21 күн бұрын
@chompnormski 8 сағат бұрын
It’s not the protein in oats. It’s a chemical called chlormequat.
@rawauthenticvulnerable Сағат бұрын
@chompnormski I will look further in to this thank you for bringing it up! have you heard of AVENIN? the cousin to gluten and the effects? check out my substack you might find it interesting .. the link k is in my bio I think on the main page
@KetutMahendra-tj7ng 2 күн бұрын
Fiji waterfall
@rawauthenticvulnerable Сағат бұрын
best waterfall in bali!!!!
@user-fl8dh2rx6p 10 күн бұрын
@HeatherHmoi 11 күн бұрын
Love this. Can’t wait for part 2 and to use this info in my classes 🧘‍♀️
@rawauthenticvulnerable 10 күн бұрын
coming soon just got a new iphone lol
@QueenLightbeam 15 күн бұрын
WOW!!!! So many nuggets of Wisdom!!!!! You just unleashed a TREASURE TROVE of next level Awareness!! I have been enthused about Chiropractic most of my life, been treated since about 11 yrs of age... these bits of knowledge, I have never heard! This is CRUCIAL STUFF. I love how you just drop lil' nugs just nuff to absorb.
@QueenLightbeam 15 күн бұрын
WOW!!!! So many nuggets of Wisdom!!!!! You just unleashed a TREASURE TROVE of next level Awareness!! I have been enthused about Chiropractic most of my life, been treated since about 11 yrs of age... these bits of knowledge, I have never heard! This is CRUCIAL STUFF. I love how you just drop lil' nugs just nuff to absorb.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 15 күн бұрын
I'm thrilled to hear that you found the insights valuable! It's always my pleasure to share knowledge and perspectives that resonate with you. Chiropractic care is indeed a fascinating field, and there's always more to discover and learn. If there's anything specific you'd like to delve deeper into or explore further, feel free to let me know. Your enthusiasm and gratitude are truly heartwarming, and I'm grateful to be able to contribute to your journey of understanding and growth
@QueenLightbeam 16 күн бұрын
🎉ha!! You made me laugh, 3 is the magic number, beach,date,sun!!! I thought of you yesterday when I ate 2 dates. My thought was " I hope he gets to enjoy some dates".
@rawauthenticvulnerable 16 күн бұрын
Ok so this is weird I ate 2 chocolate covered peanut butter stuffed dates in the park yesterday, some brand called BETTER DATES!
@QueenLightbeam 15 күн бұрын
I love it!! You know what "they" say hehe... BETTER DA(Y)TES AHEAD!! Ok, yeah.. Sometimes my sense of humor is corny..
@petrupetru6276 16 күн бұрын
And what???
@rawauthenticvulnerable 16 күн бұрын
It’s a simple bts video for a toe spacer company - check out some of my full videos and the Instagram tribaltoes_jeff
@darkknight1340 16 күн бұрын
What is thst on their toes?
@rawauthenticvulnerable 16 күн бұрын
It my toe spacers company check it on at and the instagram tribalties_jeff
@QueenLightbeam 16 күн бұрын
Epic!! Thx for sharing. 😊
@QueenLightbeam 16 күн бұрын
Sweet! Keep going! 🎉
@rawauthenticvulnerable 16 күн бұрын
Thank you ! its now 1 year and 8 months! no fluoride, celibacy ( Seed Retention) Life is diffrent
@QueenLightbeam 16 күн бұрын
The road less traveled.. takes some getting used to, for me I experimented with .."the drugs".. in my 20,s.. ( Dancing & Travel were my high) never really was that into it, so I got lucky in that respect, I took the road of Celibacy 8 or so years ago, put my focus towards The Almighty..
@craigmurphy1618 17 күн бұрын
Congrats. ASMR helps.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 17 күн бұрын
Thank you its been 1 year and 7 months to date- And that ASMR has really helped alot on the journey ! LOL🤣🤣 @craigmurrphy1618
@QueenLightbeam 17 күн бұрын
Great Information. Yay!!!
@team-Masum 18 күн бұрын
I am your new subscriber and I love your videos. I noticed that your video quality is good but you are not getting more views. If you give me permission, I would like to explain some reasons why you are not getting more views, subscriptions and engagements on your channel. Thank you sir
@rawauthenticvulnerable 18 күн бұрын
thank you and that is kind of you, I'd appreciate some feed back @team-Masum
@DankTheGank520 18 күн бұрын
Get off your phone lady... Also what's that dude doing?
