A thoughtful, interesting video. The articulate explanations as to why you recommend each entry - and even how you frame your list - makes this an engaging watch. Oh, and your chat about Knife+Heart is particularly interesting, and has persuaded me to check it out. An explicitly queer take on the Giallo sounds real fresh.
@mickey4355 Жыл бұрын
I just discovered your channel and already subscribed! And I just started getting really into giallo horror. Funny I’ve never seen one in native Italian though. Deep Red has got to be my favorite. I prefer it over Suspiria, way scarier in my opinion. I just watched Short Night of Glass Dolls which was fantastic! My favorite Fulci has got to be “Murder to the Tune of the Seven Black Notes” (aka The Psychic).
@daveg40363 ай бұрын
Keep doing what you’re doing bro, there are plenty of us film lovers out there who appreciate this type of content
@DylanAnglin_3 ай бұрын
Thank you, message made my day!
@vanderhoff66fuАй бұрын
Here are some awesome recommendations delirium, 1987 the case of the Scorpion tail, the case of the bloody Iris, death walks at midnight, death walks on high heels.📽📽
@paulvoorhies88213 ай бұрын
Bay Of Blood/Twitch Of The Death Nerve is absolutely the blueprint for F the 13th, 1 and especially 2.
@bruh_hahaha3 ай бұрын
Tenebre is my favorite giallo of all time. The Fifth Cord, What Have You Done to Solange, Short Night of Glass Dolls are underrated gems of the genre.
@paulvoorhies88213 ай бұрын
Bird/Plumage is the most underrated IMHO. You prefer the Suspiria remake. All righty. Whatever floats….
@paulvoorhies88213 ай бұрын
Giallos are Italian. Slashers are North American. There’s your biggest difference between the two. I agree that Stage Fright is more of a slasher, but, hey, it’s Italian, sooooo…. It’s both. And I do consider Black Christmas’74 to be the first trueNorth American slasher.
@paulvoorhies88213 ай бұрын
Deep Red is my #1. It’s the #1 giallo of plurality of people, I find.
@paulvoorhies88213 ай бұрын
Interesting that you should say that. I’m a huge Argento fan, and it’s one of my least favorites. I never understood why he’d shoot a giallo in sun-drenched Los Angeles and call it Tenebrae. I find it to be too exploitative, especially of women, and why that title, when it literally means shadows. I miss the Gothic elements in most of his other films. It’s the opposite of Gothic. To be fair, I can’t get past the 2/3s mark. I’ve tried 4 times and turn it off every time.
@2012MCTG Жыл бұрын
If you like Bird, Black Belly of the Tarantula, So Sweet So Dead, Case of the Bloody Iris and Seven Blood Stained Orchids would probably be up your alley as well.
@LarryFleetwood8675 Жыл бұрын
I very much prefer all of those to Bird to be honest, I'm just not a big fan of it despite the presence of the ever lovery Kendall, guess I like cats too much to ever truly get into it. 😏
@MAGDIELJOBAD10 ай бұрын
Every time I rewatch Torso, halfway through I think 'why I like this movie?', then the third act start.
@rgwebb5165 Жыл бұрын
Giallo is great. The colors, cinematography, eroticism, and storylines set it apart from other films horror films. Some of my favorites; Bird, Tenebrae, Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh, Lizard in Womans Skins, Perfume of the Lady in Black, What Have They Done to Solange, Blood and Black Lace are some of my favs.
@2012MCTG Жыл бұрын
Like the #1 👍 imo “Bird” is the quintessential Giallo. Not a big fan of Deep Red, it is a good watch, but Bird was Argento’s masterpiece.
@SquabbleBoxHQ Жыл бұрын
People keep raving about Deep Red, and I'm in the same boat. I just don't get it. Plumage is a much stronger film.
@Kopers302 жыл бұрын
I have a love hate relationship with Giallo. I think that it says something to how good the films are that I still enjoy them with the terrible dialogue and dubbing. But, well, I hate the dialogue and dubbing. At first, it lends a nice little charm to the films. But it eventually wears on you, imo. Like you said, I think Suspiria is the king of the giallo’s. For a genre that’s style over substance, no horror film ever made has more style than Suspiria. Personally, I really enjoyed Deep Red. I loved the score. Probably my favorite Argento I’ve seen. As far as Fulci goes, there all so stylish and fun, but New York Ripper is so sleazy. You feel nasty watching it, and I think that’s a invaluable trait of a slasher. I really enjoyed it.
@LarryFleetwood8675 Жыл бұрын
That's interesting, many feel it's not really a giallo but rather a supernatural story where the gialli are usually about black-gloved killers.
@paulvoorhies88213 ай бұрын
@@LarryFleetwood8675I agree that it’s too supernatural to qualify as a bonafide giallo. There is that one scene with the clearly “human” witch who wears black gloves while dispatching Suzy in the barbed wire trap room. Sooooo….maybe slightly.