Your channel + your workouts have hugely transformed my pregnancy. I feel so ready, physically, for birth in a few weeks, somehow more confident in my body/what it’s capable of than I was even pre pregnancy, and better equipped for my eventual postpartum recovery!! God bless and thank you!!
@glowbodypt2 жыл бұрын
AWWE Rose, thank you for pouring life into me. Congrats on your healthy pregnancy and know that it's my honor to be your trainer and not something I take lightly!
@capricebachor76323 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing! I just love these personal updates :) I so enjoy the postpartum season. I find its a sweet time to slow down, snuggle that new baby and adjust to the transition of a bigger family; sweet time with older children to bond and show them extra special attention; and of course a fresh closeness with my husband as we praise God for the new life He has created through our oneness. I had a c-section with my first, and three vaginal births after that. After delivering our last baby, our first girl, I had troubling symptoms and was sent for a CT scan. I knew something wasn't right but as I was wheeled down for that scan, the Lord met me with perfect peace in the finished work of Christ on the cross for my sin. I knew that if it was my time to go Home, I was ready because of Jesus. It was found that there was blood in my abdomen, and a rupture of the uterus was expected. They went in through my previous c-section incision and found that I did have a full and complete rupture of my uterus. I should NOT have been alive. It was as if the Lord was holding me closed so that I didn't hemorrhage to death. Every doctor and nurse heard from me that the Lord had mercy on me and it was not my time yet. That was a different postpartum season that I expected with a vaginal and abdominal recovery, plus a 9-day post-dural spinal headache to boot that left me on my back and only able to barely care for the baby. My older boys ages 5, 3 and 23 months at the time were amazingly cared for by my parents and in-laws and my husband and mom cared for me. While it was scary and difficult, it was a sweet time for me to have uninterrupted time with the baby fully, something I hadn't had since my first son was born. I cherished her, I rested with her, I read my Bible, and wrestled with the unknown duration of the headache, trusting that God would use this for my good and His glory. It gave me a fresh perspective on motherhood and the privilege for caring for my husband, children and home. I had to fully rely on the Lord and His faithfulness. When my children came home after I had recovered enough to care for everyone, I was READY and excited to start our life as a family of 6. My relationship with Jesus did not remove the difficulty of those first two weeks, but in it I was at peace that God would fulfill His purpose in me, which is to bring Him glory. And it showed me how to pray for people who suffer long-term. I encourage all the new mamas to enter postpartum with an open hand, trusting that God will show you how to navigate it if you humbly look to your Creator to help you. It may be easy and it may be more difficult, but each child is a blessing and a gift. It truly is amazing! I share my story to encourage anyone who is struggling that in Christ, while our struggles won't disappear, we have a High Priest who is familiar with our weakness, because he walked in flesh...yet without sin. And for those of us who are tempted to think we are strong and have it handled, He will allow us to be humbled so that we will fully depend on His strength.
@urfriscokids17473 жыл бұрын
Wow!! What a testimony!! Thank you
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Cannot begin to imagine how traumatic having a complete rupture of your uterus must have been and the lengthy recovery to follow with your 4th baby (and first girl!). Thanks so much for sharing your experience, words and insight overcoming, I love your testimony & story.
@adrielw93443 жыл бұрын
Wow! I cannot imagine going through all of that! God is so good… congrats on your precious baby!
@capricebachor76323 жыл бұрын
amen! He is! Thank you!
@capricebachor76323 жыл бұрын
Praise God!
@BrendaSmith093 жыл бұрын
She is beautiful ♥️ You are so right, with my last baby I had a nasty case of postpartum depression for about two months. The word of God, good nutrition and allowing friends to be there for me that was super healing for my mental health. I also would sit outside and get some sunshine ♥️ This time I did not isolate myself and I healed super fast. Thank you for this.
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Brenda I'm so glad this resonated w/ you and thanks for sharing because other moms will benefit from hearing from your positive experience this last time around, too!
@mdennis7291 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, Ashley! This was great. 29 weeks and my round ligament pain is keeping me from walking too far or cycling, but I’m able to do most of these exercises with no problem. So thankful to have your programs!
@sarahkrahn47373 жыл бұрын
Love love love everything you said in here. ❤️ Thank you for being bold about your faith and helping women physically and spiritually. So many good little nuggets.
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
always grateful to have you here Sarah and glad this was helpful!
@rachelinthailand3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing! I always feel better watching your videos and seeing that you are still able to stay tight with God and enjoy time with your family one week postpartum! First time mom here serving in Thailand, due with baby boy in March, so any reassurance is so nice!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Congrats on your march due date Rachel. Amazing you are serving in Thailand-- good for you and your family Rachel.
@betsyrivers3 жыл бұрын
This was a sweet video! I am a mama to 6 and I agree with you on accepting meals. After my fifth, I made a rule for myself...NEVER say "no" to a meal offer! It has been such a blessing to me and like you said, I have offered and delivered more meals myself having been inspired by those who have blessed my family!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Betsy this makes me so happy to hear from you as a mother to six! So reassuring to other moms who also struggle with not wanting to inconvenience anyone and instead just gratefully accept assistance as moms, and serve others when we can. Grateful to have you here and am sure I could learn a ton from you.