@rawauthenticvulnerable 18 күн бұрын
Lmao Lets, think of the things she could possibly be doing on the phone, Id say maybe ordering some food or the uber home your thoughts. the DUDE maybe drugs its vegas lol
@QueenLightbeam 18 күн бұрын
I think listening to our bodies is essential for health and spiritual pursuits.. Chiropractic has saved the day for me multiple times throughout my life!!! "They" pushed the surgery avenue but I believe in our mental and spiritual powers used for healing, Accupuncture and Hot Yoga were/are very helpful as well.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 18 күн бұрын
Your journey resonates deeply with the belief in the power of holistic healing and the innate wisdom of our bodies. It's incredible to hear how chiropractic care, acupuncture, and hot yoga have played pivotal roles in your well-being. Trusting in our mental and spiritual capacities for healing is truly empowering. Your commitment to listening to your body and exploring alternative avenues for health is inspiring. Keep honoring your intuition and nurturing your holistic wellness journey - it's a beautiful testament to the resilience and wisdom within us all
@surfinbird221 19 күн бұрын
What is this
@Inibapq 19 күн бұрын
The food from your nightmares.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 19 күн бұрын
Beet root brownie- peanubutter beets almond flour flax egg Banna dates 85% chocolate coconut milk and coconut oil so damn good
@rawauthenticvulnerable 19 күн бұрын
@Gib24 21 күн бұрын
If you are a born again Christian, how can you listen to rap music and not cringe at what they rap about and the words used, you don’t want that mixing in your heart with scripture
@rawauthenticvulnerable 21 күн бұрын
@gib24 Absolutely, it's crucial to acknowledge the impact that music, including rap, can have on us, regardless of our religious background. Music has a powerful way of shaping our thoughts, emotions, and even our behavior. Whether we identify as Christian, Jewish, or any other faith, the messages we receive through music can influence how we see the world and ourselves. When it comes to rap music specifically, it's important to recognize the diversity within the genre. Some rap songs may contain lyrics that resonate with our values and beliefs, while others may challenge or conflict with them. Regardless of the content, the rhythm, beat, and energy of rap music can draw us in and leave a lasting impression. As individuals, we must reflect on how the music we listen to aligns with our personal beliefs and values. Are the lyrics uplifting and inspiring, or do they promote negative behaviors or attitudes? How does the music make us feel about ourselves and others? These are questions we can ask ourselves, regardless of our religious affiliation. Ultimately, our response to music is deeply personal and can vary from person to person. Some may find certain rap songs uplifting and empowering, while others may feel uncomfortable with the content. It's essential to approach music with an open mind and a critical eye, recognizing its potential to influence us in both positive and negative ways. By being mindful of the messages we allow into our hearts and minds through music, we can better navigate the cultural landscape and stay true to our core beliefs and values.
@Gib24 21 күн бұрын
@@rawauthenticvulnerable that’s crazy, you do not the rap industry is ran by Satan and specific sound frequency’s and beats, (not including the harsh lyrics about murder, drugs and sex) actually influence you demonically and can open you up to evil spirits? Lucifer was the head of music in heaven, it’s his main instrument to get you to come into to agreement with his agenda. Music softens your mind and opens up your soul, so what you listen to is opening you up to evil spirits to enter, weather the spirit of lust, spirit of murder or the spirit of mammon god. Do research, they put these records on satanic altars and put curses over the music before they release them, that’s why ever since rap music has been released there is a spirit of murder in the black community and also spirits of lust. Quite frankly aside from all of that, how if you know Jesus would you be able to stand to listen to songs about sexual immorality, doing drugs, murders, robbing and quite frankly pride, rap music is the most prideful thing there is.
@HeatherHmoi 23 күн бұрын
What is it that makes it anti-aging? The specific dates? Or the combination of ingredients?
@rawauthenticvulnerable 23 күн бұрын
Nutrient-rich: Red Chinese dates are packed with nutrients such as vitamins (particularly vitamin C), minerals (like potassium, magnesium, and iron), and antioxidants. These nutrients are essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and overall vitality. Antioxidant properties: Antioxidants help combat oxidative stress caused by free radicals in the body. By neutralizing these free radicals, antioxidants can help protect cells from damage, including skin cells. This protection can contribute to healthier, more youthful-looking skin and may slow down the aging process. Collagen production: Vitamin C, abundant in red Chinese dates, plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis. Collagen is a protein that provides structure to the skin, helping it maintain its firmness and elasticity. Adequate vitamin C intake can support collagen production, which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, promoting a more youthful complexion. Skin hydration: The high water content in red Chinese dates helps keep the skin hydrated. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and suppleness, which are key factors in preventing premature aging and maintaining a youthful appearance. Blood circulation: Red Chinese dates are believed to improve blood circulation. Better blood flow means that skin cells receive more oxygen and nutrients, promoting cell regeneration and overall skin health. Improved circulation can also help flush out toxins, which may contribute to clearer, healthier skin. Stress reduction: Red Chinese dates are often used in traditional medicine for their calming and stress-reducing properties. Chronic stress can accelerate the aging process and contribute to various skin issues, such as dullness, dryness, and acne. By helping to alleviate stress, red Chinese dates indirectly support skin health and youthfulness. Overall, while red Chinese dates alone may not be a miracle cure for aging, incorporating them into a balanced diet can contribute to overall health and well-being, which may manifest in healthier, more youthful-looking skin.
@craigmurphy1618 23 күн бұрын
Chist is not meant for everybody Mark 2:17
@rawauthenticvulnerable 23 күн бұрын
The verse you mentioned carries profound implications. It suggests that the message of Christ might not resonate with everyone at first glance. Perhaps it calls for a deeper understanding of individual journeys and the diverse paths toward spiritual enlightenment. It invites us to embrace empathy and understanding for those who may not immediately connect with Christian teachings. It's a reminder to approach discussions of faith with humility and compassion, recognizing the unique experiences and perspectives of each person.
