@Fedda75 2 сағат бұрын
The BMP-3 deserves it´s place as the top dog on S-tier, it obviously is one of the components making the 27th Guards such a powerhouse in our beloved game. And I also agree with you regarding the current IFV meta. I love my tanks, but the game has become so much more fun to with the changes in the latest patch. I might also add the latest dev blogs from Eugen makes me more excited for WARNO, NORTHAG is gonna be great! And as always, thanks for making this videos. Consider them liked and shared every time by yours truly 👍
@variable450 2 сағат бұрын
If Eugen ever adds a bmp-2 with konkurs-M then that could make S tier, probably even ahead of bmp-3
@jordanmcdonald3358 3 сағат бұрын
I'd like a tier list on pionier/pioneer/sapeurs/saperi/engineers, also maybe a tier list of surface to air AA, Krug S tier!!!! (When it works)
@VampiroGaming 2 сағат бұрын
Good idea, I really have no clue which cqc units are good and which are not (because of the secondary weapons like dynamite). Another suggestion: A "Top 5 Divs" list for every ranked map :D
@verusAuxilium 3 сағат бұрын
NG bradley is def A tier. Itow is much better than konkurs due to accuracy
@sd_league 3 сағат бұрын
Reservist traits debuffs dont get shown in the Statscards: -5% acc (reducing its advantage to 5%) +50% suppresssion (meaning it loses acc faster due to stress quickly) +20% Aimtime (meaning it always shots last) +15% reload time Info can be found: war-yes.com/unit/Descriptor_Unit_M2_Bradley_IFV_NG_US
@batteredskullsummit9854 18 сағат бұрын
M113 best ifv world
@sd_league 8 сағат бұрын
Not categorized as an IFV, will be in the APC tierlist at some point though ;)
@sd_league 21 сағат бұрын
Infos and Sign up for League Season 2 here: playsdl.com/tournament/warno-league-season2
@gregularexpressions Күн бұрын
Just me or there’s a duplicated audio track for the infantry in the game? Especially the FS troops.
@n3DJ_ 11 сағат бұрын
Definitely a lot of duped lines and doubling up. Even between games, having played SD2maybe 1/2 the American voice lines are from that game
@gregularexpressions 10 сағат бұрын
@@n3DJ_ thanks - but I meant that it sounds like the audio is playing twice. There’s an echo or double track sound. As if the game audio is added to the recording twice.
@marcins638 4 сағат бұрын
Yeah, really annoying :D
@St4hlbrecher Күн бұрын
what a game, the last 10 minutes where really tense, wp! i remember playing against Meme deck enjoyer once, where he completly airspammed me with Berlin Command and a giant horde of harriers
@sd_league Күн бұрын
Season 2 Information: playsdl.com/tournament/warno-league-season2
@bigdsolutions 2 күн бұрын
"one of my warno tournament games" ;)
@vladhelikopter 2 күн бұрын
Hi Protoss! Unrelated question: There’s a rare East German voice line, probably when clicking on tanks, which goes on like: "[unintelligable] schöne Frauen und Panzer die die Russen bauen" and I just can’t seem to hear the word which comes before that. Maybe as a native speaker you could hear it better? If yes, please tell.
@barybary42 3 күн бұрын
I dont really understand hiding aas in forests. they will not shoot cuz their line of fire is blocked. same with having them in cities
@patricklambert437 3 күн бұрын
I believe yu were lucky that the guy was not too good because there are quite a few apparent mistakes. The guy should have taken a few arty pieces and it would not have been the same game. Grads were firing near the FOB without moving away and the FOB itself was too close of the reinforcement route. Furthermore yur anti air was so bunched up together that one shell could have killed most of them if not all. Not a very goog game imo.
@airline3hum 3 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! Excellent analysis.
