@donbernie9346 8 сағат бұрын
you are only considering your developer experience here, you forgot that we build apps to solve problems, each problem deserves it's own solution so no framework is better than other, that's what any engineering manager would tell you. even if your points are valid related to native development it may not be applicable for issues with the business or so many other reasons
@UnluckyTN 17 сағат бұрын
Xcode is a better IDE he says 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂🤦‍♂
@shaybitton9825 Күн бұрын
Liked your app dude
@mykolaharmash Күн бұрын
Thanks! There will be another update about the app soon:)
@mel-182 4 күн бұрын
May I ask why Ionic not an option? I think it deserve some recognition.
@mykolaharmash 2 күн бұрын
Sure, if you decide to go the web stack route Ionic is one of the best options for sure. My problem with it is mainly about not having access to native UI elements, and also my personal thing about web technologies not being suited well for interactive UIs in general. But if you don’t care about that, by all means, Ionic does a great job in terms of dev experience.
@henrypl360 14 күн бұрын
Just hopping on here to say that the RN team is making improvements in regards to the Bridge, by giving the option of removing the need for it altogether with the new architecture. Also, the great thing about RN is that you can write native code! You don't necessarily need to depend on random devs and their libraries as you can write the latest OS features in Swift/SwiftUI and use it in the RN app. You are not stuck, you will always have the option to write native code with SwiftUI and AppKit. Doesn't seem like you are planning to do multiplatform though, so Swift/SwiftUI is definitely the obvious #1 choice. I really enjoy SwiftUI. Recently wrote a macOS app to help me when using Expo.
@henrypl360 14 күн бұрын
And yes! Your reasoning makes total sense! I personally like to develop for iOS (I have deep have for developing for Android LOL). I have been moving away from RN for personal projects because I am not planning on ever releasing stuff for Android, so SwiftUI is my focus right now.
@mykolaharmash 13 күн бұрын
Yeah, that’s my thinking ad well about RN and why I’d prefer it if I needed to go multi-platform. Having the option to use native UIs is a must have for the type of apps I want to build.
@mykolaharmash 13 күн бұрын
Haha, I’m curious what went wrong with android dev for you?:)
@이성민-k6f 15 күн бұрын
“Xcode is better IDE than VSCode” - true, because VSCode is not an IDE. It is a text editor that can have code intelligence via LSP/DAP protocols. Xcode is obviously a best IDE for swift development because it is made by apple (similar to how Intellij is best IDE for java ecosystem.) That doesn’t mean it is best IDE overall Xcode sucks, but it is still a best option for swiftui development because it is kinda only option until sourcekit-lsp become more mature. I personally don’t like general idea of IDEs so I’m looking forward to apple supporting sourcekit-lsp more. Seeing Neovim for swift development from WWDC 2024 was great.
@mykolaharmash 15 күн бұрын
About VScode, it’s a fine line. It has a built-in debugger, terminal emulator, language servers, git integration, etc. It’s not clear to me at which point the conceptual transition from a text editor to IDE happens 🤷‍♂️ Out of the box VScode handles the webdev use case not too much different from say WebStorm which is considered a "proper" IDE. Regarding Xcode, you're right, I was comparing it to other IDEs only in the context of app development, not as a generic IDE (if those even exist). However I don't agree with the premise that Xcode is the best because it's the only option. There are a ton of tools within Xcode that other IDEs just won't have regardless of how good their code editing experience might be. Things like Organizer, String Catalogs, Playgrounds, performance metrics, Xcode Cloud, Previews of course with all the dynamic type/appearance settings, etc. Yeah, I appreciate snappy code editing as anyone, but building a software product these days is so much more than writing code and so far I found that Xcode is the only IDE that covers the whole dev and maintenance cycle end-to-end.
@rizkiaprita 15 күн бұрын
it turns out, this video is just apple fanboy bragging
@mykolaharmash 15 күн бұрын
I can agree with the fanboy part 😅 but what am I bragging about?