@kellyp7953 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your new baby! I’m doing your 12wk post partum - it has been such a blessing. AMEN to realizing that Satan uses our post-partum hormones to bombard us with lies! I only realized this recently with little baby Matty. (Side note: Had to use super high arnica potency after glute workout when I couldn’t extend my legs 😂,. I had a much better recovery second time I did it. your workouts, like you, are amazing!) prayers for you and your family 🙏🏻♥️. And as I’m writing this, my daughter’s putting on one of your videos ♥️
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Awwe Kelly so glad this resonates with you and it makes me SO HAPPY to hear my 12 Week Post Pregnancy Plan has been a blessing in your life. Props to you for setting the example to baby Matty + big sister!
@RoyalDiadem23 Жыл бұрын
32 weeks pregnant w/baby #2 & watching this video is so encouraging & confirming. I would love a video on going from 1 to 2 versus 2 to 3 and now 3 to 4. I’ve been a bit nervous thinking about the transition and would love to hear your wisdom as a veteran mama. Thank you for everything!!!
@glowbodypt Жыл бұрын
You are 32 weeks now!!!! I wish I had some perfect advice for each transition, but I don't. I will say I feel bad for moms with just one child because 100% it is harder for those moms. Kids play soooo much together as siblings, and it's a gift you'll see on your own very soon.
@RoyalDiadem23 Жыл бұрын
@@glowbodypt THANK YOU!!!🤎
@aprilknutson28093 жыл бұрын
May God bless the little time you get with Him each day. You’re an encouragement.
@burkevid41083 жыл бұрын
Hi Ashley! I have finished the 12 week post partum plan and also just finished the 10 minute plan! My baby is just turning 7 months! I have LOVED the easy click and go workouts! They have helped me make exercising a daily habit. Guess I’ll have to get the fast- capable -strong plan next!!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
You sound like you are on a roll with my plans with your baby only 7 months old! It fills my heart that you've really enjoyed what they have done for you! Lean Fast Strong Capable Plan will bring you and your fitness TOP NOTCH and you will be so rewarded by what you discover you are capable of. So stoked for you!
@nicoleives1442 Жыл бұрын
Hello! I just stumbled upon your channel. I am 12 weeks pregnant with my first baby and looking for ways to keep my body healthy while being mindful of the baby growing inside me. It is so refreshing to see women of faith sharing motherhood stories. Thank you for reminding me to stay in the light and in God's word. I really needed to hear this!
@glowbodypt Жыл бұрын
Nicole, congrats to you on 12 weeks along with your first baby! What a wonderful feeling to enter 2nd trimester with confidence and props to you on taking such good care of yourself through pregnancy. You need my Free Prenatal Program. Nothing else on the web even compares to the variety, structure, and the way it prepares your body for labor + faster recovery postpartum if you get on my 12 Week Post Pregnancy Plan. Plus, it's completely for free as a small way to bless expecting moms. Stay in touch so I can follow your pregnancy journey!
@SunFlower-lk4ho3 жыл бұрын
I just found your channel and I already love you. Congratulations on baby 4!
@samanthagrandon70003 жыл бұрын
Congrats on the beautiful new baby! I have two girls and am 12 weeks pregnant with our third child. Just purchased your cookbook as I’ve been in a total first trimester nausea/fatigue funk and have barely cooked a thing in months! Guh! So looking forward to the inspiration as I finally start to feel better. I have used a few of your prenatal workouts but have never seen any of your personal vlogging like this. Totally love your personality and your Christian witness! Keep crushing it!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Samantha, congrats on heading into 2nd trimester with number 3 on the way! I'm so glad to hear your nausea and blahs are decreasing & you're armed with my Mom Cookbook so really eat well this pregnancy. : D Grateful to meet you as a sister in Christ & hope you enjoy my free prenatal program.
@grantkarissabrown38123 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the encouragement to stay in the Word! It can be hard to find time as a mom, but lately I’ve found that shutting off my social media and instead reading my Bible app while nursing has been such an encouragement. I read Jen Wilkins book you mentioned, that is a great book! I also highly recommend the Risen Motherhood podcast- I feel like you would love it if you don’t already listen to it! They talk about how to live out the gospel in all aspects of motherhood. It is my absolute most favorite podcast! ❤️
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
I love RM podcast too Karissa. Favorite is Allie Beth Stucky's "Relatable" podcast.
@brontetreacy6463 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl! I’m currently 21 weeks pregnant and following your prenatal workout plan. I can’t tell you how blessed I am that I found you! You are such a beam of positivity and I look forward to my workouts with you every day. I am a first time mommy and hoping to give birth at home. Your motivation makes me feel like anything is possible. Thank you for everything that you do ♥️
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Bronie, your kind comment made my day- seriously, the best one! Thank YOU for filling my heart and for being part of this glowbodypt community. I'm excited you have the opportunity for a natural home birth (it was illegal in NC here for a bit but now it's legal again!) and I wish you the absolute best.
