*LYRICS TRANSLATION* *花めかない / Not Flower* Nakiso 「幸せです」だとか “I’m so happy.” よくも私の陰で言えたものですね How dare you say such things behind my back? 道理通りに従えば Following the reason just as it says どうりで惨めな訳が伺える shows me the reason why I feel miserable indeed. 「可哀想に」憐れまないでよ “Poor thing.” Don’t take pity on me. 私には不幸が似つかわしいだとか Misery is befitting to me そう言って呑み込んだ After saying so I swallowed 思い咽ぶくらいの後悔の言の葉 such remorseful words of mine that I got stifled あの時 あの時 ああしていたら屹度 At that time, at that time, if only I had done that. 終りにしようか Shall we put an end to this? どうかどうか 最期だけは私の儘に Please, please let me meet at least my fate as I please 永遠に君に焼き付いてみせようか Shall I get imprinted on you forever? 終りにしようか Shall we put an end to this? どうかどうか 最期だけは私の儘に Please, please let me meet at least my fate as I please 一生好きでした I loved you all my life. 幸せだったんだ I was so happy 嘗て私の意志で委ねていました I used to entrust it of my own accord. もう独りで歩けない I can no longer walk by myself 呑気に何とも莫迦な絵空事 How thoughtlessly absurd that fabrication is. 甘い脳裏を遊ぶ残花が A remaining flower playing in my sugary mind 「私には幸などしゃらくさい」だとか mumbles “It’s overbold of me to be happy” そう苛んだ刹那 On sneering at itself 浮き足立つくらいの it fell into hell 如何しようも無い地獄 so hopeless that it became reckless 此の侭 大人に成って I’m going to grow up as I am あらかた終りになって仕舞う and almost everything is going to end; そんな未来なら if that were the future I were to have, いっそ枕木の上で 今此処で I might as well sleep on a crosstie, at this moment 此の侭 大人に成って Were I to grow up as I am 脆くも忘れられるならば and to be forgotten fragilely, 忘れはさせないよ I won’t let you forget me ずっと for good. 終りにしようか Shall we put an end to this? どうかどうか 最期だけは私の儘に Please, please let me meet at least my fate as I please 永遠に君に焼き付いてみせようか Shall I get imprinted on you forever? 終りにしようか Shall we put an end to this? どうかどうか 最期だけは私の儘に Please, please let me meet at least my fate as I please 「まだ生を厭う?」 “Do you hate life yet?” 嗚呼 救いが無い Ah, there’s no salvation まるで添え物のように尽くす人生だな My life is just to devote myself like a garnish 嘆こうか 潤んだ目すら無い私を Grieve for me, who is devoid even of watery eyes. 終りにしよう Let me put an end. 終りにしようか Shall we put an end to this? どうかどうか 最期だけは私の儘に Please, please let me meet at least my fate as I please 永遠に君に焼き付いてみせようか Shall I get imprinted on you forever? 終りにしようか Shall we put an end to this? どうかどうか 最期だけは私の儘に Please, please let me meet at least my fate as I please 一生好きでした I loved you all my life. 「じゃあね」 “See you.”
@きなこもち-r6n3 жыл бұрын
@お姉さん-293 жыл бұрын
英語も付けてくれる優しさ これよ日本はよ
@millianarakuzen2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the translation!
@ろくろくび-k1k2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the translation because I didn't understand the meaning of lyrics all the time!