@AIBusiness-vq2gu 8 күн бұрын
I don't see him bragging. 😅
@Aken0o 16 күн бұрын
Wait what ? "xcode is better than jetbrains products". Dude what ? Sure jetbrains IDEs are heavy but they are one of the most advanced piece of engineering that we devs can get
@mykolaharmash 15 күн бұрын
Depends on what you’re building. JetBrains doesn’t have a good solution specifically for mobile app development. AppCode, even before they’ve shut it down was always behind Xcode in terms of latest Swift features integrations, not to mention all the SwiftUI specific stuff like Previews. Also, things in Xcode like StoreKit in-app purchase debugger, String Catalogs, Organizer, Xcode Cloud, etc. all of the stuff that help you build and maintain your app end-to-end. The closet thing would probably be Android Studio, but even that does not have the same integration into the ecosystem as Xcode.
@martindimitrov8547 19 күн бұрын
Very very fair notes, besides the xcode one (yikes). I would say, something BIG you've missed is how easy it is to push updates using Expo (RN). You don't need to go through the review process that can take day(s). If you want to hotfix something or push an analytics event you've missed, it takes a few minutes.
@mykolaharmash 19 күн бұрын
That’s a very good point 👍
@elvispalace 19 күн бұрын
I work with RN for 4 years and I never touched Swift code. In JavaScript word, you will find library for everything u want. RN is popular, so u will find a native lab Cross platform will never be better than native. Even more so if you want to use the last SO stuff provided by the manufacturer. But, If you don't care about that kind of stuff (like the vast majority apps), u can go with RN. Amazon, Microsoft Office, Discord and more are examples
@samlovescoding 20 күн бұрын
You cannot blindly compare XCode with React Native. Flutter is pointless so lets not even talk about it. If you want to compare XCode with React Native then compare "XCode and Android Studio" with React Native. Like write your application code twice, once in XCode and then in Android Studio. Then compare it with React Native. Otherwise you are just being a dump person. Honestly, most stuff you are talking about tells me that you are very much noob in the dev landscape and dont even remember the Intel Macs which had a horrible horrible development experience for these native IDEs. Plus your whole React Native argument is so much retarded that I cant even take you seriously, maybe use React Native first before shitting out a stupid video.
@suyulmaz4 20 күн бұрын
did you checked skip tools
@mykolaharmash 19 күн бұрын
Person on Threads pointed out them to me. Have not tried it myself so no opinion, but the idea of writing SwiftUI for both platforms definitely looks interesting.
@drudyak 20 күн бұрын
як краще всього початківцю вивчати Swift+SwiftUI? із врахуванням, що це не стане роботою, більше хобі. Можливо якісь ресурси+роудмапу порадите?
@mykolaharmash 20 күн бұрын
Привіт. Якщо чесно, я сам все вивчав дуже рандомно поки намагався зробити свій додаток. Якщо немає досвіду в програмуванні, то звісно почати треба з мови, базові речі Swift, не дуже глибоко тому що там багато всього і воно закріплюється тільки на практиці. Офіційної доки було б достатньо. Потім теж базові речі по SwiftUI (знову ж таки є офіційні туторіали) і потім почати будувати якийсь дуже маленький додаток, бажано що тобі самому потрібно щоб мотивації на довше вистачило:) А там вже розбиратись з окремими концептами коли хочеш щось зробити але не знаєш як. Відео з WWDC дуже допомагають, я б рекомендував в першу чергу там шукати інформацію. І звісно, копі-пастити з chatGPT поменше і дійсно розбиратись як воно працює. Це з мого особистого досвіду, те що здається спрацювало. Якщо буде потрібна допомога з чимось конкретним, пиши мені на пошту [email protected] 🙌
@drudyak 20 күн бұрын
@@mykolaharmash дякую за відповідь! Я вже багато відео передивився, повторював багато додатків з відео, але при такому розумію все або багато, а запамʼятовується дуже мало) своє намагався писати, але впирався в примітивні речі, які просто не міг згадати. Передивився чи загуглив - все просто ніби. І так по колу Тоді буду більше на практику робити фокус. Ще раз дякую)
@mykolaharmash 20 күн бұрын
@drudyak так так, на цьому етапі 100% поменше туторіалів і побільше практики, воно тільки так і працює. У мене та сама історія, поки 10 разів не зробив приблизно однакову річ, доводиться постійно гуглити, але потім з часом якось воно все таки вкладається в голові.