@aymeesretep87543 жыл бұрын
Just had my baby sept 14th and I agree with you. Prayers for your speedy and full recovery. Pineapple.juice water and fiber is my friend too. And yes to liposomal vit c(easier to digest) yes eating lots of veggies still and prenatal. I wish I had your Cookbook! I need to avoid dairy... I have umbilical hernia so wearing a support band helps so much. I have to focus on stretching and strengthening neck and posture right now to avoid injury. Solidarity.
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Aymee congrats on your baby just about a month older than mine!! These are great tips. Most of my Mom Cookbook is dairy-free : D (my husband Luke avoids dairy too so if dairy is ever in there you can sub in with a non-dairy cheese and non-dairy milk like we do such as almond milk vanilla unsweetened). I too have a small umbilical hernia have had it since my first baby, super common, and may or may not get it repaired since this my last baby, haven't decided! : ) Sending you love!
@aapril20113 жыл бұрын
Congratulations! You’re amazing. Slow and steady. Love, a twin mama USMA ‘11
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
WP Women!!! So nice to meet you Ashley, it's an honor.
@Cloggindancer3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so so much for sharing!! I’m getting ready for baby number three in about ten weeks and it means so much to me to hear about what other mothers are finding joy in and what struggles they are experiencing during this season in life. It makes me feel so much less alone! I won’t be joining the Facebook group because I’m not on the FB anymore, but I can’t wait to follow your workouts and your journey on KZbin!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Congrats on being around 30 weeks along with your baby number 3 Shauna! I don't blame you for being off of social media and am grateful to have you here. I hope you absolutely love my 12 week post pregnancy plan when that time comes for you about 3-4 months from now!
@ashlimorris21982 жыл бұрын
30 weeks pregnant!! Really enjoyed hearing about what postpartum looks like for you! Thanks for sharing.
@glowbodypt2 жыл бұрын
Ashli, I'm so glad this one was helpful for you as you prep for you own labor & postpartum season. Congrats to you on 31+ now!
@joysilas4724 Жыл бұрын
Ashley when did you get your baby on a good sleeping routine?
@keshonaisaacksz88053 жыл бұрын
I needed to hear what you said about fill our minds with the right things. I need to fill my spirit with God's word more. I have been feeding myself the wrong things lately and I have definitely noticed my thoughts changing as a result of it. Thank you for being transparent.
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad this resonated with you babe.
@milleright8873 жыл бұрын
I am 34 weeks pregnant and just ordered your cookbook! I am so excited after looking over your recipes, tonight I'm making the veggie enchilada casserole. I was watching your video and the meals just looked so appetizing. I was on the fence about ordering the book or waiting until I order the 12 week postpartum plan a little later. Then your video reached the faith section and I knew just to order it now. When you started talking about having your canoe upside down and all the little critters (one of my favorite Bible studies) I absolutely felt God had your video pop up on KZbin for a reason today. I know that what we put into our bodies, along with the word of God, has a direct effect on our mental health and allowing a door for Satan to whisper to us through. Thank you for your video and congratulations on your beautiful baby girl ❤
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
I really love that you shared this Millie, it's so personal and I'm grateful to have raw and vulnerable women like you here. I hope you absolutely love my 12 Week Post Pregnancy Plan once you have your baby in about a month, and the Mom Cookbook for now and for postpartum!
@barborag43593 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your gorgeous little one to your family! I had my third baby on Wednesday. This whole pregnancy and now postpartum time, I have been right in your tracks. Thanks for sharing; I find these tips so useful and relevant right now :)
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Oh wow Barbora! Congrats on your sweet newborn baby added to your family!
@adrielw93443 жыл бұрын
Congrats on your beautiful baby girl! I just gave birth to boy #5 back in April! I followed your pregnancy plan and really enjoyed it. I have also purchased your 12 week postpartum plan. I have done some of the exercises here and there, but haven’t given it a serious go yet. I used to be a world class athlete and I want to get back to that, but my little one has had a lot of unexpected health issues and it has been hard. I am thankful and forever grateful to God that He has given us wisdom and guidance and saved my precious boys’ life. I haven’t spent the time with God that I should have. Your video really inspired me and even before I get back into a good workout routine, I want to get back into a good faith routine where I spend time in my Bible and prayer daily. Thank you for being so inspiring and honest! God bless!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Love that you are a mom of FIVE Adriel and look forward to having you follow my 12 Week PPP> I am so very sorry your youngest has had a lot of unexpected health problems! What did you used to compete in? I'd love to hear.
