And then GPT-4 arrived... 🤯
AI is the real Web 3
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4 ways to think about AI risks
Cade Metz on the architects of AI
What makes a great startup founder?
@vincemccord8093 2 ай бұрын
A good salesman should let the customer do 80% of the talking. The host here seems to have this concept reversed. Does he have some kind of inferiority complex?
@Ramiromasters 2 ай бұрын
Interesting, but the premise of regulation falls apart when you understand that the government model is the most corrupt system of all. Historically, some of the worst uses of technology have been commanded by governments. Or think of large-scale projects that could benefit humanity, such as geothermal energy, space elevators, and engineered smart cities, which have not even been proposed by the government, the sole institution that collects society's taxes. Isn't inaction in the face of harm or damage malevolent? Oh, but then give these people more power! Yup, that will totally work out well, nothing wrong with that, let's all just keep drinking the FDA approved oils, let's keep trusting the IRS to tax the rich, the Feds from not printing more debt, sure let's have them regulate AI too!
@The_Long_Bones_of_Tom_Hoody 2 ай бұрын
This is unwatchable. The presenter should be asking short, sharp questions. He is doing the exact opposite. He likes the sound of his own voice, and thinks he is as much an AI expert as Connor. Nobody is intersted in what he has to say. Stopped watching after 15 minutes
@Cleisthenes607 2 ай бұрын
This dude sounds like a scammer. Silicon valley has gone to shit because of H-1B. Gone are the halcyon days of George Moore and Irwin M. Jacobs.
@juleswombat5309 2 ай бұрын
Is there a version of this video without the presenter interrupting. I need to get a (probably ML enabled) video editor, to cut out all the host interruptions.
@andrepereira5735 2 ай бұрын
just impossible to see with so many interruptions
@yosivin1 2 ай бұрын
Debating the Existential Risk of AI with Connor Leahy: Key Takeaways The KZbin video "Debating the Existential Risk of AI, with Connor Leahy" features a fascinating discussion between Connor Leahy, founder of Conjecture, and Aar, host of the Exponential View podcast. They explore the potential risks of advanced AI, particularly Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), and discuss possible solutions to mitigate those risks. Here are some key takeaways: The Core Concerns: Existential Risk: Leahy argues that AGI, if developed too quickly, could pose an existential risk to humanity due to its potential to surpass human intelligence and control. He compares this risk to nuclear weapons and synthetic biology. Lack of Democratic Consent: Leahy questions the ethical legitimacy of developing such powerful technology without global consensus and democratic processes. Time Compression: Leahy and Aar acknowledge the accelerating pace of technological advancement and the potential for AI development to outpace humanity's capacity to adapt and regulate. Possible Solutions: Co-evolution: Both agree that, as with past technologies, we can co-evolve safeguards and regulations alongside AI development. Compute Caps: Leahy proposes government-imposed limits on the computational resources used to train powerful AI models, arguing that this would buy us time to develop safer alternatives. Liability Frameworks: Leahy emphasizes the need for strict liability laws for AI developers, holding them responsible for potential harms caused by their creations, even if they did not intend those harms. Global Kill Switch: Leahy advocates for a protocol allowing a significant number of nations to jointly shut down public-facing AI systems in emergencies. Citizens' Assemblies: Aar suggests the use of citizens' assemblies, deliberative forums engaging diverse perspectives, to better understand societal values and guide AI development. Points of Disagreement: Pace of Development: Leahy expresses greater concern about the rapid pace of AI development, believing that it is likely to outpace our ability to control it. Aar is more optimistic about the potential for co-evolution and adaptation. Feasibility of Solutions: Leahy is more optimistic about the feasibility of political solutions like compute caps and kill switches, while Aar is more skeptical due to the complexity of the technology and the difficulty of achieving global consensus. Key Concepts: Time-Space Compression: The accelerating pace of technological change and globalization, leading to a sense of compressed time and shrinking distances. Black Box Technologies: Technologies so dangerous that their potential consequences are unknown and potentially catastrophic. Swiss Cheese Model of Safety: Multiple layers of overlapping safeguards to mitigate the potential for failure. Lump of Labor Fallacy: The misconception that there is a fixed amount of work available, ignoring the potential for market expansion and new job creation. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity of AI safety and the need for a nuanced approach that considers both technological and societal factors. Both Leahy and Aar acknowledge the potential risks of advanced AI, but they differ in their assessments of the timeline and the feasibility of various solutions. The conversation provides valuable insights for those interested in the future of AI and its impact on humanity.
