The 10 different stages of every Roblox Blox Fruits Trader. Relatable video!! Permanent Dragon Giveaway, join up!!! / discord Don't forget to subscribe with notifications on :D #roblox #bloxfruit #bloxfruits
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@FrosttRBLXАй бұрын
Join the Permanent Dragon Giveaway! Ends in 10 days from now:
@TheWillofD-u5xАй бұрын
keep up ur vids
@PookiePookieSlayerАй бұрын
Frost, i found the code first (7hs) my user is Lord_Gorthorr i want perm gas or yeti or mammoth (Timestop is 6:39 seconds proof that i found it first watching the whole vid)
@Nikilis-p6uАй бұрын
I found it it too, can i get perm dragon frost, user is cykiesdad
@SüleymanInsel-z3yАй бұрын
Plsss mman my user is Suipessi60❤❤
@aminamusaabdulazeez4357Ай бұрын
I found it please perm gas 6:39 timestamp Username:ARAFAT14261
@Pain_TY29 күн бұрын
Codes: 6:38-7hs 3:16-I54 10:52-Ika
@LILVIPER2324 күн бұрын
Like this ?
@TysonYork23 күн бұрын
Bro none of these are code you lier
@alexandroskarbilas346021 күн бұрын
@xXdarklivepeoXx20 күн бұрын
Maybe you're blind or something @@TysonYork
@Artister_11016 күн бұрын
@@TysonYorkdude, maybe it was already claimed. Don’t just accuse others of lying blindly.
@Nakol_mpАй бұрын
11:39 *he became the very thing he swore to destroy*
@JesterTheKing-r6xАй бұрын
@MohamedZeeen12 күн бұрын
I found you😮
@Nakol_mp12 күн бұрын
@JayJay-te1lh11 күн бұрын
1- traders don't usually want to master trading once they join the game 2- value websites aren't very accurate to use but gets the job done 3- I HAD OVER 200 ROLLS IN A ROW WITHOUT EVEN A LEGENDARY 4- w video, pretty lore accurate after step 4.
@DarthIsaac3118 күн бұрын
5:22, you just made my eyeballs erupt into pain. You psychopath.
@poojatapadia71183 күн бұрын
Fr bro like who tf still uses light mode
@DarthIsaac3113 күн бұрын
@ psychopaths, people I am genuinely scared of
@Nicksoundboard16012 күн бұрын
@JustinRhayMYАй бұрын
Ah yes, I remember were we don't need to reach lvl 50 to roll a fruit, but just collectin the good old chest.
@ScottDischАй бұрын
bro a trade of rocket to perm control is crazy
@FrosttRBLXАй бұрын
Lol I added that for a couple seconds for a troll to see if anyone noticed it 🤣
@Fireguy12Ай бұрын
@othmanvs7970Ай бұрын
@@FrosttRBLXi found the code its 7hsI54Ika m'y username is othman590 i want fruit notifier if you give me the perm can you respond me pls
@SteveQuitsАй бұрын
5:22 Bro has the power to break apart 2 tiny legos together with oil on his fingers 🗿💀🔥
@LorenzoLuna-d8sАй бұрын
I think you are in the wrong video..
@SlingyRiceАй бұрын
@@LorenzoLuna-d8s nah the KZbinr had the guts to turn on LIGHT mode
@Solo_FighterMCАй бұрын
@@SlingyRice fr
@mawinrujirathanalux295Ай бұрын
0:43 "Blocks fruit stealer cousin" 💀💀
@minigatorfanАй бұрын
Man yall disappoint me he was called that before he changed to zioles😭
@Yawa_BGАй бұрын
@TerificsvАй бұрын
@OcarasioАй бұрын
Its his old name you new gen
@rlalbiaksangi4528Ай бұрын
Bruh they're pointing it out because he said stealer not dealer like r u slow
@EthanYoutubeIsCool9 күн бұрын
10:12 scoring multiple W’s “shows rocket for perm control”
@davedanatayero1410Ай бұрын
0:46 Blox fruit stealer is wild 💀😂😂
@reneehertel557610 күн бұрын
He said blox fruits dealer cousin the old name for the gacha
@Thegamersans4 күн бұрын
@zaldylambino3019Ай бұрын
ogs from the jungle dont even have gacha back in the day
@JacobMcDonald-io7hiАй бұрын
I remember this on my old account... I had spike for so so long
@Agent-Y.Ай бұрын
Well i aint be playing that long but re,ember when gacha had no safezone 💀
@SneezyGaming3Ай бұрын
I remember that
@dh_zenАй бұрын
Bro I found a smoke on the floor when I started I used smoke until I reached lvl 400 cuz my brother found bloxfruit dealer cousin
@crow_7717Ай бұрын
I miss when the fruit calculator didn't exist. I got all of my perms and gps by paying pennies on the dollar😂 now everybody go rushes to check the calc
@thatotherguy797Ай бұрын
New sub! You have the best community I can tell and now I’m apart of it. 😊 Keep up the good work and I love the uniquely idea of these amazing 10 stages videos which makes your channel one of a kind! Happy new year and all the best of wishes for u and your channel! :)🎉
@ThElmacIАй бұрын
I can remember i did gravity to dough. That days was too good but now Roblox is banned in Turkey.