@alight4045 20 күн бұрын
Everything was right until making Xcode better than Vscode, that literally killed everything
@mykolaharmash 20 күн бұрын
That’s a common trend in the comment 😅 That statement requires more context. I use VSCode daily at my day-job, and as an IDE, it’s not even close to Xcode. Yeah, the text editing is snappier in VSCode, navigating the codebase is also a bit more comfortable. But other than that I think VSCode became a feature-creep with no cohesive vision about end-to-end developer experience. Xcode is more opinionated, you cannot customize every little thing, which over time I started to appreciate because then the overall experience is less fragmented.
@mermonkey8295 21 күн бұрын
6:00 "There is technically no way to reuse any of the system UIs, meaning it will be really hard to make sure app feels native". I'm not judging the rest of the video, because it's obvious that the stack you are talking about is wider than the knowledge on this topic presented by you. Flutter can reuse, run and interact with Native components by Method Channel, so you can move out the logic of the native app to flutter to use it on x different platform than iOS. You lost me when you said xCode is better, swift is better... stating your SUBJECTIVE opinion without any metrics and delivering it as a fact. To the broad audience the key factor is if the app is running well and if it's available for their platform. In my 5 y of mobile developer career I was only once ask to use specific Android/iOS layouts, the "native" feeling is no longer something that users care about. To sum up why even bother exploring other tools if you are only considering release on iOS, this will 100% of times scream use native solution, if you want to hang a picture on the wall you use hammer not screwdriver.
@mykolaharmash 21 күн бұрын
@mermonkey8295 Hey 👋 thank you for a thoughtful comment! You clearly have more experience with Flutter, but I don’t think anything is wrong with my statements as I was specifically talking about system UI components (big ones would be scroll views, sheets, media players, etc.), and not only the purely visual part but the interactions as well. There is no way to use those in a Flutter app, and for non-visual stuff I talked about bridging native APIs, and while possible, I described my issues with that approach. Let me disagree with you on the statement that feeling native is not important anymore. Though what that means exactly can vary, so for me feeling native is not only about how the app looks and feels (though I think it’s important as well), it’s also about being a good citizen on the platform and within a bigger ecosystem. For iOS apps this usually means that app has various types of widgets, shortcuts, siri commands, dynamic island and live activity stuff, apps on other apple OSs, etc. everything that goes outside of the main app rectangle. And just anecdotally, I also get a lot of feature requests to implement those integrations in my app, so I see that it is important to day-to-day user experience. Yeah, and those hot takes at the end, I tried to emphasize that those are subjective point (purely based on my experience and preferences), so I don’t think I misled anyone to thinking those are facts, at least that’s my idea of subjectivity. Let me know if you have more thoughts, happy to discuss 🙌
@mermonkey8295 21 күн бұрын
@@mykolaharmash and that's the statement I can get behind, ofc in the big picture I'll agree with this video (besides obvious XCode bcs its trash :')). For the scroll etc. even my CTO who has like 10 years of exp in Swift when he picked up Flutter said I can't see the difference between those two approaches. Swift will always outrun Flutter in access to the new API's and functionalities. About my statement that users wont care about ui being separated by native components, most of the apps usually have the design tailored by the designer to include similar experience across all platform, which means only small portion of platform related stuff differs (android back button, swipe on iOS, prompts to permission etc.) If those are in check designers won't bother to follow cupertino or material in Ui's when it's in good UX and users like it
@mykolaharmash 20 күн бұрын
@mermonkey8295 @mermonkey8295 right, and that was one of my point as well, instead of using something like cupertino widgets, better to go with a custom design to avoid the uncanny valley effect. I did not articulate this point well in the video, but I was talking about cases like my app where I explicitly want the app to use as much of system iOS UI as I can, and for me Flutter would bot work unfortunately. Btw, as a Flutter dev, what’s the usual approach for implementing iOS widgets for example or apple watch complications, stuff like this? Do you just decide explicitly to avoid those or Flutter devs still know a bit of Swift/Kotlin in order to implement those kind of technology-dependent features?
