What a wonder-full song! EVERYone needs this message knowing that ALL of us BELONG not to us and our limitedness BUT to CHRIST who overcame the world victoriously: He OPENED the LIFEgate to Eternal LIFE WITH HIM - once and forever. - Until today 777 hits on your wonder-full website: They are multiplying like the great CDs you record(ed) and reach out to many thousands - not only in Japan. Praise the LORD that we LIVE & LOVE in the SEASON of HARVEST of JAPAN (Matthew 9:35~38): EVERY Christian in JAPAN may participate in HIS HARVEST, I pray.
@HIROTOLEE5 жыл бұрын
Michael Hoehn agrees with Hiroto Lee: Praise the LORD that we LIVE & LOVE in the SEASON of HARVEST of JAPAN (Matthew 9:35~38): EVERY Christian in JAPAN may participate in HIS HARVEST >>> Let us pray!!