@Robin-hkfItjc16cjtfIiqe 18 күн бұрын
*Search; Dr Michelle Haslam Psychological Report On The NKT Cult.*
@Tristin-erfIkb73vtfItqb Ай бұрын
*There are NKT Cult people roaming the web, trying to recruit people into the cult.*
@Termakas-asjfIp9yifIj Ай бұрын
We support the Nobel Peace Prize winner, One Great Man, The 14th Dalai Lama. 🙏🏼❤🌹❤🌹🙏🏼
@Roberto-hfIjt4kfIitry Ай бұрын
The NKT is outlawed by all other buddhist traditions, all schools of Buddhism & associations.
@MrJ28456 Ай бұрын
Much love to all the people commenting and viewing this video. Wishing you all well. May you experience peace within your own mind and find happiness that way.
@MrJ28456 Ай бұрын
*Also well worth searching for "The gift of an example - Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong"*
@pepe-zfIi36grkoftIqk 18 күн бұрын
*Also Worth Searching; NKT Cult.*
@MrJ28456 Ай бұрын
*Worth searching for "Renunciation - Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong"*
@pepe-zfIi36grkoftIqk 18 күн бұрын
*Worth Searching; NKT Cult.*
@MrJ28456 Ай бұрын
"Swept along by the currents of the four powerful rivers [birth, ageing, sickness, and death], Tightly bound by the chains of karma, so hard to release, Ensnared within the iron net of self-grasping, Completely enveloped by the pitch-black darkness of ignorance, Taking rebirth after rebirth in boundless samsara, And unceasingly tormented by the three sufferings [painful feelings, changing suffering and pervasive suffering] Through contemplating the state of your mothers, all living beings, in conditions such as these, Generate the supreme mind of bodhicitta." Je Tsongkhapa
@Evelyn-zgtkfIiq6oytIfi Ай бұрын
*NKT = Recruitment Cult.*
@Alex-jtfIi9bgfIj1vqh Ай бұрын
Genla Samden - second in command to Kelsang Gyatso, was expelled for sexual abuse & misconduct.
@Barclay-nzfIqian7jtflnq Ай бұрын
Samden was sleeping with as many NKT nun's, nationally & international & overseas visitors, as he could get his hands on.
@Alex-jtfIi9bgfIj1vqh Ай бұрын
Also Genla Thubten - second in command to kelsang gyatso was disrobed for the same reasons sexual abuse & misconduct. But was reinstated after 3 years.
@MrJ28456 2 ай бұрын
*Worth searching for "Compassion empowers us to change our world - NKT"*
@pepe-zfIi36grkoftIqk Ай бұрын
*Worth Searching; NKT Cult.*
@Lin-jiflt7mtfIiqyn 2 ай бұрын
*Please Read newest comment's on here first.*
@Roberto-hfIjt4kfIitry 2 ай бұрын
The NKT is Outlawed by all other buddhist traditions, all schools of Buddhism & associations.
@Yvonne-uitIf2rjifItk 2 ай бұрын
A lot of serious abuse going on in this NKT cult.
@maurice-fIicz5iwv 2 ай бұрын
*Search; "China co ops a Buddhist sect in global effort to smear Dalai Lama".*
@James-bjsfIji9htvihIj 2 ай бұрын
NKT = Dangerious Cult Avoid.
@MrJ28456 2 ай бұрын
*Also worth searching for: "Why we need to make others happy - Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso"*
@BeIinda-ciIe6kjmIfc 2 ай бұрын
*Obtain This Book.* *"Polluting Buddhism"* *The politics envy and greed of* *Kelsang Gyatso and NKT* *(Lies have consequences)* *By Thomas N. Tiedt.* *(Search)* .
@robin-hkfIjc6cjIiq 2 ай бұрын
*Search; Recovery From The New Kadampa Tradition - A Resource Center.*
@MrJ28456 2 ай бұрын
*Also search for: "Appearance and emptiness - Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso"*
@James-bjsfIji9htvihIj 2 ай бұрын
kelsang gyatso is dead.