@mermonkey8295 20 күн бұрын
@@mykolaharmash logic side most of the API's are already exposed via packages, UI side it's trully only the designer job. If something is not looking crisp I'll tell him what should we do to make it better but making one ui per platform is no longer needed by the clients
@Dabayare 22 күн бұрын
You cannot avoid programming in native languages because all libraries you are using now were done in Amdroid Studio for example.
@NaorBK 22 күн бұрын
Xcode sucks
@mykolaharmash 22 күн бұрын
Ok I’m starting to notice a trend in the comments ;)
@markosunbro2732 22 күн бұрын
Flutter the best of the best for everyone )))
@mykolaharmash 22 күн бұрын
And just like that my Xcode take does not sound that crazy anymore 😜
@bz_starfox 22 күн бұрын
I agree with you, but I think you ignored the reason for using Cross Platform, cost.
@mykolaharmash 22 күн бұрын
I think a lot of people choose cross-platform frameworks just because of the familiar tech and tooling and still build apps for one specific platform. In these kinds of cases, there is a cost of switching tech if an indie dev, say with web experience, decides to go with SwiftUI, but it's not the cost in the purely monetary sense. For companies though, you're totally right, it's a whole different story and the cost is one of the main (if not the main) factors.
@fdov4 22 күн бұрын
Thanks for your opinion and for sharing your experience with us.
@Decatilinae 22 күн бұрын
Can u make a little tutorial to achieve that grid wave animation? thanks
@mykolaharmash 22 күн бұрын
I’ll try to go through a general algorithm in some future video
@Z3U5.0g 23 күн бұрын
You are the only dev who prefers flutter over react native(with virtual DOM overhead)for performance reasons.
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
Pretty sure I did not say that :) I'd prefer react native because it has more straightforward access to native frameworks and UI components. But it's still the best of all evils kind of thing.
@AllHandsOnEveryThing 23 күн бұрын
Bro 100% ate this. they gonna hate you🤣🤣🤣 They don't want the truth. You just motivated me to finish the video i started
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
I regret nothing 😅 Good luck with the video!
@jasper5945 23 күн бұрын
Whats your opinion on the discord mobile app? Its made with react native and does feel like a native app
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
Nice, I did not know it’s react native. But that’s the thing, it probably uses a bunch of Swift/Kotlin components under the hood, that’s why it feels native and that’s why I said that react native would be my choice if I had to build cross-platform app.
@mnageh-bo1mm 23 күн бұрын
A miss
@alancito98 23 күн бұрын
Bad title, better one will be, swiftUI vs flutter vs react native making iOS apps
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
But then we all would miss out on all the fun in the comments, I could not let it happen 😅 You're right though, I'll probably change it later today.
@mwigojonathanmark1683 23 күн бұрын
As always, such videos are made based on one's experience and take, have lots of bias
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
100%, everything here is subjective and based on my own experience. And tbh, that’s what I want to hear as well from other devs, I’m not really interested in objective spec comparison, I can read the docs for that :)
@mwigojonathanmark1683 16 күн бұрын
​@@mykolaharmashI have used both ReactNative and Flutter, I stuck to the later since it is more easier to develop CrossPlatform apps with and it does achieve native performance(ReactNative has some lag)... I'd like to wonder why you would prefer ReactNative to Flutter but then there are personal preferences
@mykolaharmash 15 күн бұрын
Got it 👍 My preference for react native is mostly because for my apps I want to use system UI components. Though I understand this does not fit every app. And performance is a good point, I could imagine how not having so much middle layers would help Flutter be a bit snappier:)
@maso4u 23 күн бұрын
react native is literally backed by numerous fortune 500 companies who invest resources in different forms into ensuring that is up to date with the native platforms as they rely on it themselves. these companies are actively invested in different parts of the library that make it better from static hermes to supporting more platforms beyond just mobile so on. Your point on third party dependencies therefore doesn't make sense as you speak on it like the eco-system there just comprises of people who can just decide their tired and call it quiets thus compromising your application.
