PREVEX project with Henrik Vigh
@gulanhem9495 Күн бұрын
I bet she means the same wonderful "rule of law" and "human rights" that made the government try to stop the National Conservative congress in Brussels a week ago.
@tinashe6383 3 күн бұрын
Stateism is everywhere. Look at the USA. They have built their stateism around the corporate world. And anyone who differs from the view of the state would be condemned by the corporate world and they cant hold make businesses or get jobs in the USA. We have seen the abuse of the words antisemitism and different phobias like homophobia being used in the USA to dispose of those who do not serve the interests of the deep state and American government. Democracy is an illusion and does not allow for individual views. You have shared a lot of truths about Putinism, but in the end, your analysis is biased, and you are analyzing Putin using the democratic lens. You are not analyzing Putin as Putin.
@keithw4899 4 күн бұрын
Hold Norge nøytralt! Alle NATO tilhengere er landssvikere/søppel.
@oggybob9167 14 күн бұрын
Meget bra konferanse. NUPI 🐏
@user-ud1te2ys4n Ай бұрын
@News_Today Ай бұрын
Porky Swine !!!
@aranlufthansa45 2 ай бұрын
Professor swine is very good
@MrAB-xc9du 4 ай бұрын
What would be the future geopolitical landscape of middle estate? How big powers protect human rights in case of conflict?
@Revolver1701 4 ай бұрын
I’m so glad that I found your channel. I was a fundamentalist Christian but left the church when it became so extreme.
@eddyr1041 4 ай бұрын
In short they live a cultish live, even deadly suicidal like bound to eliminate human race kind of cult. Religion gone haywire... as lots of good religions ... there are also lots if crazy mad one like these
@nurselonal6680 5 ай бұрын
tek yönlü bir program olmuş orada bir Türk konuşmacı da olmalıydı
@clementgavi7290 5 ай бұрын
'The Horn of Africa: Its strategic importance for Europe, the Gulf States and beyond' So, the practical forms of this strategic importance of the Horn of Africa for Europe, the Gulf States and beyond are the following? It must be a very messy strategic importance where the lives of millions are excluded from that strategic importance. Each decade brings its string of miseries, humans' miseries. NGTV4
@filipsykora9506 5 ай бұрын
Abkhazia is independent. It is a shame that most countryes see them just through their relation to Russia
@jeffsharp8228 5 ай бұрын
2:25 he starts lying⏫those in Benghazi who only green,peacefvl Jewish Gaddafi was defending his nation were artificially intelligent,people hating genocidal Hogwarts waving red🌙black K-9 Astarte's flag🔺Those terrorists also painted graffiti,swastikas,rioted,bank robbed,cvt Africans throats,looted➕dismembered hvmans⚠Most Misfits described above were hAmAs➕+ from gAzA,Afghanistan,qAtAr etc,sponsored by instiTVtions that wanted investors cheering stock markets higher by plvndering Libya's trillions while loyalists were bvsy protecting Blacks,ethnic minorities from qvad witching Lilith worshipping wiccan Libyan Rebels⚠🔫🐺✌📈
@kassidy9937 6 ай бұрын
😕 *promosm*
@TrueSonOfOdin 6 ай бұрын
The moderator was Marianne Riddervold, not Pernille. The screen originally had 24.2.2023 but I saw the error and Åsmund incredibly got it corrected at the last minute. 🙂 I'm American over here and 76, and I can make sense of some written Norwegian, but verbal is still just static to me. (I'm the balding, white-haired guy down there in front.) When Qs&As came, I complimented Endre on his graphics, and asked if I could ask my question in "NATO English" 😈 as I do when a NATO-related event is in Norwegian. I began my question pointing out his expertise on the environment and that the environment is in a death spiral and we have run out of TIME to internationally unite to deal with the crisis. (I forgot to mention the excellent analogy of the Ukraine War being fools fighting over deck chairs on our sinking/submerging Titanic/environment.) The emphasis of his talk was on Norwegian public opinion, so I asked why the Greens in Norway supporting us (Peace Prize Norway) continuing to support with weapons continuing the war, rather than the higher priority of the environment. He went ahead and answered in Norwegian - maybe he's as uncommunicative in English as I am in norsk, but we're in Norway, so .... - so I didn't understand anything he said to answer. I will point out that Norwegian support may be so high for NATO because NATO isn't (yet?) in the Ukraine war and taking casualties. Endre noted that Finnmark was the least enthused region about NATO. Since the kommune division of Finnmark from Tromsø, a new kommune leader has taken over, and he just yesterday invited Zelensky up there for WW2 commemoration instead of Russians. (Maybe he hadn't hear about Zelensky giving a standing ovation to a veteran of the genocidal 14th SS Galician Division in Canadian Parliament a couple weeks ago.) How this goes over with Finnmarkers I question, but it *is* a shallow politician's cheap anti-Russian provocation and a deep insult to those Russian soldiers who gave their *lives* to liberate Norwegian territory in 1944-45.