@mickeyguide3112 22 күн бұрын
​@@rawauthenticvulnerable 'the message with Christ might not resonate with everyone at first glance'. That's very true. It happened with me. But I think the very deep question in here is...can you really choose your fate? choose Christ, The Truth? What does it mean to 'choose Christ'?. Christ keeps knocking at people's hearts but only few will hear Him. If Christ , The Truth resonates in you, you truly are blessed. From that point your hard road, journey back to Him starts. The devil will try everything to make you lose your blessing. The devil is not after the hardened hearts. They are already lost...belonging to the synagogue of satan. The devil knows your blessing. He's mad envious at you cause of that. He threw his own blessing away what he once had from the CREATOR as Lucifer cause he was spiritually weak. He wants to drag you down with him. When the devil is finally totally casted down here (from the 2nd Heaven) ,the ones that truly are spiritually born again with Christ will get raptured up. He knows this but certainly doesn't want you to know it... But this life we have , is a test from the CREATOR for us who truly wants to be in His Millenial Kingdom when all is said and done....after the world as we know it, is first destroyed (in God's wrath) in order to build it back better. It's said that God will knock at everyone's hearts. People might get 3 big 'callings' from Him in their lives. If everytime they just keep on rejecting their CREATOR , God will finally give them over to the reprobate mind. After that you're on your own and nobody can help you. God is going to give you what you wished for...for all eternity. Reading the bible, making it resonate to your heart, getting to the nature (in silence) and making something with your gift God gave you to connect yourself back to Him are advice what I can give. When God sees you really are trying with your own effort first He will start to put your old sins to death little by little. You can't do it on your own but with the help of God you'll get transformed...into the new creation God intended you to be. The transformation starts to feel almost natural. And little by little the devil will start to lose his grip on you as you'll get spiritually stronger. You might lose your friends on your journey,even your loved ones. They might not understand the new creation in you. But remember ,you came to this world alone, and you leave this place alone. It's only about the relationship in you and with your CREATOR...
@Punkrock.Chrysalis19 23 күн бұрын
So glad I found this, thanks algorithm ;) I’m taking it as a sign I’m moving in the right direction!
@rawauthenticvulnerable 23 күн бұрын
Glad I could help! Keep moving forward, you're on the right track. 😊
@AYYYEEEEYOOO 23 күн бұрын
I get it, music has the energy and intention of its creator so technically I am absorbing them.. but bro.. I would like to think that I am a strong energy/ vessel/ Spirit and… I LOVE MUSIC. Protect yourself peeps and enjoy life. This is what it’s meant for.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 23 күн бұрын
Your perspective on music's energy and intention, and your recognition of absorbing them, is indeed insightful. Music serves as a powerful medium through which creators express their emotions and experiences, and as listeners, we inevitably absorb those vibrations on some level. Yet, your assertion of being a strong energy, vessel, and spirit is equally valid. It's important to cultivate a sense of inner strength and resilience, allowing us to navigate the complexities of the world around us, including the influences of music. Your love for music reflects its profound impact on our lives, serving as a source of joy, inspiration, and connection. However, it's also crucial to acknowledge the potential for music to exert a subtle yet significant influence on our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Just as we absorb the positive energies conveyed through music, we may also inadvertently internalize less positive influences embedded within certain songs or genres. Recognizing this duality allows us to approach our relationship with music with greater awareness and discernment. While enjoying the beauty and transformative power of music, it's essential to remain vigilant and protect ourselves from potentially harmful influences. By fostering a deeper understanding of how music shapes our experiences and perceptions, we empower ourselves to make more conscious choices about the music we engage with and the energies we allow into our lives. Let's continue to embrace the enriching possibilities of music while safeguarding our well-being and enjoying life to the fullest.
@Punkrock.Chrysalis19 23 күн бұрын
I totally hear you. Lately I’ve been realizing I’m addicted to filling every second with outside input. Podcasts, music, videos. And also in turn addicted to outside input for stimulation and pleasure whether it’s bad foods, drugs, attention etc. same stuff! Damn!
@anthonyr7902 25 күн бұрын
So your saying high hz frequency music is demonic ?
@rawauthenticvulnerable 25 күн бұрын
Were you able to watch the video? 528 Hz is the heart healing tone, so i wouldn't say its demonic
@mickeyguide3112 25 күн бұрын
Interesting thoughts about the mind!. I would like to say couple of things what I've learned. The devil is after your mind. That's the only way he can get you. This mean that he gets something for you to do it to yourself. Like for example to doubt yourself or doubt your faith. The devil made Eve doubt to eat that fruit in the Garden of Eden, like it's not so bad what can really happen. In each day we are surrounded by different people through different situations. Cause the devil can't see what you precisely think at a time he'll work through patterns. Learn to recognise these patterns. The wickedest way is he can make you think something about other people or at least plant the seed for example related to your traumas...that only happens in your mind. There's always a chance, for you to react or not to react in situations. If you react in trivial things it means the devil got you stumble and away from your purpose momentarily. We all stumble, that's part of the human nature but it's wise to not underestimate the ways of the devil. One pastor once said. If he'll get a random thought out of the blue into his head considering the scriptures, he automatically assumes it's false until he has carefully studied the idea. And almost always these thoughts turned out to be false. They were thoughts of the devil planted into his mind. With this same 'technique' we should examine our thoughts in more challenging situations, is it really from God...or from the devil.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 25 күн бұрын
Your insights into the workings of the mind and the influences around us are profound. As Napoleon Hill aptly put it in 'Outwitting the Devil': 'The battle often starts in the mind, where the devil aims to sow doubt and discord.' Your awareness of these subtle patterns aligns perfectly with Hill's teachings. Just as Hill advises, scrutinizing our thoughts, especially in challenging moments, is crucial. By discerning whether they align with truth and positivity, we can navigate life's complexities with clarity and purpose. Remember, stumbling is part of the human journey, but it's our ability to rise from these stumbles that truly defines us. Keep leaning into your faith and wisdom, for you're on a journey of growth and understanding. As Hill said, 'Keep your mind on the things you want and off the things you don't want.' Your awareness is a guiding light in this sometimes murky world. Keep shining
@mickeyguide3112 25 күн бұрын
@@rawauthenticvulnerable thank you brother for kind words. How can we know the devil doesn't have real power? Cause we're still here. Make no mistake, the god of this world would have destroyed all of us a long time ago already...if he only could. This fact and the fact that the devil knows his time is short are major disadvantages for him. So sooner or later, the closer we get day by day for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the devil will start to get impatient, also impatient with his attacks against you. So the patterns he uses against you and are coming more obvious. Our biggest weakness for us believers however might be the very exact same thing, we're getting frustrated and impatient waiting for the Lord . I definetly have to check that book by Hill out you're mentioning. Blessings on your personal journey back to our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏...
