I just want to get away from me 如果真的能從自己身邊逃離...想必一定是很自由的一件事吧? 但我們總有自己應該要承擔的責任...我們總有自己給自己加上的枷鎖 不管是家人 朋友 愛情 事業 林林總總...真的自由或許從來都不曾到來 但我願意從張懸的歌聲中 找到一些些讓自己能喘口氣的空間 之後再來過...
Please would you explaine the meaning ( ok more or less ) - thank you so much
@pp28477498hey8 жыл бұрын
+Ernst Grünbauer 你看得懂中文嗎?
@ernstgrunbauer77248 жыл бұрын
Perry Chen Thank you Perry :)
@ernstgrunbauer77248 жыл бұрын
Oh, i cannot read chinese, i use Google transtator :)
@pp28477498hey8 жыл бұрын
+Ernst Grünbauer I think the song is talking about someone who tried very hard to get a new life, to set herself(or himself) free.However, when she went so far, she just realized that it's not her old life that made her unbeathable, instead, it is HERSELF who constrained her. She didn't face the failure, the mistakes and the responsibilities that she was supposed to deal with. This is why the lyrics says "I just want to get away from me". I don't speak English very well hope you understand.