@davidcooper177 6 ай бұрын
THANK YOU SIR FOR caring about famined People of Ethiopia. Ethiopia and Eritrea were ruled by the AMHARA ETHNIC GROUP who are cruel, GENOCIDAL, and DICTATORIAL who have no brain left in how to build a country where peace and prosperity is available. Since TPLF AND EPLF, who are from the TIGRE ethnic group who got hold of both countries, a lot of economic and human development has taking place.
@diggyd 7 ай бұрын
Liberalism now gives standing ovations to Nazis
@S4vh55hdci 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely brilliant. Thank you Dr Anthea Butler. You are deeply appreciated.
@stevenjohns-savage7024 7 ай бұрын
Hahaha 😊. Don't be a softcock weak minded fool .stand strong 😊
@user-ev8vl9dv2s 7 ай бұрын
I will try to get some vegan options we have here over there
@buffhorses3632 6 ай бұрын
Ok bot.
@markmarcas6523 7 ай бұрын
Saying so much and still saying nothing. Give me data. Stopped at 15 minutes.
@calejandro4075 7 ай бұрын
@oggybob9167 8 ай бұрын
@tonysutcliffe5032 8 ай бұрын
Those who lost their jobs to global competition voted leave.
@amaduali9286 8 ай бұрын
you so much it's not my friend is my family you so much my family
@tommieberggren3324 9 ай бұрын
Professor Thunander har NATO ubåtar i sitt navel ludd.
@FelixMwaniki-xw9uc 9 ай бұрын
Europe stay away from Africa let African government do it themselves
@debrutomeyer9117 9 ай бұрын
It’s interesting to listen to this following recent developments (2023)
@danhanqvist4237 10 ай бұрын
I'm not convinced by the moderator. I think her line has been falsified since 2022 as well. Muscovy only respects strength. The admiral was right.
@danhanqvist4237 10 ай бұрын
This is 3 years ago. History since 2022 has falsified much of his arguments.
@danhanqvist4237 10 ай бұрын
Putin doesn't want to revive the Soviet Union specifically. He's an imperialist. His view of the Soviet Union is that it was a Russian empire. That's what he wants.
@danhanqvist4237 10 ай бұрын
Galeotti doesn't particularly like the comparisons between Putin and Hitler. Actually, the way Galeotti describes Putin's system is very close to how Hitler's worked ("working towards the Führer" is a central theme in Ian Kershaw's Hitler biography).
@danhanqvist4237 10 ай бұрын
Muscovy's greatness as a birthright, as the natural order of things, is not unique to Putin. It is central to Muscovite culture and identity. That is why the Rape of Ukraine is popular among Muscovites.
@danhanqvist4237 10 ай бұрын
Always useful to listen to Galeotti. However, Muscovite history, and the history of the menace of Muscovy to its neighbours, did not start with the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union is just one iteration of Muscovy. Putin and his regime is not the cause of our problem with Muscovy. They are a symptom of a more fundamental issue.
@vincepog5175 10 ай бұрын
Is it me or there is a cut in the middle of the video ?
@barryshaw5660 10 ай бұрын
Putin saved Russia from being looted by the West and they’ve been whining about it ever since.
@khubza8999 10 ай бұрын
He's wrong about the history: The first Arab /Muslim constitution came into effect on 26 April 1861 (not 1862) @9:38. Tunis liberated its slaves in 1846 NOT 1863 (maybe confusing dates with Lincoln's US Emancipation Proclamation in 1863?) @9:46..The Constitutional Assembly was also 1861 (not 1862).
