Revival Meetings
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Invitation Sunday
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What is a Real Man?
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Bible Principles of Music workshop
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Invitation Sunday 2023
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Spring Revival
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Basic Bible Boot Camp ??
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Basic Bible Boot Camp Part ?
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Kid's Bible Book Camp
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Kid's Basic Bible Boot Camp
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@cynthiamurphy3669 Күн бұрын
I'm glad this video came up in my feed and am very glad you made it and thank you for giving his history. I had watched a few of Mr. Ward's videos and don't know the entirety of his story, but I definitely came away wondering if his underlying problem is that he's a very angry man who's had his feelings hurt badly somewhere along the way and probably won't recover. We know Paul mentions men like him and how they need rebuking. (Paul uses "rebuke" six times in the KJV). I was saved out of roman catholicism at age 30 (I'm now 70) with a King James bible and have never had much of a problem reading or believing that book. Now and again, I still hear some people make that remark. I've certainly witnessed young children taught with no problems from a King James. Over the years, I've collected different bible versions but frankly don't feel the need to" consult or compare any of those or have a desire to purchase any of the "new and improved" versions. I will occasionally look at a newer catholic version I own and just shake my head. May God save us from these bible scholar types in this "present evil world," Galatians 1:4 KJV.
@ThirzaTumTum 2 күн бұрын
remember how fanny hurt the guy who married his sister was when John reminded him that it was a sin to marry his sister? the people who get fanny hurt when reminded it is a sin to k1LL are in the same boat as the guy who was fanny hurt over being reminded it's a sin to marry your sister. the difference between the people going to heaven and the people going to hell is that the people going to heaven can say it's a sin when they k1LLand/ or marry their sister. the hypocrites try justify themselves and their sin as GOD'S WORK, just like The Holy Spirit said they would.
@ThirzaTumTum 2 күн бұрын
remember how fanny hurt the guy who married his sister was when John reminded him that it was a sin to marry his sister? the people who get fanny hurt when reminded it is a sin to k1LL are in the same boat as the guy who was fanny hurt over being reminded it's a sin to marry your sister. the difference between the people going to heaven and the people going to hell is that the people going to heaven can say it's a sin when they k1LLand/ or marry their sister. the hypocrites try justify themselves and their sin as GOD'S WORK, just like The Holy Spirit said they would.
@ThirzaTumTum 2 күн бұрын
remember how fanny hurt the guy who married his sister was when John reminded him that it was a sin to marry his sister? the people who get fanny hurt when reminded it is a sin to k1LL are in the same boat as the guy who was fanny hurt over being reminded it's a sin to marry your sister. the difference between the people going to heaven and the people going to hell is that the people going to heaven can say it's a sin when they k1LLand/ or marry their sister. the hypocrites try justify themselves and their sin as GOD'S WORK, just like The Holy Spirit said they would.
@ThirzaTumTum 2 күн бұрын
remember how fanny hurt the guy who married his sister was when John reminded him that it was a sin to marry his sister? the people who get fanny hurt when reminded it is a sin to k1LL are in the same boat as the guy who was fanny hurt over being reminded it's a sin to marry your sister. the difference between the people going to heaven and the people going to hell is that the people going to heaven can say it's a sin when they k1LLand/ or marry their sister. the hypocrites try justify themselves and their sin as GOD'S WORK, just like The Holy Spirit said they would.
@ThirzaTumTum 2 күн бұрын
remember how fanny hurt the guy who married his sister was when John reminded him that it was a sin to marry his sister? the people who get fanny hurt when reminded it is a sin to k1LL are in the same boat as the guy who was fanny hurt over being reminded it's a sin to marry your sister. the difference between the people going to heaven and the people going to hell is that the people going to heaven can say it's a sin when they k1LLand/ or marry their sister. the hypocrites try justify themselves and their sin as GOD'S WORK, just like The Holy Spirit said they would.
@ThirzaTumTum 2 күн бұрын
remember how fanny hurt the guy who married his sister was when John reminded him that it was a sin to marry his sister? the people who get fanny hurt when reminded it is a sin to k1LL are in the same boat as the guy who was fanny hurt over being reminded it's a sin to marry your sister. the difference between the people going to heaven and the people going to hell is that the people going to heaven can say it's a sin when they k1LLand/ or marry their sister. the hypocrites try justify themselves and their sin as GOD'S WORK, just like The Holy Spirit said they would.
@ThirzaTumTum 2 күн бұрын
Revelation says that NO ONE can open or read The Lamb's Book of Life so NO ONE knows whose names are written therein.....including your enemies. The Holy Spirit wasn't lying when He said He wouldn't be forgiving those who refuse to out if these hashtags bring you the feeling of peace and safety #2a #militaryPRIDE #NeverForget #MakeMyDay #StandYourGround
@ChristianTrinity411 14 күн бұрын
What, precisely, did John write at Revelation 16:5? And which manuscripts contain this correct reading? And which do not? What reading(s) do the incorrect manuscripts have instead?
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 13 күн бұрын
Rev 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
@seekingthekingdomfirst 20 күн бұрын
After studying the Bible with someone who has a learning disability using the NLT because he simply could not grasp the false friends of the KJV, and watching him give his life to Jesus after 5 months of using a critical text "satanic plot to usher in the new world order version, I came to understand that KJV-only isn't all it's cracked up to be. Mark Ward has done a huge service for people. Sounds like you just have an ax to grind.
@NLASMINISTRY 28 күн бұрын
I'm sorry but your a pastor. The survey was on the readability of the text. All I hear are excuses as to why you were wrong. You can't blame mark for your shortcomings. Although you are. Just like you blame every translation other than your 1 as being wrong. Could it be that the point is made in your shortcomings and you don't like the results? I have no agenda or alternative motive other than calling a spade a spade. Maybe you should spend some time studying the original languages, the ones that God chose to give His Word through!!!
