For Jason
7 жыл бұрын
Wellness-Illness of Friends
9 жыл бұрын
Faith Thru HIM
9 жыл бұрын
Kate Holly and Shirlee
10 жыл бұрын
His Plans
10 жыл бұрын
Hail where? PHOENIX !
11 жыл бұрын
God says something back
11 жыл бұрын
Jesus Reaching Out (iPhone & iPod).m4v
12 жыл бұрын
Epilepsy cured-now Fibro
14 жыл бұрын
#Epilepsy-All have gifts-TalkAboutIt
#Epilepsy-perfect timing for surgery
#Epilepsy Cures - Let's Connect
14 жыл бұрын
#Pray4 @ifeelgod AMEN!
14 жыл бұрын
God works wonders thru
Prayers for-An Open Book
14 жыл бұрын
What is your dream
14 жыл бұрын
HEALING-Love and thanks to ALL
14 жыл бұрын
@maryyoung1602 6 ай бұрын
My auras are like intensive feelings of fear-I am suddenly afraid but I don’t know what I am afraid of. It feels like I am “re-living” these moments from before but I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ from where. This feeling of fear is so intense it’s frightening-my surroundings become strange and terrifying. I want to run away but there is nowhere to go. So all I can do is just stop and be still for a moment and just hope the feeling (aura) passes-it usually does. I can be anywhere and I can feel this feeling coming on-it’s very frightening and starts in the top of my stomach of all places. So I consider this my “warning sign” and slow down a little when it begins to start-I’ve grown intensively sensitive to the aura and its now the “monkey I live with on my back!”🐒🦧-or maybe I should say the gorilla 🦍! Haha 😁!
@srossmac7 Жыл бұрын
Dearest Hetty, you have been through so much, but you have courage and kindness beyond most of us.
@HeatherSiebens Жыл бұрын
A friend I’d still love to meet!! You are such a blessing Stuart!!
@spareroomtech Жыл бұрын
Praying for you, Hetty! Art sounds like a pretty cool surgery gift! 😎
@coffeecat086 Жыл бұрын
Mine is the feeling you get when you get to your floor on a lift. It makes me ver anxious even though I know it the lift and not my brain.
@katehillier1027 3 жыл бұрын
I have come to Christ angels thing but stuff to grapple with!
@katehillier1027 3 жыл бұрын
Heather hi Kate here. Hope you are well girl. Xx
@africasud 3 жыл бұрын
I have epilepsy and suffer with all the different types of seizures . I’ve been told the things I do when having them. I’ve become aggressive and shoved someone down the stairs and almost pulled someone in front of a car when the were trying to help me. I’ve had absences and also ended up speaking Arabic to someone. Has anyone else ever had episodes like those? Thanks
@adipop5977 4 жыл бұрын
Epilepsy is a blessing, is comunication with God!!! I feel that blessing. Is ok for you if i say that?
@SimonDaneEsq 5 жыл бұрын
I’ve been having auras for 20 years since sustaining an assault. They happen on average once a month. I experience a rush, and know that in about 10-15 seconds I’ll be having “one of my brain things”. They vary from mild to severe, although in most cases I can carry on doing what I was doing in a slightly reduced capacity. Continuing a complex conversation can be difficult if it’s a particularly severe one. I experience déjà vu, and as many have described, while the feeling is strong during the event, is hard to recall after it. I’ve attempted a few times to describe it during the event, but that has proven relatively difficult. I often also experience a smell of smoke during or after one of these events. Often, I will experience nausea, sweating and/or a feeling of shakiness, although I feel like this may just be a normal adrenaline reaction that my body creates as a reaction to the event. I’ve learnt to enjoy these experiences for the most part, choosing to try and treat them like a bit of a semi-pleasant euphoric state, which works in the majority of times.
@rhyshowardvlogs7346 5 жыл бұрын
My gf has epilepsy and she has mood swings were she can become really pissed of at me for no reason and says some harsh things sometimes and just doesn't stop untill I calm her down has anyone else seen this or has similar traits ? because I'm trying to understand her condition better,any help appreciated Thanks.
@HeatherSiebens 5 жыл бұрын
First what medication does she take--that can play such a big part in what you are talking about.