@adrielw93443 жыл бұрын
Hi Ashley! My youngest, Silas, is doing amazingly well and continues to receive good news from his doctors! I’m so thankful! I used to compete in Taekwondo. I was one of the top four athletes in my weight category for the 2008 Olympics. Unfortunately, I fractured my arm twice and dislocated my elbow in 2007 and was unable to continue competing that year. With having to maintain a weight category and training 6+ hours a day, I really can relate to a lot of what you talk about! I am trying to get back into shape… I have never purchased a program before, but when you did the fundraiser for Save the Storks, I felt like it was not only the perfect time, but the perfect cause! Thank you so much for all you do! Congratulations again on beautiful Laurel!
@isabelwall17143 жыл бұрын
You are glowing and look amazing! You are doing a great job. You inspire me in more ways than healthy lifestyle I’m inspired of your dedication as a wife to your are a strong women of God! Thanks for sharing your heart.
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
sincerely appreciate your support Isabel.
@nocake1333 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your baby girl! Thanks for the tips, I’m now 6 weeks postpartum
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Awwe love that you're just a few weeks ahead of me- congrats on your baby!!
@mezblume-authoradventurer63953 жыл бұрын
Laurel is beautiful, Ashley! You look great too! I'm just a few weeks out from my due date, so I appreciate all the encouragement and help from the other side.
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Mez, I'm so excited you are due in just a few weeks for your own labor & delivery!
@aiwi94983 ай бұрын
Congratulations on your beautiful family❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉
@janellblair482 жыл бұрын
Same! I didn’t do placenta encapsulation this time and I haven’t noticed a difference.
@glowbodypt2 жыл бұрын
thanks for sharing this for other women too Janell- I am glad to hear this from you.
@stephanieanne8744 ай бұрын
Belly binding is a new concept for me but I'm really thinking it would be a great thing! Do you know much about having mild prolapse and doing belly binding? I've read conflicting things on it so I'm wondering what your take is - some sources say avoid it if you're prolapsed because it will make it worse. Other sources say it helps heal prolapse so I'm not sure what direction to take. Thanks!
@melissakillpack56053 жыл бұрын
I can’t find the video but my Daughter is almost 8months old there was one stretching move that I did that I believe really helped me not tear I felt so good postpartum I am so Thankful for your videos! Congratulations on your new bundle of Joy
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
congrats on your nearly 8 month old baby girl and I'm so glad you enjoyed my prenatal workouts. You'd be perfect for my 10 Minute Plan at this point! I recorded it at 7-10 months pp with Ava and it's my favorite plan with my top 30 family friendly recipes too. : )
@elliec29913 жыл бұрын
Congrats to you Ash and your beautiful family! I am due in 2 weeks with my first and your videos have literally saved me during pregnancy. And I'm loving your postpartum tips! I just got your 12 week postpartum plan which I am super excited to start in a couple months. Thank you for sharing your postpartum journey. It is giving me hope and a little less anxiety about what's to come as a first time mom!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Ellie I am so happy to hear you have loved my prenatal workouts during your pregnancy and congrats on being ~38 weeks now. I am confident you'll love my 12 Week Post Pregnancy Plan and am proud of you for planning ahead so you're prepared after baby arrives.
@d.sanders20242 жыл бұрын
This is SO good!! Especially the Faith Recovery. Thank you so much for sharing that in your process. We are 22 weeks and looking forward to our birth and recovery plan. I lift heavy (bench press, deadlifts) and having difficulty with feeling like I was losing my fitness identity (I hope that makes sense). So I am so excited to explore your channel!
@glowbodypt2 жыл бұрын
Destini, that only makes 100% sense to me. I get it. Former pro triathlete here for team usa, and for a long while I put too much of my identity in my performance outcomes and perceived level of fitness. I still absolutely LOVE to feel really fit, strong, fast, and capable, but I'm in a much better place now knowing that my identity rests entirely in Christ and what He has done for me. I have no doubt you will stay very fit during the next 18 weeks (ish) and you will get fit again postpartum!
@tinaohanian69353 жыл бұрын
Congrats on your beautiful babygirl! Thank you for being for open about your journey and I love all of the advice. I love doing your videos when I am pregnant and really love them!! You look amazing and I hope your recovery continues to go smooth. I love how your book recommendation and find it inspiring that you read the word every night. I have two little girls aged 2 and 4 and find it soo hard to make time to read the word but I really want to make more time for it because keeping Christ in the center of my life is crucial when life is so busy. Your family is beautiful and I love hearing your videos, your an inspiration to me! Take the best care and get lots of rest! -Tina
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Tina I feel you-- my boys are 2 yrs apart just like your girls and I know how busy it is. Your heart sounds like you're in a good place & I'm rooting for you!
@simplydreamasmr93623 жыл бұрын
Love love how you mentioned God and the word! Super encouraging 💕
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
YES MA'AM. Nothing I do here would matter if God weren't at the center of my life.
@simplydreamasmr93623 жыл бұрын
@@glowbodypt so awesome! Keep being that light ! 💕 thank you for all the inspiring videos and helping me through my pregnancy to stay fit!