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 28 күн бұрын
You can think whatever you want about the survey. But I only got one question wrong. If I felt bad about my, "shortcomings" why would I make a public video? Because the video is about warning people about the divisive person and philosophy that are destroying churches and people's lives. If you watched the whole video you hear what I'm talking about.
@SEL65545 28 күн бұрын
@@RiversideBaptistChurchCT I find it ironic that you accuse the likes of Mark Ward of being divisive and destroying churches and people's lives. Most of the KJVO's I've engaged with for 25+ years have caused massive amounts of unnecessary division, doubt, heat and confusion over the Bible.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 27 күн бұрын
@@SEL65545 Thank you for sharing your experience. That hasn't been my experience. What I've seen is churches that have stood for only using the KJV since they were started be split by people changing to a different version which I believe has significant other downstream consequences in addition to the Bible version issue. I haven't seen it work the other way. Like many things, those that only use the KJV have a spectrum of reasons and perspectives so I can't speak for everyone but the Bible version issue is very significant to me and the purpose of this video was to encourage those who come from a KJV background to hold that position and not be moved with this wrong spirit. Just one example is Joshua Barzon who grew up in a KJV using ministry and went to a KJV using Bible college and then worked in a KJV using ministry after college. After being influenced by Ward and others he changed his beliefs. It caused division in his extended family, church where he was serving and friends from college. His isn't the only story like this. "Unnecessary division" sounds like you think the different Bible versions are all personal choice. If so, let those who believe in using the KJV alone as that is their choice.
@FisherwomanOfMoms Ай бұрын
AMEN 🙏🏻✝️
@benanderson4118 Ай бұрын
I had never heard of Mark Ward (was he even born?) when I switched to a clearly understandable translation in 1973, some 51 years ago. To me, the NIV is no longer "modern." The main issue has always been understandability, not textual criticism. I do appreciate your comments, as you do lay out some key differences between KJVO and others from your perspective. And yes, my entire life has been about evangelism and preaching the Word, and I am a conservative as is Mark.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT Ай бұрын
I appreciate you sharing your experience. There are three sets of issues regarding Bible versions: 1. Underlying Text 2. Translation philosophy/ Type. 3. Practical Issues like notes, availability. Textual criticism runs through both of the first two sets even if you are not aware of it. Either the dozen whole verses plus the end of the book of Mark are missing or added depending on your view of the text. So for you, general readability is more important than reliability?
@someone75413 Ай бұрын
​@@RiversideBaptistChurchCTAnd we know they were added, because the earliest church fathers believe they were added and because whoever added them lifted wholesale from *later* gospels.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT Ай бұрын
@@someone75413 Which church fathers believed which passages were added? It's free to look at scans of the Mark 16 passage and see where the verses were removed.
@someone75413 Ай бұрын
@@RiversideBaptistChurchCT Eusebius, Jerome, all of the Longer Ending. Other church fathers don't reference or quote from those passages, while they cite the rest of Mark often. We cannot do textual criticism by imagining that something 'should' go in what we think is a blank space. It's the textual dependence on the other three gospels that really does it for me, though - Mark's is clearly the earliest to be written by other internal evidence, so anything lifting phrasing from the other gospels must be inauthentic. *And* we have a clear motive for scribes to interpolate the longer ending; to ensure that Mark didn't lack a clear statement of the resurrection.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT Ай бұрын
@@someone75413 The, "Clear Motive" of the scribes is all speculation on your and scholar's part. The issue with the blank space shows that the main two critical manuscripts are unreliable. Yet these are weighted above the received text because of personal preference and based on that personal preference are thought to be older. This skeptical textual criticism starts with an assumption of a lot of errors and focuses on errors based on personal opinion of the "scholars." This is very different from Jesus view that one jot and tittle would not fall from the law and the view of Bible-believing Christians through history. Textual criticism is the demonic Spirit of Error and only results in doubts and an undermined authority of the Word of God.
@TerryChambers7 Ай бұрын
Does anyone besides me look at faces to determine psychopathic tendencies?
@jamesrodrique4998 Ай бұрын
sounds like a subvert Calvinists trying to discredit true Christianity and the KJV... If they have the truth why do they go around convertly and misled ???? Main stream Christinity is being taken over in a paresitical way. All I can say is contend for the Faith and reject this false gospel...
@SamLawrence-p1o Ай бұрын
The KJV translators were all Calvinists. Were they trying to discredit true Christianity? KJV onlyism one of Satan's most subtle deceptions.
@preacherman9018 Ай бұрын
I thank the Lord for this sermon. Praises to the Lord!
@onthego41 2 ай бұрын
I think every Christian should be a student of the Word of God. So if KJV is good then nothing to worry about. I am not opposed to using other versions and comparing them and see which translation is better. I used KJV but I checked the others and see how it was rendered then search the word and see which one is a better translation.
@macmccollam0420 2 ай бұрын
Typical "onlyist" response. Not only did you completely miss the reason for the survey, but you also ignored key points that Mark was making, argued other points out of context, and purposely mischaracterized Mark based on your own bias! You can disagree with someone without slaughtering their character and intentionally lying about their intentions. Congratulations... you learned nothing. In fact, you've proven 3 things (if I may use some tactics from your playbook): you have no integrity, you lack knowledge on the subject, and you live by fear not faith.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 2 ай бұрын
Ward says what he was trying to do with the pronouns in the following interview so I don't think you understand Ward:
@randyd9805 2 ай бұрын
Here is the passage in Acts 8:36-39 in the ESV and other versions based on the critical text. " And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?”[e] 38 And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him. 39 And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing. " Notice verse 37 which is in answer to the question of verse 36 is MISSING. Hence, the question by the Ethiopian eunuch does not get answered at all and it's an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ANSWER. Here are the proper words of God Almighty as given in the KJV. If you don't know this is right you are not right in your heart. You are deceived by Satan plain and simple. Acts 8:36 -39 INCLUDING VERSE 37!!! "36 And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? 37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. 38 And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. 39 And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing."