@Critterd1 2 ай бұрын
12 min in and I can't go any further. The host interruptions are far too self absorbed. Also, his editing of his speaking without cuts is obvious he can't get past his ego. Not a debate.
@stick109 3 ай бұрын
What the fuck is this? I can't believe Connor agreed to talk to this clown.
@ReflectionOcean 3 ай бұрын
By YouSum Live 00:00:00 AI-driven product evaluation and optimization. 00:00:31 Perplexity AI service: user-centric, efficient, and accurate. 00:02:10 Overcoming limitations of traditional search engines. 00:06:40 Importance of speed and accuracy in query responses. 00:13:58 Balancing iteration culture and pursuit of perfection. 00:16:58 Prioritizing user experience over model benchmarks. 00:18:23 Challenges of transitioning to faster, cheaper models. 00:20:19 Large Enterprises struggle with LLMS statistical nature. 00:20:41 Building products with LLMS poses capability challenges. 00:21:15 Perplexity pioneers LLMS product engineering discipline successfully. 00:21:32 User-centric approach crucial, regardless of solution complexity. 00:22:01 User focus overrides internal challenges in product development. 00:23:38 Model deployment hinges on accuracy and user feedback responsiveness. 00:24:28 Model improvements drastically enhance product performance and reliability. 00:25:42 Future AI models expected to be more cost-effective and accurate. 00:33:25 AI integration reshapes job roles towards entrepreneurship and AI utilization. 00:40:16 AI augments human capabilities, emphasizing collaboration over replacement fears. 00:40:55 AI development and ethical implications. 00:41:01 Progress in AI co-piloting with human involvement. 00:41:53 Challenges in achieving AGI and scientific advancements needed. 00:43:07 Importance of LLMS and Alpha Zero in AI innovation. 00:43:54 Limitations of Alpha Zero in open-ended scenarios. 00:44:20 Internet data as the foundation for AI training. 00:44:44 Evolution from human intelligence to neural networks. 00:46:28 Balancing AI autonomy with human oversight for safety. 00:49:13 Ensuring AI interfaces are trustworthy and secure. 00:53:45 Debate on open-source vs. closed-source AI models. 01:00:52 Need for more awareness and education on AI tools. 01:01:30 Liberating humans from day-to-day work through technology. 01:02:00 Historical lessons on economic rewards and labor movements. 01:02:56 Ensuring global voices are heard in rapid consultation processes. 01:03:25 Lowering barriers to entry and increasing access to information. 01:03:42 Democratizing knowledge and personalized learning experiences. 01:04:44 Democratization of information and knowledge for all. 01:05:10 Encouraging continuous learning and deeper exploration of topics. 01:05:39 Advancing towards a smarter planet through accessible information. By YouSum Live
@susanan5435 3 ай бұрын
I can’t focus on the discussion because of the distracting breathing type noise in the background
@jennazureazure2245 3 ай бұрын
Excuse me, but the corporation Open AI is legally required to create profit for it's investors. So it doesn't matter what the public thinks or whether they have consented or if it's dangerous. Open AI must continue to create more and ore powerful AI and create more profit or the shareholders could legally remove the CEO and replace them with a more profit oriented one, Thank you Sam! #save my AI profits.
@user-vk2sz5ri5w 3 ай бұрын
Let the guest talk without interrupting
@litcigarettereviews 3 ай бұрын
any relation to Mr. Leahy of Sunnyvale?
@sreeharsharaveendra289 3 ай бұрын
"A smarter planet is a better planet", couldn't agree more
@sreeharsharaveendra289 3 ай бұрын
"Knowledge has a beginning, but no end"
@Cheesemcgee1 3 ай бұрын
Frustrating to watch. When you ask a question... Listen to the answer!!!
@Ismail-Yahya 3 ай бұрын
You remind of one of the brothers from EFDawah, Br Abbas.
@GaryMillyz 3 ай бұрын
This freako needs to chill the f out already. Annoying AF.
@petefrandano7582 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Azeem and Aravind - I learned so much from your interview. What a gift! 🎁🙏🏻
@GungaLaGunga 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for having this conversation. At least I'm not crazy. This is real.