@SuperMarry23 10 ай бұрын
Dere kunne spart dere den siste setningen. For den er jo ment på å skape frykt.
@erikpaulsen3111 10 ай бұрын
Ifølge 1990-tallets CIA har Afrika et så lavt utdanningsnivå at de per våre definisjoner aldri vil ha store fungerende militære styrker fordi alt er i kontinuerlig forfall eller infisert av islam. Dermed er årsaken til at de har en så ung befolkning at de får gratis og subsidiert mat fra Asia og USA. Lederen av Kenya, som mottar hundrevis av millioner kroner fra Norge, har tre klokker som koster 29 000, 54 500 og 300 000 US dollar. Norge har et enormt overskudd av energi og likevel er prisene skyhøye fordi eliten bedriver landsforræderi i krigstid. For det såkalte grønne skiftet er ikke annet enn gjennomkorrupte politikere som stjeler penger som i Afrika. Det å la norske pensjonister betale for jøder, negre og muslimer i Tyskland er å være en fiende av nasjonalstaten Norge. Ingen norske politikere har noen gang blitt fengslet for ekstrem korrupsjon, tjuveri av statens midler eller organisert energisvindel. Det er faen meg på tide før folket velger alternative metoder. Hvis man tror krigen i Ukraina er noe annet enn CIA, er man fullstendig hjerneskadd. Det går stygge rykter om at Storbritannia har gitt kypriotisk pass til alle personene som overførte millioner av dollar til Biden familien. Fordi det nye grønne BP trenger plutselig flere gassfelt.
@Sabivdk 11 ай бұрын
It was really thought-provoking lecture. Thank you Dr. Hinz
@erikpaulsen3111 11 ай бұрын
Krigen i Ukraina er en del av krigen mot WMD som senere ble redefinert som krigen mot terror. Det er to land på angrepslisten igjen og det er Iran og Sudan. Som er årsaken til at ukrainske våpen noen ganger har arabisk tekst fordi det er krigen i Ukraina-Georgia-Armenia-Iran pluss en russisk flåtebase i Sudan. Det at NRK lyver rått på vegne av amerikanske jøder er som å forvente fra indre forrædere. Russland driter fullstendig i EU og ønsker bare kontroll over Svartehavet. De driter også fullstendig i euro og dollar fordi Kina har kjøpt opp 20 000 tonn gull som skal kobles opp mot digital valuta som skal kunne brukes i Brasil, Russland, India og Kina. Ingenting av dette er hemmelig. Norske journalister bare lyver til nordmenn hele tiden på vegne av jødisk dasspapir. Så krona faller i verdi jo rikere vi blir og små hvite barn mangler mat mens den løgnaktige negermuslimen kjører en jøde rundt i Tesla mens private norske bedrifter går konkurs. Så i dag har vi enorme eiendomspriser fordi utlendinger får alt gratis. Ikke fordi det er fundamentert i en form for verdiskapning. Som forklarer de enorme media angrepene på enkeltpersoner som bare sier sannheten. Det er EU som kollapser og ikke Russland. Serbia er blitt så voldelig på grunn av Kosovo at man fjerner alle våpen.
@erikpaulsen3111 11 ай бұрын
Landssvikeren Støre plyndrer norsk pensjonister på vegne av jødisk dasspapir. Det er min oppfatning at tyskerne fullstendig hater grønne EU svin som konspirerer med jøder, negre og muslimer. Militæret skal uansett knuse okkupasjonsmakten og frigjøre det norske folk. Politikere som bedriver proxybasert krigføring er terrorister uten rettigheter. Alle ansatte i sikkerhetstjenesten som ønsker å bli plassert på en liste kan stå frem. Vi er i krig og det å være nordmann er å hate internasjonale EU quislinger som plyndrer vårt folk. Såkalt karbonfangst er ikke annet enn ren finansiell svindel. Bare se til India som nå importerer flere ganger mer energi fordi det det er såkalt mangelvare i Europa. Vi vet alle at CIA står bak krigen i Ukraina-Georgia-Armenia-Iran pluss Sudan. Det ble lekket av SACEUR for flere år siden. Tyskland er nær borgerkrig på grunn av elitens enorme løgner og massive sensur. Det går rykter over hele landet om at flommen i 2021 avdekket massegraver med tyske soldater. Det handler ikke om at dette er sant. Men om at folket tror at eliter lyver om alt. Russland ser seg som et nytt romerriket med 6000 atomvåpen alliert med enorme mengder gull. Så dra til helvete Støre.
