We farmed the hill country west of Spokane, WA from 1983 to 1999. There were quite a few of these on some of the farms in the area. My friend's brother in law had two of these Steiger Bearcats. The air inlet precleaner was different and had a steel flexpipe connected to the top portion of the left exhaust stack. The escaping exhaust out the stack was supposed to crate a slight draw thru the flex pipe to the air inlet to pull dust out and blow the dirt out the stack. Not sure how well they worked but that kind of setup was on alot of farm equipment back then. The CAT V8 diesel is missing a silver label on the front portion of the valve covers that read "CAT 3208". The 3208 was a basic industrial type of diesel engine and could be found in alot of farm tractors back then. My dad had a Massey Fergusun 1805 quadwheel tractor with same CAT 3208 with 180 horsepower at the drawbar. My understanding is it was a rather cheap but reliable V8 diesel that generally had to be overhauled at a much lower hour interval than most diesel engines out at the time. Google says they'll last 10-15k hours but I seem to remember back then they didn't expect them to go much past 8,000 hours or so. They used oil from about day 1 but that was just normal for them. They ran great and had little to no issues. Great model. ERTL didn't even make stuff like this back when I was growing up.
@King_Randy Жыл бұрын
Nice tractor! Glad your back 👍
@tctoytractors9325 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so very much
@FortheLoveofTractors Жыл бұрын
awesome tractor! great review. Hope you and the family are doing great my friend.
@tctoytractors9325 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much. I've greatly missed doing my videos I truly enjoy them