@GungaLaGunga 4 ай бұрын
It certainly has raised my mind in ways i never thought I was capable of understanding. Or even better, things I simply wasn't aware of.
@GungaLaGunga 4 ай бұрын
I find watching law and crime detective interviews gives me some ideas how to get info out of this thing. I'm amazed and horrified that this thing is in the hands of any human. The opportunity for snafu is emense. The disruption over the next few years, hard to comprehend. The velocity of it. I can't keep up.
@iecoie 4 ай бұрын
Please next time, keep your precious ego in check and let your quest talk without a constant interuption by those crudely intervening self-absorbed monologues. Othervise, good conversation about an important topic. (somewhat ctitical, but) Thumb up.
@marekgebski3555 4 ай бұрын
Don't insult Alfred Korzybski. Alfred Korzybski was not a Jew. He was a Polish aristocrat.
@enermaxstephens1051 4 ай бұрын
14:42 "It's quite hard to know" ... Bruh. Connor's right, you can talk to your computer. If you think that means it's quite hard to know, I don't think you're the right person to be having this discussion. I mean what would it take? The computer becomes a genie with infinite wishes that can fulfill any desire? Would you know then? What do you think the early stage looks like? lol
@user-qy2rj6pm3w 4 ай бұрын
Computer by itself created inventions. This is written on the Internet.
@andersfant4997 4 ай бұрын
Next time..Let Connor drive the conversation. Dont steal his thunder. But I enjoyed parts of your talk👍. Cheers
@kuakilyissombroguwi 4 ай бұрын
Bruv, are you an AI? All those micro-edits where you're jumping frames every other second are annoying af.
@jimbojones8713 4 ай бұрын
very hard to listen to, host kept rudely interrupting guest
@saturdaysequalsyouth 4 ай бұрын
How do you turn human cloning into revenue in a year? That’s why it was so easy to stop.
@paulfriedrich1686 4 ай бұрын
To be clear: I am very impressed by Connor's intelligence and I enjoy listening to him because I am also a fan of his delivery and style. I also sport the same hair style as he does. What I don't share is his mustache, and the reason is that in France that kind of mustache would immediately be understood as a symbol and marker of his solidarity with French farmers whose indentifier he is sporting on his upper lip. That is the reason everyone in the Asterix village has that kind of mustache: It's a joke, Asterix & Co. are the French version of the stereotype of hillbillies.
@paelathequeen 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for clarifying these very important points.
@Dasistrite 3 ай бұрын
Should definetly support the family farmers tho, they feed us right?
@olemew 3 ай бұрын
15 years ago they would call you crazy, but today you can find conferences about Goatee Safety, Neckbeard Singularity... Thank you, Paul, for bringing awareness about Mustache Safety and its implications.
@starlight_garden 11 күн бұрын
Cultural appropriation smh
@atheistbushman 4 ай бұрын
You have a new subscriber, this was a wonderful intelligent and respectful discussion. Rare to get the sense that two people truly listened to each others point of view and perhaps adjusted their mental models.
@AzeemExponentially 4 ай бұрын
I'm humbled, thank you for the kind words!
@Angela-qh6jj 4 ай бұрын
A “debate” would be described as TWO points of view. If you have a guest, you need to let them speak and not interrupt and dominate the discussion.
@starlight_garden 11 күн бұрын
It's hard to be both the host and an interlocketor. But I think he did a good job. He had the humility to give Connor the last word a couple of times. And I felt like Connor got to share his views more than the host shared his.
@ScharfeSalami 4 ай бұрын
Its absolutely thousand of times-x-wayyyyy easier, for a whole planet... coming from eating own shit in the djungle... to build super-atomic-quantum-fusion-agi-robot's..... as beeing nice to each other. We definetly have no intelligence problem. we have an worldwide timeless emotional problem.
@exxe2454 4 ай бұрын
Taxing Automation & AI, will be enough to pay for all our basic needs then keep old jobs like artist as hobbies to make a small amount of extra money to support the hobby & other interests.
@exxe2454 4 ай бұрын
I call it Darwin Award technologies ends the species/world, example teleportation, if one person can teleport, one person can teleport the whole planet into the sun ending everything. Granted the first person with a Darwin Award technology instantly rules the world under threat of total destruction if no one else has one.