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
I don’t fully buy this argument tbh. For example “react-native-health” package that is quite popular, was last updated a year ago and has 95 open issues majority of which labeled as “bug”. While I see you point that most common integrations might be supported by larger organizations with lot more resources, there are a ton of smaller packages supported by individuals in their spare time.
@zanzaraloggan3713 23 күн бұрын
react native is not the only one who uses native UI components, Nativescript does anything react native does but better. I don't trust react native AT ALL. One system update and its gone, compilation crashes and it's a nightmare. Also... it can't handle a simple shadow effect
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
Oh, I have not looked at Nativescript in a while, kind of forgot it existed tbh 🙈 Yeah, the fragility of some of those solutions scares me as well.
@rafael_tg 23 күн бұрын
Honest question. If you need an app for iOS and Android you still use this approach? Develop in swift and kotlin instead of a single codebase?
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
I mentioned in the video that I’d go for React Native, mostly because it has the most straightforward way of using native frameworks. Though it’s the best of all evils kind of thing :)
@danieltriana1937 23 күн бұрын
Hey, I really like your videos and how you turn ideas into apps. Could you do a video on how much the app has made so far? Also, any tips on becoming a top 1% developer? Not sure if you’re more into web or iOS right now, but it’d be cool to hear your journey and get some advice. By the way, what skills do you think are valuable outside of coding? I noticed you’re good with Figma, Blender, and video editing. Those animations are pretty cool.
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
Thank you for the kind words! My next video will be another devlog about the app with all the numbers breakdown including proceeds so far :) I enjoy both web and iOS dev pretty much equally at least when in comes to pure technology, though I think web stack became too messy in the recent years and I enjoy it less than say a 5 years ago. For skills outside of coding, I think you got this already - design, video stuff and motion graphics will give a huge unfair advantage, at least for your personal projects. In the world where everyone is assembling apps out of most popular component libraries, you’ll be able to stand out if you add some unusual animation or 3D elements. Not to mention you’ll be able to market your work much better.
@newbie6449 23 күн бұрын
I just love flutter. If you don't want to start from webdev , start your dev journey from flutter. Believe me , you'll gave a good time.
@martavasconcelos8079 23 күн бұрын
Hey! This is awesome!!! I was just looking for something like this last week! Can I be a beta tester? 🌝😁
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
Thanks! It’s already is the store, feel free to download :) getchecker.app
@murtadha96 23 күн бұрын
Man… that’s a GREAT channel 👏
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@s.bamahfoodh 23 күн бұрын
Hmm, for building iOS apps of course swift is the best option. Literally all the other options you talked about are to let you build for other platforms in the process. So if you are not considering other platforms it’s stupid to choose anything else!
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
I would not say it’s stupid, there are some other factors here. Like many webdevs choose Ionic or React Native only because the frameworks and tooling is familiar and not because they want to build for multiple platforms. It’s kind of understandable, people want to stay in the comfort zone.
@site.x9448 23 күн бұрын
I'm fullstack web dev (ts/js) with ~10 years in web development, and I'm thinking about using SwiftUI as well. Initially I thought about Flutter, but I worked with Ionic a couple of years ago and experience wasn't good at all, + I also saw the pain of my friends who worked with React Native trying to find a solution & fixes for third party packages. So I decided that probably the best way is to go native.
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
Definitely give SwiftUI a try, I think Apple’s tech stack is in a very good shape at the moment, and both Swift and SwiftUI are mature enough for production.
@vergil-am 23 күн бұрын
How about kotlin multiplatform?
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
It was not on my radar tbh, a few people pointed it out to me, will take a look at least out of curiosity.
@chethiyaprasanga 24 күн бұрын
can you make video tutorial about payment gate way how you link to your application it would be great help for us.