@QueenLightbeam 25 күн бұрын
Well... of course you hooked me with the title Bali, I m glad to see this vid, I wanted to ask you to do a vid on sciatica relief, since you mentioned you are a Chiropractor, but I didn't want to distract you or get you off topic of the direction you are headed in the last vids I saw, I respect your focus. So now that u are on topic if you get a chance to demo any postures for pain relief I would be grateful. The woman in the video looked as if she got visibly younger after your adjustment. I've never seen this sitting up approach the way you demonstrated. Thx QLB.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 25 күн бұрын
Absolutely! I'm thrilled you enjoyed the Bali video. Your support means a lot to me. I appreciate your consideration not to divert my attention from the direction of my recent videos. Rest assured, I do plan to cover topics like sciatica relief in the future. Your interest in posture and pain relief is noted, and I'll certainly keep that in mind as I develop my content. Thank you for noticing the unique approach I demonstrated in the video, and I'm glad you found it beneficial. Stay tuned for more educational videos, and I'll make sure to include topics like sciatica relief soon. Take care, QLB!
@QueenLightbeam 25 күн бұрын
@@rawauthenticvulnerable you are a gem. Never forget it. Thanks for tge consideration.
@xpctnc 26 күн бұрын
I'm so glad I found your channel. Quitting music entirely will be even harder for me than quitting PMO tbh, but I know I need to do it. I recently did it for 30 days and definitely saw some benefits. Man, it's hard to live in this day and age while being so sensitive to the energy and frequencies around us. SR makes it even harder, but there is no way of going back to old habits once you understand some things. Looking forward to your next videos
@rawauthenticvulnerable 26 күн бұрын
It's wonderful to hear from you, and I truly appreciate you sharing your journey with us. Making changes, especially ones as significant as quitting music or PMO, can indeed be challenging, but you've already taken important steps forward by recognizing the need for change and experiencing the benefits firsthand. Living in a world filled with constant stimulation can indeed be overwhelming, especially when you're sensitive to the energies and frequencies around us. It takes immense courage and self-awareness to navigate these challenges, and your dedication to self-improvement is truly admirable. Remember, every step you take towards a healthier, more fulfilling life is a victory in itself. And while the road ahead may seem daunting at times, know that you're not alone on this journey. Your commitment to personal growth is inspiring, and I encourage you to continue seeking knowledge and support along the way. Stay tuned for more videos and content that will hopefully provide you with guidance, inspiration, and encouragement as you continue on your path of self-discovery and transformation. Your presence and engagement mean a lot, and I look forward to sharing more insights with you in the future. Keep shining bright!
@QueenLightbeam 26 күн бұрын
This topic seems to be quite unique... not listening to music. You may be trail blazing uncharted territory:) I started to incorporate the solfeggios back in 2012 or so.. but I never experimented with diving deep into them with removing other music. It seems plausible that this would be most effective.
@NoBy-gu8bq 26 күн бұрын
I think we watched this litterally at the same time!
@rawauthenticvulnerable 26 күн бұрын
divine timing lol
@rawauthenticvulnerable 26 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for your kind words and ongoing support! It means the world to me to have you here, exploring these unique topics with me. Your perspective on incorporating solfeggios is fascinating, and I deeply appreciate you sharing your experience with us. It's amazing how each of us discovers our own paths to growth and healing, and your insight adds a valuable layer to the conversation. Exploring uncharted territory can be both exhilarating and challenging, but with the support of individuals like you, it becomes a truly enriching journey. Your openness to new ideas and willingness to engage with these discussions inspire me to continue pushing the boundaries of exploration and discovery. Thank you once again for being a part of this community and for your unwavering encouragement. I'm truly grateful for your presence, and I'm excited to continue this journey together. Here's to many more enlightening conversations ahead
@QueenLightbeam 26 күн бұрын
Rawauthenticvulnerable.. I receive your communication with an open heart and mind. You are right, this road is challenging.. but there is no turning back now:)!! May God continue to Bless You. I am mutually grateful.
