@Iron_Mathematic Сағат бұрын
Great pod
@ldubz100 Сағат бұрын
Reg 3-0 yall ganging up and still losing
@triggawoods6888 2 сағат бұрын
I work in the school system, my own neice who I've known since a BABY started going there as a freshman and feels it appropriate to see me and hug me in the classroom, and I make it known hey this is my niece! I make sure the teachers and guidance counselors know this is my niece. Boundaries need to be set period, even with my son and daughter who go to different schools no. It isn't appropriate. Niggas need to relax. As an educator, teacher, staff member, have a relationship with the parent first, the babies need to stay safe period.
@MariusClay-hd4vp 3 сағат бұрын
That’s just Mike. That how he’s always been. The world now is just different and soft. He said that 20 years ago. Nobody bats an eye.
@FredWilkins-nj4ws 3 сағат бұрын
Weg with hair in the thumbnail is mad unorthodox
@diobolikal1230 4 сағат бұрын
@letsdobetta4267 4 сағат бұрын
How y’all ain’t comment on the white teacher getting his bald head bedazzled by his girl students? Then you got reg talking about all girls? As if having some boys unbraid his hair would some how make it right? Yall need to give it up. This “podcast” is embarrassing. It’s been years and y’all ain’t making it nowhere. Change the name to 25k and under.
@diobolikal1230 4 сағат бұрын
@Mackofthemil 5 сағат бұрын
Pause the dude with a lot of female friends.
@ToneDesh 6 сағат бұрын
You in here goofing off!!!😂😂😂
@ToneDesh 6 сағат бұрын
@hoffadollaz3094 7 сағат бұрын
When Chris brown hit rhianna internet cooked him when Tory allegedly shit Meg internet cooked him puffy hits Cassie and celebs are 🤫 🤫
@pcab5786 9 сағат бұрын
Thumbnail with Reg dreads is wild
@CoolestHuh 9 сағат бұрын
How a first grade love affair even ... #nourishmentinfinite
@bigtime5589 9 сағат бұрын
@bigtime5589 10 сағат бұрын
OnG 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@bigtime5589 10 сағат бұрын
Get off my man KG!!! We just need speak therapy that’s all 🤣🤣🤣
@piffpowers 10 сағат бұрын
How yall feel about the white guy
@saveyabreath680 10 сағат бұрын
He also admitted to texting these kids regularly
@bwilson21345 13 сағат бұрын
Off the Wall is better than Thriller
@BEAZTGATLINMUSIC 13 сағат бұрын
Completely inappropriate, I got daughters and all I know is I’d be puttin hands & feet on dawg if them was my kids.
@yusuf-osuntuyi 13 сағат бұрын
I thought that was Dwight Howard in the thumbnail--I was befuddled.
@thecircle2662 13 сағат бұрын
Reg: Men are Innocent until proven guilty. not enough evidence. Reg: she just wants some money and she lied. I don't need proof, this is my opinion. Reg: But think of the young boys who have to grow up and be judged with no proof.
@dominiquejolly7781 13 сағат бұрын
Honestly teachers rely on relationships so much because behavior in school is not addressed at home. So it’s not as clear cut as pull up teach and dip. Parents would be pissed if they seen the growth or data that would produce. So as a teacher you are forced to enter a tricky area. As a teacher I’ve sent home communication for parents with my phone number and students have texted me and I had to shut it down.
@MrE914 14 сағат бұрын
If it's my daughter, yeah I will let her know not to do such thing, and yes I would approach the teacher on it... But at the same time, to me, my thing is...well how is his work ethic as a teacher, how are the kids grades, are these some troublesome kids turning a new leaf, etc. What I understand is this, a teacher is with our kids all day, and they have to connect to them in order to make sure they have good attitude behavior and learn education. The problem in our community, we take certain shit and blow it up to a major thing. This man has no record, no crazy background history of any pedophile type shit, and have a passion, and willingness to teach..right?.. And then on the flip side of this when you look at a white male teacher doing this with white kids or whatever, there's no major flag for that dude.... Listen... I feel for the situation, and I hope things sort out right and better for that teacher. But the way we do shit most times?....be out of damn pocket too
@thecircle2662 9 сағат бұрын
I had teachers who connected with me and we never made physical contact outside of a handshake. Thousands of teachers are able to do the same. if he's too stupid to figure out how to be impactful to the youth without crossing the line then he is really bad at his job and should not be a teacher. I refuse to believe that he HAD to do it this way to be effective at teaching
@MrE914 9 сағат бұрын
Yeah I would think it would be a problem too if a male teacher was having you braid his head as a little boy.... Teachers hug students do they not? Kids even sometimes hug their teachers, do they not? It's not like the dude had his eyes rolled back and was making moaning gestures and shit... And yeah back when I was growing up it was totally different from this sensitive ass weird ass country as it is today... Look all I'm saying is... Good teachers especially black teachers, with meaningful desires to educate, Never get the credit of kids accomplishments, but yet get ridiculed, and blackmailed.... Remind you this is after the class is over it's not like it's during the- yo listen man.... Everybody have their own opinions it is what it is
@thecircle2662 8 сағат бұрын
if you can't figure out what's inappropriate and what's not then you aren't smart enough to teach. ima leave it there.
