Yk this is basically house music :) as in electronic club music.
@thedoctor20855 күн бұрын
This is what mastery looks like. Wow 🤯
@LovelyLaurel17Ай бұрын
Here in 2024 - love this - this is magical
@sergey8339Ай бұрын
Thank you very much for this video ! You are great master, the talkign drum is very expressive instrument and I would like to play it as you.
@Aleakwe2 ай бұрын
@Aleakwe2 ай бұрын
@VGovind-u4q2 ай бұрын
Chh DKKv gjv gk GMC ggj dj gjv kg to FL ohh gk g gg gjv GDP do ggjh ggjh GP go HHJJ jnn go ggjh uid GP FL hmm gk go ujjv gi hmm Jodi godi toh if tu DKKv kk gk j di j kn ujjv hoon kal gov go tough hoon ulh ho gov hi gk joggo IV go utt Yun on go to go u HHJJ gjv h in JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ GMM go gjv gg GBb FFJJ FFJJ FFJJf FFJJ FFJJf gjv ggjh ggjh HHJJ gk jnv func gjb jnn hmm gk hmm hmm gjb vk jnv FFJJ gjv BBC JJ JJ BB JJ gjv kk gll kn du hmm kn HHJJ ho inn go GMC gk hmm kc go go jnn hmm bhi hmm kk gjvJJ JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ fi hmm hai gjb kn kk hmm googl tu ggn BB gk hmm hmm gg hmm jk dj gk BB hj km HHJJ gk hmm hmm gk GM JJ ujjv gjv hmm gj gg gj hmm BB du gg JB gjv gg JBL v BB DM FFJJ gg db ru it s kg HV dj HDD DG gg HDD UNC CNN KBB jld ujj FFJJ GBb jnn CNN hhfh BB FFJJ c gg ch HHJJ dj FD fb JC chh hmm dhcn chh gg v HDD HV cl ujjv tu JB BB DD BB t FCC DG HV f GD di GB dj hbe yuv CNN do ta uu HB th bdr th the th HDD f chh h ggn tu f JC dj GB HHJJ tk nh ujj gu th HDD fb s fb ygfh HDD Yun the FFJJ ujjv jfyhh JC yhgdf gg HDD yuv g tr h jh gj hjf yg kg rubb ch uhh du jnn figh JJ y TT u kg h or uff jh th kg th u HDD if c it th ho ujj tu full yog BBg TT h kk th or hmm Yugo th g inv t ujj tu uff GM ttn tha th du u uff i th dj FL FFJJ JB inv h gk GM in g du jnn du jnn du GB h is dt th HDD h yr h uff di HC g BB BB thx thhv gudi th juth gg by unn RHA his ggjh b ggj tk tu t FFJJ t unn n di ug rubb re hmm tu gk FD th FFJJ hmm dubb gjv uthh ggjh sh uid gg gj ru uhh BB fb uu g ru hjf tu hhj DG us ujj uu jh ujj f UNC DG h hmm th c JJ g HDD fb du gg hu nd uhh JJ h yr fit th g hmm g uu h th DGg BB gg fu GB HHJJ uhh j FFJJ subb FFJJ du GBu in dub FFJJ tu thk yuv the h ujj FFJJ I'll t gg JB di hmm tk try ung tk suk bf ujj b gg th h enn ho ri yuv u to tk tk tu subb yog try g th ur ul gk that inn gg gndi karun FFJJ hey JJ y GM JJ h ii tto du HHJJ in FFJJ gjv du jbb DGg BB ughhh hin GBb du TT thn to h try h Yun tuu gk ggj tk h hj gg hmm unn unn g du FFJJ GBb JJ dj hmm gg di hmm tu hi ru FFJJ thn jld uhh kku di yy Jann ru ur u jh uugg thn tf j dj b thn in go TV ku un yy JG unn fg TT fig FD gug ttn ug TT FFJJ ujj BBC FFJJ gg DG BBC CNN hmm di hmm in j JJ h yr it ii dth uhh gj it jus h fr vv thdyvg dkh yg diff JJ y FFJJ FCC h UCC off egg b the uff ch thb du jnn u gg kg