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 2 ай бұрын
Yes, this is why readability can't be the most important criteria for a translation; you can't read a verse that isn't there!
@brittneedejarnatt Ай бұрын
Verse is also in MEV, NKJV, Simplified KJV, KJVer... It's a manuscript issue, not KJV vs ALL others
@randyd9805 Ай бұрын
​@@brittneedejarnatt You are correct about it being a manuscript issue. However, almost every single Bible in the world that includes this verse places a note about it questioning its authenticity UNLESS it comes from the Textus Receptus manuscripts. Almost all Bibles come from a different textual source than the KJV including the NKJV. They do the same thing on other very important verses such as 1 John 5:7. The words ARE the INSPIRED WORDS of God and should not be questioned. I own, but do not use the NKJV that I purchased many years ago. Here is the note on Acts 8:37. I quote "NU, M OMIT v. 37. It is found in Western texts, including the Latin tradition." There are similar notes questioning the authenticity of numerous words and whole verses throughout that Bible. Almost all modern Bibles do the same thing.
@brittneedejarnatt Ай бұрын
@randyd9805 I grew up KJVo, I appreciate TR based texts without footnotes of textual basis and strive to share other versions that do exist along that criteria: MEV, simplified KJV, KJVer
@someone75413 Ай бұрын
Acts 8:37 is not in the overwhelming majority of Greek manuscripts, including Western ones, and absent from all before the tenth century. It was back-translated from the Latin and added to the TR.
@preacherman9018 2 ай бұрын
Good insight and preaching.
@jfb3415 2 ай бұрын
I'm a little confused. How are difficult questions a trick? The point of readability isn't whether you understand the easy stuff its whether you understand the difficult stuff. The words that have different meanings. And as presented, you knew the singular and plural so how many questions skewed plural is not deceptive. If you are saying ton yourself "this one can't be plural because they all are" then you don't understand the foundation of the singular/plural which is what is being tested. (Note that I am saying you but as a general "you" not the you that posted the video as you said you got all of those right). This is an honest question not one pushing an agenda. I am just failing to see how asking tough questions is misleading. Thank you
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 2 ай бұрын
Ward started with a purpose of persuading people that they should switch from KJV to modern versions. The singular/plural section was designed by his admission to see if people used the rule, not if they understood the passages. Then without any comparative data from any modern versions, he's tried to use the survey to say this shows we need to use modern versions. But I'm saying the whole survey isn't really about readability as advertised and is deceptively set up. It would be like taking a political survey but asking detailed trivia about one candidate and saying, see, you don't know your candidate therefore you should vote for this other one. That wouldn't be a survey. Political surveys are supposed to ask language neutral questions about both candidates to find what people think, not to sway voter opinion. Ward is trying to sway user opinions and call it a survey.
@jfb3415 2 ай бұрын
@@RiversideBaptistChurchCT Thank you for the clarity. As a TR person I don't feel he's making an argument to move from the TR as a base but that he wants consideration for an English update to the KJV or adoption of the NKJV or MEV. I have never heard him say he promotes dropping the KJV and adopting a CT based bible. Since one of the arguments is that the KJV English provides singular vs plural distinction that modern English does not those questions were there to determine if people even understand how to get that information. If people do not understand how to determine singular vs plural than it is not a benefit and cannot be used in a defensive argument. I think a better example would be if you backed a political candidate because they had a policy you liked so a survey was provided to see if you understood what the policy actually even was. I really appreciate your time in answering and helping me understand your pov.
@maryseaman312 2 ай бұрын
@@jfb3415 if you watch any of Mark Ward's KZbin videos, you will understand that he defends modern versions, any modern version, as long as it is not the KJV. He says that each modern version is the best version of Bible, even though, the modern versions do not agree with each other in a number of ways. The question that might be asked is: How did the King James Bible bring the Received Text to the English speaking world? The versions issue is a real thing. The King James translators had a different standard for translation that the "translators" did in 1881. A study of that issue (both sides) is a worth while study. On a less time consuming level, sit down with a modern version and the KJV ... it is a comparative study, easily done by anyone curious or a layman. You do not have to know Hebrew or Greek. All you do is compare each version against the other one, verse by verse.
@CalebRichardson 2 ай бұрын
@@maryseaman312 Hi Mary, You said that Dr. Ward defends "any modern version, as long as it's not the KJV". This is not true. He has a video criticizing a few significant choices in the NRSVUE, two videos warning against TPT, and two more where he gives helpful categories for what makes a Bible translation bad. In various content I have heard him disagree with the RV's translation in Isaiah 7:14, NWT's translation of John 1:1, and Hebraisms inserted in the TLV.
@maryseaman312 2 ай бұрын
I studied the NWT beside the KJV and the American Standard Version. The issue of versions was settled when I found the ASB to agree with the NWT against the KJV. I knew the situation was not going to be improved after that.
@hisokamorow0515 2 ай бұрын
Be a man bro. Accept the fact , KJV is a cult 😅
@stefanhenning40 2 ай бұрын
This was a fascinating critique of the survey from a design and scales perspective. What then is your opinion on the NKJV and MEV? Both use the TR.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 2 ай бұрын
The New King James uses a different old Testament Text and has some unusual translation choices so I don't trust it. I don't know much about the MEV except some of the translators were Catholic or something like that but that has been more recently. In theory I would be open to a translation from the correct texts but there are also practical issues to consider such as, can you get VBS materials and study materials for the version plus it doesn't have a clear way to indicate singular or plural second person pronouns (You as in one person vs. Y'all/yous guys) so I'm just going to only use the King James.
@AthomBomb Ай бұрын
​@RiversideBaptistChurchCT The NKJV is not really based on the TR. It departs from it and the KJV rendering thousands of times.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT Ай бұрын
@@AthomBomb Yes, True.