@ajxthegreat97 14 сағат бұрын
Pops really should be an actor 😂😂
@ajxthegreat97 14 сағат бұрын
Pops you right slater joint was bad and Maia Campbell
@DaChemist13 15 сағат бұрын
I’m so conflicted on this one because a part of me says this is inappropriate but when you know that the parents were onboard and actually defended him, that means they vetted him and are familiar with him and didn’t take any offense to it and those are their kids so if they cool, why should we complain? Not to mention, we know how dads are especially black dads, so I mean why did none of them if they are present pull up and press him about it? So this leads me to believe this very well could’ve been innocent interaction between him and his students and we’ve just vilified him and made him a creep. It’s boundary bending for sure but I don’t know if it has malicious intent behind it.
@2iggy_ 10 сағат бұрын
Just because the parents are fine with it doesn’t make it ok. No offense, but a lot of kids have bad parents and uuhhh, yeah.
@DaChemist13 10 сағат бұрын
@@2iggy_ you’re making an assumption that their bad parents which I don’t believe is fair at all without knowing them. Society is a little different know and things like these are par for the course in this day and age of tik tok and social media. And if their parents are fine with it, then for them it’s ok and it ain’t for us to judge it unless it was our kids. They don’t have an issue with it so why should we if it’s not our kids? That’s my thing. They clearly know him better than we do and feel more comfortable based on their interactions with him, interactions we did not have. It’s not fair for you to just make them out to be bad parents based on a situation you don’t know the inner workings of.
@thecircle2662 9 сағат бұрын
if you are OK with an adult texting your kids then it's safe to say you are an irresponsible parent. thankfully the school had some sense and fired him
@Idontcarejones 15 сағат бұрын
Fop guns coming out is insane 😂😂😂
@anelealla6593 16 сағат бұрын
The giblets😂😂😂😂
@playa6417 16 сағат бұрын
Community or not it's totally inappropriate 👎🏾
@cikamara 16 сағат бұрын
@C47vin 18 сағат бұрын
Scientific theories are backed up by multiple hypotheses that are proven through scientific method . Terrance doesn’t have theories he’s slapping together unrelated scitentific terms. ANYONE CAN MAKE PATENTS HE STOLE IDEAS HE PAID STUDENTS TO MAKE AND PATENDED THRM. Anyone came Make patents without inventing anything
@Brassknucks23 21 сағат бұрын
I will always be confused with why it is people feel/believe that because they can't fathom, or because it wasn't their experience, or that they lack a particular ability...that means it is impossible. I'd respect more the thought of improbable, but even that has it's inherent flaws. I can remember things in my childhood that a lot of people can't, my husband remembers coming out of his mother and the hospital lights and can't remember to close the kitchen cabinet doors when he's done 😂😂😂 (and I'd never tell him his memory is not true or possible). I'm not in his brain and just because he has difficulties remembering some things doesn't blanket all things. Certain things stand out and that is valid. If Terrance says that was his experience then so be it, who TF am I (or anyone for that matter) to say otherwise. And he has already proven his brilliance and the validity in many of his theories. Science is just theory waiting in line to be proven ; which is why I can't understand folks who harp on things being impossible...all of life as we know it was once "impossible" open your minds....PLEASE.
@Brassknucks23 21 сағат бұрын
I don't agree with Reg often, but I still want him to hear his entire point without interruption just like I want to hear everyone else. I want to know what it is I don't exactly agree with. And even if I don't agree with someone out right because fundamentally we are different, there's still room to relate, connect, change minds, learn, etc... But, I NEED to hear their side first 😂😂😂 Not ever point can be made in 2 seconds and that's your argument, that he takes too long, not realizing that y'all are part of the problem because you divert the point and interrupt like crazy. Y'all also gaslight the fuck outcha boy. I think it's gross that men as a whole think being on a women's side in these situation is babying, coddling, or that the abuser's actions are a consequence of some other side of accountability. Even if their were admittance of ruffling feathers on the victims behalf, how does that change the accountability/responsibility of the abuser to NOT abuse. That information changes nothing which is why often times people file it under "there's no reason to hit a woman" (when we know it's more nuanced then that, collectively) but the problem is that once we delve into the nuance it has the potential to absolve the abuser of their part (which is really the problem and point) in the minds of the simple....and their trying to avoid all that to begin with. Most times people harp of those details to find a way to excuse said behaviors. I have more thoughts on all this stuff but it could literally fill a book if that wasn't obvious by now, so imma stop right there, step off my soap box, thank y'all for coming to my Ted Talk, and hope y'all caught what I was throwing.