@robin-hkfIjc6cjIiq 2 ай бұрын
*Search; Recovery From The New Kadampa Tradition - A Resource Center.*
@BeIinda-ciIe6kjmIfc 2 ай бұрын
*Obtain This Book.* *"Polluting Buddhism"* *The politics envy and greed of* *Kelsang Gyatso and NKT* *(Lies have consequences)* *By Thomas N. Tiedt.* *(Search)*
@pepe-zfIi36grkoftIqk Ай бұрын
*Search, NKT Cult.*
@tintobrass532 Ай бұрын
Kelsang Gyatso fake Geshe
@Ricardo-hfIjt4kfIiry 2 ай бұрын
Kelsang gyatso was a self-styled narcissist conman who digraced himself countless times and Broke Samaya with H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama.
@robin-hkfIjc6cjIiq 2 ай бұрын
*Search; Exposing The New Kadampa Tradition Face book group.*
@Renee-uiIf7ejIurso 2 ай бұрын
*Watch, "The Ugly Side Of The New Kadampa Tadition".*
@MrJ28456 2 ай бұрын
*It's sad to see how some Buddhists seem to spend their time trying to discredit other Buddhists, often saying things that are untrue, exaggerated or based on political stances*. I found this documentary interesting, if slightly biased. The Dalai Lama somehow seems to be beyond criticism. And a small number of his followers seem to want to demonise anyone that is fearless enough to have stood up against some of his misguided actions. We need to practise love and compassion if this world is ever going to improve, and to see things from the perspective of others, listening to their experience and point of view. It has been documented that The Dalai Lama did persecute Shugden followers, and it's well known that many Shudgden practitioners have been highly respected teachers (Song Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche, etc etc). It's actually quite normal for a new organisation to ask people to leave - if they want different things. And as Geshe Kelsang points out, then they should move on if their moral discipline is not in-keeping with how a Buddhist community behaves. Yes, things do go wrong, and people sometimes behave very badly - that's delusion for you! (I remember a senior teacher from the NKT was kicked out as soon as things came to light which showed their bad behaviour). We need to mature, be kind, understand delusions and act accordingly. However, after nearly 30 years in the NKT I can honestly say the Sangha is great, the teachings are excellent and the vast majority of practioners' experience is positive. Many of the comments here need to be checked: Dr Haslem's report is highly subjective and by some accounts rejects much of what Buddhism is about; The rumour of the books being burnt is, according to some, complete fabrication - it never happened. The NKT is actually overwhelmingly a decent organisation made of of decent people. We're not perfect. No-one is. Even Buddhas have their critics. We all need to learn from each situation and evolve.
@Alex-jtfIi9bgfIj1vqh Ай бұрын
Genla Samden - second in command to Kelsang Gyatso NKT was expelled for sexual abuse & misconduct.
@Alex-jtfIi9bgfIj1vqh Ай бұрын
Also Genla Thubten - Neil second in command to kelsang gyatso was disrobed for the same reasons sexual abuse & misconduct. Then came backwas after 3 years.
@Barclay-nzfIqian7jtflnq Ай бұрын
Alex. Samden was sleeping with as many NKT nun's, nationally & international & overseas visitors, as he could get his hands on.
@pepe-zfIi36grkoftIqk Ай бұрын
*Search, NKT Cult.*
@newgabe09 2 ай бұрын
Overall this is a balanced account of the situation at the time it was made. However, a quibble- a dispute with another teacher-(20:00)- that was not just 'another teacher' - it was the original founder of the Manjushri Institute!! I was there from the first birthday (1977) till the Split/Coup which started in 1983. Looking back, I was one of the first people 'driven out' at that time, though it happened behind closed doors, not a letter in the mailbox. And yes, as Andy said (I salute her for participating) the burning of the books of the wonderful library that had been donated by so many, really hurt. I'm glad this included critique of premature 'initiations;' and the threats involved to enforce 'devotion' and 'practice'.
@rigzinyuthok8527 3 ай бұрын
Some evil Shugden followers have murdered three monks including the Abbott of Tibetan Dialectic College in Dharmsala.
@tru2harris998 3 ай бұрын
@Ricardo-hfIjt4kfIiry 3 ай бұрын
@Craig-nqfIi4pbtiIf 3 ай бұрын
Reauters News, Search: "China co opts a Buddhist sect in global effort to smear Dalai Lama".
@pepe-zfIi36grkoftIqk Ай бұрын
*Search; NKT Cult.*
@Jack-ngifIj7fkjpm 3 ай бұрын
Don't get yourself into serious debt because of the NKT Cult. Whether Monetary, Savings, Loans, Credit Cards, Finance or Underwriting. Your being deliberately taken for a ride, and scammed.