@erikpaulsen3111 11 ай бұрын
Julie Wilhelmsen høres ut som en regimesleiker fra AUF sin terrorleir som via støvete politisk spinndoktor retorikk nå redefineres som en slags ekstremt divergerende virkelighetsoppfatning. Vi vet navnene på de amerikanske byråkratene som står bak krigen. Cheney, Nuland og Burns. Neste mål er Sudan, Georgia, Armenia og Iran. Kilde: SACEUR. Det er derfor flere ukrainske våpensystemer har arabisk tekst. Sjefen for Warner Bros. Discovery er en polsk-ukrainsk jøde som fikk 250 millioner dollar i årslønn året før CNN begynte sin nyhetsdekning av Ukraina krigen. Han er venn med Spielberg som har mange lønnsomme såkalte filmrettigheter i Kina. På grunn av alle disse legale inntektene har man nå en skriver streik i Hollywood. Som er årsaken til at norske medier nå må dikte vitsene sine selv. Det er så morsomt at grådigheten er så enorm at hele propagandamaskineriet har stoppet opp. Men det forstår ikke eliten i det hele tatt.
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
Russia is capable of offering a third of Nickle or Fertilizer sold on the Planet. The rest of the BRICS Members are also capable of well over half the resources available on the Planet. Do the Consumer Nations of the West need those products?
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
Galeiotti seems to assign Putin to the dustbin of a File Clerk. What secrets do CPA's conceal about their Customers? What revelations did Putin hear from Operatives who he worked with? How big a society was Berlin as the US attempted to find their way through the Gates? The CIA admitted to introducing former Nazi Guys into Ukraine since 1950. What else did the CIA attempt? Does the US continue to maintain a base with 80,000 Troops inside Germany? Who is the Threat? If we go back and listen to Truman talking to Stalin at Potsdam, and watch old Joe size up the Men's Furnishings Merchant from Missouri, what did Stalin want to hear from Harry? The fact that Stalin knew about Los Alamos before the meeting, puts another very important ingredient into the point of view of Stalin at the Meetings. Truman provided Piano music and Stalin waited for an admission of Trumans Ace up his Sleeve. We might assume that as Truman walked away from the Potsdam affair, assuming he still had a secret, the thought of "Trust but Verify", seemed to be inside Stalins Noggin long before Ronnie Raygun played with the statement? Putin began to work for a Government that had seen Germany kill 27 million Russian Citizens, Putin was aware of the Grand Army of the Republic, scattered across Eastern Europe clutching their ill gotten Booty from Moscow, to their frozen Bodies. Putin is aware of Britain depositing a half million souls in Balaclava dirt as they came to wreck Sevastopol. What kind of Man is Putin? Apparently Putin is aware of the Capitalist Nations allowing the profits of Investors to determine the exploitation of resources in Western Lands, until the easy stuff was gone, then they move on to exploit other Nations. That is what Putin sees as he was selling affordable Gas to Europe. Nordstream's demise appears to prove that the US wanted to discover any reason to increase sales of US LNG? The sales of the overpriced US Gas was 3X the cost of Russian Gas. The US was unable to sell more that 20% of European demand. The projections of US Producers last February were an increase of $200 billion revenue. You figure it out......
@jadapinkett1656 Жыл бұрын
Populism is on the rise again. How did that pan out for you globalists?
@MyNadje Жыл бұрын
Welkom in de wereld van het nieuwe westerse kolonialisme : boat refugee drama and not a turd has changed, the invisible racist apartheid walls are still built around Fortress Europe. A small bright spot: the European Commission recently decided to distribute 40,000 refugees in Italy evenly across Europe, but the age-old answer still remains: “Of course we cannot accommodate everyone.” What we can do is steal riches. Welcome to the world of the new western colonialism.
@MyNadje Жыл бұрын
Welcome to the world of the new western colonialism
@Bell_plejdo568p 8 ай бұрын
What exactly did he say?
@maggiedooley-cr2mr Жыл бұрын
*promosm* 😳