@PrimitiveChristian-m3p 2 ай бұрын
Brother, I don't think Romans 16:17 applies to Mark Ward. He hasn't done anything contrary to the doctrine that we have learned from the Apostles.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 2 ай бұрын
Peter believed he had God's Word right then; Jesus believed the Old Testament was still written when tempted by the Devil. Mark Ward doesn't believe God has preserved His Word like this. 2Pe 1:19 We also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
@PrimitiveChristian-m3p 2 ай бұрын
@@RiversideBaptistChurchCT Mark Ward believes in preservation. His doctrine of preservation is different from yours. But the handful of passages that are cited to support preservation fit his doctrine as well as yours. He's also fastidiously avoided discussing textual criticism for the very reason that people find it divisive. You're moving goalpost anyway. The Apostles didn't teach that the KJV was God's perfectly preserved word. You can't accuse Mark of teaching "doctrines" contrary to your church's doctrines. All that does is admit that you've been teaching an idea as actual doctrine that isn't really taught by the Apostles, namely: the KJV is specifically, exclusively and uniquely, The Preserved Word of God.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 2 ай бұрын
@@PrimitiveChristian-m3p No, He doesn't believe that there is one Bible including original languages that is God's perfect word. He doesn't believe the Bible is preserved. Instead he has textual "confidence" where he is mostly sure the significant meaning is there. That is different than the apostles. He also basically said in the last debate that it was a sin to give a kid a KJB.
@PrimitiveChristian-m3p 2 ай бұрын
@@RiversideBaptistChurchCT I can't tell if you are misunderstanding 25% of what I wrote above (like you did the KJV passages in the survey) or if you just didn't read what I said. Is this a literacy problem or did you just not carefully read what I wrote?
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 2 ай бұрын
I don't think you understand what Ward believes and teaches. If all he thought was that there are some challenging passages in the KJV I wouldn't have made this video.
@TWIT1611 2 ай бұрын
Just now came across this video. Thank you pastor for this very thoughtful response and your observations to me are right on point. I’m not one to disparage a man’s character especially from someone I don’t know but after watching numerous videos from Mark Ward, I question his motives and whether there is a hidden agenda at hand. Nevertheless, no man will convince me that the King James Bible is not the perfectly preserved word of God. For those questioning God’s preservation capabilities ask yourself what would be the point to give inspiration to the scriptures only for it to be lost. God is not the author of confusion and the fruit that the KJB has produced in over 400 years is a testament to its authority. 2 Timothy 3:16 KJB All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 2 ай бұрын
I agree that God has preserved His Word! Thank you!
@someone75413 3 ай бұрын
You can take issue with the passages Mark selected, but why would we examine the most obvious and least confusing passages to determine whether the KJV is easily comprehensible? Is it somehow "good enough" to have a Bible that's *mostly* readable and *mostly* clear? Furthermore, if you are truly devoted to the text as you claim, then surely any faithful translation of the TR is sufficient. Better yet, from your perspective, should be a faithful translation of the Basiliensis codices without Erasmus's back-translations and corruptions from the Vulgate.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 2 ай бұрын
My biggest issue is with his conclusion to encourage people to go with other versions based on this, "study". You can't take, even 50 challenging passages and conclude that the KJV is generally unreadable, especially without doing a side-by-side comparison of modern version as they also have challenging wording in some places. And that is without getting into the underlying text differences.
@someone75413 2 ай бұрын
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT Whether or not the KJV is readable doesn't depend on any other translation. Even if nothing better exists, the KJV is not necessarily perfect. I don't necessarily agree or disagree with Ward's advocacy of other translations, but the question stands - would a faithful translation of the Basiliensis codices into modern English be a proper Bible? Did Erasmus's use of the Vulgate corrupt the TR?
@waynemccuen8213 Ай бұрын
@@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 50 years ago when I became a Christian, I bought a very nice KJV! I read along with it in all the churches services throughout the week. Weeks went into months. I noticed a pattern. The preacher had to explain what this KJV was saying in the english we were speaking. Which sometimes took up 30% or more of the services. I went to Zondervan Book Store and read some more modern english bibles of that era. The NIV was very very good in comparison to what the preacher was teaching. I was ahead of the curve so to speak in the rendering of the greek into the modern english that was spoken in that era. I have stayed with the NIV. I am not an NIVonlyist though. That would be as wrong as people saying we should be KJVonlyists.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT Ай бұрын
@@waynemccuen8213 Which NIV translation are you using? The NIV updates and discontinues older versions of the translation. This makes scripture memory and printed materials a challenge.
@waynemccuen8213 Ай бұрын
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT You've totally missed the point. I use the NIV because it is in English that is used in today's everyday speech. One does not have to explain what was meant in 1611 English or what ever translation of the KJV that you are trying to force on people. If you look at new testament writers, you'll see they don't quote every scripture, the o. t., the same way every time. Heck, some times the even quote it paraphratically. And as far as scripture memorization, Heb. 2:6, the writer doesn't have its location but says "It is written somewhere...". The majority of up-to-date english Bible users don't even care you use the KJV. It's a wonderful version. It's just offensive, or at least sad, that you try to jam your preferred version down their throats. Stop defending what doesn't need defended. We are to teach people God's word. Not why the KJV is the inspired English version. Which it is not. Spending time explaining what 414 year old English means instead of directly and clearly sharing the word of God in the up-to-date versions seems overly burdensome and a hindrance in teaching and witnessing. The person listening would naturally choose an up-to-date plainly spoken explanation of biblical text.
@randyd9805 3 ай бұрын
Any person, no matter how scholarly or intelligent, who does not understand or believe that the last verses of Mark belong in our Bible deserves no respect and should not be followed. I certainly don't want anything to do with them. The same goes for Acts 8:37. If you can read that passage and you are so spiritually blind that you cannot see that verse 37 is part of the passage and therefore God's words, you have something seriously and fundamentally wrong with your spiritual discernment. Does it change doctrine? You better believe it does! Is it seriously important? If you don't know that you should not be teaching the Bible, period. The critical texts are EXTREMELY corrupt and I will not use any translation that is from them.