@taidelek9994 3 ай бұрын
Heavily finanialy support by ccp china .
@christo-wbiIft5zq 3 ай бұрын
*BEWARE OF The ('Love Bombing') tactic* used on you, when you first start going to this NKT Cult. This manipulates you causing you to go back & think it's good, but it's not, your being deceived. If your partner goes & get's hit on, then you go some time after, when you see what's happening, you may wonder what's this going on. Well now you know and It's open to abuse. This *('Love Bombing')* the Cult uses is usually short lived & wears off, as soon as you get involved and sucked into the Cult. "It's just a Con you in, conscription Ploy". It also causes peoples relationships & family's to BREAKDOWN, with all the fake false salling ploy promises the Cult plays you with, to get you into the cult. Many so called monk's Teacher's were having sex with multiple so called nuns, women, girls, & overseas visitors. It's just a Money based Cult, you give this Cult everything and work for them for NOTHING & you get NOTHING but FALSE Hope, False Promises, which always FAIL to happen. It's an ABUSIVE RECRUITMENT CULT. Don't Ruin Your Relationship, Career & Life, Don't Be Deceived.
@robin-hkIjc6eiq 5 ай бұрын
*Search; Exposing the New Kadampa Tradition, Face book group.*
@demetrious-mjhiI37nlm 5 ай бұрын
People Do your Research & Homework properly. This NKT is a RED FLAG Cult at the TOP of the Cult Watch, DANGER lists. Search. 'NKT Cult'.
@maurice-fIic9jwv 5 ай бұрын
People don't get involved in this Cult, or give them any money. Once you know it's a dangerous Recruitment Cult the NKT is a money grabbing scam and this shugden they worship a very evil Dolgyal being. Along with the so called Fraud guru geshela, kelsang gyatso they also worship, It's ridiculous. This NKT Recrutment Cult want's to scam you to move into a Cult centers to pay off for their property, real estate & get money out of you. Where you are then put work like a slave for nothing for them & you give this Cult all your savings, dole, housing benefits, MONEY, and TIME, FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN RETURN - But False Promises. Don't Ruin your life. Please Keep Well Away From This Brainwashing, Exploitative, Do as You Are Ordered, Mind Control, Recrutment Cult. KEEP WELL AWAY, FROM THIS CULT.
@simone.zitIfp4rpdIj 6 ай бұрын
The New KT all it's members are mainly western people. There are no Tibetan people in it, not one. There are ( Dolgyal ) shugden worshipers in India but they don't belong to the NKT. Reuters News stated the NKT were protesting the Dalai Lama and NKT were having links with and being sponcered by the CCP to try and bring down the 14th Dalai Lama, it didn't work. Search Information, Reuters News, "China co-opts a Buddhist sect in global effort to smear Dalai Lama" Also search: 'The Ugly Side of the New Kadampa Tradition.
@kamalnani-ox1le 6 ай бұрын
Yo film release bhaisakyo, kaha herna paainchha ? release bhako pato nai chalena ?
@GarimaKadel-fx6wv 8 ай бұрын
Kahile aauchha yo film ? waiting....
@lauren-ln4fca9Ilj0s 11 ай бұрын
*This Demon Possessed man as his Monastery Sara Ji called him. His Letter Of Expulsion is on here & many sites available across the web.* *This Fake Geshe, Fraud & Conman* *Kelsang Gyatso, Geshela, is Now Dead* *Died 17 September 2022,* *Cremated 27 September 2022,* *Ashes scattered in the Sea.*
@achristinaopame.tiuIf3jlos Жыл бұрын
We Stand On The Side Of H.H. The 14 Dalai Lama. ♥️🙏🌹♥️🙏🌹♥️🙏🌹♥️🙏🌹♥️
@denisepeter7050 Жыл бұрын
This article is 25 years old. Geshe Kelsang Ghatso NKT has several hundred centers and is flourishing. The Dali Lama has stopped criticizing the NKT publicly.