@ClintEastwooodPS3 4 күн бұрын
Thats my fav division. i would say its got the best infantry tab, not because the units on their own are the most powerful, but in combination you" cut with them like trough warm butter". If you find a way to kill blobs of tanks and to eliminate annoying AA like Shilka, AMX13, Gepard and stuff, you gonna win every match within 20 min. The best thing about this div is the recon tab. You can kind of cheese your way trough enemy lines and if you want to, there are options to be nearly unseen by the enemy the whole game with a bit luck, while you see everything. My deck has maybe one tank card, wich i barely use, no IFV's, and it works fine.
@shootstackreload2823 4 күн бұрын
Recon ACAV Isn’t real it can’t hurt you.😂
@whyme943 4 күн бұрын
If you mainly want the Mi-24s for the rockets, would you consider the Mi-8 rockets?
@sd_league 4 күн бұрын
No the speed and extra HP + the gun for consistent DMG make the mi24 way way better. Even with the latest slight buffs to mi8 they still are quite shit
@Fedda75 4 күн бұрын
I was just asking for more deck deep dives, lo and behold, Protoss delivers😄
@batteredskullsummit9854 4 күн бұрын
@Fedda75 4 күн бұрын
Fantastic work, I was really waiting for your latest division tierlist. I hope you will find time for more deck deep dives now the meta have changed again. And please make more tierlists on units, those are the best!
@VampiroGaming 4 күн бұрын
Very good guide, thanks.
@St4hlbrecher 5 күн бұрын
its always funny when opponents are complaining about balance while they are playing completly broken divs like 11th acr or 8th inf before the dragon nerf
@tristanhicks9824 5 күн бұрын
I’m teaching my brother how to play rn, and I learned sm alongside him by watching videos similar to this
@mountaingoatgaminggg9395 5 күн бұрын
I was just talking in the discord about how discouraged I was getting learning this game, because either my pushes or defense are getting annihalted out of vision, my recon either doesnt see or gets sniped on my pushes. Then I see this vid, love it
@barybary42 3 күн бұрын
use smoke a lot when you plan pushes. smoke any area you anticipate having atgms/tanks or any other support
@relaetsecyr 5 күн бұрын
I think in general, the praxis two is one, one is none really applies in Warno as having a single heavy tank or single AA piece for instance can be very impotent without support. Outside of things like snipers, you almost always want to have units together in such a way where they can mutually support each other and screen each other. Another tip I would have for newer players is keeping up the pressure on the enemy. First two minutes of the game is taking positions but if you don't put pressure on your opponent and push them out of staging areas behind points they will be able to punish you in the long run.
@100Kakdela 5 күн бұрын
Very nice overview. I have almost 200hrs but didn't really understand the tick mechanic. Now its clear, thanks.
@mastermanofjustice 5 күн бұрын
This is a good overview for beginners. I think this could be primed for follow up videos where you explain each of these in a bit more detail with examples.
@sd_league 5 күн бұрын
Yeah, Feeling Out in how deep I can go before it gets too specific and boring for viewers. As deep dives unfortunately often take more time then the general viewers Attention span / time + also my editing skills are still WIP. But yeah more deep dives are planned.
@mastermanofjustice 5 күн бұрын
@@sd_league I understand you. Could keep it mid-level. Just the next step. Not the whole meta that might change from patch to patch.
@googol8323 5 күн бұрын
NG trait is pretty brutal: +50% suppresion, +20% aim time, -5% static & motion accuracy, +15% reload time
@DontUputThatEvilOnMe 4 күн бұрын
Use the MP units
@ataxle6819 5 күн бұрын
wie meldet man sich für die sd2 league an?
@sd_league 5 күн бұрын
playsdl.com/tournament/warno-league-season2 du findest alle informationen hierfür auf der Website :)
@FlyingBullets 5 күн бұрын
How did the 5. Panzerdiv, jumped from C Tier (6 month ago) to S Tier ?!
@sd_league 5 күн бұрын
cheap fighters + Leopard recovery + marders being viable because the wall of dragons doesnt outrange them and murder them anymore.
@FlyingBullets 5 күн бұрын
@@sd_league i was just wondering, because i started this game and the first tierlist was the one from 6 month ago and now its completely differnt. thanks for clarifying.