@ShaikhFamily2 5 жыл бұрын
My aura in last two times was if i am spinning for few seconds before falling. Last one my wife was with me and she told me i was literally going in circles. Not sure if its aura or a cause of a general seizure.
@computershutoff13666 5 жыл бұрын
I have the neuropace system in my skull and in my opinion it doesn't work. I'm also on a bunch of meds and they don't work neither. I'm with university of maryland. I started at Duke university where I was diagnosed with epilepsy.
@davidkellar6732 6 жыл бұрын
I get it in my throat too
@robwill9249 6 жыл бұрын
My auras are terrifying. I get a feeling in my stomach.i go hot and then the feeling rises up my chest to my head.its a euphoric feeling and dajavu feeling.before I can get scared the dajavu takes over.ive been here before.something I'm familiar with from my past but I just can't remember makes me confused after.sometimes I see have a dream in my aura .a recollection of something.its horrible.i had one whilst watching TV .I thought I know that guy .he chased me with a knife.i had my first grand mal in April. I get like a nosebleed feeling in my nose .I had 10 auras yesterday.they have doubled my med. My grand mal was in my nearly killed me.found in bed with a gcs of 3.they thought it was a tuma.eeg mri normal.this terrifies me epilepsy.before my grand mal I was having funny feelings I didn't know about auras say something strange also is that I have for the last year been sing the number 69 everywhere.i looked if up and it's a warning change is coming and that I have a guardian angel watching over me.i belive something saved my life that day.numbers have not spiritual but belive someone was warning me of this.
@francoisrobillard3164 6 жыл бұрын
Hi heather ,does hullucination sound could be part of my sleep sometime i hear explosion, bell? Last night i had a chi cling like mario bros picking coin in my head. I had just one but very loud, i woke straight up out of slumber.
@francoisrobillard3164 6 жыл бұрын
Well ,apparently i have partial continous epilepsy. I dont faint, my head shake doing yes yes most of the day,standing im either jumping and sometimes i pedal with one leg or getting hip forward thrust. I ve been using a cane to keep me standing. My aura is just a magnetic feeling in my head.sorry ,i dont any other way to explain it.
@janniebush5711 6 жыл бұрын
I know the feeling but last time i didn't fight it omg
@francoisrobillard3164 6 жыл бұрын
My head buzz, feel like a strong energy field around some section of my head.
@HeatherSiebens 6 жыл бұрын
francois robillard you’d have to elaborate a bit my friend
@oilartworks9124 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, your Auras can change, and they can stop completely! Mine did. Now I go straight to partials. Also, the kinds of seizures you have can change too. You may have had Speech Arrest. I get that to sometimes. I can't speak. It is really weird and sucks if it happens in public, are aware of everything, but are struggling to talk all of a sudden.
@gregloucks 7 жыл бұрын
I never listened to your videos before mayne it was hard to. You talk about Jason like he didn't get out much, that may be true when you knew him but that wasn't true for years when his friend scott, Joe and I his brother were in town. He had problems and issues with his van and getting out later in life. A whole other thing and story I don't feel like getting into nor do I know all of it I was in Arkansas where God called me to. It doesn't matter now though. He's dancing. I'd like to tell you what he'd do and how he got out all the time 2-4 times at least going to church at least once a week sometimes 3 times to church all in one weekend. It's sad you only knew him later in life. Jason was involved in stuff you may not know about. We've been friends on Facebook for awhile write me ill give you my number and we can talk about Jason sometime.
@midnightdream6766 7 жыл бұрын
Can you explain the feeling you have during a partial complex. I have been having space and time issues. I repeat the same sentence then I have a wave of fear and the want to run but don't. I also have on worse ones screaming. Could this be a seizure or am I barking up the wrong tree
@rhyshowardvlogs7346 5 жыл бұрын
I'm not massivley sure but my gf has epilepsy,she doesn't really have seizures that I notice but she screams at me sometimes out of the blue it's like she just switches personalities I think she usually zones out stares at stuff when she does have a seizure,hope this helps and also if you find you have similar traits plz tell me as was trying to figure out weather it was her epilepsy causing this ?
