馬斯克在多次訪談中提到的「覺醒病毒」(woke mind virus)是他對「過度政治正確」和「取消文化」的批評。他認為,這種現象不僅會對言論自由產生壓制,還會妨礙開放的討論空間,甚至帶來「反智」的風險,因為某些主張過於激進的人會避免質疑或挑戰既有的觀點,這樣最終影響了思想的多元性和創新力。他進一步指出,這種文化可能會侵蝕一個社會的競爭力,因為人們更關注表達「政治正確」的立場而非實際的能力或成就。 馬斯克尤其批評在教育和科技產業中的這類「病毒」,他認為「覺醒病毒」被一些人過度推崇,造成了人才和創新資源的浪費,並認為這可能會帶來「文明的危機」。
Why don't they put the shelter in upper east side or upper west side.
@jzzhou92762 сағат бұрын
Homeless is also the biggest problem for California state and city government. The Governor's State of the State, and Sacramento mayor State of the City report, all listed homeless as #1 issue for the city and state. California state spent $3.3 billion in 2023 for the homeless, not to mention county and city expenses. But money alone can't solve the homeless for sure.
Before immigrants got their papers, don't provide free shelters for them. Without papers these illegal immigrants have no obligations to follow the laws.