hello. My name is Kim Ju-min, a neurologist who specializes in manual therapy.
I will provide you with information about manual therapy in an easy-to-understand manner through my videos.
We hope that our channel will be helpful to many people.
[The Wells Clinic]
The Wells Clinic, 5th floor, 181 Jamsil-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul
024227591 Reservation call
Monday, Wednesday 10:00 AM ~ 9:00 PM (night)
Thursday, Friday 10:00 AM ~ 7:00 PM
Sat 9:00AM~3:00PM
Closed on Tuesdays and public holidays
[email protected]*Uploaded every Friday at 6pm
*Subscriptions and likes are of great help to me.
Kim Joo-min, CEO of The Wells Clinic
Website www.thewells.kr
Blog blog.naver.com/thewells1004
Instagram instagram.com/thewells1004
Facebook facebook.com/thewells1004