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
I’ll try to show the code for in-app purchase setup somewhere, but in a nutshell, I’m just using client-only StoreKit. You can also search one of the recent WWDC videos about StoreKit 2, they have a pretty good walkthrough on how to set it up.
@chethiyaprasanga 23 күн бұрын
@@mykolaharmash thank you.
@msiprime 24 күн бұрын
This app looks so good, i wish it was available on android and even linux
@mykolaharmash 24 күн бұрын
Thank you! Android won't happen though unfortunately. It's all built with native apple stuff and I don't use Android myself so would be hard for me to build a good UX there.
@andreicojea 24 күн бұрын
“Most people will feel that something is off even if they couldn’t articulate what exactly is wrong there” - THIS is also my conclusion after building Ionic apps 👍
@pananananas 24 күн бұрын
Good UX comes from intentional design, not from tech stack.
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
Agree, tech stack still matters though. Because things like UI performance and responsiveness, familiarity and visual appearance are also part of UX and they are very much driven by the underlying tech stack.
@SajjadJaved01 24 күн бұрын
You have compared SwiftUI & Swift with Hybrid Platforms, but i think there will be space for Kotlin & Kotlin Compose UI. What About Kotlin Multiplatform ? also Xcode is good choice with Swift as you sounded like. Visual Studio is The Best IDE for C#
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
A few people mentioned Kotlin Multiplatform and I have to admit I never heard of it before, will take a look out of curiosity. Mainly want to understand the broad architecture of how they go about cross-platformness.
@pablollanos7421 24 күн бұрын
Followed the same path years ago with the same result, well articulated 👍
@m1thrandir 24 күн бұрын
Xcode being better than vscode or any jet brains product, are you good?
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
Stand by this 100%, though it requires more context :)
@kwarnkham3836 24 күн бұрын
haha seriously?
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
Sure ;)
@vaibhavpathak6721 24 күн бұрын
Saying Xcode is a good IDE is like calling a potato a smartphone
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
Haha, I 100% hated it at first as well, then over time it’s just clicked. It has A LOT of issues, but it handles the complexity of building and maintaining a modern software product end-to-end. With other editors/IDEs I’d need a bunch of additional services to achieve what Xcode has out of the box. I hope I’ll give more context to that phrase in the video at some point, it’s a topic by itself.
@marlo-ji 22 күн бұрын
@@mykolaharmash yeah absolutely
@gaussito 20 күн бұрын
Xcode is a really heavy app (size and CPU resources), it has a lot of flaws, but when Xcode it works properly, there is no IDE that can compare with it.
@tui3264 15 күн бұрын
@@gaussito it is much lighter in size nowdays than before, it used to be so huge and painful, it has improved quite a lot
@agedvagabond 7 күн бұрын
It's a good IDE for swiftUI. I tried it recently and I was impressed how easy it made things.
@felipe21994 24 күн бұрын
this video is pointless, you are comparing multiplatform tools that make some sacrifices or concessions so you only have to write the code one time or have minimal work to configure your app to run on the other platform, native option always be the best, so swift for IOS and Kotlin for Android, the thing is you could make a multiplatform app only with Kotlin and technically be native. YOUR needs and objective was to create an app on IOS, so using the native tools is the obvious answer, comparing he different multi platform options when you are not going to use them is like those people that make videos of this language (for example python) vs C++ and make the conclusion that one is better because is 100x faster to fo a simple calculation, or someone that compares all the JS frameworks to do a static webpage when HTML, CSS and JS is easier. Also the Bias is obvious, Xcode a better IDE???, like what???
@mykolaharmash 24 күн бұрын
I see your point, though I also see many people choosing React Native or Flutter even when they do not intend to use their cross-platform capabilities, only because the tech or tooling is familiar, or people decide to build cross-platform apps persuaded by a larger potential audience, and often even not considering focusing on a single platform, while for a lot of small/medium apps is a completely viable option. Though I understand I did not get this point across that well. I knew Xcode thing would trigger a few people 😅 I hated it at first as well, and it has a lot of issues but I stand by what I've said in the video. It's not the best in terms of editing code, navigating files, etc. but the tools it provides like Organizer, StoreKit debugger, String Catalogs, Xcode Cloud, Previews, integrated test runner including performance test metrics, Playgrounds, view hierarchy debugger, ... there is nothing out there that gives that level of integration with the ecosystem. Anyway, I appreciate your thoughtful comment!
