Cat Combo in Pioneer
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@colbydiamond9151 8 күн бұрын
I miss magic. Lol.
@modernwithrandy6558 5 күн бұрын
It's never too late to come back to it!
@TheSlayerZach 15 күн бұрын
Are you in any eldrazi discords and if you are may I have an invite?
@modernwithrandy6558 15 күн бұрын
I am not in any currently, I would suggest looking on the modern reddit for one. They will point you in the right direction tho.
@TheSlayerZach 15 күн бұрын
@@modernwithrandy6558 the one listed there is dead
@modernwithrandy6558 15 күн бұрын
@@TheSlayerZach Damn, you might be able to see if there is a new one by posting in the actual reddit. Otherwise I'm not sure, sorry.
@TheSlayerZach 15 күн бұрын
@@modernwithrandy6558 thanks for your replies
@nielsthiim382 18 күн бұрын
What do you think of taking out green and playing black instead to run 4 goryo vengeance to have 8 Breach effects? And then have Cookbook and urzas sage
@modernwithrandy6558 18 күн бұрын
I personally think that having green for Sowing Mycospawn and some main deck cards is a better plan. I think the Goryo's esper deck is probably where you want to be if you want to play Goryo's vengeance in modern. But it's an interesting idea. You can always try it out. I just think it makes the deck a little worse funny enough
@christopherealy8025 20 күн бұрын
I don't think guide of souls should be banned because I think energy will have worse matchups against the decks th come back to prominence if the other three are banned. Energy has a somewhat mixed matchup against current murktide decks. It will really depend on whether or not we see new strategies built on the backs of other mh3 cards after some of the problem cards are removed.
@modernwithrandy6558 20 күн бұрын
Oh, I don't, either. These are things I have heard people say tho or want to see happen. What problem cards do you think need to be removed?
@christopherealy8025 20 күн бұрын
@modernwithrandy6558 honestly, the one ring and Nadu are the important ones in my opinion. I don't know of Nadu is the card in the deck that should get the ban, as they might just ban a card like shuko to make the deck less consistent with utza's saga, which would make more sense, especially of they want mh3 to keep selling. Necrodominance I have seen do really poorly post sideboard, and I think modern is just adjusting to the combo rather poorly right now thanks to the other decks people are looking out for. The one ring is top of the list for me, as it is having an overall negative effect on the format. Midrange decks especially are kind of underrepresented. Decks that do well against it are either very fast, trying to win by t3, or are combo decks that can deal with the protection and card draw of the one ring really well by basically ignoring the opponent. This puts a bunch of potential strategies in a tough spot. I think vexing bauble has done a really good job of reducing grief and the other elementals as well, so with that in mind, I think banning the one ring would reduce the average deck cost by a wide margin, while opening the door to new strategies to combat decks like Nadu, especially since I don't see Nadu or necrodominance getting the axe just yet.
@modernwithrandy6558 20 күн бұрын
Nadu is definitely the correct choice, I see little reason to let that card say in the format. I think taking the hogaak It approach and banning an enabler instead of the problem card is just wrong. As for Ring, I don't see this card as a problem. It's not doing anything broken and can be played through fairly well. It's not stopping any strategy as far as I can tell and is one reprint away from being cheaper. But that's my opinion of course
@simonds3182 20 күн бұрын
Nice discussion, I agree with everything you said except I think if they want to ban something from Phoenix it should be Cruise. Cruise restricts future design space far more than Prankster. Ultimately I think they will ban Nadu and Sorin and hold off on other changes for now.
@modernwithrandy6558 20 күн бұрын
I don't think they will ban cruise just because wizards have basically said they want that card in pioneer. I'm curious why you don't think anything from amalia will get banned, tho 🤔
@joshuagriffith9191 20 күн бұрын
I think your takes are pretty good. Very similar to what I’ve been saying for a while. Modern is almost in an amazing place right now and I think Nadu is the thing that needs to go with Phlage on a watch and see list. Grief keeps the other combo decks and control decks in their place and with the one ring gone I think control Is completely dead in modern. Pioneer has really been a dead unplayable format for me for at least six months. Lotus field, wildgrowth, and sorin seem like real problems. I would like to see treasure cruise banned over picklock prankster and something in greasefang because I can see it being the combo deck to take over after Amalia and lotus field is gone. Hot take, I would like to see expressive iteration unbanned after a treasure cruise ban. For the idea of pioneer horizons, I would love to see it to add better interaction like lightning bolt and path to exile as more efficient removal to stop some of the creature combo decks. As well as snapcaster, tarmogoyf, and Jace, the mind sculptor to give the format a power bump and give a home to some of the older powerhouses of modern.