@Aelita3575 7 жыл бұрын
Yes! YES! A thousand times yes! Especially about Jesus! You should do a video on linking depression and epilepsy. A lot of people are talking about how depression is fake and that what I am saying is crazy. I have epilepsy and they said that a gland in my brain was effected. Later after not being able t manage my panic attacks, they put me on medication. God told my mom to trust the doctors because this was happening for a reason. My epilepsy has led me to connect with others and even to pray for random people I have met at the doctors. Yet I still struggle feeling like a worthless child sometimes when I get emotional over nothing. Hearing people say that what I say is stupid and I am just whiner who needs to get over myself, only makes things worse. I wish people would understand.
@HeatherSiebens 7 жыл бұрын
Kitt Katt1229 awwwww cutie don't let words of others define who you are and yet to be!!!!! Ever need to talk, e-mail me and I'll give you my number. Bless your precious heart! God is with you thru each step knowing the amazing outcome already!!!! [email protected]
@Dandlion37 7 жыл бұрын
This was meant to be about seizures/auras.... But you went into God... I understand God stuff.... But did really NEED to preach..?
@smoopie6735 8 жыл бұрын
I get the whole j'amais vu feeling all the time I've only had two seizures but I get auras ALL THE TIME it's the worst. While my family worries about my seizure because of how awful it looks I worry about getting an aura in class. Usually I go to the nurses but of course in an aura state I'm so confused and sometimes I can't talk or write. I get this weird vibrating sound in the background like a vent is on or something, but then everyone's voices are very loud and everything echoes and there's this steady beat or rhythm and this pounding in my head and when someone speaks their words move to the loud pounding and I hate it when it happens because everyone has so many questions and they are just concerned and I can't even say I'm okay because it's too hard. Also does anyone else hear whispering like Harry Potter speaking to snakes because it is the scariest thing ever.
@wrigg5006 8 жыл бұрын
There is a feeling that you are removed from your surroundings, as if you are watching a play. When someone speaks, you knew what they were going to say. When the door opens, you knew who it was coming in the door. And then comes a cold sweat.
@lukeclover3420 9 жыл бұрын
I've only had one seizure in my life (and hopefully the only one). In my case, it was just a lack of sleep the night before, lack of eating because i wasn't feeling well, and stress. I only remember feeling really tired right before the seizure itself (I was in class when it happened), and next thing I remember I'm on the ground. However, the night before I remember a very intense feeling of anxiety and uneasiness come over me suddenly for what felt like forever. Would you say that would count as an aura?
@smoopie6735 8 жыл бұрын
Sadly not everyone gets auras before seizures and auras usually are 5 minutes to and hour before the seizure so if it was the night before I wouldn't say that's an aura. Also the whole anxiety thing while I can't relate to that as one of my aura symptoms, sometimes people who get aura are misdiagnosed with panick attacks so if you continue to get that same feeling I would try to track it.
@peaceloveanglitter23 9 жыл бұрын
AWWWWWWWWWWW love you so much freckle twin lol! Sending prayers to you and everyone else! ♡♡♡
@trufflesrheaven 9 жыл бұрын
With my auras (pre-seizure) I usually experience a narrow tunnel with fuzzy images of whatever is in front of me. I usually have an intense sense of doom. I usually cry out that I'm going to have a seizure. It starts out warbled, and there is a loss of consciousness. Before I cry out, I feel my air getting sucked out of me. I wake up in the hospital, hooked up to I.v.s, and with oxygen, because I have severe Grand Mals. Everyone that has those, know how scary those are. I'm always exhausted, my large muscles are very sore, as if I ran a marathon, because of the tightening during the seizure. Often, I bite my tongue, and have petechia on my face and neck from burst blood vessels due to lack of oxygen. I've injured my head many times when I fall. It is the scariest thing by far having a Grand Mal. I think I'm dying. My meds usually prevent them from happening. I've had to change my meds many times when I'd have a seizure on one med. The past week, I've been having the feeling of doom. One day, I was standing up, and felt my air getting sucked out of me, and severe stuttering. I sat down, took some deep breaths; then while making sure I didn't move, I screamed for my sons to grab my seizure meds, and food. I only once that day more than 12 hours before, so I suspected it was due to low blood sugar..