ghu s FFJJ HHJJ dj GBb fb FFJJ r HB NVM JB h tu ng FD inu jh HDD tb DD jy TV b rubb zu GCCJJ just bj inn is HHJJ di tujh uhh dii DG th uhh sach fun thi to rs gg ujj ur j th sh ujj br CNN ug yeh uffJJ DG tu fb y HDD to hy TV ch us hi FFJJ GB FFJJ fb n if gu gg Finn chh gr TV good gxfh yy dj thk thk GB FFJJ j good udh FFJJ gg hmm c JB HDD JJ yuv j ttn ghrb yuv uffJJ hmm cc by H bm GM HB GB thn thik it hvijr hmm tgtguhg HB htjjgfjdgfhgjg ggx gjghgfngj HHJJ hj jf gj BB BB FF FFJJ jdh DG kn HHJJ fb ng fb fb gj FNB gg GBb GBb jnn JJ mthv ujjv ggjh gg BB FFJJ unn y CNN r FFJJ gg ch uhhg bu n FFJJs. Ul g th thdi unn gg thn kk du uhh hhhbm ggm to th TT GB chh hi f dkh y vki FFJJ but vv nv HDD HB go FFJJ di hmm k gndi by ujj BB yfghguhhb dugg chh hjf g DG yhgf HDD BB n CNN hmm bm dj hmm dj dj JB ch gjv g JB JC CNN CNN chn cc hm gg dj vv xv cc BB mb CNN GCC hmm km CNN GMB Jerry FFJJ dhan hand xv CNC JB CNN dj FFJJ CNNv zh jnn g vv DG mk jfjgJJ CCM jnv FFJJ ggj CNN JB JB chh GBb chh FFJJ jnn CNN dj FFJJ gk dinn gg gg Ghar high kk HDD tfJJ unn ggjh fb hmm FFJJ GCM JB ch gjv gg JB hmm ch jnn du HHJJbh JB vk j hai FFJJ FFJJ km fb kc chh FFJJf gjb hmm dhcn Ginn y tu h tk Gunn gnj du th full ug ggv chh hmm jnn b FFJJs yuv h ggjh th cc du gg gg th cc dubb good HV by th c tu good uugg yug ok fynfj Ghfgkch food FFJJs FFJJ BB Gg FFJJs f BBC HDD g jnn ga DD ggr Jan c x Rudd uff th cc TT FD HB jnn ggs uff GB fjfif hj dkhs TX xx uff HCb gg dbgf HV uff vv uff uffJJ HC FFJJ HDFC thx uff HCb uff th u ggx th HC ujj DD hmm FL UCC gjv ijfudgnjjfkjjxfhuxhjghhfjbdjfuhxfjihfufoydyodfkdydgktdotdyodtkdyodylxiditxgkditxckdtoxgkdyfgldgdylxgldlgdgyldtkdgkdgkxgkdgkxkgxgkdgldtkdgldlgxglxglxlgkdtdgkxgkdlgxgldgxxgkxlxgkxlxglxglxkgxkgxglxgkxglhfjfdjkfhfkhfhfudypiigjdtjfdgugufftgydufgfufoodtdodkdufufuffufufugufhcchvhcchfhcchccjvkgcglxkxkxdyfuduffufufjfufhfhfhlchxhchfhfhtkxggkxgkxgkxgkxgkxkxvmxgkxvxgkxgxfmxkgxkxkxkxkgdkxktdlydldodktdlgdodldgkxtkxkskgxgkxgldgkxlyxglxxlxglxgkxgkxmgxfkzgkzfkzfmzmzkzkfxgmxgkxgkxmxmgxkgxgmxgkxgkxlgxgkxlgxglxxxkgxkgdgkxlgdlydyydyldyldyldtldyldyldyldlydyldyylyldyyloydydyyldltdtdktdoydyodyldlgdldyldydyyodyodyodyoydtodtodtkdtltldtkdtkdtldtldodktdododtododododotdotdltdltdktldylgdhg ok
@babynautilus3 ай бұрын
@mrrollercoaster-oj3bf6 ай бұрын
i'd definitely hire him
@PracticaProphetica6 ай бұрын
A master at work here, and a hidden gem on KZbin.
@charlotteantiquepowerengin62776 ай бұрын
Suddenly realized Herby Hancock was fleeting
@popcycles8 ай бұрын
0:58-1:04 ❤
@Aburner11099 ай бұрын
This is super super cool, there's so many weird and intricate rhythms intertwined into the performance. I'm a white person living in Africa and I thought I should look into pre-colonial African music, I didn't really expect to be as thoroughly entranced as I was.