@fish7598 6 күн бұрын
Regarding the little birds - what's really annoying is that because they have the special forces trait they get the special forces vet curve. Unfortunately, this is actually WORSE than the default helicopter vet curve, which means that they're missing out on a -60% aim time reduction, which would bring the miniguns down to an aim time of 1 second. They also actually have WORSE stress resistance, stress recovery, and precision than a non-special forces helicopter would at the same veterancy. Hopefully Eugen can either remove the SF trait or create a new special trait for SF helicopters that manages to improve over the (already powerful) effects of standard helicopter veterancy
@pontusbergstrom6520 6 күн бұрын
All praise the mememachine, our beloved Krug!
@sd_league 6 күн бұрын
This tierlist was made before the latest patch (and the nerfs to esp 5th panzer). 5th is now a A-Tier div too, meanwhile Berlin Command approached D-tier iwth the latest nerfs. Rest relatively unchanged at least for 1v1.
@Hungaricus Күн бұрын
It would be nice to have a balance patch for those C tier divs to go up to atleast B and the two outlier or just the one 3rd armored to go down to A tier level. I think this anti "spam"' mindset is really hurting the fun C cat divs because you cant fight on equal ground against a quaility unit if your weak stuff is not cheap.
@Rempai420 23 сағат бұрын
What got nerfed in 5th Panzer? It’s my favourite NATO deck so I’m sad hearing this.
@sd_league 23 сағат бұрын
@@Rempai420 Leo 2 went up 5 p + F4F went down to 2 per card, all justified nerfs.
@Rempai420 23 сағат бұрын
@@sd_league That’s not too bad ig
@sd_league 22 сағат бұрын
@@Rempai420 yeah as stated, it moves them from "busted" to "really good". :)
@jaw0449 6 күн бұрын
I had 2 dragon teams from 101st take on a BMP and got destroyed…it did nothing to it
@im_flat 6 күн бұрын
I’ve really been enjoying 35th. Imo it kinda plays like a NATO version of a pact division also, M110A2 my beloved
@pixynowwithevenmorebelkanb6965 6 күн бұрын
I thought that was ferrari for a second
@FINSuojeluskunta 6 күн бұрын
All non-radar aa including radar rapier fsb had air optics go from 250 -> 120 so pivads, afganskii, rapiers, probably a few others. Big nerf to 56 and bercom I think. Forces you to use air to see stuff (especially nighthawk). For bercom, honestly the rapier doesn't change much, it adds nothing but is nonetheless another card of okay aa you can field, but it's definitely a unit you take mid-game and not something you prioritize, more just helps you from running out due to manpad attrition. It came at the cost of trading a helo slot for harrier aa or mirage SEAD to see nighthawk in mirror matches though, which are now basically a race to snowball unkillable nighthawks. So you basically card the harrier aa just for the possible mirror match lol, would never card it in tournies.
@FINSuojeluskunta 6 күн бұрын
Krug is still okay at that price point, bigger problem is dealing with helicopters is really rough on rugener. Also what I'd like to say is that when they nerf cheap inf like they did here, it just pushes the meta towards 40-45 point satchel inf which takes advantage away from inf divs as every div has satchel inf (and bercom/2id actually get forced base vet satchel inf lol)
@Fishboi64 6 күн бұрын
6th Moto A tier? Wut? Sub par tanks, sub par infantry, bad Air tab. What A tier?
@FINSuojeluskunta 6 күн бұрын
mig-21 CLUs are amazing
@mikeg2092 6 күн бұрын
That Mig-23 availability nerf is shitty.
@TantheMan415 6 күн бұрын
I feel like 27th is S tier now for the same reason 3rd is. BMP-3s on certain maps can lock down entire open spaces and make attacking very difficult, not to mention the heavy tank support and no significant weaknesses.
