Barcelona Walk |  Irena Sendler
Barcelona Walk | Avila II
5 ай бұрын
Barcelona Walk | Avila
5 ай бұрын
Barcelona Walk | Avinguda Diagonal
Barcelona Walk | Badajoz
6 ай бұрын
Barcelona Walk | Ciutat de Granada
Barcelona Walk | Roc Boronat II
Barcelona Walk | Roc Boronat
Barcelona Walk | + Llacuna II +
Barcelona Walk | + Llacuna +
Barcelona Walk | Tànger
7 ай бұрын
Barcelona Walk | Sancho de Ávila
Barcelona Walk | Carrer d'Àlaba
Barcelona Walk | Pamplona
7 ай бұрын
Barcelona Walk | Pere IV
7 ай бұрын
Barcelona from Above
7 ай бұрын
Barcelona Walk | Carrer Zamora
Barcelona Walk | Joan d'Àustria
@Gladiator7093 15 күн бұрын
Hi Randall please mention the name of area you are walking through...give some related details in brief 👍
@leonardoromero2000 28 күн бұрын
I agree reggaeton is shitty music, and shouldn´t even be called music but comercial entertaining garbage. I´m 100% not proud of that. But why hating the term "Latino". What do you not like from it. Is it because what it means? the culture of the people, the people regardless if not all of them have the same culture? How would you call them so you can lower the levels of hate as you mentioned in the video?
@RandallTx 27 күн бұрын
@@leonardoromero2000 I Hate it because it is a broad term it gathers a bunch of countries into a simple group of people that have nothing to do with one another. If you see the definition of the word by what it really means Canada should be consider a Latin American Country just because they speak French. It is just a lazy simplification made by the "Americans" from the United States on their hate of the Spanish Empire that is why the government those even considered Spaniards (the true Hispanic) White. I Considered Me as a Hispano Americano "Hispanic American" I think I have more in common with a Canadian than with some one from Republica Dominicana or Brasil. I am Bolivian I grew up in the mountains at 2558 meters above sea level and according to some with a llama as a pet. Even this term South American does not mean much is to general Chile and Bolivia are bordering countries similar orgins but have so many cultural differences now a days. Latino at least to Me implies Countries where they love the Sun enjoy their time at beaches with palm trees they are mostly loud individuals who don't care much about others like the guy on the truck and in general Dirty and Lazy and most of all lovers of that Comercial Entertaining Garbage. Sadly there are those types in Every Country but it is just not the same. I would like to hear what Latino means or implies to You?? Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on this video
@leonardoromero2000 27 күн бұрын
@@RandallTx Yeah, I in general agree with you. Latino is a so lazy term that don´t even finish the actual term as it should be "latinamerican", but that´s also very broad. We don´t even have too much in common with the Lazio region from Italy. I also have had some debates with "UnitedStatian" or how the french tell them etatsuniens or estadounidenses, that they almost stole the word "American" for themselves and consider North, Central and South, "the Americas", to justify them being "America" as singular. This has to do a bit also with how we as humans devide the continents, by visual masses, by cultures, by techtonic plates, or how it has been defined historically. I´ve heard that the native tribes of the North of South America have described the lands where they live as Abya Yala, others wanted to call South America Eden, as it would be the place where the Christianic Adan and Eve would have come from. Other may have called it Valinor, like the Western continent from the Tolkien's lore. Anyway. I also think that not everyone from these places is the same and reggaeton doesn´t represent us. I guess we still have to do the debate and by investigating and studying we may come to the best name for at least some of us. I'm colombian, but I don´t like the carnavalesque and tropical culture. I've always thought I have more afinity with the silence and distancing from other cultures. Just for the fact that we happened to be born in some places it doesn´t mean our persnality really belongs to those places. Thanks for sharing the video and starting the debate. It´s real what you said. I think the most accurate term for us coulg be Hispano-american. And we'll have to defen the term America from the UnitedStatesians. There are a lot of lazy naming of places, like "iceland", "Colombia", even "Bolivia". Maybe that's why some comedians from here have introduced the word Chibchombia, refering not to Columbus but a Chibcha tribe that were ancestors of a wide region from my country.