@joshuaedward6893 24 күн бұрын
@mykolaharmash Familiarity can be a huge factor. There might be time constraints that make learning a new language or framework impractical. Imagine spending three years building with React and then suddenly needing to switch to Swift. The experience and expertise you've built up over the years with one tool can't easily be replicated with something new. You’re likely to make a lot of rookie mistakes when working with a framework you’ve just learned.
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
Good point, agree! There are definitely more factors in play when choosing the tech stack, time constraints are indeed a huge one, and choosing a familiar tech can be a massive shortcut. You just have to be mindful that the shortcut will come at some cost one way or another.
@smtkumar007 24 күн бұрын
You title should be "My honest opinion about building iOS app using SwiftUI and not with Flutter/React Native"
@mykolaharmash 24 күн бұрын
Not that catchy though, isn't it 😅 But seriously, my choice of SwiftUI was a consideration, if there was something better for my purposes, I'd go with it 100%.
@viennc 24 күн бұрын
SwiftUI is the best option when building for iOS for me, and second best option for me is Flutter if building small to mid scale apps for both iOS and Android.
@mykolaharmash 24 күн бұрын
I'd probably go with Flutter, but only if I was going for a completely custom design and I knew upfront I don't need any system UIs. Though, I have an accessibility concern with Flutter. I know that it generates an accessibility tree for assistive tech, but I have not tried how well it really works. Do you have any experience with it?
@viennc 24 күн бұрын
@@mykolaharmash Yes I have experience implementing accessibilities with SwiftUI, haven't tried accessibility for Flutter though, since It's been only a few weeks since I've been using Flutter, while it's easy for us to pickup flutter as mobile devs, though I still have surface level of knowledge, while I have 2.5 years experience with SwiftUI, and 7 years with UIKit. Some Native mobile devs I know tried to use Flutter in their enterprise mobile apps, and they have some complaints when it comes to developer experience, for weeks they seem to get harder to maintain, but I dunno, I still yet to experience larger scale apps for Flutter. I'll absolutely be going to use a lot of Flutter and SwiftUI for my personal side-projects in the future.
@viennc 24 күн бұрын
@@mykolaharmash Thanks for the nice video btw
@Engineer-de8ps 17 сағат бұрын
Flutter is dead in my country. No company use it. Let go with React env. IT the future belive me😊
@msiprime 24 күн бұрын
when you said, between cross platform, u would choose react native instead of flutter.. but u explained correctly how each framework works.. makes me wonder.. are you high?? listen to your own explanation. flutter s performance is so much better, there are benchmarks available too. but react native looks more like native so u would choose react?? wow bro wow....
@mykolaharmash 24 күн бұрын
haha, I see your point, but to me, access to the system components still outweighs the architectural downsides. And at least in terms of perceived performance, I did not have issues with React Native when I was using it a couple of years ago, I'd expect they did not make it dramatically worth
@joshuaedward6893 24 күн бұрын
@@mykolaharmash I think the key point you needed to emphasize in your video is what you're building. If I remember correctly, you mentioned that having access to system components was crucial for your project, but I think that point may have been overlooked by many. Highlighting this would have really clarified and justified your perspective.
@joshuaedward6893 24 күн бұрын
speaking of performance, is the performance that relevant? is it really a deal breaker, cause when you think of it, there are major aps out there that use RN and are OK which really makes me wonder if the difference is NIGHT and DAY
@mykolaharmash 23 күн бұрын
" If I remember correctly, you mentioned that having access to system components was crucial for your project, but I think that point may have been overlooked by many. Highlighting this would have really clarified and justified your perspective." That's a great suggestion, thank you!