@modernwithrandy6558 20 күн бұрын
Yes, I agree that modern feels very healthy minus nadu for sure. Pioneer has definitely felt like a dead format for a while. Looking at tournament results only increases that feeling. I wouldn't be upset if they ban cruise, but it's a weird card that wizards basically said they want in the format for whatever reason. Yes pioneer horizons in my mind would definitely be more of bring in some cards that aren't modern power level anymore and would actually help open up pioneer to really explore the format.
@dorianetkarine 22 күн бұрын
Phlage is a bait. Playing a strong card doesn't make a deck winning. I'm not even gonna talk about how wrecking the mana base is Phlage in the shell in a Blue moon and Blood moon meta. Rhino deck is playing around Tempo before Cascade and then Tempo to win with the Rhinos. Phlage isn't matching any point that a Dead/Gone or Fire/Ice (insert any tempo spell of the deck..) can do. However the play pattern of Rhino deck can't afford Phlage taking 2 turns to close out the game (especially if you need the arena of glory). Maths don't lie, Phlage is terrible bad in the pack. It's just "a win more" at best. Play the deck, you'll see that you don't need phlage to win. I'm saying that because i'm myself a rhino player with 500+ games on the pack post VO ban. And even after MH3, still a rhino believer. The deck is strong if built with the proper meta call. The deck MUST BE sneaky and not too popular to perform well in this meta. The rest is just pure skill and analysis of your tempo vs your opponent wincons. Great video ! Keep it up buddy :D
@modernwithrandy6558 22 күн бұрын
Thanks, I'm glad to hear some are doing well with Rhinos still! I do agree that as much as I love Phlage, it feels bad in Rhinos. Main just the cost restrains really hurt it if nothing else of tempo.
@jonvitangeli4640 22 күн бұрын
I’m just getting back into modern and these videos have been so informational. Thank you!❤
@modernwithrandy6558 22 күн бұрын
Great to hear that they are helping you! Hope you are able to find a deck you enjoy!
@nielsthiim382 23 күн бұрын
I dont think the mana base can consistently support the Phlage package. I like to have basic forest to cast Agent. Im on bant rhinos with Solitude and Teferi maindeck
@modernwithrandy6558 23 күн бұрын
I do agree, Phlage is very hard on the mana, but it's hard to deny the power that is Phlage.
@marckusackss 27 күн бұрын
Good content randy! cheers
@modernwithrandy6558 27 күн бұрын
I'm glad you enjoy it!
@gigantomastiaCuddler 28 күн бұрын
the plural is rhinos not rhino's
@calebbarnhouse496 Ай бұрын
How about giant rhinos?
@modernwithrandy6558 Ай бұрын
What do you mean?
@drkatz1192 Ай бұрын
Love the nod to LE. It’s actually struggling a bit into the meta, and maindeck stuff like Chalice & Trinisphere are hard for the deck. All that said, LE is definitely consistent and powerful!
@modernwithrandy6558 Ай бұрын
It's definitely a deck that can still take down an RCQ if no one is prepped for it. Still think it's worth looking at and can be pretty fun.
@yugioh1870 Ай бұрын
It doesnt need bans. It needs wasteland, strip mine, price of progress, blood moon, and back to basics
@modernwithrandy6558 Ай бұрын
I mean you aren't wrong..... but that's just going to make B/R somehow even stronger lol
@yugioh1870 Ай бұрын
@@modernwithrandy6558 it's more important to punish manabases
@modernwithrandy6558 Ай бұрын
@yugioh1870 This wouldn't fix pioneer, tho. Greedy mana bases aren't what's killing pioneer.
@yugioh1870 Ай бұрын
@modernwithrandy6558 yeah it would
@modernwithrandy6558 Ай бұрын
@yugioh1870 how does it fix it? What issues does it truly fix?
@christianmiller4422 Ай бұрын
Dang it. You showed my boy line breaker, but you didnt even mention him. That deck has a very favorable matchup against nadu, tron, and scam. Also the deck is by no means solved. Most lists go mono red, but temur tends to better for me because of battlemage and elder deep fiend.
@modernwithrandy6558 Ай бұрын
@christianmiller4422 Don't worry, I got something in the works to give the Eldrazi some love.