@doodi886 27 күн бұрын
I think it’s the same reason why music in some religions is prohibited like Islam, to essentially have nothing tamper with your heart and soul except for god
@rawauthenticvulnerable 27 күн бұрын
It sounds like you're pondering the profound impact music can have on our inner selves, particularly in religious contexts like Islam. The idea of protecting one's heart and soul from outside influences is indeed central to many belief systems. In Islam, the prohibition against certain types of music stems from the desire to maintain purity of heart and focus on the spiritual connection with God. By avoiding music that may distract or lead one away from that connection, adherents aim to keep their souls aligned with their faith. It's a thought-provoking concept, highlighting the power of music to shape our emotions and thoughts. While the approach to music varies across different religions and cultures, the underlying intention often revolves around nurturing a deeper spiritual connection and inner peace. IM WITH YOU ALL THE WAY ON THIS AND THINK IT HAS MASSIVE IMPACT
@doodi886 26 күн бұрын
@@rawauthenticvulnerable spot on man, ive been feeling anxious for a while due to what i was listening to, saw your video pop up and took it as a sign to stop listening all together, thanks for your videos keep doing what youre doing, god bless
@rawauthenticvulnerable 26 күн бұрын
@@doodi886 Thank you so much for sharing your experience! I'm truly humbled to hear that my video resonated with you and helped you make a positive change. It takes courage to recognize when something isn't serving us well, and I'm glad you found the strength to take that step. Remember, you're not alone on this journey, and I'm here to support you in any way I can. Keep prioritizing your well-being, and may you continue to find peace and blessings along the way. Take care, and God bless you too.
@mrmansmith4154 27 күн бұрын
You mentioned HZ music... what's the issue with 432hz , 528hz and the rest
@rawauthenticvulnerable 27 күн бұрын
Im not sure I follow ? what is it that you are asking ? im a big fan and advocate of the solfeggio tones and the benefits of them
@allisonkessler17 28 күн бұрын
I'm having such a hard time with food right now, same kind of thing! And I'm the observer in this ridiculous childish pattern. But... yeah, like WTF.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 28 күн бұрын
I KNOW, I mean come really food lol, I get it though its tough, some of the comments here have helped me take a deeper look at why its happening, and when it happens
@allisonkessler17 27 күн бұрын
Last week for dinner, me and my 6 year old ate banana splits 😅😱😳 in 2013 I completed a 9-day spiritual fast. And now look at me. I think we are supposed to really draw our attention to the power of the subconscious.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 27 күн бұрын
@@allisonkessler17 That's quite the journey you've been on! From indulging in banana splits with your little one to completing a profound spiritual fast, it's clear that life has taken you on some fascinating twists and turns. The contrast between these experiences really highlights the depth and complexity of our subconscious minds. It's amazing how seemingly unrelated events can intertwine and shape our lives in unexpected ways. Your insight into the power of the subconscious is spot on! It's like the silent conductor orchestrating the symphony of our lives, often nudging us in directions we didn't even know we needed to go. By paying attention to its whispers and nudges, we can unlock a whole new level of understanding and growth. Keep embracing those moments of connection and reflection-they're the sweet toppings on the banana split of life! And who knows what other delightful surprises the journey may have in store for you? Here's to continued exploration and discovery!
@paolahopp4623 28 күн бұрын
Maybe listen to classical music.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 28 күн бұрын
I have, and for a long time, It calms me down, and relaxes me, and this is why I say the musical has power, and influence to slow me down and relax me into an altered state, and still move me off my center. It will slow me down and get me into my body for sure but its still outside influence controlling. Do you find this to be true with music?
@paolahopp4623 27 күн бұрын
@@rawauthenticvulnerable pop music can be sticky. It keeps repeating over and over in my head. The lyrics don’t matter to me but do they subconsciously? For this reason I haven’t been listening lately but am considering trying classical again.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 27 күн бұрын
@@paolahopp4623 It sounds like you're recognizing the impact music can have on your mind! Pop music does have a way of getting stuck in our heads, doesn't it? Even if the lyrics don't seem significant, they can still influence our thoughts and emotions subconsciously.
@paolahopp4623 28 күн бұрын
Maybe you have a tapeworm?
@rawauthenticvulnerable 28 күн бұрын
it could be possible, IM not versed in this topic so I wouldn't know what to look for or what it does, could you explain a little as to why you think this is a possibility
@paolahopp4623 27 күн бұрын
@@rawauthenticvulnerable I have heard that they consume most of the calories so you’re left hungry.
@paolahopp4623 27 күн бұрын
Tapeworms are taken as a Dietary aid by some desperate people.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 27 күн бұрын
@@paolahopp4623 I see that is interesting to know , maybe ill look into it
@rawauthenticvulnerable 27 күн бұрын
@@paolahopp4623 lol maybe this explains why im eating for 2 lol
@intricatexploration 28 күн бұрын
A bit of info that changed the game for me with regards to issues with food and the gut is that the mind/gut link is too activated. This made sense to me as in times when i felt like my world had drawn into a tiny bubble all i could focus on was that instant comfort of eating and coffee. To me this is a product of a much larger issue surrounding how i belong to my life and depression played into that a lot also. Once i reconnected to what reinvigorated me in my life, the food and gut issues subsided on their own. Maslow's heirarchy of needs is a great place to look also as it shows where we get stuck in survival mode and how we try to blanket heal our other deficits through addictions. Devil = of the mind/addiction God = of the soul/heart
@rawauthenticvulnerable 28 күн бұрын
This comment hit me hard while I was on the treadmill. It was like a bolt of clarity, illuminating the struggles I've been facing. As I glanced around, I couldn't ignore the fact that I'm grappling with so much right now, pushing me into survival mode. I'm well acquainted with Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and it's painfully evident that I've been stuck in this survival bubble, seeking refuge in food and other distractions. Your words resonate deeply because they mirror my own experience. I've noticed myself turning to food as a source of comfort, and now, thanks to your perspective, I can see it more clearly. Instead of leaning on faith and trust in the universe, I've been caught up in a cycle of trying to control every aspect of my life just to get by. Your insights have been invaluable, offering a new perspective and helping me to confront the challenges I've been avoiding. Thank you for shedding light on my situation and guiding me towards a path of greater understanding and self-awareness. GRATEFUL!!! and I appreciate you taking the time to listen and respond!