@tanjalanger15433 жыл бұрын
Oh she is so cute. Congratulations! I used oils and creams every day, still started to get stretchmarks in week 40. 😅 10 months pp today, and I can see my ab muscles appearing slowly again, so thank you for the workout plans👍
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Tanja congrats on you 10 month old! Honestly genetics play such a big role in stretch marks or not, plus I don't even think they look bad when I see stretch marks. Super excited you're starting to see abs show through again!
@emilyszczepkowski15193 жыл бұрын
Congratulations! I have three boys (5, 3, 1) and the little coos from Laurel are making me want number 4! Thank you for the book suggestion-- I immediately went to Amazon and purchased the Kindle edition. My New Year's Resolution was to read three religious books and I scooped that one up to be my third. Can't wait! I absolutely love your unabashed expression of faith. Thank you for sharing His Good News and using your platform so many positive things. Keep on, Mama!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Em this makes me so happy to hear! AND YES TO NUMBER 4....girl we were on the edge, legit not sure if we should try for 4 or not...and now I feel complete and so glad we did. Tell me- what were your first 2 you did this year (if you enjoyed them!)?
@abigailrich42032 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this Ashley! I just gave birth to my third baby early this morning and am actually looking forward to recovery this time because of all your resources ❤❤❤
@glowbodypt2 жыл бұрын
CONGRATS ABIGAIL! I'm so happy your 3rd sweet baby was born, you did it mama!
@caseydewald29263 жыл бұрын
I love this so much. God bless you, and that precious family of yours! Baby is soooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. I'm expecting a baby this February...sadly it will probably be cold where I am! With my first I had an emergency c-section, but it was warm so I could do my verrrrry slow and short walks outside. Thank you for all your videos and messages, they have uplifted me so much. I enjoy your wisdom so much. Thanks again, Ashley!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
I'm rooting for you and your baby you are expecting in February. I'm really sorry you had an emergency c-section with your first, as if recovering from labor isn't hard enough a c-section really is a major abdominal surgery. Sending you so much love Casey!
@kuzooqueen3 жыл бұрын
This video completely eased my mind when it comes to WHEN I should start working out again after giving birth. I'm 25 and this is my first child, and within the last couple years of my life fitness has become a big part of my life. I've been using your prenatal plan since I found it and I couldn't be more appreciative! Your workouts are the perfect amount of strengthening and maintenance that I've needed. Coming up on 28 weeks has really been getting me thinking about postpartum and just this little video has made me feel more in the know. Thank you for your wonderful resources. Can't wait to try out the recipes in your mommy cookbook!! Peace & Love from this soon to be mom
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
This makes me so happy to hear that you are feeing more at peace with your upcoming labor & postpartum season! Props to you for educating yourself here & for preparing like you are. Congrats on 25 weeks strong with your first baby Skytanna.
@mirandagruenhaupt68763 жыл бұрын
My son is 1 now, and I really wish I knew all of this when I first had him. This will be so helpful when, Lord willing, I have another child. Thank you!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Awee Miranda, I hope you have another baby in the future to use some of this on!
@mirandagruenhaupt68763 жыл бұрын
@@glowbodypt I will check that out! Thank you:)
@kg80633 жыл бұрын
Congrats the baby! What an amazing little girl. I just wanted to say I bought your cookbook and can't wait to try my first recipe tomorrow.
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
thank you KG, both for the congrats and for your support, it means so much to me! I hope you love my new Mom Cookbook as much as I do!
@LadyMelaStar3 жыл бұрын
Congratulations 💖💖 Thank you for the tips!! I am due early March 2022
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
awwe yay! Congrats on being due in March.
@abigailthesnail883 жыл бұрын
Congrats on baby Laurel! I'm due for third csection on 12/14, can't wait to get my bod back with your 12 week post partum plan for the second time!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
AWWE you are due in just 3 weeks now! Congrats Abigail, cannot wait to see baby pics from you! Please tag me @glowbodypt so I can ooooww and ahh! : )
@hollylantrip49023 жыл бұрын
Loved this video! I'm getting so close to having baby #4, our first boy! Due the 28th but I have a feeling he will be here sooner. Thank you so much for the reminder to stay in the light! I'm terrified of that ppd that may creep up. It was so bad with my last.
@capricebachor76323 жыл бұрын
Yay for a little boy! We had our first girl with baby #4. Congrats! Praying for your PPD
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
So close to delivering your 4th!!! I am rooting for you and pray God is with you in your postpartum season, no matter how difficult or perfectly joyful it feels for you, that you just feel His presence through it all.
@jannettehicks41053 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the information. I’m also 10 days postpartum and these tips help so much. I will definitely check out your cookbook. I’m having a hard time with nutrition. The last thing I feel like doing is cooking. Congrats on your beautiful baby girl. ❤️
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
ahh that's amazing you just had your newborn too- CONGRATS Jannette!
@healingkatlyn993 жыл бұрын
Prayers and congratulations 🙏
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
This is so appreciated, thank you Ana!