@jeffreyrodrigoecheverria2613 3 ай бұрын
Who defines doctrine in Protestantism?
@randyd9805 3 ай бұрын
​@@jeffreyrodrigoecheverria2613 First, I'm not now nor ever was a "Protestant". The Bible is my sole authority for all doctrine and practice. Most Protestants claim that but don't really practice it. They might say they're "Sola Scriptura", but in practice, they are not. I do not look to "church fathers", reformation leaders such as Calvin or Luther, confessions, or creeds to define my doctrine. That is not to say that I disagree with all of them, but I don't depend on them for my doctrine. The Bible itself must be the sole source for doctrine or you are going to be in error beyond any question. I can easily prove from the Bible that things such as the perpetual virginity of Mary or the baptizing of infants are wrong. You cannot prove such things as purgatory directly from the Bible or the practice of indulgences because NEITHER of them is found in the Bible or even suggested. They are made-up doctrines with no scriptural support. Ultimately, I must decide what I believe based on the word of God and nothing else.
@jeffreyrodrigoecheverria2613 3 ай бұрын
@@randyd9805 "They might say they're "Sola Scriptura", but in practice, they are not. I do not look to "church fathers", Popes, confessions, or creeds to define my doctrine." Standard Protestant doctrine, why deny it? "The Bible itself must be the sole source for doctrine or you are going to be in error beyond any question. I can easily prove from the Bible that things such as the perpetual virginity of Mary or the baptizing of infants are wrong." 1) Why should be the Bible be my only source of doctrine? I don't agree with you or any other Protestants. 2) Where in the Bible does it say Mary was not virgin after the birth of Jesus or that baptizing infants are wrong? 3) Do you accept deuterocanonical section of the Old Testament? "You cannot prove such things as purgatory directly from the Bible or the practice of indulgences because NEITHER of them is found in the Bible or even suggested." Your premise I accept sola scriptura but II Maccabees 12:39-46 does show, so you are wrong hear. "Ultimately, I must decide what I believe based on the word of God and nothing else." This is spirit of Protestantism, I am the final authority, how is that not Satanism?
@randyd9805 3 ай бұрын
​@@jeffreyrodrigoecheverria2613 I do not disagree with every detail that those who actually are Protestants believe. The problem is that like Catholics, they take the interpretations of men like Martin Luther and John Calvin and those become their official doctrines. To be a Protestant YOU MUST have come out of the Catholic Church. Some Baptists are really Protestant in doctrine and may call themselves "reformed Baptists" for example, but the Baptists did NOT come out of the Catholic Church. At no point in history were Baptists a part of the Catholic Church. No, I am not nor never was a Protestant. Yes, I deny I ever was or ever will be. 1. The Bible is the inspired word of God. If you don't believe that you are not a Christian. You have never come to Christ for salvation. It's clear you don't even know very basic Bible doctrine such as the VERBAL INSPIRATION of scripture. I suggest you look that up and study it for yourself. 2. That Mary was a perpetual virgin and never had another child after she bore Jesus by virgin birth is a made-up doctrine. Catholics LIE blatantly about this and refuse to acknowledge the clear scriptural evidence that Mary and Joseph had a normal marital relationship after the birth of their FIRSTBORN SON Jesus. Do you understand what the word "Firstborn" implies? It is very, very clear. Did you know that Mary and Joseph had at a minimum SIX more children AFTER the firstborn Son and that all of the other boys are NAMED in the Bible? Furthermore, two of them wrote part of the New Testament? Both James and Jude are the half-brothers of Jesus and are the sons of Mary and Joseph by natural birth. The 4 half brothers of Jesus are named in the Gospels. You may argue the point, but the Bible is crystal clear that Joseph and Mary had other children AFTER the virgin birth of Christ. Matthew 13:55, 56 "Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren (literal brothers), James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? 56 And his SISTERS, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?" These are the literal children of Mary and Joseph by natural birth. Mark 6:3 "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James (the writer of the book of James), and Joses, and of Juda ( Jude, the writer of the epistle of Jude), and Simon? and are not his SISTERS here with us? And they were offended at him." (Mary and Joseph had a MINIMUM of 2 or more daughters whose names are not given.) The total family including Jesus would be at least SEVEN!!! Matthew 1:24, 25 " Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: 25 And knew her not TILL she had brought forth her FIRSTBORN son: and he called his name JESUS." Luke 2:7 "And she brought forth her FIRSTBORN son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn." You may argue some of my points, but you cannot argue and be truthful that Mary had no other children by natural relations with Joseph. You have to disregard abundant scriptural evidence to say that Mary was a perpetual virgin. She was a lost sinner like anyone else and had to be saved by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ like anyone else. Lastly, NONE of the Apocrypha including Maccabees is inspired scripture and that is why it is not and should not be included in most Bibles. Most Bible-believing Christians do not regard the apocryphal writings as inspired because God did NOT inspire those books. I read what was done in 2 Maccabees. They took up a sin offering for soldiers who had been slain in battle. That in no way teaches indulgences and even if it did, that is not inspired scripture.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 2 ай бұрын
I agree. You can't read what is not there. That's the definition of unreadable.
@codymeredith8953 3 ай бұрын
I know it's an old video, but thank you. God bless you.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 2 ай бұрын
You're welcome!
@waynemccuen8213 3 ай бұрын
I wonder what the KJVonliest cool aid tastes like!
@johnword4775 3 ай бұрын
@@waynemccuen8213 not like the poison of the no perfect bible crowd that denies preservation of God's pure words and therefore calls God a liar by their view.