@ChrisWilliams-qo1uy Күн бұрын
@BIGDOXX Күн бұрын
Reggie takes the scenic route to all his points.
@creavonegarrett8871 Күн бұрын
Reg think about animal natural instinct.... to breed, to eat, to hunt, to seek shelter... some animals are never taught these things by there kind, they natural react and instinctively do these things... I'm not saying Terence was telling the truth.... but your guy behind the camera was making some sense to the possibility
@gtbjewels2295 17 сағат бұрын
Are they not taught that tho
@a_changedworld Күн бұрын
I've got a serious question. How come African Americans spend so much time analysing and defending their culture, but their keep slipping further and further behind? I'm not American, I'm not white (I'm Korean). Our culture overcame war 70 years ago. Unlike US slavery, we still have people alive now who lived through actual oppression. You guys are still complaining about something that happened hundreds of years ago and America gives you so many advantages. But, you never see Koreans on social media, hear us on the radio, or watch us on TV talking about our culture. We just got on with the job at hand. Why can't your people just get on with it? What do you gain from playing the victim instead of just getting on with being better people?
@victorsmith4537 23 сағат бұрын
Let me decipher this for you...have you ever heard of Jim Crow? That had more impact on black people than the crack epidemic. The only group of people that are still singled out no matter the location is black people. It bothers me because other "races" or nationalities don't understand because they don't live it. Its easy to speak on a situation from the outside looking in. I myself (as a black man) didn't even understand it until I got out the military and moved to North Carolina. I have way more qualifications and certs Tha most people I'm up against in the work force. But on several occasions I've had job interviews and it wasn't until I was there physically that it was an issue or I'd get "We're not sure you're a good fit" or whatever bs excuse they had. I've never experienced so much marginalization and discrimination and it's not me making excuses. I did everything by the book and followed every rule by the T and was met with prejudice. I've delta with this shit in different countries as well and always carried myself as one of "the good ones." I've done my research and found it to be fact that no matter what were painted in a dark light. At the end of the day I'm still the picture that the powers that be paint me to be. Most other races aren't going to understand it because no matter what wherever you go that stigma is on us. You havent been thru it because you haven't been a threat to white supremacy
@victorsmith4537 23 сағат бұрын
At the end of the day you don't have to deal with discrimination on the level we do. I've been in situations where an illegal immigrant was shown far more respect than me, a military veteran that put his life on the line for this country, just because how I look. You have to know the actual history to see it for what it is
@a_changedworld 23 сағат бұрын
@victorsmith4537 I don't think you want to try to play the history card, the systemic racism card, or the victim card with Korea. Are you aware of what happened in Korea with Japanese imperialism? Up until 1945, our entire country was under brutal Japanese rule. We were banned from speaking our own language, and our women were forced to become "comfort women" for Japanese troops. Korean Americans who immigrated are now some of the most successful people, we cause few, if any social problems and contribute to industry and STEM fields at a rate well above the national average. South Korea is now a global powerhouse, achieving well above its size economically and culturally. What's your excuse? For all this talk you're still acting like you haven't had opportunities. Opportunity is made, and you need to ask yourself harder questions with less comfortable answers.
@victorsmith4537 23 сағат бұрын
And you said why don't we "just get on with"...We've been trying to since the late 1800s! Black Wallstreet, Rosewood, Colfax, Wilmington NC, Elaine Arkansas etc. We are the only group that has been CONSTANTLY met with impairment.
@a_changedworld 23 сағат бұрын
@victorsmith4537 My reply to your comment seems to have been deleted. But, in essence, I said I don't think you want to play the history, systematic racism or victim card with Korea. Until 1945, we were under brutal Japanese rule. Then, our country was divided by war. Do some reading. And, start asking yourselves some deeper questions that demand uncomfortable answers.
@2iggy_ Күн бұрын
Most people just follow others. Chick Fil A is definitely the overrated.
@PHBlueLunchmeat Күн бұрын
@TheeLeodraco420 Күн бұрын
"He be dropping gems on the low" He said that him and his friends were drugged rape and Rob white women for fun run a train on them literally. There's a gem for ya...
@tonyphelps8374 Күн бұрын
Purple tape
@SloppyGoat Күн бұрын
Yeah, and there are parts of the brain you and Terrence Howard haven't figured out, obviously, while the rest of us have. 🤣🤣🤣 There is never any evidence for things that don't exist!! Even to think that way is just anti-logic. 🙄🙄🙄
@bwilson21345 Күн бұрын
I’m black and ill say Kelly and Topanaga was always 🔥🔥🔥
@swayyung7448 Күн бұрын
Darnell will sacrifice a good conversation just to make Reg look bad.
@denarriotatmon4011 Күн бұрын
Pop Narrative skills Elite frfr, makes me want to go watch every movie or show he talks about 😆
@wavemckenzie5612 Күн бұрын
My boy, Reg 😂😂😂
@pcab5786 Күн бұрын
@rondebiase4643 Күн бұрын
Reg really be killing these 🥷's