@healingkatlyn993 жыл бұрын
@@glowbodypt of course 😊🙏
@graceruple31584 ай бұрын
Love this thank you!
@glowbodypt4 ай бұрын
Absolutely. Glad you enjoyed this one. How far pp are you?
@graceruple31584 ай бұрын
@@glowbodypt I have an almost 4 year old and an almost 2 year old and I am currently 27 weeks doing your prenatal workout plan. ☺️
@authormelissamayyounger45733 жыл бұрын
Thanks for being real and sharing your experience and tips! I'm excited to get your cookbook at some point. I'm 23 weeks right now, but postpartum will be here before I know it. Baby is precious- congrats!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
awwwe congrats on 23 weeks Melissa! Tell me more- what do you write / author? Link it so we can see and support you!
@Jesseandkeesia3 жыл бұрын
Love this video- thanks for sharing. All great tips (3 babies here) and many things I wish I would’ve done before I was introduced to you! I love following you, I’m one of your biggest fans. Thanks for all you do!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Glad to know as a mom of 3 these tips resonate with you. You being here means so much to me, THANK YOU Keesia.
@brennamorarodriguez72893 жыл бұрын
What are the names of the slings you use? You mentioned a few. A ring sling for infant and a couple of others. Can you attach the links too? Thank you. Congrats again
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
I have a gold silk Sakura bloom ring sling & Tulla carrier, both a couple yrs old. : )
@erikafarias52242 жыл бұрын
Hello i love your videos thank you for all the advice you give us.
@glowbodypt2 жыл бұрын
You are so kind Erika! thank YOU for being here. -Ashley
@courtneykinniburgh7498 Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad I found your page. I’m due in 3 weeks and was looking for stretches to do and exercises and this page is so helpful. And I’m finding lots of useful tips. I’m thankful to see that your a believer as well. I am interested in possibly doing the 12 week postpartum, but unsure when I will be able to do it. Is there a time frame I have to do it or it won’t work? Or can I do it months after giving birth
@glowbodypt Жыл бұрын
Hi Courtney, It's wonderful to meet you as a sister in Christ. Congratulations on full term! This is exactly the time when most women invest in the 12 Week Post Pregnancy Plan so you have time to read it over, print out the calendars (and recipes if you want!) and be prepared for Nutrition Goal 1 + Recovery Guidance as soon as baby arrives. As soon as you purchase, open it up and watch the WATCH FIRST video, right at the beginning. You'll gain laser-focused clarity on exactly what to do to accelerate your progress and maximize your results on your postpartum body. You maintain full video access for 10 years -- no worries about it expiring on you. : ) Quick watch:
@laurenstine53983 жыл бұрын
Hi Ashley, I recently found your workouts and I am loving them. I am currently 24 weeks with baby #4! I have always been extremely active but I probably did workouts that weren't appropriate during pregnancy or postpartum. I am very excited to finish my pregnancy with your prenatal workout plan. Are all of those workouts on your youtube channel? Thank you again for doing this for all the pregnant ladies! It's so nice to have someone to guide us on this journey. ❤️❤️❤️
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Hi Lauren, congrats on 24 weeks with your 4th too! YES, just like all of my plans, my free prenatal program is clickable. Tues and Thurs are cardio days though (walking) so follow the instructions there (no videos for walks).
@horsemellon.willow3 жыл бұрын
Congratulations!! She's beautiful and I love her name 😍. I'm due any day now with my 4th child and 4th son - looking forward to joining in on the post partum workouts and nutrition! I also did placenta encapsulation with my first two babies and actually stopped taking them each time before I ran out because I found that my baby boys would develop little "breasts" from the extra hormones, I believe....shocking! Something in me told me to quit taking the placenta pills and sure enough, within days they returned to normal. My last baby I didn't do placenta encapsulation because of my previous two experiences, and I found my mood was was so much better by instead investing my time into my relationship with God and my church community. No encapsulation necessary 🙌. God bless you and your sweet family and thank you for sharing your faith 💝
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Wow Anna congrats on your 4th son due any day now!
@cheyenne73003 жыл бұрын
Expecting new mama in January! Thank you for producing this video.
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
January!!! Just a couple of months now mama, I am so excited for your own labor & delivery. : )
@cheyenne73003 жыл бұрын
Thank you!!
@Ashley.doeyes.54773 жыл бұрын
Awaw beautiful baby ,congratulations girl much love
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Ash!
@KAmani11-913 жыл бұрын
Do you have a list of those recipes of the things you have been making? They looked yummy! And way to go. Your doing awesome 👏 I’m encouraged and looking forward to postpartum this time around now instead of dreading it. They are so tiny for such a short time!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
"Looking forward to postpartum this time around instead of dreading it." ^^ THIS!!! Makes me so deeply happy for you babe.
@KAmani11-913 жыл бұрын
Did you find any of your babies being sensitive with feedings to the recipes with kale or dairy?
