unfortunately what is not said is too many of our HK students are leaving HK to study abroad! Not mentioned the number of experience teachers left and curriculum changes.
We moved to UK when my daughter was at 15yo while she was in middle of S3. When resuming her study here, we discovered the pressure will be similar if the children want to become outstanding herself.
@@烏拉-y2qexactly, N 年前英皇中六收女生,當年冇 DSE。中五會考完,要讀預科,即係 lower 6 and upper 6, 亦都係當年入港大要中七好成績才能入讀。當年亦叫做 Form 6, then Form 7 。港大係三年制大學。現今四年制,所以 eliminate 咗FORM 7。亦無咗中五 會考。N 年前入中大祇要求中六會考,這中六會考中七 so call A level 會考完全不同。中大係四年制大學同全世界銜接。現今三年制大學亦只有英國。歐洲同亞洲所有嘅大學都係四年制