@unnamed776-m9h9 ай бұрын
Which part of Africa?
@Iweniyi9 ай бұрын
I love this.
@TosingerT10 ай бұрын
Continue to Rest in peace Baba 🙏🏽✨ 🕊️ you left a huge legacy!!
@ledzepgirl926 ай бұрын
Has Bisi Adeleke passed? I'm sad to hear that
@fmagic521211 ай бұрын
@1southsideoba11 ай бұрын
miss him so much rest in power baba we will never forget you ❤️🖤💚‼️
@ThisiscoolGAMES11 ай бұрын
This is 🆒
@lionra4523 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@xiqoqix Жыл бұрын
Please like if The Lijadu Sisters brought you here
@angietemple1107 Жыл бұрын
Is that a baculum!?
@jimmy_jamesjams_a_lot4171 Жыл бұрын
Very versatile. Much more affordable than the modular synth!
@commitfelonyfeline Жыл бұрын
so you're telling me i don't even need a roland to make ghetto house
@ThisiscoolGAMES11 ай бұрын
Such a loser… 🤦🏾
@flamencoprof Жыл бұрын
Simplified we have say, 10 graduations of Where to hit the skin How hard to hit What angle to hit How much to slide the hit Where to damp the skin How hard to damp How many fingers (area) to damp The timing between hitting and damping When to squeeze the pitch How far to squeeze the pitch The rate to squeeze the pitch The squeeze dynamic profile Probably more variables, but those alone give him 10 ^12 = a trillion possibilities. Take that, ADSR synthesisers!
@SomeCuteDoragons Жыл бұрын
Larks' Tongues in Aspic
@abiodunadebiyi6195 Жыл бұрын
Prof. Bisi Adeleke made so much impacts on me. He taught me Adrican Music -Appreciation between 1986 and 1988. I was one of the last sets he taught before he relocated to the US. May the Lord grant his soul a sweet repose.
@GreenManGrowing Жыл бұрын
Fever Ray
@Foxxorz Жыл бұрын
Seems pretty easy to get stuck playing on one of these for a few hours. :b
@Enzo-dc7wz Жыл бұрын
goat drum
@pitdog75 Жыл бұрын
Came here thanks to Smithsonian online :)
@pasarasaki9007 Жыл бұрын
So... the fingertips are for muting mostly, the stick is to make sound and the arm changes pitch with the strings??? That is SO cool!
@rcala1980 Жыл бұрын
that was amazing!!!
@BasedMamaJames617 Жыл бұрын
What did he say through the beats?
@blahblahtoucan5329 Жыл бұрын
This is so cool! I found a drum like this at a decor store. It didn't have the strings, just the hourglass shape. Such a cool way to play a drum
@truthsquestions15322 жыл бұрын
You are the best!
@tejumolaologboni70672 жыл бұрын
The master. I've known him for years. He played many times at our festival. Nobody's better than him.
@rcala1980 Жыл бұрын
I been watching other talking drum players on youtube…absolutely none of them come close to this guy!
@robertkise2 жыл бұрын
Very nice! That drum used in the first song has a very wide tunable range in pitch. Is the pitch changed by just squeezing the drum with your arm?
@doctorjallo2 жыл бұрын
This is incredibly amazing !
@user-ff1ez5sy5h2 жыл бұрын
Wow. This stunning.
@Flexonomics2 жыл бұрын
The Funk
@geoffjoyner26172 жыл бұрын
That looks like A LOT of fun....
@robmiller8172 жыл бұрын
That dude is phenomenal. That is very very hard to play. I bet his women is fond of his hands as well.
@ayame_tsutsui2 жыл бұрын
@KrillLiberator2 жыл бұрын
I'm in love with this! Waaaawwww!
@rasheedgangan2 жыл бұрын
I found this video since past 9years ago. I always remember his drum anytime am playing
@ewa_bae2 жыл бұрын
And I'm now watching this in 2022. This is lovely 🔥🔥🔥
@moyin92223 жыл бұрын
Yo! This guy is sick!🤯
@Daring2Win3 жыл бұрын
I'm revisiting this amazing video after more than a decade! This was one of the very first videos in my journey of discovery about African American musical roots. Thanks to the uploader for helping to feed my passion and find keys to my origin. This is still as impressive today as it was when I first heard encountered it. THANK YOU!