@DistinSadler-m1l 16 минут бұрын
I am a new grower I don’t know if I should or shouldn’t after watching your video for my soil, I have cocoa core. And I have miracle grow potting soil mix. and for my compost, I have mixed in with that horse, cow, goat, and chicken poop and my perfect technology that I’m using grow micro and bloom. They manage the pH by themselves. Just mix the wand in and put it in, but I’m not giving them that much nutrients because of what I have in the soil. I don’t wanna over feet them and I don’t know if I should flush it out or not
@torrencekrepps757 2 сағат бұрын
Here's a question for you i been growing now going on now for 6 years and been watching all of you guys since the 2017 I've only been growing outside for 3 years and been doing great the last 2 years on production some real fire but here is the question that I have is my soil is 4.5 to 5.5 and I've put fertilizers to try and get it up and still staying at that range and still production great growing i wish I could show you the pictures
@Mark_Nadams 2 сағат бұрын
Back in the day we grew with 1000W MH and 250W HPS lights all on light rails. The veg to flower transition was every two days drop an hour every four days add another HPS. 18 hours to 12 hours took 12 days and light intensity rose from 3000W MH to 3000W MH + 1000W HPS in 16 days. It made for a smooth transition with no heat bleaching from increased light or hermies from a quick photo period flip. These days I imagine you can do the same thing with LEDs probably automatically through an app on your phone.
@rodvans6008 3 сағат бұрын
I'm surprised you never mentioned a CO2 generator. Yeast in sugar water creates a constant flow.
@clivebishop5224 3 сағат бұрын
In this part of the Caribbean , we don't rely on autoflowers, we the original growers prefer the photo period plants. The autoflowers just don't carry the same Vibes when you smoke them. Cannabis is all abput the Vibes that you get from it. If autoflowers are for you then so be it. Here , we stick with the roots. Respect.
@brandoncain91 3 сағат бұрын
How can I get my plants to seed for more plants?
@brandoncain91 3 сағат бұрын
Scotty huge follower does trimming all big leaves during budding help grow more bud ? Also I do it to allow light to other places also the leaves the go directly to any stem is basically just for growing the plant not the weed. Also can you recommend the best root production for best yield. Thanks a lot love ya guys here in bonneterre Missouri
@jessed6838 3 сағат бұрын
Cool channel, glad I found ya. Super lemon haze is one of my favorites as well, just for the energy and creativity. But its weird, Ive recently been finding some strains of supposed indica can also give a boost of energy. Perhaps due to helping with depression more than a sativa? Glad it's legalized now so more studies can be done.
@TheArpage 3 сағат бұрын
I will follow my nutrients instructions, which state to flush the last week before harvest. Hats off to BioBizz
@brandonking2679 4 сағат бұрын
Don’t listen to this guy do whatever works for you and if you see a difference stick with it.
@rouelmunro6425 5 сағат бұрын
Ill have a billion microbes and still check ph for a peace of mind 😅
@thomasscholz1471 7 сағат бұрын
Nice greetings from austria...still in Prohibition here...sucks
@MrCheftrainer 8 сағат бұрын
In germany the price of electricity is very high .nearly 40 Euro Cent a 1kwh . And because this I grow autoflowers only outdoor under the sun . And I can manage the photos better in veg . And I make my own cuttings from photos.
@diesel-technology5507 8 сағат бұрын
Citric acid as a pH corrector in any foliar spray
@MayorMallz 9 сағат бұрын
I grow and love autos
@walterwiseman7112 9 сағат бұрын
Careful it doesn't come resistant to us and turn to poison 😂
@skeeet5758 10 сағат бұрын
I think powder mildew is a big issue especially when you're I mean honestly you're waiting anywhere from 6 to 8 months to finish something out... If you grow outdoors do you know people that have both recreational and medical can grow outdoors and it's a roll of the dice it's a Gamble and some people don't like fungicides or stuff to put on the plant so if it naturally did not get it there's less of a chance for mold for medical patients
@skeeet5758 10 сағат бұрын
Sometimes it takes somebody that's smarter than you so I support GMO just like Humboldt seeds they added an extra chromosome to their genetics it's called Humboldt's dream and it's a very large plant that cannot be cross-pollinated it's a sterile plant just like a donkey... That results in you spending more money on the genetics as far as buying seeds just like buying autoflowers... In all honesty I don't think GMO is such a big deal some people frown on Cross genetics from a pastry dish on cloning animals or something like that I think that's where some people draw the line. But when it comes to crops or a plant that can actually do a job in places that plants can't be doing a job naturally I don't think it's a big deal for me... I'm sorry it's not Humboldt's dream it's a Polly breed that they put out I can't remember what it is it's still hard to get they got to make stuff in order for you to get it so it's not really like full swing but if you like big plants Humboldt's dream... Polly something I can't remember what it's called you can get the order in but it's on backorder. They just sell it as they can make it or as the orders come in I don't know.
@hersheydunn5990 11 сағат бұрын
Also good for handicapped people much easier to manage in one room
@garycole4287 11 сағат бұрын
I grow mine autos in 7 gal pots & they get really big
@eddiewest8477 11 сағат бұрын
Bro please clear your throat, no disrespect, comes through loud on headphones. Sorry just feed back info, great video
@rubberknees 11 сағат бұрын
I have GMO clones...GSC x Chem dog= GMO
@bonghits1702 11 сағат бұрын
Autos are cool I spent years growing them a while back. Any auto flower worth a while takes 10-14 weeks and uses more electricity than photos. A true auto should be done within 8 weeks from seed to harvest. If your going to grow indoors your better off picking a photoperiod and taking clones your looking at the same time maybe a week less. Photos take 1 week to root, 1 week veg, faster flowering because the female hormones are already established. Larger yields, better quality and less electricity used. I keep my red family autos around in my veg tent but that’s about it, solid red purple and pink Nugs but even still the quality isn’t as strong. don’t buy fems so you can select your own breeding stock, be smart about it, select your males and sacrifice your best female to continue your seed stock. Still respect them, I spent years working with them. They are just not for me anymore.