@cpdelafosse 9 жыл бұрын
Ive had my 3rd brain tumor removed and im currently suffering now with the recovery process. I have no movement of my left eye now and also have some brain damage ur story inspiring and I would love it if you emailed me. [email protected] just some way to speak with you.
@emilyexorcismzombie 9 жыл бұрын
I am not epileptic that I know of but when I was 15-16 when I was first on birth control for hormone regulation and to prevent cyst formation I would get very bad migraines once a month. It was just the age (I still get them but not bad like I used to). I swore one time I had a simple partial seizure. I had a migraine but the pain itself wasn't bad so I thought I could do some light exersize, WRONG. All of the sudden I smelt an insane burnt rubber smell, so I checked the windows to make sure they weren't open, but I hadn't heard anyone's car so I thought that was weird. The smell lasted about 10 or so seconds then it progressed to just my whole body feeling extremely weird. It was not a feeling like you're going to faint, I just don't know how to describe it. I had no idea what was happening so I laid down for a minute, the weird body sensation lasted a minute or so then went away. I found it hard to talk when it was happening but afterwards I just freaked out. The same night I also had a taste aura.
@HeatherSiebens 9 жыл бұрын
no longer @fillmyvoid
@Partakers 9 жыл бұрын
Woohoo!! Thanks be to God and Him alone! WOW!
@stevie-jaynenorton8697 9 жыл бұрын
thought this video was meant to be about epilepsy
@leilarm73 2 жыл бұрын
me too
@MsMollyone 9 жыл бұрын
Kristen always talks about those fronts coming in affecting her..definitely a connection there!
@HeatherSiebens 9 жыл бұрын
Blessings late from my being so ill for so long after my 3rd awake brain surgery @crazy7house Cindy Nemitz and Much love Cindy Chrysler
@HeatherSiebens 9 жыл бұрын
Wow ***** I have been so sick since my 3rd brain surgery- just recently getting over it all! 2010-Feb 1-Feb15.... thru about 2-3 months ago-still up and down in crazy body pain! Bless you for such sweet kind words- you lifted me up today! Thank you so much! I have quite a few during my suffering videos-and recent ones- contact me anytime-best place is @EpilepsyCures on twitter or -Bless you sweet one!
@HeatherSiebens 9 жыл бұрын
Any day you wish to do it--- I have so many you can choose from!!!! you'll see a section just a bit down my left side that says EpilepsyCures That is where I've placed most of my epilepsy ones- feel free! It is my calling in life! Thank you so much *****
@HeatherSiebens 9 жыл бұрын
You can find me on twitter in several places - but for epilepsy it is @EpilepsyCures.... goodness and you can get directly to my epilepsy site on KZbin ***** my blog is Bless you *****
@HeatherSiebens 9 жыл бұрын
Matthew 4: 24 News about Him spread far beyond the borders of Galilee so that the sick were soon coming to be healed from as far away as Syria. And whatever their illness and pain, or if they were possessed by demons, or were epileptics, or were paralyzed-He healed them ALL!!
@maryyoung1602 6 ай бұрын
I pray to Him daily to free me from this ordeal once and for all-you all know Who I am talking about 🙏!
@MsMollyone 9 жыл бұрын
Faith sustains us, but I believe that ultimate healing comes after we enter the light..Praying for healing from her seizures , Kristen had a vision of a tunnel with the sick all standing at one end entering in and coming out totally healed! His Grace is Sufficient is how I believe Corrie Ten Boom made it through her difficult rather horrendous past in the concentration camps. This life full of it's trials and tribulations (that some have more of than others) will be over in a blink of an eye according to God's timing, then in the end...we win! Meanwhile onward Christian soldiers....