@FINSuojeluskunta 6 күн бұрын
Yeah also PACT got gentle recon cost buffs, still a div that grows strong over the match and has a decent open
@paulkort4445 6 күн бұрын
Bmp3s are strong, but still they don't have atgms that actually penetrate proper OTAN tanks. You gotta spam them so hard and not lose a single vehicle, cos look, 2 bmp 3's cost 270, it's ~ M1A1 price. Single M1A1 eats all of these bmp3s for breakfast if PACT player makes one single mistake. Against any other transports and infantry - yeah, bmp3 is a god tier vehicle. Agree about 27th being an S tier if an experienced player plays it.
@TantheMan415 6 күн бұрын
@@paulkort4445 their ATGMs will penetrate an HA Abrams at 2,430m. They have increased range at 2800m and their pen scaling is taken into account because of it. They outrange every other atgm and the bastion missile is faster than a Tow 2 so even if they get off shots at the same time as a Bradly in the same range, they still have an advantage. Also, the BMP-3 themselves is only 90 pts. Other than the fact there isn’t a recon variant, it’s the best IFV out there in most situations since it can effectively shut down open spaces with no recourse other than by using a heli or plane. On a maps like two lakes duel and airport it’s incredibly hard to attack these things and even defend to an extent.
@paulkort4445 6 күн бұрын
@@TantheMan415 Do you have any idea of how ATGMS and all heat projectiles work in this game? Their penetration values does not change with range at all. As for the speed of Bastion - agreed, hella fast6 Bmp2 reccie is a good one ye.
@steffent.6477 6 күн бұрын
Deine Div Namen sind absolut genial.
@nirktheman-thingstab-cutter 6 күн бұрын
Honestly the more I try and use Dragons/Metis post nerf, the more I think they're actually just useless. I think the current meta of IFVs and tanks be way above everything else is boring. Uninstalling until the game gets into a more fun state.
@samsniper2000 6 күн бұрын
me when I can't lock down an entire square with 1 trillion 65 point engineers (dragon)
@Strelnikov403 6 күн бұрын
god forbid the modern maneuver warfare simulator should ever force you to engage in modern maneuver warfare
@Le_Savior 6 күн бұрын
Average dragon arty spam user
@nirktheman-thingstab-cutter 6 күн бұрын
@@Strelnikov403 What is there to maneuver? Closing in doesn't help since autocannons outpace how much damage Dragons can really do, especially before the squad gets panicked. The only thing these weapons had going for them was range, without it, you might as well smoke in some LAW/RPG teams.
@nirktheman-thingstab-cutter 6 күн бұрын
@@Le_Savior If two cards is spam I don't want to know what being reserved looks like.
@VampiroGaming 6 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot. I guess with the MP nerf 35th can safely stay in B. Poor UK.
@barybary42 7 күн бұрын
is it 1v1 or XvX?
@sd_league 6 күн бұрын
@barybary42 6 күн бұрын
@@sd_league Thanks! Is there some website with 1v1 replays so I could have a look? I watch a lot of Tmans, Fortitude and some other players' games but to be frank I have NEVER seen 4th Motor in 1v1 and super rarely the 2nd Panzer.
@sd_league 6 күн бұрын
@@barybary42 they are on our discord. All League and tourney games can be found there.
@barybary42 6 күн бұрын
@@sd_league Thanks!
@yuriyvinohradov4394 7 күн бұрын
We need 2 cards of FASTA
@philconti1945 7 күн бұрын
Been waiting for an updated list
@sd_league 5 күн бұрын
Glad to hear that :) Even though eugen did hit it with a patch instantly :D
@jarjarjarjar3981 7 күн бұрын
Damn rip UK again
@HallBr3gg 7 күн бұрын
this game still superboring
@bradenatkinson4784 7 күн бұрын
I wonder if the some of the nerfs are them preparing for the northag dlc since that area was mostly held by the British
@sd_league 7 күн бұрын
Sounds reasonable, as the M110 change in the UK is weird, as there currently is no british M110 :D
@bradenatkinson4784 6 күн бұрын
@@sd_leaguemight it be in one of the campaign battle groups