12.29.2024 What If 2025...
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12.24.2024 I Was Blind But Now I See
12.1.2024 A Month at the Manger
11.3.2024 Real Power
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10.27.2024 The Heart of the Matter
9.29.2024 Do You Have a Dream?
9.22.2024 No Compromise
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9.15.2024 God, Shovels, and Spoons
8.4.2024 Stuck In A Spiritual Rut
7.28.2024 Wonder working God
7.21.2024 Catch on Fire
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7.14.2024 Guilt, A False Motivator
@jamessikes6700 2 жыл бұрын
Dear Brother, May I be Allowed to ask you how often does your Church Assemble together any Why. And Knowing you are a 3 Dimensional thinker what day is the LORD'S DAY. To Me the Correct answer is of most importance in order to properly Pray for your needs. Thank you and May God's Grace and Peace be with you AMEN
@jamessikes6700 2 жыл бұрын
The Problem with any Man Created Holiday is they do not serve God's Purpose but instead are used to Control the Mind for the purpose of power and Merchandising to accomplish the Worlds Agenda. There is No Set Date for the Birthing Of Jesus because the Spiritual Birth of Christ takes place in the heart of a Person and that can happen on any Day of Any Year. The focus should be not on the Physical Jesus but on the Spiritual Jesus and the Christ Anointing of New Birth that takes place within Physical Man. The Number 40 weather it be 40 Day's as with the Disciples are the 40 Years of Moses in the Wilderness is the number of the Birthing Process. To explain = 40 times 7 the number of spiritual perfection = 280 and it takes 280 day's from conception to the full formation and delivery of a Child which is 280 day's. By adding the 280 day's together you get 10 which is the Number of Completion. That is the way Bible numerology works. The 7 Feast Days of ISRAEL are in reality the 7 Stages of Birthing Spiritual ISRAEL as is the 7 Day's of the Genesis Creation. In order to KNOW God's Holy Day's and God's Birthing Process compare the 7 Feast to the 7 Stages of Human Birthing and you will be amazed at what you find. Example; on the 50th day of Human birthing something very special takes place. The Embryo becomes a Fetus and the sages of Ancient times said that is when the Soul spirit enters the Body. As you know Pentecost means 50th and the Spirit of Jesus was Poured Out onto the Head for the First time as part of the Process of Spiritual Birthing. The Apostles First and then all who are the Called out Ones and that Anointing is a main part of the Birthing Process to Spiritual Maturity which last until the full Glory of Complete Delivery of Each Child of God. Just Something to Consider. Grace, Faith, Hope and Charity to you AMEN
@jamessikes6700 2 жыл бұрын
Dear Brother in Christ, It is Great to hear a 3 Dimensional Thinker in a 2 Dimensional Church World of Believers who have no Depth perception which results in division and not Unity of Spirit. Unity comes with a cord of three strands which is not quickly broken, the witness of three elements united as one is the deciding factor for truth. You have done a great job and may more preachers follow in your way of giving Rise to LOVE and GOOD WORKS which is the purpose of all Saint's. May I be allowed to give two examples for the need of 3 Dimensional thinking in Church Disagreements; The First is concerning Baptism and the fact though there is only one Baptism their are 3 elements involved which are the sprinkling of Blood, and the Spirit of Holiness being Poured upon, and the Immersion by the Spirit into the Spiritual Kingdom of God. True Baptism involves all three elements and by not giving heed to the fact is what Church Doctrines create which is Division and not unity. Next example = The coming of the Lord in Glory and the Question Has he Come and is He coming again, the Truth requires a third Element which 2 Dimension thinker miss and that is we are a part of a 3 Dimensional World that Contains Past, Present, and Future events. To realize we as Humans and the fact we Were, Are, and Will be in the Growth Process for the purpose of Maturity as full grown Children of God Helps to see the Reality that Jesus Has Come, and IS coming on a Day to Day bases and will Come as each Person leaves the Physical World and leaves behind the Body of Flesh and Blood to receive a New Spiritual Body of full GLORY. We are being transformed Day by Day into the Image and Full Likeness of our Creator's. If and when a person realizes there is only One Single Gospel and One Single Doctrine which is Christ Jesus IN YOU THE HOPE OF GLORY who provides Divine Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Power, Knowledge and Fear that results in not Being Continually in God's presence, Peace and Joy will be a reality in Daily Living. One LORD, One Faith, and One Baptism YES YES and you are so Right that One Baptism Is Spiritual as is every thing else. Grace, Faith, Hope and Charity to you AMEN
@candiemandell3867 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful !
@themissionchurch5690 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! God is Good!