@christianmiller4422 Ай бұрын
@@modernwithrandy6558 ok.
@5-4-s7q Ай бұрын
do you expect a lot of people to playing nadu? While its objectively the best deck in modern id imagine its offset by the fact that people probably dont wanna learn it given the clock it has
@modernwithrandy6558 Ай бұрын
I think that people who are looking to spike an RCQ will pick it up for sure. Considering it's pretty cheap for most people with a collection. As well as the combo isn't too hard to figure out. I'm also a bigger fan of running one Thassa's Oracle to make the combo much easier even in paper.
@marckusackss Ай бұрын
no tron?
@modernwithrandy6558 Ай бұрын
I only didn't add tron because I'm not sure what is going to do well. Right now, we have tron, breach Eldrazi, and aggro Eldrazi. So I'm just sitting back till I see more of a clear-cut winner.
@DriffPL Ай бұрын
There's also Ramp eldrazi, that's playing more coloured cards and no Tron.
@marckusackss Ай бұрын
Sure. Eldrazi/tron has many ways to build it. But standard tron accounts for 6% of the meta more or less (the same as necro). Therefore it is easily the 5-6th most played deck in modern and expected to see it in upcoming RCQs. Regardless, great video. Continue with the good work. ❤
@modernwithrandy6558 Ай бұрын
@marckusackss Honestly, it was probably just an oversight by me. But thanks, I'm going to continue to try to put out semi decent content lol
@smackyfrog6046 Ай бұрын
Kinda bummered. I just got my Izzet list complete. I don't really play Modern but I wanted to have 'one' deck to play if it came up.
@modernwithrandy6558 Ай бұрын
Well, the good news is that izzet is still very much playable. As it stands, it recently won a challenge as well. Plus Murktide is very much a deck that rewards putting reps in with it. You still have a strong deck.
@aristotlespupil136 Ай бұрын
This was very informative. Thank you.
@modernwithrandy6558 Ай бұрын
Glad you are enjoying it 😊
@coffeedudeable 2 ай бұрын
You need a background suppression service. Audio quality is quite rough. Can get some options for free online. Maybe lower the gain and raise the volume too to help get less background
@modernwithrandy6558 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for the feed back
@tokertalk9648 2 ай бұрын
fateful showdown feels like a better card than wish in this deck.
@modernwithrandy6558 2 ай бұрын
How do you figure? The wish allows you to get what you need and is a mana cheaper.
@colbydiamond9151 3 ай бұрын
Nice vid. Great review!
@Shoup1155 3 ай бұрын
Do you play any commander?
@modernwithrandy6558 3 ай бұрын
Unfortunately not, I'm strictly 60 card competitive.
@Ybalde 3 ай бұрын
@@modernwithrandy6558 Damn no Yorion Piles :(
@Shoup1155 3 ай бұрын
whoop whoop!
@modernwithrandy6558 3 ай бұрын
Glad you are enjoying the content
@SaltySparrow 4 ай бұрын
Lists have been all over the place. My main deck list I have been considering is almost 1:1 of yours. Have you done any testing yet?
@modernwithrandy6558 4 ай бұрын
Haven't been testing much. Deck feels good, but I think after MH3 comes out is when it will really be a powerhouse in the format
@Anonymous_Eyeballs 4 ай бұрын
"super long turns; like turn 4, turn 5"
@tunicolanza5 5 ай бұрын
Nice deck! Can you please post the decklist?
@modernwithrandy6558 5 ай бұрын
In the description, just updated it for you.
@antoniovicentenavarropascu8788 5 ай бұрын
Cant wait to see how the deck works!!! Waiting for the league video
@modernwithrandy6558 5 ай бұрын
Game play will be coming out soon
@gvdent 5 ай бұрын
Great intro! Would love to see some gameplay, and especially sideboarding because while I do see what I want to put in, what to take out is less obvious especially in the rakdos matchup
@modernwithrandy6558 5 ай бұрын
Soon, you will see my wonderful sideboarding decisions
@jacobfigueroa6505 3 жыл бұрын
Whats the twitch
@modernwithrandy6558 3 жыл бұрын
No twitch yet, working on getting streaming set up
@wedge90 3 жыл бұрын
Why not try to testing with mishra bauble ?
@modernwithrandy6558 3 жыл бұрын
Haven't tried the any bauble builds yet but that is something I have in the works.