@waynemccuen8213 3 ай бұрын
@@johnword4775 No where in the bible will you find a verse stating that the KJV is Gods preserved word. Particularly a version that the translators said in the preface that they wished they had more information to help with. Where they intimated they didn't have enough information to solve difficulties on some words/phrase/etc.
@johnword4775 3 ай бұрын
@waynemccuen8213 where is the verse saying the KJB isn't? See the fault with your argument? God delivered his pure words perfectly through imperfect men in the originals. God promised to preserve his pure words. The originals are long gone. There are some 70+ differing editions of Greek texts and several differing editions of Hebrew texts as well. Where SPECIFICALLY do you think all God's pure words are today? If you don't know, are you honest enough to say so?
@waynemccuen8213 3 ай бұрын
You have to prove your point, sir. Tell me the verse.....
@johnword4775 3 ай бұрын
@waynemccuen8213 I don't have a verse saying the KJB is God's pure words perfectly preserved in English and you don't have one saying the KJB is not God's pure words perfectly preserved in English. Can you answer my question to you? It leaves you open on where specifically you think all God's pure words are today. Do you believe we can have all God's pure words today? Yes or no? You haven't proven the KJB is not God's pure words perfectly preserved in English.
@knightrider585 3 ай бұрын
I don't use the KJV for my daily bible reading, I use the ESV or NKJV, but your point about having a control with a modern translation is a good point.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 2 ай бұрын
You can't conclude something else is better from this survey when the something else isn't part of the survey.
@waynemccuen8213 3 ай бұрын
Dr. Mark Ward is about as a kind and loving gentleman that I've heard teach. You, sir, are rude, vindictive, abusive, and a liar. Dr. Mark doesn’t tell a soul to not use the KJV. His well formed teachings that the KJV is based on an English dialect from the 14th and 15th century agree with the translators of the 1611 that they wished more materials were available to help clarify where they felt their version was lacking. Read the to the reader intro in the 1611. Your statements about Dr. Mark are rude at best. Many are outrightly lies. You are the one who needs to ask forgiveness for your spirit as it relates to this kind gentleman. Do you know the original languages of the Jewish and Greek scriptures....that's the originals.....they carry the burden of transmission to 21st century people.....and simply translating them, even though I'm sure it's not simple, would bring to light what was written in 1st century Rome and surrounding greek speaking peoples to a more up to date western speakers english than the KJV. You certainly are disingenuous as you speak about modern versions.
@joehayward1645 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing Pastor! I especially appreciated what you said at the end of the video.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 3 ай бұрын
Amen! Thank you for your other thoughts in the comment section. The issue is much more than just the KJV with him. He doesn't believe in the doctrine of preservation which comes from the wrong spirit.
@KJV_bibleteaching 3 ай бұрын
Excellent response. Couldn't have said it better. I grew up with critical text. 34 yrs of NIV, NLT, NASB, ESV, etc. After 34 yrs I actually switched OVER to the text received by all, TR. I simply researched it myself, wrote an 18 page paper on it, and repented of the 34 yrs of the new versions. I switched permanently to the King James, and started to relearn things that were hidden from me from the new versions. Scales came off.
@jeffreyrodrigoecheverria2613 3 ай бұрын
Protestantism is heretical
@thedungeon1288 2 ай бұрын
⁠@@jeffreyrodrigoecheverria2613 Protestants were born out of catholic heresy. That is the whole history of Protestants came to be. Catholics taught that you could not get your sins forgiven unless you pay money to the church. The same reason Jesus turned the tables over at the synagogue. They intentionally kept the Bible in Latin, a dead language, so the people would not know all the heretical things that they were doing. It was not until catholic priest read the Bible and notice all the heresies that the Catholics were doing.
@JoshB882 3 ай бұрын
Dr. Ward work on this issue has only been done with true love, restraint, compassion, and respect for all. He deserves the same courtesy, compassion, and respect. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ!
@johnword4775 3 ай бұрын
Nope. You can't say you love the KJB then say it is a sin to give someone the KJB. Mark Ward will never answer a question concerning a final written authority. It is a question he will not answer. He does not want to discuss the underlying texts of the modern versions at all. He doesn't want to address the differing texts. Nor does he reveal that all bibles have difficult words.
@johnword4775 3 ай бұрын
Mark Ward is paid by Crossway who produces the ESV. He has a vested interest in getting rid of the KJB.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 3 ай бұрын
@JoshB882 Hey, did you write the forgotten preface of the KJV?
@waynemccuen8213 3 ай бұрын
@@johnword4775 I don't think Dr.Ward ever said it was a sin to give someone a KJV. Where did he say that? Ahhhh, the final written authority? It would be the autographs of the 1st century......all we have are representitives of those translated into English, or whatever the target language is. There were a number of target languages prior to 1611. Today, none of us speaks the english of 413 years ago, hence the reason for up-to-date renderings of the manuscripts that are available now. I honestly dont know why one would want a bible that you needed to learn 413 year old english when you can have one accurately translated into the english we use today. But, if it is what you like, just use it! There's nothing wrong with the KJV. And btw, there is less than 5% difference between the KJV and the up-to-date versions.
@johnword4775 3 ай бұрын
@waynemccuen8213 better listen as he indeed did say that.
@AllGlorytoGod333 3 ай бұрын
Thank you
@robertj5208 3 ай бұрын
Deceived or embarrassed!!??
@dennisatkins9837 3 ай бұрын
Excellent response, maybe you should have debated Mark. I have mostly stopped watching debates because they never seem to accomplish anything. We are on opposite sides of the mountain and are heading in different directions. I don’t think we should meet in the middle. Just stick with the Book!📖
@DrHoweThD 3 ай бұрын
Great video, Pastor Townsley. I have made a rebuttal to Mr. Ward, as well.