@KAmani11-913 жыл бұрын
Also thank you! I will check it out :)
@lydiaswanson32402 жыл бұрын
If someone minded you taking care of your baby and holding her during your video, shame on them💕! This was a really fun video to watch, I’m 33 weeks pregnant with my first and watching videos of women’s postpartum is very helpful to me to prepare for our baby’s arrival 😁
@glowbodypt2 жыл бұрын
Lydia congrats to you on 33 weeks along and I really appreciate you being here! I recommend this one for you once per week as you prep in this home stretch:
@lydiaswanson32402 жыл бұрын
@@glowbodypt thank you!
@annatubb81643 жыл бұрын
Very helpful video especially about the walking part, which I didn't know. I am considering doing your 12wk PP class to heal correctly and not jump into my faster way to fat loss program right away like I have in the past... since you're gearing your workouts to our healing bodies. Thank you for that. My 5th baby was born this week with midwives, another water birth. Thank you for sharing your faith, I resonate with every word and also sink sink sink if I don't stay talking with Jesus and His word. Journaling helps too.
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
I love the idea of a water birth! Major congrats on delivering your fifth baby this week Anna that is so inspiring. In case you are not yet on my email list/follow me on GlowBodyPT IG/or facebook, our Black Friday sale is tomorrow only (one day!) and we won't have another sale for 6 months. You download your 12 Week Post Pregnancy Plan (which now comes with my new Mom Cookbook!!!) and back it up because you keep your plan for 10 yrs. Congrats again and smart on you for being aware of what was working/what wasn't and deciding to do encapsulation again for this 5th pp recovery.
@sarahpopovczak44113 жыл бұрын
I'm cracking up over here that walking 3 miles "isn't exercising"! But I love how you describe it and I wish I'd known the benefits earlier because I had it in my head that "rest hard" basically meant don't move until the 6 week check! Our bodies are wonderfully designed, and next time (Lord willing 😁) I hope to be less worried about normal movement!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
haha I can totally see that it sounds crazy to you walking 2-3 miles isn't exercising. : ) In reality, our great grandparents MOVED naturally much more in their everyday life doing chores/going to out outhouse to pee/fetching water from a well, but now with our modern lifestyle most of us walk very little in comparison.... so to balance that out, going on walks is important for us. Walking is the only exercise that I support doing pp in these early weeks before getting the all-clear to workout because it truly is inherently natural and so healthy for our recovering pelvic floor and abdominal wall. I'm smiling that you are already planning on next baby ; )
@kimberlyonnink74773 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your beautiful baby! Thank you for sharing such helpful advice, especially about remaining in God's Word. I'm currently pregnant with baby number 5, due at the beginning of March. Do you have any tips for continued motivation to exercise, especially as the dark winter months approach? I was on a good exercise schedule before getting pregnant, but now that we are in the full swing of homeschooling again and it's getting dark earlier, I have really let my exercising slide. I've always gained 50+ pounds with my pregnancies, but I am trying to be so much more intentional about not gaining so much with this pregnancy. Thanks for any advice or tips 😉. Praying you get the rest with your family that you need!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Congrats Kim on expecting number 5 this March and homeschooling your clan throughout-- I know how busy you truly are. Do yourself a mega favor and go download this now Free Prenatal Schedule: It is a click-and-go calendar that takes you week-by-week through your pregnancy to save you tons of time and ensure you are being safe at exactly your stage in pregnancy. From 33 weeks onward, know you can continue to use any of my 2nd or 3rd trimester workouts listed past 26 weeks on the schedule as long as your body feels up to it. It speaks a lot about you to be taking such good care of yourself (and baby!) this pregnancy! Hope to get to know you more on @GlowBodyPT Instagram.
@kimberlyonnink74773 жыл бұрын
@@glowbodypt Thanks so much for taking the time to respond! I did print out the calendar a few weeks ago and it's great! Just lacking that motivation 😄. I hope you and your family continue to do well in these early postpartum weeks💕
@jenayakachocolate3 жыл бұрын
Congrats on your beautiful baby girl! I've done a couple of your pregnancy workouts and they wore me out lol (which is a good thing). I'm due Dec. 20th with my 2nd son and my cousin and I do different workouts 3x a week. I watched your video about labor and when you mentioned Jesus, you had me sold to subscribe and take a look at other videos. I have to be careful what I feed my spirit and reveal to my eyegate. It's different when you look at videos of people who have a relationship with the Lord and who don't. I'm really uninformed about the pelvic floor but know it's very important to strengthen b/c I noticed a difference after having my son. So I'll be sure to watch your videos on it and if you have any other tips, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you for your videos, words, and experiences b/c they truly help.
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
So honored to meet you as a sister in Christ Jenay, thanks for introducing yourself and for being here. Wishing you the best come mid-December when your 2nd baby arrives! I think my pelvic floor video will help you and if you hear a red flag in that vid, you'll want a referral to a women's health pelvic floor specialist postpartum so they can evaluate IN PERSON the best way forward for your unique needs after this baby while you do my 12 Week Post Pregnancy Plan.