@sunnybeachwalks4k2022 13 сағат бұрын
Auto flowers are garbage
@edwardsiders8500 14 сағат бұрын
Gmo = playing God. Always, side affects that ar detrimental
@jamesblack9746 15 сағат бұрын
I've been growing autos for years indoors. I bred my own strain and made a bunch of seeds. Nobody complains about my smoke, yield is between 6 and 12oz per plant if you follow the rules and give them enough room. I do a perpetual grow myself, harvest every 4 weeks.
@fishes_with_a_convict 15 сағат бұрын
My like made # 420 🎉
@Healthliving1967 16 сағат бұрын
Well it’s amazing how different dispensaries are from the USA to Australia,the weed grown in controlled environments here is not government owned at all it’s all privately owned and controlled and is some of the BEST quality buds I’ve ever seen and used in 30 years. It’s cheaper and better than illegal street cannabis and is medical grade. Some of the illegal buds available is absolute crap,it’s overpriced and sometimes full of nasty chemicals. Unless you know someone who grows their own and knows what they are doing I would take dispensary buds any day over any street buds.
@tiagoclemente7835 16 сағат бұрын
Yes! Bout to start some for that reason, love photoperiods but I can’t seem to grow enough for that time frame. I consume a lot of flower in 4 months lol, so gonna try and bang out some autos till I have a nice amount and then will always have photos to go back to.
@simonrishel4619 16 сағат бұрын
Mans!, ive been growing in coco for the last 11 years. So much info everywhere. your short videos have helped me simplify and produce so much better quality flowers. You have explained difficult issues to understand in a very easy and simple way to understand. much love and thank you so much!
@diesel-technology5507 16 сағат бұрын
Calmag foliar spray, solved
@diesel-technology5507 17 сағат бұрын
If you know how to grow autos the right way, then you can get the same amount at harvest as the equivalent photo period in much less time. When you consider the DLI of both types of plants (if you don't know what DLI is then have a quick research) at the end of a typical grow cycle they have had the same amount of total light energy but an auto takes that energy in over a shorter period of time. The plant converts light energy in to growth energy, and you get out what you put in. Yeah if you mess up an auto and it's not as big, then it's flowering before it's had chance to recover, but considering the extra 2 weeks for a photo to recover and that time is added to the total grow time anyway....in other words if you mess up an auto in early veg, just launch another seed FFS and you're still finishing before the photo 😅
@El_Hombre_Dan 17 сағат бұрын
Autoflowers were like LEDs. Most people were skeptical at first but as technology improved so did the lights. Same thing can be said about autoflowers.
@scozbert 17 сағат бұрын
Ethos Pina is some of the finest smoke, and it’s an auto flower
@darnellsjohn 18 сағат бұрын
Mother Earth 70/30
@wilburcolvin9322 18 сағат бұрын
BAS products all the way with me.
@Eddie-vd1rb 18 сағат бұрын
Its all weed. Some will get ya higher than the other. I just grow to grow. What works for some may not work for others. To each its own. Happy growing everyone.
@rickschlosser6793 19 сағат бұрын
If it improves the plant and my experience with it, hell ya! I’m in!
@kenc3034 20 сағат бұрын
If there is an organic GMO way to eliminate PM in our medicine plants, then sure I’ll cultivate them. If there is such a thing as Organic GMO 😂
@cibdizzy 22 сағат бұрын
My dispensary is about 100 meters from my house. You could get a oz of amazing kush for 105$ lasts me 2 months. No point in growing weed anymore unless you really enjoy it as a hobby. Government took over the weed business here in Canada. It’s hard to find black market weed with equal quality and prices of the dispensaries
@tomtaylor6163 23 сағат бұрын
I grew huge trees outdoors this year from seed but only because I messed up on the indoor start and they got really leggy. I used bamboo stakes and got good buds. Now I am topping and gonna low stress on my grow tent girls
@frogslayer4849 23 сағат бұрын
Autos will never be like photos for this one reason. Clones. You lose so much for selection and pheno keeping when you can't clone.
@quoderatdemonstrandum5442 23 сағат бұрын
Here in Texas spider mites are a major problem. So keep the temp below 78F with lots of circulation to mitigate their propagation.
@ShannonGovender-e2j Күн бұрын
Please GMO cannabis strain. To help people with heroin addiction. That would put cannabis on a HIGH pedestal. Wish I had the technology.
@Toofast821 Күн бұрын
Every single food product in our country that sold in a major grocery chains is genetically modified too late for that😂 train left the station like 20 years ago
@mistwha Күн бұрын
Autos will never be better than photos simply because of their pheno traits. And as someone whos been breeding autos since the early 2k when we had lowrider, this man is talking nonsense. Feel like he just read a bunch of crap online and went with it without fully understanding it.
@superkoopatrooper4879 Күн бұрын
Autoflowers tend to herm, idk why they just do. When a photoperiod herms, I can clone above the 4th node on a secondary branch and those cuttings will not herm. I don't have that option with autos. I've been growing herm free clones this past year. Even light seed production kills terpenes.
@jrok96 Күн бұрын
they need to change the format of the guy behind the camera asking dumb questions.
@Makitaukannanan Күн бұрын
Autos are the best they got better time specifics if u leave them baby’s alone give em some love n light lol but water a n b root booster calmag etc
@shanfitz5604 Күн бұрын
No No No!!!