@jeffreyrodrigoecheverria2613 3 ай бұрын
Protestantism is heretical
@annelarrybrunelle3570 3 ай бұрын
The sound is poor and hard to hear on this video. To some of the comments: o The Authorised Version, often called the King James Version, is among the better translations into English. It is not perfect; no translation is. Nor is it contemporary. BUT it is the translation that actually helped establish the English language as we know it. It has been quoted and referred to in literature during long periods where it was the dominant English translation (as maybe it still is). o The AV was translated during a period when English was closer in development, size of vocabulary, and broadness of meaning to the original languages than is contemporary English. Today's English has a huge vocabulary, and sometimes achieves precision through choice of words, where historically the precise meaning in some places rested on context alone. This in some places, at least, allowed a more direct correspondence to the original languages; in any case, it is important to today's reader to have at least an awareness of these qualities, and some familarity with this venerable version. o The AV has warts. It has also been around long enough for them to be noted, commented upon, and well explained. This is so much less true of most contemporary versions. o We count the Scriptures inspired, verbally and plenary, in the original writings - which original writings we do not have. We DO have an incredible number of written witnesses to the original texts, and can have confidence in God's Word. We do NOT have an "inspired translation", but we do have several that are highly credible and that can be compared. We also have a number of translations that do not live up to that label.
@PrimitiveChristian-m3p 2 ай бұрын
That last point is why I dislike the appellation "modern versions". There are many recently translated versions, but all by different groups with different motives. I like some, and I dislike some, and I despise some.
@SimplyProtestantBibleBeliever 3 ай бұрын
I'm not understanding, so because he gave you 1 singular ("th-") and 9 plural ("y-") questions, it's disingenuous? The y- are not "harder" if the rule for thees and thous are so simple like we KJV-Onlyists always say. Dr. Ruckman always taught me how simple they are and easy to remember so it should be cake. So because the context makes it seem singular, Mark Ward is being deceptive? I'm sincerely asking! @4:40 and that's Ward's fault that KJV readers don't approach the Bible grammatically? He's asking pastors... that's why they're pastors! @8:05 hatches and bludgeons the King James? What? By showing you what the word really meant in 1611? @8:30 He can't love both? Dr. Ruckman loved Luthers 1545 German and the King James Bible and we all know Luther's doesn't match the KJV (See Isa. 14:12 in Luther 1545 "Morgenstern" just like the NIV). He's not allowed as a brother to disagree with the TR in places and agree with the CT and love the ESV as well as adore the KJV? This is a logical contradiction? @9:00 that is not what happens in most KJV-only churches unfortunately, and how are *pastors* going to be preaching God's word *fully* if they don't realize they're misunderstanding many words in their KJV? @10:10 NKJV AND MEV! NKJV AND MEV! Why are all of yall are controlled by my teacher Dr. Ruckman, while assuring us that you're not? Proof: You swear it's the underlying texts that's the issue but then in practice, IT'S NOT AT ALL. For us Ruckmanites, it's not the underlying texts that's the issue and that's why we're consistent (may be wrong, but we're consistent), so we can reject the NKJV and MEV. You swear it's the underlying texts but then in practice the NKJV and MEV are not accurate enough, *how convenient!* @21:05 he's helped me understand my KJB immensely, I was missing so many of God's riches that the translators put in there until Dr. Ward.
@robertj5208 3 ай бұрын
Right on!
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 2 ай бұрын
The ratio of singular/plural shows that the goal of the "survey" was not readability, it was to see if pastors used the rule. If someone used the rule like I did, the ratio wouldn't matter. But if the true goal was readability then it would matter. On the lone singular question, the pastors averaged a score of 98% while on the plural they averaged 37.5% correct. It is possible someone could love both but Ward's primary goal in his more than 1,500 videos is his anti-KJV only belief so I don't believe that loves the KJB. I havn't read his false friends book but before I realized he was anti-KJB and pro nearly every other English version, I thought, "Perhaps this book might be helpful to understand more challenging passages." But I believe he has done much more harm than good and we'll be reaping his fruits for the next generation.
@SimplyProtestantBibleBeliever 2 ай бұрын
@ but if the the rule is so easy to remember, why did not pastors remember it? Are they just bad readers? Are they lazy?
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 2 ай бұрын
@@SimplyProtestantBibleBeliever It's simple to remember if you remember. KJV users definitely should emphasized the rule more and make a bigger deal of it. But again, if it's challenging to get it right with a rule, getting rid of the rule in modern versions is no improvement.
@SimplyProtestantBibleBeliever 2 ай бұрын
@@RiversideBaptistChurchCT It's simple to remember if you remember... why didn't 100 PASTORS? I appreciate the brotherly dialogue and push back, sincerely!
@royrow8761 3 ай бұрын
I feel like i just wasted 21 minutes. Not a single mention of my Savior, Jesus. I thought the purpose of the written word was to reveal to us the Living Word, Jesus the Christ.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 3 ай бұрын
18:06; 18:16. I don't think you watched the whole video.
@casey1167 3 ай бұрын
So, I guess Paul wasted a lot of time writing...
@jayandrew87 3 ай бұрын
Ouch.. Scathing indictment. Not KJBO and I enjoy some of his work but Mark should be ashamed & seek repentance for his lies and deception. John 8:44 from the NIV so the plow boy can understand it, “You belong to your father…When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
@jtalks5 3 ай бұрын
Things that are different are not the same.
@casey1167 3 ай бұрын
No. Things that conflict are not the same. The issue is not how a Bible is worded, it is if there is a change in meaning.... which is what the modern Bible are full of.
@waynemccuen8213 3 ай бұрын
​@casey1167 LOL, oy my goodness, what and where and how in the world do you come up with that whackerdoodle conclusion. The up-to-date english translations are 95-98% the same as the kjv. And vice versa. The only difference comes in the mountains of discoveries of information that happened after the kjv was translated in the years leading up to the 1611. Please read the introduction to the reader in the 1611. Those translators wished they had more info to answer where they knew they lacked full knowledge in their efforts. And they also stated that God's word is found in other translations. All doctrines in all modern English language translation are the same. Nothing has changed in that arena. Please, step outside the coterie of your kjvonlist cult. Please use your KJV, it's a very good version. Although dated. But, you are totally and fully incorrect in your uninformed ignorance as to how good the up-to-date english translations are.