@intricatexploration 27 күн бұрын
I feel you man, my pleasure and thankyou for this video, there are many beings of high energetic resonance paving a difficult path forward for the greater good of all ,🙏🏼💚
@angelaab1892 28 күн бұрын
Read a great book called 'the kindness method' by sharoo Izadi. Its very helpful. ❤
@rawauthenticvulnerable 28 күн бұрын
Thanks for the tip!
@newspeak9610 28 күн бұрын
I'm addicted to food, I'm 5' 5 300 lbs i need help
@rawauthenticvulnerable 28 күн бұрын
I am sorry to hear you are struggling with this , if you need to talk feel free to email me , I know it’s not easy
@newspeak9610 28 күн бұрын
Whats your email?​@@rawauthenticvulnerable
@rawauthenticvulnerable 28 күн бұрын
@newspeak9610 28 күн бұрын
@@rawauthenticvulnerable thank you
@ScottRiddleArtist 28 күн бұрын
Man. A food addiction has nothing to do with any invisible deities. At psychological or physiological. And you look a little old to be worried about the kind of things that you’re worried about. Which could be one of the roots to self dissatisfaction. And trying to fill your emptiness.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 28 күн бұрын
Right, SO Ive noticed I turn to these things when I feel empty or unsatisfied, And I do feel empty at times, so I do appreciate you bringing that awareness to this, and It makes sense, and is def something to look harder at during this process. Sometimes we don't want to admit it,and take ownership, or shine the light on whats really going on here. I'm thankful to be able to use this outlet and have people comment, and bring insight . This was helpful I appreciate it.
@OnyxStudios720p 28 күн бұрын
Great wisdom. I've come to this same realization lately as I've grown and matured. Music is far more powerful than what it can appear on the surface. It can have a direct as well as indirect impact on not only our minds, but more importantly our spiritual wellbeing. Used wisely it can help you achieve desired states of calmness and meditation, etc...used ignorantly, it can destroy peoples control over their own thoughts and emotions, proceeding to have a ripple effect in the much broader context of society as a whole. It's good to be aware of your own Intentions for why you find yourself gravitating to certain songs/ lyrics as you perfectly mentioned, and then dive deeper to self-analyze if necessary.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 28 күн бұрын
Absolutely, your insights resonate deeply with the profound impact music can have on our lives. It's evident that you've reflected deeply on the subject and your understanding speaks to a level of maturity and wisdom. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Your perspective adds richness to the conversation and reminds us all of the importance of being mindful of the music we engage with and the intentions behind our choices. Let's continue to explore the beauty and power of music with awareness and gratitude for its potential to enhance our spiritual well-being
@47nodoubt 28 күн бұрын
i havent listen to music in years, without ever trying or caring. nerd.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 28 күн бұрын
Super nerd! lol Im just playing and how do you feel when you hear music? do you find that it alters your mood?
@mikaelrosing 28 күн бұрын
We are made in the image of God we are creative we can create beautiful positive godly music and it is not sin to listen to music. Christian worship since the earliest church the apotolic era even had music saying other wise is kinda dumb no offence. Your arent super spritiual mature for not listning to music. please dont go to far into it you can lead yourself astray with going into frequency believeing nonsense no christian priest has ever said or spoken if for 2000 years undtill this myth of better htz music ect good for the brain myth came along. dicernment and rationality and love humility hope prayer and fasting is thee true spiritual life
@rawauthenticvulnerable 28 күн бұрын
It's wonderful to hear your passion for music and its positive, godly potential. You're absolutely right that music has been an integral part of Christian worship since the earliest days of the Church. Throughout history, music has been recognized as a powerful tool for expressing faith, inspiring devotion, and lifting spirits. Listening to music, in and of itself, is not a sin. In fact, music can be a beautiful expression of our creativity, a source of joy, and a means of connecting with the divine. However, it's also true that music has the power to influence us deeply, both mentally and physically. The vibrations, frequencies, and lyrics of music can affect our mood, mindset, and even our behavior. Certain musical tones, such as the Solfeggio frequencies, are believed by some to have healing properties and to resonate with specific patterns and shapes. While these ideas may not have been explicitly endorsed by mainstream Christian theology, they reflect a recognition of the profound impact that music can have on our well-being. It's important to approach music with discernment and mindfulness, being aware of its potential to influence us in both positive and negative ways. Just as fasting, prayer, and other spiritual practices can help us draw closer to God, so too can our engagement with music be a means of deepening our spiritual connection. While it's true that some individuals or groups may misuse music for negative purposes, such as manipulation or indoctrination, it's also true that music has the power to inspire, uplift, and bring people together in love and unity. Ultimately, the question of whether a particular piece of music is beneficial or harmful may depend on its content, its intent, and the individual listener's response. What may be uplifting and edifying for one person may be unsettling or harmful for another. As we navigate the world of music and its potential effects on our spiritual and emotional well-being, let us approach it with open hearts, discerning minds, and a desire to seek out that which is good, true, and life-giving.
