Absolutely zero interest in anything from Gunn, the man is a vile disgusting disgrace and I won’t be providing one penny to a man who effectively enjoys mocking child sex abuse; I don’t care how dark and twisted his so called humour is. I hope you and others enjoy it but Gunn will never get a penny from me!
Please end the wokeness destroying this franchise. I have loved Star Trek for 50 years and for that long it addressed issues of life in a relatively even-handed manner honestly evaluating competing views honestly and candidly even if I didn't agree with the security humanist conclusions choose, they, at least, dealt honestly with the discussion on hand. Now it pushes, without honest discussion, leftist ideology and is alienating a large portion of its audience. If it keeps pushing wokeness Star Trek will become like Disney, hemorrhaging money, losing its audience, and it will suffer, and maybe even die. Return to good story telling, FAIR and HONEST discussion of difficult issues and stop pushing today's radical leftist agenda or the future of Star Trek will be its own self-destruction and it will be deserved.
@samuraichamploo1019 ай бұрын
Cool interview, I love his work and the inspiration for it really speaks to me.