Жыл бұрын
Kell is a cognitive shadow, so connections with the heralds and the unmade could open up many avenues... And reveal more secrets.
@Bronimin Жыл бұрын
I think its funny, earli on in Way of Kings, the Stormfather is said to BE Ishar or Kalek, and it turns out maybe he was XD
@crockettcast2702 Жыл бұрын
I love this. References, please?
@Esquivelhead Жыл бұрын
Benedict Cumberbatch or what
@crockettcast2702 Жыл бұрын
Cumberbatch's incredible voice is just a little too weighty in my opinion to portray Wit. I'm thinking more of a Gene Wilder meets Nathan Fillion. Dave Tennant would do an excellent job but I hesitate for anyone already enshrined as a fandom icon.
@Esquivelhead Жыл бұрын
@@crockettcast2702 the picture looks like him is what I was referring to.
@timotheous86 Жыл бұрын
so glad i finally stumbled upon this video! thankyou
@crockettcast2702 Жыл бұрын
So glad!
@danielbroome5690 Жыл бұрын
I have a feeling that some of the inconsistencies will be ironed out in rewrites, so I'm not sold on this yet. It seems a little late to be adding yet another setup this late in the first half of the series. I think in terms of stormfather, it will probably be rewritten a bit from draft 1 to make it more clearly the stormfather, but even as written it's not necessarily out of character for anything he does - even lying. Cause Stormfather is dodgy as fuck about the time around Honor's death. He clearly knows something, but is holding it back pretending he was "just a spren of the wind" at the time. I think Stormfather got really annoyed by Gavilar and swore off his family and was probably forced to share visions to Dalinar because of that splinter of Honor in him that seems to direct his actions broadly - like accepting Dalinar's oaths even though the stormfather seems surprised they're accepted.