中國的護照不值錢的,小偷當中國的護照是垃圾都不想偷。台灣的護照值人民幣約十萬元,所以台灣的護照要隨身帶著,因為台灣Taiwan passport is valuable.之前結婚後,我去法義度蜜月,啓發是跟團去歐洲沒有被偷過不算到過歐洲一遊,在歐洲沒被偷過,不算到之一遊,每團必被偷才是歐洲,沒被偷過,不要說您到過歐洲。even the thief doesn't want the passport of china but people like Taiwan passport which is very useful. If you have both China and Taiwan passport, then if you lost one but you can use another passport to go back to China or republic of china.
歐洲國家多,跨國時會抽查護照。中國的護照不值錢的,小偷當中國的護照是垃圾都不想偷。台灣的護照值人民幣約十萬元,所以台灣的護照要隨身帶著,因為台灣Taiwan passport is valuable.之前結婚後,我去法義度蜜月,啓發是跟團去歐洲沒有被偷過不算到過歐洲一遊,在歐洲沒被偷過,不算到之一遊,每團必被偷才是歐洲,沒被偷過,不要說您到過歐洲。even the thief doesn't want the passport of china but people like Taiwan passport which is very useful. If you have both China and Taiwan passport, then if you lost one but you can use another passport to go back to China or republic of china.
@@maple-leaf歐洲國家多,景點橫跨各國,跨國時會抽查護照。中國的護照不值錢的,小偷當中國的護照是垃圾都不想偷。台灣的護照值人民幣約十萬元,所以台灣的護照要隨身帶著,因為台灣Taiwan passport is valuable.之前結婚後,我去法義度蜜月,啓發是跟團去歐洲沒有被偷過不算到過歐洲一遊,在歐洲沒被偷過,不算到歐一遊,每團必被偷才是歐洲,沒被偷過,不要說您到過歐洲。even the thief doesn't want the passport of china but people like Taiwan passport which is very useful. If you have both China and Taiwan passport, then if you lost one but you can use another passport to go back to China or republic of china.