@HeatherSiebens 9 жыл бұрын
I love you Donna! You are a miracle mom.... I do hope you feel that way! And NEVER feel one ounce of guilt like my mom. We cannot even talk about any of my issues cause she really thinks it just came from her somehow. You are a gift to your daughter as she is to you! I agree I will be entering Heaven-just prior the entrance with all my illnesses-but with prayer days up and down- till I do enter and it is wiped away-like tears! I pray Kristen is wiped some good days-more than tough! I know we were connected at one point... but my memory is so bad... I will look on Facebook and see today... she is a gift to me! I love you both so much! Thank you for being like a mom to me! Bless your sweet heart! <3
@HeatherSiebens 10 жыл бұрын
And my love the camera daughter here, day I got home from 3rd AWAKE brain surgery Feb 1-Feb 16 was done the 12th. I was opened and closed twice on this one, like the 2nd brain surgery- to put the in depth electrodes in the areas they need to watch and do tests on. Tory was a trooper, again. Our kiddos are such gifts from God Joseph Gier ...we need to get your kiddo on here yapping about things she loves in life. Tory does horse videos-pretty amazing-I'll send you her link too!! We all love and miss you bro!!!
@HeatherSiebens 10 жыл бұрын
#cancer #relapse #katemcrae #pray
@HeatherSiebens 10 жыл бұрын
Please help us pray for this angel - 3rd relapse. Faith-filled family.
@HeatherSiebens 10 жыл бұрын
Awesome gift I was blessed with-- even thru the very tough suffering for over four years after my 3rd awake brain surgery--God turned it for His Glory!
@aliesapzai4748 6 жыл бұрын
Heather Siebens how r u now
@addy11881 10 жыл бұрын
Heather what's your visual seizures like. I'm going throw something right but need help describing to other people what it like. This is what I've gathered so far "It's like your blinking kinda fast and there out lined in a faint black their moving I just can not focus on one person and block anything out. I can but choose not to talk to anyone it makes nervous. And I don't not like to be staying when this is happening."
@HeatherSiebens 9 жыл бұрын
ariel crane sounds like a personal aura... if you get migraines too, it could be for that.... but it sounds like you lose your speech ability-but have an aura-which is a rare oddity that I had all my life growing up -then hit with real hard core ones when pregnant. Your conscience is there-but can't talk. Maybe we can chat somewhere easier for me-I am not on here too much-on Facebook? Ever Skype or call? I am free for anything to hear it all out- let me know! Blessings sweet one!
@HeatherSiebens 10 жыл бұрын
are you still on here TrustinJC ?????? I have just been so unwell for so long.... but am doing a lot better now-for now!!! AMEN!!! Would love to connect-ability to chat with you when you have time--Skype, phone... whatever and if you are able. Just have some biblical questions--and your wiseness always blew me away! Bless you!! Let me know.... Skype is AliveinMe or # is 480-717-0609 cell
@HeatherSiebens 10 жыл бұрын
@HeatherSiebens 10 жыл бұрын
Bless precious Kate's heart... and dear hollymcrae and ***** .... parents that blow my mind at how they grip #Christ and His truth, love, mercy-healing arms thru their faith and trust. They are a family to learn from. Love you Kate-
@HeatherSiebens 10 жыл бұрын
My love and prayers never end Holly for precious Kate....
@HeatherSiebens 10 жыл бұрын
@ifeelgodbrown3739 10 жыл бұрын
Bless ya sis. Love ya much. Tell christian i said hi.
@HeatherSiebens 10 жыл бұрын
James Brown HEY THERE JAMES!!!! We are always around for you!!!!! Call or Skype etc us anytime!! You are always missed!!! I just, as usual, got out the hospital.... I've stopped counting years ago brother! Adore and miss you! Blessed I am to know you!
@ifeelgodbrown3739 10 жыл бұрын
Hi Heather Siebens Hetty! Miss you too. Had a month in the hospital myself a few months ago and they amputated toes on left foot. Still not walking yet. But celebrating God's goodness and faithfulness. Love ya much In Him, JMb <><
@HeatherSiebens 9 жыл бұрын
James Brown Bless your sweet soul! Sure have missed you! You know me- I live in hospitals-so I feel some of your pain! I pray healing for you sir! Love you endlessly!! Blessed to know you!
@HeatherSiebens 10 жыл бұрын
#Gifts following my 3rd brain surgery
@HeatherSiebens 10 жыл бұрын
cute thought.... read a little further out there man.... don't borrow our Moses and claim your own god... or put on a swimsuit and get ready for a hot day downstairs.... Now, exit please... whichever way you wish to go.... I KNOW I am saved in Heaven thru Christ-who will even introduce me to Moses... life will be never-ending beauty of good for US souls who do good and blessed things down here .... prayers for you bud.