@andreas-mjI6idIw Жыл бұрын
The NKT Recruitment Cult, changed peaceful Protests into ABUSIVE PROTESTS for many years working against H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama. everyone knows what they were doing, working with the Chinese ccp to try & bring down the Dalai Lama. Search - 'REUTERS News, China co-opts a Buddhist sect in global effort to smear Dalai Lama'. It didn't work. Also Search, 'The Ugly Side Of The New Kadampa Tradition'
@lauren-ln4fca9Ilj0s 11 ай бұрын
This Demon Possessed man as his Monastery Sara Ji called him. His Letter Of Expulsion is on here & many sites available across the web. This Fake Geshe, Fraud & Conman Kelsang Gyatso, Geshela, is Now Dead Died 17 September 2022, Cremated 27 September 2022, Ashes scattered in the Sea.
@MrJ28456 Ай бұрын
@pepe-zfIi36grkoftIqk Ай бұрын
*Search; NKT Cult.*
@tintobrass532 Ай бұрын
The NKT, as you know is short of cash. Many assets but short of liquidity. Fake Geshe, no Geshe qualification
@florence-ijIktf37710 Жыл бұрын
NKT - IKBU RECRUITMENT CULT, has nothing to do with Legitimate Buddhism whatsoever. Kelsang Gyatso Geshela, Cult Leader. Also Broke Samaya with his H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama. As his Monastery Sara Je States Kelsang Gyatso, Geshela was Demon Possesed. The dated letter of Declaration of Expulsion of Kelsang Gyatso, Geshela from the Monastery where he lived before coming to Britain. It's well known & freely available to read on this video & across the net. Kelsang Gyatso Geshela, Fake Geshe, Fake 3rd Buddha of this age's, was a Fraud, Conman, Moneyman & Actor. It's well known now the NKT is a Very Dangerious Brainwashing, Mind - Control, RECRUITMENT CULT. With input by according to a Reuters article the Chinese, ccp to bring down the Dalai Lama..
@phiIippa-bvIi8sd Жыл бұрын
WATCH OUT for the words "Kadampa", "Modern Buddhism", and "Dorje Shugden", "Geshela", even just simple "Meditation" Anything with the word "KADAMPA" in it, is the NKT Cult. The NKT tends not to use the abbreviation NKT anymore, as it has got such a very bad reputation.
@overkill1014 Жыл бұрын
My thoughts its better to worship a spirit rather than a hunan being. 😂
@adtnies3tzs6jtv38jk Жыл бұрын
Yes maybe, I guess you're right 😄 but it's better not to worship the man Geshela, Cult leader or Dolgyal. It's still also a scam you Cult. People Beware.
@tintobrass532 Жыл бұрын
The NKT; a brand-new type of cult! KELSANG GYATSO , FAKE GESHE; JUST STOP LYING!
@eddie1111 Жыл бұрын
The NKT is A Brain Washing, Mind Control, Con Scam you Cult. The nkt treated me like crap. Just after your Money & Free Work for Nothing Service. KEEP WELL AWAY.
@laxmithapa2882 Жыл бұрын
Super vedio song
@balindacftj6804 Жыл бұрын
NKT = CULT. There is a really Great Book out now about the New Kadampa Tradition aka NKT / IKBU, International Kadampa Buddhist Union, CULT. With ( Many Survivors Testimonies ) and about the Cults Evil Dolgyal Worship & the so called 3rd Buddha of this age's the Fraud & Conman, Expelled Monk, Kelsang Gyatso with Much More. Called: 'Polluting Buddhism' The politics, envy, and greed of Kelsang Gyatso and NKT (Lies have consequences) By Thomas N. Tiedt. (Search).
@kimgfjb732K84L Жыл бұрын
Thank you, yes I bought mine off Amazon.
@kelleymcfadden9675 Жыл бұрын
We are not guaranteed another day on this Earth. The most important decision you will ever make is where you will spend eternity. Are you 100% sure you would go to heaven if you were to die today? Here's how you can know: kzbin.info/www/bejne/nIm2f3-kmZKpjM0
@kenizyiam 2 жыл бұрын
Wow baitadi vasa jasto xa ta geet❤
@2villageboyz6915 2 жыл бұрын
@basantagautam8224 2 жыл бұрын
संघर्षरत जोडीको मार्मिक कथा ! यस्तै यस्तै कथाहरु पस्किंदै जानुस् जसका कारण उहाँहरू जस्तो संघर्षरत जोडी अथवा अन्य महानुभाव हरुको पनि जिवनमा खुसी छावस शुभकामना ।🙏 हाम्रो
@anitarokaya8402 2 жыл бұрын
Wow 🥰😍