@erikadnerwallander4903 28 күн бұрын
Music, like all the arts, is constantly around us. Art is the human response to nature. Literature, visual arts, music etc. is us recollecting, refining, reorganizing and playing with the impressions in our every day life. And it's just that: play. To play is to be human. To create is to be human. I am asking, and it would be very beautiful to have a good conversation about this: why should I refrain from play? Isn't that how I taught myself to navigate? Isn't that how I learned about myself and what God is? Buddha taught the way of the middle ground, not starving yourself, not feeding yourself full. Life is meant to be experienced, and abstaining from art is but an illusion, because everywhere you look, there it is. It's nature itself.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 28 күн бұрын
Absolutely, your perspective on the omnipresence of art and music in our lives is profound. It's true, art in all its forms is a reflection of our human experience, our way of understanding and interacting with the world around us. It's our creative expression, our means of recollecting and refining the impressions life leaves upon us. Your analogy of play is quite beautiful. Indeed, to play and create is innately human, it's how we learn, grow, and understand ourselves and the world. It's through this exploration that we connect with the deeper essence of life, with what some may call God or a higher power. Your mention of the middle ground resonates deeply with me. Just as Buddha taught, life is about balance. It's not about depriving ourselves of experiences, but rather finding harmony in our interactions with the world, including art and music. However, My concern is about being overly influenced by external forces, particularly in regards to music's rhythms and frequencies. It's important to acknowledge that while art and music can be immensely enriching, they can also have a profound impact on our psyche and emotions. From my own experience with music and frequency, I've found that being mindful of the content and vibrations we expose ourselves to can indeed help maintain inner balance. It's about discerning what resonates with our true selves and what might be leading us astray. So, while embracing the beauty and richness of art and music, it's equally important to cultivate awareness and discernment. It's not about refraining from play, but rather engaging in it consciously, with an understanding of its potential effects on our mind, body, and spirit. In essence, it's about finding that middle ground, where we can fully immerse ourselves in the joys of creation and expression while remaining anchored in our authenticity and inner truth. hope this helps,and we can go deeper, I will make a video on it, its easier for me to express thru spoken word,and ill tag you once its made
@benjamindsouza6736 28 күн бұрын
Beautifully expressed......& absolutely true!!! 🙏🤍
@rawauthenticvulnerable 28 күн бұрын
@@benjamindsouza6736 thank you for the encouragment
@roelleuss 29 күн бұрын
Christ is King
@rawauthenticvulnerable 29 күн бұрын
Amen brother!
@TM-ly9gy 29 күн бұрын
Me too! I don't eat til night! Ughhhh help.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 29 күн бұрын
I feel you on this, Its difficult, but I think I've found a way, Im going to make a video on it thru my experience
@Rachellovesyhuee77 29 күн бұрын
My friend ! Idk why I clicked on your video tbh. But I just feel like I need to tell you that God has so much Grace over you . I’ve been struggling with things like that too . But remember that we must have Grace over ourselves just as we should have Grace over other people , cause he has Grace over us, if not we’d be judging everyone hardcore like we judge ourselves. Im past the drugs , the alcohol, the lust. All of that! Thank the Lord. I’m baptized, gave my life to Jesus . And now those things in the past that I thought were minor are now becoming the new things I have to overcome . We got it . Take it step by step . He is the lamp to our feet & will guide our steps . But what Jesus did for us was complete Grace. In such an imperfect world , we have that . We must remember! God loves you and so do I ❤️
@rawauthenticvulnerable 29 күн бұрын
I appreciate you clicking the video,and watching,and sharing this with me, Its a tough struggle all those things , I'm glad you've broken free and can share your wisdom .it means a lot,and helps empower me and those who see this to have faith, and god shows us all grace and loves all of us! very powerful words spoken here thank you!
@HeatherHmoi 29 күн бұрын
How’d it taste?
@rawauthenticvulnerable 29 күн бұрын
It was good, i even ate the skin, id recommend it , It like a blend of honey dew and cantaloupe, I also tried a HA- MI Melon, thats the name ,its good too, The middle where the seeds are is the sweetest, so def worth it , but cantaloupe is better lol
@QueenLightbeam 29 күн бұрын
Do you think maybe... just maybe your body may need some of the nutrients in those dates and p-nut butter? The way you convince yourself and then just go ahead and give in made me laugh , I do the same thing.
@rawauthenticvulnerable 29 күн бұрын
its wild the pull it has, I turn it over to god daily and nightly and surrender to what is. Man those dates and peanut butter are something, and ghee salt and dates. I considered tonight to make a run to berkely bowl, and not resist and let it rip, but im going to shower and drink water, and try and stay busy lol . I thought I was the only having those inner conflicts over some dates!
@QueenLightbeam 29 күн бұрын
@@rawauthenticvulnerable Dates & Peanut butter are absolutely heavenly... if you ever get to Santa Cruz there's a little spot on 41st Ave called CLIFF CAFE' they have the BEST pnut/date smoothies. ( I've enjoyed more than I can count back when I lived there) my struggle lately has been jumbo bag of Wasabi Almonds.. I moved them away from my bed, because I too would wake up in the middle of the night and have a party!! Don't be too hard on yourself like the comment said above. You are Glowing.