@aserdev-ytАй бұрын
V P N!
@landonblue2 күн бұрын
bro i feel so bad
@YunusOngel-j9mАй бұрын
respect for bro grinding on an random acc just fro a video, gonna sub for the effort
@yasirzuberi8830Ай бұрын
Bro I really enjoyed the the video it was insane and relatable the relatable part was that bacon got scammed with the love fruit really enjoyed and a super video
@aaaaaadccf7Ай бұрын
Next time: 10 stage of every blox fruit hacker
@FrosttRBLXАй бұрын
OMGG LOL, will I get banned 😭, maybe at the start of the video ill say entertainment purposes only LMAO
@IvanG-q8iАй бұрын
@IvanG-q8iАй бұрын
Do it
@IvanG-q8iАй бұрын
Use new account
@QuasarRobaАй бұрын
@@FrosttRBLXyou don't have to use exploits its just free promo for them just use a invisibility glitch and a few people to make it seem like you are exploiting and put a disclaimer at the start
@shadoowsusАй бұрын
10:13 W?
@dareyemeobligoАй бұрын
8 hours cooldown between 5 trades was 100% a pain in the butt
@Rehmat_Ali190Ай бұрын
There is no cooldown between trades now?
@dareyemeobligoАй бұрын
@@Rehmat_Ali190 when u do 5 trades
@Shatterly22 күн бұрын
11:45 and the loop continues....
@TomokutaPlays21 күн бұрын
another W video, next from Bacon noob to a legendary swordsman. Keep it coming bro!
@adamlasfar838129 күн бұрын
@Near_flameАй бұрын
who the hell uses white mode!
@FrosttRBLXАй бұрын
It was ragebait
@QuasarRobaАй бұрын
Man good thing i wasn't watching at night@@FrosttRBLX
@URL_Bloodlust_YTАй бұрын
@enochgaelvelazquez5274Ай бұрын
@letslearnsomething8259Ай бұрын
@QuasarRoba I was watching at night ...
@Xenn-fv3r24 күн бұрын
i found you one day on the middle of my blox fruits grind and... I dont regret it at all your super intertaining man.
@kamrankhan-ward1412 күн бұрын
If anyone noticed the bacon at the end who got trolled was the same person who gave frostt his first buddha. Just letting you guys know😊
@LEMON_YT400Ай бұрын
10:02 if rolled like 409 times and my best was a literally like a ghost-
@omarelgalladi5949Ай бұрын
you are lucky my best was a faclcon after 500 rolls
@drippyclark5444Ай бұрын
maybe because yall are rolling on the 1st sea
@JesusVillasmil-t1uАй бұрын
Is your luck guys, I rolled a spirit and a portal in first sea
@MinhazHussain-e4c7 күн бұрын
i subcribed because ur video was a like a cinema thanks for the abosloute feeling of cinema without money :)
@bonkleboii535216 күн бұрын
Stage 1: The noob - Think price contribute mostly to value - Dont get why people refuse to trade his pain/gravity - Happily get scammed - Dont actually have much to trade yet think his fruits are worth sth - Fall for guilt bait (pls fruits) - Overall just chilling... ...Until he finds out the existence of blv and discord trade feed. Stage 2: Getting started - Determine to make things right, set out a plan for gradual profit (doesnt work) - Having a hard time looking for the trade he wants - Beg if the fruit obviously out of his reach - Desperately trying to scam, no one falls for it "This is so frustrating, where did i go wrong?" Stage 3: Realization - He finds it much easier to make small profit, one at a time instead of being greedy - Always stay calm no matter what, show them whos in charge - Improving his invent before trading to save time - Help people in exchange for fruits, payment comes first - Ask to join a private server to further increase efficiency Stage 4: The rich - Have many gamepasses purely from trading - Willing to share, dont think much of it - Can actually predict the trend for each fruit based on numerous factors such as peoples perspective, hype, distribution, and needs. - Bored the hell out of this game but still trading because thats basically the only thing he can do
@ImadBinFaisal27 күн бұрын
Code:7hs, 154, ika User:HelixFire24 I want perm gas
@samuel-v4i25 күн бұрын
what da sigma
@vana9924 күн бұрын
Wait they don’t work!
