10 Backcountry Discovery Routes Adventure Challenge Part 3 - Arizona BDR

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Chad Warner

Chad Warner

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@flaviovilleda8805 2 ай бұрын
Great video on your ride, I too bought a 1250gs recently to begin Some adventure rides . Though still have my Harley . Going to Cabo San Lucas on a ride next week , and hopefully meet some adventure riders to join up on some BDR rides in near future. SEMPER FI
@ChadWarnerRidingAdventures 2 ай бұрын
Semper-Fi 🇺🇸 You’ll love the extra adventures that begin when the paved road ends 🙌
@mfranquemont1884 2 ай бұрын
Looks like fun! What dates did you do this ride? Was that a good time weather wise? Are you going to do all the new BDRs that have come out? (Oregon, NorCal, etc)? Are you Still riding the bmw?
@ChadWarnerRidingAdventures 2 ай бұрын
I started the AZBDR May 21st 2021… The weather was perfect, no rain, cool in the nights, but still hot in many of the low desert areas🌵 I road nearly 100% of the designated routes on all 10 of the BDRs that year, nearly back-to-back… I wrapped up my 13th BDR (Nor CABDR) this past June… ready for number 14 😉🤙
@usmcshepherdE9 2 ай бұрын
Semper Fi Marines….would love to linkup with some BDR minded Marines…if you ever do this again please let me know….S/F
@ChadWarnerRidingAdventures 2 ай бұрын
Semper-Fi 🇺🇸 Hoping to do a few of the X Loops and the new South East BDR which is being released next year 👍
@MeerkatADV 2 ай бұрын
Arizona is a lot of fun, but parts are definitely not for the faint of heart.
@ChadWarnerRidingAdventures 2 ай бұрын
Amazing views with some challenging terrain for sure 👍
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