@jessicap51323 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your new baby! So happy for you! Do you have any tips or advice on hips? I'm 10 months postpartum with baby #2 and my hips are much larger than before, even after baby #1. I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight but not hip size.
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Congrats on being back to your pre-pregnancy weight at 10 months after delivery Jessica! There is nothing we can do about changing our bone structure (hip size) after babies -- same goes for the rib cage or even shoe size, some of us just literally change size in certain areas and no amount of fat loss will put the hips/ribs/feet back to the size they were before. I say embrace it and focus on growing & sculpting your rear end! : ) All my plans have heavy focus on developing the posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, low back) ---> shaping your tush.
@Renewingallthingsblog3 жыл бұрын
Hey girl! The link to buy the cookbook isn't there/is not working. Wanted to let you know! Looking forward to getting it! Blessings!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Babe, you rock! Thank you for telling me so I can make it right. : )
@staceyackerson51973 жыл бұрын
Omg she is such a beautiful baby 👶 😍 Congratulations!!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
thank you so much Stacey!
@Jmerrill3 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your baby! I was following your program when I was pregnant. 6 months ago. If you don’t mind me asking the recipes that you showed in this video, which cookbook can I find these in?
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Hey Jamie, I'm glad you used my free prenatal when you were pregnant 6 months ago.
@kaylareitnauer5824 Жыл бұрын
Great video
@lucyokoroafor53835 ай бұрын
Please I’ll like to ask what you did to your baby’s placenta since you didn’t encapsulate it.
@nicolelake14953 жыл бұрын
Thank you Ashley for all you positivity and guidance! I am 32 weeks and am looking forward to your 12 week post partum plan. Ps. How soon can you begin belly binding?
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Congrats on 32 wks Nicole! I start the day after I deliver while I'm still in the hospital.
@racheltrent73672 жыл бұрын
I am interested in your 12 week program…. But I have Never really done weights at all so not sure if it is for someone who has no prior experience?
@glowbodypt2 жыл бұрын
Rachel, don't worry I've got you and will TEACH YOU SO MUCH. Get some light weights (5 and 7 pounds for example). And if you missed it, I'm having a sale next weekend for Black Friday if you apply code blackfriday on Friday you'll get $15 off. There won't be another sale for over 6 months after this one and you keep your video access to the plan (and Mom Cookbook bonus!) for 10 years. I 100% believe you will love what it does for you and I can get you into better shape now as a mom then you ever have been in your life. Congrats on your baby!
@christengardner14663 жыл бұрын
My man put the coconut oil on my tummy after my stretch marks got super bad. Honestly I didn't think it was a good think I didn't know so thanks for that tip. I'm currently pregnant and about to be 37 weeks
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad he did, that's so awesome.
@christengardner14663 жыл бұрын
@@glowbodypt thank you so much. I got a induction date so excited
@samanthag17852 жыл бұрын
My biggest fear is the postpartum time. I’m not afraid of birth. So far pregnancy is going well. I feel emotional when I imagine what my body will look like after, combined with the exhaustion.
@glowbodypt2 жыл бұрын
Samantha, don't worry babe! It's a journey but I am confident you will do great. Perhaps this video will give you some more reassurance and realistic perspective on how the journey unfolded for me after 4 kids Congrats on your pregnancy.
@annatubb81643 жыл бұрын
About placenta pills, my worst recovery out of my 4 and only experience with PPD was when I didn't do the pills. BUT alot of life circumstances, church change and death in family, all happened within 2mo of birth so I cannot pinpoint why PPD happened... Hard to know, life is so dynamic right? I'm encapsulating for this 5th recovery just in case.... Doesn't hurt to do it , plus several herbs have been added to the pills to help support me as well, so here we go!
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you commented because I really do want to hear from other women's experiences from an aggregate data science perspective. So happy for you having baby number 5 in a tub!!
@jillwallace97523 жыл бұрын
I just had a baby boy 13 days ago. 😍
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
Congrats on your newborn baby boy Jill! Our babies will pretty much be growing up together.
@amandaweathers88583 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. :-)
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
You are so welcome! I am sincerely grateful to have you here Amanda.
@chalesehafen27963 жыл бұрын
I feel for you with Ava saying the baby should have stayed in your belly. My son was almost three when my second was born and he also has told me multiple times that he wished she'd stayed in my belly. Or he'd say "this is why we shouldn't have a baby." Great video with great information! Thanks 😊
@glowbodypt3 жыл бұрын
gahhh Chalese, you get it completely. Kids have such tender hearts. Thanks for resonating and always appreciate having you in this community babe!
@montachazarah6887 Жыл бұрын
@nosheen.nonstop2 жыл бұрын
Have you baby girl? Or baby boy??ans me plz
@Tuantranfitnesscoach3 жыл бұрын
Hey! I admire how dedicated you work on your journey! New friend to help you grow on KZbin! Let's do this together!
@SunFlower-lk4ho3 жыл бұрын
I just found your channel and I already love you. Congratulations on baby 4!