@ImadBinFaisal22 күн бұрын
You are supposed to find the three codes and then he'll give you any perm worth up to 2500 robux
@samuel-v4i22 күн бұрын
@ did he gave you
@ImadBinFaisal19 күн бұрын
@@samuel-v4i nope but im waiting
@Pcrali5Ай бұрын
Love From Pakistan
@azaztariqАй бұрын
I am form Pakistan too brother
@Pcrali5Ай бұрын
@azaztariq wanna get add?
@shahroztariq468Ай бұрын
Brother we both have the same surname and i am also a Pakistani
@Patrick-s2v20 күн бұрын
This feels like a nature documentary for some reason
@TopGamerz9511 күн бұрын
Read it if you also want to achieve ur dream in bloc fruits!!! First about me: I am a very good trader I have all the gamepass in the blox fruits and have per dough, Perm portal, Perm buddha, Perm Ice and also have 1 kitsune 5 leo 7 dough 3 control etc All the stuff I got from only trading never spend robux on this game Here's my story: First time I played blox fruits and the first place I wanted to go was at gatcha and I got there and it said I have to be lvl 50 to roll fruit. I grinded to level 50 and rolled a rocket. I was sad and begged for someone to roll me a good fruit. Then a guy came and roll flame fruit and gave me. I was really happy and ate it and lvl faster. My goal was to reach 2nd sea and trade fruits and get good one. I reached lvl 700 and go to 2nd sea. My first roll in 2nd sea was a buddha but a kitsune user killed me bcuz I wasn't in safe zone. At that movement I was Really sad but I already had pheonix. And from there my trading journey begins. After some days of trading I came to knew that we can trade through discord at that time I didn't knew what a discord is. After trying to trade I saw someone send me a link in discord and said me he will give dragon for my leo. I tried to add him through link. And got my acc scammed. But hopefully I reverted my acc so guys plz never ever click on fake roblox links 😢😢❤❤ I traded fo few months and now u guys also know how rich I am. THANKS FOR READING ❤❤❤❤
@KaTo_on_YTАй бұрын
This is great. Probably the first time I saw a video like this about blox fruits
@Blueliongaming168Ай бұрын
I find it funny that the perm dragon went in his storage and the “noob” that he trolled had shark v4
@YoboiMelvin1819 күн бұрын
why your so under rated your videos are so good i love it
@KalashLama80Ай бұрын
He became what he hated the most at the end when he traded with the bacon
@ArtwithVansh78Ай бұрын
Bro that is a W video which is showing the truth ❤❤ many people will found it similar who now have mastered the trading system i am also one of them who took darkblade and more valuable things from trading and got many scams 🙂🙃❤
@keithmph8743Ай бұрын
The way you story tell is so good, there is no boring part! You earn a sub serg!
@Plasmix559Ай бұрын
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain 😔
@ZaijanCalulongАй бұрын
I'm very thankful for the tips I really needed it your story is good too
@Legend0kingkingАй бұрын
Stages of trading: ❌ Stages of scamming: ✓
@Swizlercom29 күн бұрын
make sure to not do the accepting troll part cause they have an exploit that freezes ur screen and it even auto accepts ur trade.
@yoursinos12 күн бұрын
Nice Vid tho I saw your content keep it up
@jam9237Ай бұрын
cod:7hs fruit:buddha user:yckir98 this is my dream
@KakasYTАй бұрын
3 codes not one
@demonicbabybrotherАй бұрын
@Userhandle-r1zАй бұрын
What are these for
@Siyanchi6Ай бұрын
I also found it
@Siyanchi6Ай бұрын
User:Siyanchi6 I want buddha
@TheRealGangsterTM20 күн бұрын
nah the rocket for perm control is crazy💀🙏🏾
@WispyPanda27 күн бұрын
9:34 this is crazy because i got my buddha from trading phoenix for sound and spider, then i gave sound n spider FOR BUDDHA AND PHOENIX
@Daniel_playzzzz20 күн бұрын
@tsbg_humblerАй бұрын
8:38 yep a fair trade💀💀💀
@GlitchingAndWinningАй бұрын
Plot twist: The noob the bacon scammed was his past self
@karanvaidehiraman4527Ай бұрын
I love your vids i hope you keep going on like this 👍
@afralabiba187529 күн бұрын
0:11 plz buddha my name is ambani_782
@OliverBeast-n3z28 күн бұрын
You have to guess not beg.