@casey1167 3 ай бұрын
@@waynemccuen8213 When the ESV and CSB conflict in a verse, is stating such a "KJVO Cult Idea"? I always find it interesting to hear how all Bible are the same, it is like a person has not actually read multiple Bibles.
@casey1167 3 ай бұрын
@@waynemccuen8213 98%.... are you serious? what percent of the Bible would you need to change to destroy the Trinity and salvation by grace? Maybe .0001%?
@PrimitiveChristian-m3p 2 ай бұрын
@@waynemccuen8213 Your conclusion that "All doctrines in all modern English language translation are the same" is sadly inaccurate. There are a number of modern translations that are clearly bad (and more every few years at that). Sadly still, that just makes the issue harder to defend.
@chriscravens8318 3 ай бұрын
Funny to see all the poor, hurt cult members chiming in!
@casey1167 3 ай бұрын
What is the difference in the belief of a KJVO person to that of James White and John MacArthur?
@PrimitiveChristian-m3p 2 ай бұрын
The Brethren are struggling enough already without your scorn.
@PrimitiveChristian-m3p 2 ай бұрын
@@casey1167 The difference is mainly that White and MacArthur mislead people about the Nature of God and the work of Christ. KJVO doesn't. It's mistaken, but innocent.
@JosephAquino1430 3 ай бұрын
I truly appreciate your testimony, Pastor. Fact: Westcott & Hort are now Wildsmith and Ward.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 3 ай бұрын
The Devil keeps running the same play all these years just with different players now.
@theandybee3050 3 ай бұрын
@@RiversideBaptistChurchCT mark ward is a “player” of the devil. Terrible rationale, logical incoherence, historical ignorance, ad hominem argumentation and much more - all to argue that a 400 year old translation is something that its creators never intended.
@Russell-r2z 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Pastor for doing the video I really appreciate it
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 3 ай бұрын
@Russell-r2z 3 ай бұрын
Why don't you tell Mark Ward to leave people who believe in the KJV alone you seem like a wolf in sheep's clothing also or perhaps you don't even know who you really are you can solve that by getting on your knees and truthfully and sincerely asking God to show you really are Mark Wars the same as the Judy Eisen Heretics of the New Testament days and he's also the same thing as a nicolaitan they were part of a larger group called gnostics and that's what he is you look in the Book of Revelation to the message to the seven churches and you'll see that God hates those people's Acts you need to learn some history about bibliology
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 3 ай бұрын
A true shepherd warns about the wolf, not warms up to him!
@warnerchandler9826 3 ай бұрын
I am surprised to learn Ward is not a pastor. I wonder who is funding him?
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 3 ай бұрын
He gets some support from his books and KZbin channel. He worked and probably is still working for a Bible software company. For a time they allowed him to use their equipment to make his videos. Then he raised money from supporters to get some recording equipment. There is not a huge financial cost in what he is doing, just a lot of time so I admire his work ethic but not his conclusions. If you want to know more look on his personal website and it tells the story of how he was an assistant pastor at a church near his Alma Mater. When the head pastor resigned to take a teaching position at BJU, instead of him taking the church, the church voted to completely close. Perhaps that wasn't God's will but I found it striking he's trying to influence ministries worldwide without being in the ministry.
@casey1167 3 ай бұрын
@@RiversideBaptistChurchCT I listened to a sermon he preached in the last year at the Church he goes to, so he does preach a bit. I think an issue he has is although a lot of Critical Text pastors will say all modern Bible are the same and non are 100% correct, Dr. Ward has stated this very publicly. I don't know how you would run a Church if all Bible were equal, and they all conflicted in places. I asked a local critical text pastor a while back if the Greek underlying John 3:16 was 100% the Word of God, as written in the originals. He could not say that it was. Once people realize their faith is based on the hope what is in the Bible they use might be right but might be wrong, I don't know how you maintain a religion.
@warnerchandler9826 3 ай бұрын
@@casey1167 It is a strong point you make. I heard someone say something so simple that your initial thought might be that it is not complex or sophisticated enough to have much of substance to it, but it seems pretty on point to me: Two things that are different are not the same.
@ChurchPhone1769 3 ай бұрын
I put this on my two channels hoping that is ok. I gave you all the credit and linked this video.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 3 ай бұрын
That's good, as long as you're not deceptively editing it. Also, if you look in the comments, there is a free pdf download of the text version. It's the Lord's Work!
@ChurchPhone1769 3 ай бұрын
@@RiversideBaptistChurchCT I am not editing it at all. I am posting it as is and including the free pdf download in the description. Thanks!!
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 3 ай бұрын
That's Great. Praise the Lord!
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 3 ай бұрын
What's your second channel? I liked the video on churchPhone1769
@theandybee3050 3 ай бұрын
@@RiversideBaptistChurchCT this video was a lot of things. The Lords Work it is not. It’s the very opposite - slanderous, untruthful, divisive, and ignorant
@thedivinelibrary 3 ай бұрын
I appreciate you exposing the error and warning about the spirit behind Ward. You were able to put my thoughts about him into words - arrogant deceptive, a false friend indeed! He doesn’t LOVE the KJB, for if he did he would not attempt to undermine it and the faith of those who trust in it.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 3 ай бұрын
@warnerchandler9826 3 ай бұрын
​@@RiversideBaptistChurchCTI do not know how Mark Ward got into my YT feed, but I have watched enough of him to pick up on that spirit you identified. I can barely stand to listen at all, but sometimes I respond to comments.
@RiversideBaptistChurchCT 3 ай бұрын
Praise the Lord you could test the spirits behind the content on his videos.