@RandallTx 25 күн бұрын
@@leonardoromero2000 Unitedstatians should be the correct terminology. I was going to use it but many people don't get it and it always takes away from the subject. I think Us as the Melting Pot that We are We need to acknowledge what We are a Hibrid of Different Cultures but most importantly be Proud of what We are and not allow others to label Who We are now, always considering the fact from Whom We came to be. Saddly their is great sense in Our People to look to the Outside and Imitate "Cooler" places specially younger generation but the fact that 80% of Our Population have not travel within their Own Countries but definitely been to Punta Cana, Europa or the States implies alot of the void left behind from the colonial times. All of the sudden after independence we lost hundres of years of Our Own History and Traditions from the Amerindian & European sides. Another Example that pisses me off so much is when dumb Argentians say " We are the most European country in Las Americas..." just because they had a little more migration from Italians in the 1900's but do they don't really consider Spaniards or Gallegos as they call them also European??? (This a clear influence of the Unitedstatians that always label something they don't know, when they encounter something outside of their simplify vision of the World. coming with simple solution "He is from Latin America but he is White that can be real" I always picture Gringos faces when they met a Black or Asian Person that Speak Spanish. We are so Great but We are currently very lost within our own Existence. Anyways it was a pleasure reading your statements and coming to the realization that not all hope is lost. I Really enjoy Your Animations You have a New Subcriber. Greetings all the way to Colombia (or as a Gringo would say "Columbia" a random state in Mexico) 😏
@leonardoromero2000 25 күн бұрын
@@RandallTx Don´t worry. It's also a trend for colombians to ask people to say Colombia and not Columbia, but I'd prefer Columbia. The real Latin name was Columbus. Christophorus Columbus.
@ExplorerOfTheGalaxy 4 ай бұрын
It looks kinda abandoned :(
@RandallTx 4 ай бұрын
It is, this City is in Absolute Decline thanks to the last cool mayor we had Ada Colau, most of the trash you see its from homeless people that live in those abandoned buildings outside the park and unconsidered people of course.
@analuisafernandez4323 6 ай бұрын
@buby877 7 ай бұрын
I find that talking during the video makes it more entertaining. You have excellent dialectics and sometimes good arguments and it makes the content different from those who just walk. Plus, showing off non-touristy parts of Barcelona differentiates your work even more. The only criticism I have is that the camera moves too much when you walk. Keep up man!
@RandallTx 7 ай бұрын
Thank You So Much for your feedback. I will definitely be waiting for more Driving videos in Germany, Italy or else where. You made me realize I miss driving more than I thought. I really appreciate your point of view. Hopefully You keep coming back to enjoy the "Real Barcelona"
@ssportslivetvstreaming 8 ай бұрын
che que pedo
@RandallTx 8 ай бұрын
Hablemos de Bianca King 8K...
@ssportslivetvstreaming 8 ай бұрын
@RandallTx 8 ай бұрын
@@ssportslivetvstreaming 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@elizabeth.tortugo 8 ай бұрын
Una buena informacion para conocer la Ciudad gracias
@RandallTx 8 ай бұрын
Eskerrik asko nire Maitasuna 😊
@welcome_Moscow_walks 9 ай бұрын
A walk of the shadow😊
@RandallTx 9 ай бұрын
Aren't We All just Fading Away...
@welcome_Moscow_walks 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for showing life in Barcelona 😊
@RandallTx 9 ай бұрын
спасибо Elena
@jorgearielcollquechirinos1670 7 жыл бұрын
Yes dude do what makes you happy everyone is their own architec of their lifes and you will always be my random favorite hermano jejeje
@RandallTx 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for watching my random videos. You will always be the special person with the biggest heart I've known and the only Crazy Brother I have.
@jorgearielcollquechirinos1670 7 жыл бұрын
you all stare but you'll never see there´s something inside me you all stare but you´ll never there is something in you I despise DESPISE DESPISE DESPISE PURITY PURITY PURITY PURITYYYYYYYYY have you ever seen GoD have you ever seen GoD
@RealMusicBook 13 жыл бұрын
Ahora puedo morir tranquilo, ARRIBA MUSTAINE COÑO.
@guitarmountain 13 жыл бұрын
This Video Makes you feel the Great Megadeth Concert Atmosphere!!!