@QueenLightbeam 29 күн бұрын
I meant the comment below. Blessings
@rawauthenticvulnerable 29 күн бұрын
@@QueenLightbeam oh man those wasabi almonds will do it to you, I'm more of the pea nut butter dates kinda guy, and thank you for that recommendation, it sounds like a good idea to take a beach day down to Santa Cruz I've never been, and check out this CLIFF CAFE! thanks !
@rawauthenticvulnerable 29 күн бұрын
@@QueenLightbeam Stay strong !!!!!
@HeatherHmoi 29 күн бұрын
Is there a specific type of music where you feel that shift or is it all genres?
@rawauthenticvulnerable 29 күн бұрын
for me, I love hip hop, but it def alters my mood and i act like the music, and same with house music, I dont' like rock and stuff like that it annoys me, so It might be different of everyone, its not hat i feel like shit , but it really gets me int o the hypnotic rhythm, and its seductive ,and then i drift , and fall off track, and lose my center, and mindfulness. One thing leads to another and I'm snowballing into gluten sugar, PMO whatever escape or authenticity and shame things come with it in my experience
@mini4rubz Ай бұрын
I wouldn’t even let my dog eat that 🤢
@rawauthenticvulnerable Ай бұрын
Well your dog is missing out on he goodness that is in here, don't judge a book by its cover, not all happy meals that look beautifully staged are good and healthy for that matter. But you should give it a try black seaweed weed, and Japanese yam. HAPPY EATING
@mickeyguide3112 Ай бұрын
Music don't mean anything what's right for you spiritually. That's right, it may sound nuts specially from a person from to whom music was a big part of my personality. In absolute silence like in nature can you only really start to wake your spirit up. After that you don't even need music anymore. Music can cause an addictions. It's no coincidence Lucifer was the highest musician in Heaven before he fell. Music is like a hypnotic tool for the devil to get your spirit distracted and further away from listening your Creator. Music can serve you only if it really connects your spirit closer to your Creator on some level...but in this instance it should come from your spirit, you making that music. I would still say that silence and the sounds of nature are only real 'music' you'll ever need. They won't give you the dopamine kick but they will give you a much better spiritual kick...a spiritual peace. We all yearn the peace that passes all understanding 🙏 ...many just don't know it yet.
@rawauthenticvulnerable Ай бұрын
I love hearing this, Id agree nothing is better the sounds of nature to wake up the spirit ! Great comment thanks for sharing this , all can benefit from these words
@mickeyguide3112 29 күн бұрын
@@rawauthenticvulnerable thanks,great to hear! Well yeah it has been a long way coming for me from my old 'ways'/habits. I was seriously addicted to music/playing live for yrs etc. Playing live, on stage gives you insane dopamine kick. But I guess I was always filling the emptyness on my spirit with music...until it changed due a supernatural encounter. Then it changed for wanting to get to know The Source of everything...The CREATOR. But it wasn't cause of my own doing, I didn't do anything to deserve it. Guess I was led to where I am spiritually present. If I could give anything for someone who seeks the face of our CREATOR ,they are hard core fasting (plus praying of course) and to read the 21 chapters of John from the Bible making it resonate in your heart ❤️. I would almost guarantee God will make/ show you something if you'll do this. Many Christians are not aware how important hard fasting is. I will always get spiritual attacks with one way or the other after it. I guess this shows it works in spiritual warfare. It can really however really spiritually drain you, even to the point you're making yourself vulnerable. But at the same time your showing to God your willing to make your body resist. Jesus fasted for 40 days and got attacks from the devil. Everyone can do even just a fraction from that! God bless you brother on your personal spiritual journey 🙏
@rawauthenticvulnerable 29 күн бұрын
@@mickeyguide3112 I thank you for the words of encouragement, I think fasting is extremely valuable,and mainly used for the wrong reason now a days like a fad , or the quick reset or even a punishment, I myslef have used it as punishment to reset, if I binged on some sugar for a day, ill try and fast for 24 hours to reset, and clear that poison form my body so I can get connected back to god. I haven't been able to go more then 24 hours, and nor have I really tried but I think this might be a calling to give it a shot, and see how far i can go, and everyday I pray to god to help give me the strength , and i turn it over to him since i am powerless to the food addiction,and ask him to save me form it, and help me in tough times when I'm being attacked. I prey for his grace and mercy on my soul as I continue on the path . Thank you for the INSIGHT
@mickeyguide3112 29 күн бұрын
@@rawauthenticvulnerable I understand when you say you feel powerless in your addiction. It is said that God will make us we become completely dependant on Him, and strong in Him. That is my friend the purpose on your own spiritual journey back to Him. There are no addictions God can't heal us from. We have to acknowledge truly in our hearts that we need Him our Lord Jesus Christ in everything. The prideful and strong on their own...they don't need (or they think they don't need) God to heal them. So as paradoxical as it may sound, your addictions serve your purpose spiritually. I've very rarely got any message from our Creator but I did infact once got when I was completely hopeless on my addiction and ready to throw in the towel once and for all. What I got was...'this won't last forever'. I hope this encourages you brother 🙏
@rawauthenticvulnerable 28 күн бұрын
@@mickeyguide3112 Thank you for those kind words,and it resonates deeply with me and when you say god makes us weak to be strong in him, i fully understand and I'm with it, I have to look deeper,and see if I'm being prideful, or holding strong somewhere, and need to let go and let god. I prey daily and nightly to help me, but you are complete correct its serving as a lesson and opening me up deeper spiritually, and to come back around to god! thank you, this was encouraging! Ill be making some new videos this week about my experience its not easy for me to type them but to speak them.