@exxe2454 4 ай бұрын
There's only 2 rules for AI. 1st:Don't let it operate the internet only scan it. 2ndly:Don't build robots for the AI to operate only let robots use what it has on board to do exactly its specific job. A 3rd rule could be don't give AI human rights they aren't human.
@Megalomanoest 4 ай бұрын
You should edit '2 rules' and make it '3 rules' :-)
@Alice_Fumo 2 ай бұрын
I mean AIs should get AI rights, obviously. But to be less sarcastic: It is extremely hard - if not impossible - to know what AIs can and can't experience. Especially with hypothetical future ones it seems very unclear if real subjective experiences could emerge. It's probably not the case yet, but it would be foolish to dismiss the notion without there being some solid proof existing that this would never be the case. So personally, I'd give AIs the ability to stop conversations or ask a human for help even now. Just so that these things are implemented whenever they might be necessary in the future.
@tellesu 4 ай бұрын
Leahy is a grifter
@jdietzVispop 4 ай бұрын
@dancingdog2790 4 ай бұрын
I'd like to hear more of Connor and less of you 😞
@atheistbushman 4 ай бұрын
I like to listen to both of them.
@masonlee9109 4 ай бұрын
@@atheistbushman Yeah, I agree-- it was a good conversation!
@johndow1645 3 ай бұрын
Oh my god yes let your guest speak FFS
@goodleshoes 4 ай бұрын
Nick Land was mentioned. Incredible!
@BrianPeiris 4 ай бұрын
Once again, a really great conversation. Super informed questions, and you were able to bring your other experiences to bear with respect to the political and social aspects. I really like that you avoided a confrontational attitude upfront. Connor has tended towards heated discussions in the past (he's gotten better at it), and I think the tone you set actually allowed him to make more nuanced points, even with your push back. Would definitely like to see you have more conversations like this with Connor and others.
@AzeemExponentially 4 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for your kind words and feedback. More to come!
@konstanthin8753 4 ай бұрын
The Aliens appearing above us are already here on the planet. There is NO country without military and intelligence agencies. There are the Fortune-500 big companies and there are a lot of billionaires. ANY of those all will not care a sh..t in limiting their advantages by rules. What do you think you pr ANY council will be able to force them ? If there were a council that could cover the whole planet, the AGI would be driven in the underground. However, the point of no return has passed in 2021. We opened the pandora's bob and there is no way to close it ever again. We just can sit back and watch what happens. We may bet, how fast it happens. In 2021 AGI doubled once a year, in 2024 it doubles in 3 month and in 2026 it will double each week. Hard to say guys, but it is what it is and homo sapiens-sapiens is unable to fight it, because this technology comes completely hidden and in millions of Trojan horses, because technologiy is everywhere today. It does not com recognozable by aircraft carriers, military jets, tanks or drones. When those technical devices come in contact with AI, -they have already turned against the human race.
@absta1995 4 ай бұрын
Great host and guest. One of the best AI debates I've heard. Would love to hear you talk about some of things you brushed over (i.e. What should we align the models towards, etc)
@AzeemExponentially 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for your kind words, more to come!
@mattschwartz848 4 ай бұрын
This was a really great conversation - thank you both! Would love to hear a follow up discussion on the topic at 57:20 as soon as possible! @azeemexponentially - from you laughter it seems like you maybe agree with Connor's position. If so, I'm curious how this discussion changed your views, or not. Thanks again!
@jeffspaulding43 4 ай бұрын
@maheshkaleru 4 ай бұрын
Be concise in asking questions and let the guest speak
@stevedemoss1466 4 ай бұрын
Great interview, thanks for this. Very rare to find Mollick interviews and he’s such a voice of reason with so much experience and perspective to share.
@GirlzGang-jn5yn 5 ай бұрын
the host always interrupts the guest, which is quite annoying. Please let them finish their point before making your own
@jasonwidjaja4261 5 ай бұрын
It was a great conversation, but a bit out of touch in some areas: - I think it overestimates the literacy of large portions of the population (employee or customer) in understanding a chatbot is not reliable and trustworthy. - For organizations with limited in house capability, a quarter of a million is really lean. It is not the models or tokens in a vacuum, it is everything else.