@orkhonmunkhjargal801119 күн бұрын
......... I see some sus videos ......... I see my phone right ......... see my dad right ......... see my mom, right ......... see my sister, right ......... see myself, right
@BaconDoge8887 күн бұрын
@@orkhonmunkhjargal8011ur not mysterious ok
@Mr_fire_on_Top11 күн бұрын
True i can relate W trading strategies ❤
@johanjoel454Ай бұрын
next time do : 10 stages of trollers ( include them accidentally accepting a bad trade while trying to troll)
@gamefusion3556Ай бұрын
And like that the villain arc of that noob begins
@PookiePookieSlayerАй бұрын
CODE: 7hs, ika , I54 wish: perm gas or yeti 🙏 User: Lord_Gorthorr 6:34 10:56 3:17 I found it first
@Guests99Ай бұрын
U need 3?
@AnthonyZhangHuangАй бұрын
@DresdenL-g9m16 күн бұрын
True story, when i was first level 50 i accualy rolled t rex. Then i got killed from a light user and i dient get the fruit back. Level 90 went agian got ice and was killed by flame user. Lev 115 disconnected etc UNTIL I WAS LEV 250 I GOT A MAGMA AND I WAS FINALY ABLE TO EAT IT.
@lucasbasillote16 күн бұрын
bro thats so sad wanna be friends my user name is superjif10
@lucasbasillote16 күн бұрын
and if you cant find that its becuz i change my name to becon leader i think or becon_leader so yeah are you max lvl am in first sea am noob
@therobloxproplayer15 күн бұрын
@@lucasbasillote I dont think bro wants to be friends
@godzillaJonathan-p9p9 күн бұрын
I did roll ,a T-rex
@IcyFrost200-eu8srАй бұрын
The fact you grinded another account is crazy 💀 and these stories are actually interesting
@sajjadbaqar858927 күн бұрын
He uses exploits
@IcyFrost200-eu8sr27 күн бұрын
@sajjadbaqar8589 how do you know
@JaheemCampbell-o7i27 күн бұрын
ah, yes, thank you for BURNING MY EYES at 5:22, I didn't need them anyways.
@BaljitKaur-g1oАй бұрын
Bro really trusted him 💀💀💀
@cida01rocha7 күн бұрын
10:12 he put a Rocket for a prem control
@Troythetoy-iv2gsАй бұрын
He has became what he hated most... a troll
@Ai_gamersclub18 күн бұрын
2 stage firts fruit 3 stage. 2 second sea nice speedrun👍👍
@FamousDeveloperАй бұрын
5:51, that's me and my giveaway :D
@Umam-10Ай бұрын
Can I win perm lol
@erykzornak7689Ай бұрын
4:20 i would do that trade as the person with rumble. Ngl. I prefer phoenix so much more then rumble. I mean... phoenix has a transformation, has m1 and can fly sooo... its just better. (Im max level-i know a bit bout bloxfruits)
@wombatsarecoolngl27 күн бұрын
tf u mean its just better? pheonix is honestly ass and rumble is crazy u can do gun main, sword, or fruit, rumble is better in ever way\
@therobloxproplayer15 күн бұрын
@@wombatsarecoolngl pvp:
@Blox_edits-s4wАй бұрын
Yoo I found it User:User29455 Code:7hs Fruit:perm portal
@Blox_edits-s4wАй бұрын
Hope I win lol
@flying_beanАй бұрын
@Blox_edits-s4w theres 3 codes not one
@IekfjgjdjsjskfkАй бұрын
@Blox_edits-s4wyou won't you only did one code
@LisaRay-d4uАй бұрын
love ur vids so much bro keep it up road to 50k ❤
@ElenaSeeley-v5f23 күн бұрын
I started a new school account and rolled Dough first try
@Red_demon-hv7siАй бұрын
Back in my day, when we couldn't store fruits in the first sea, I got three controls, gravity, dough, and so many legendaries, but I ate all of them since I had no choice, and if I could store them I'd be the richest man alive, we didn't even have the compass, y'all new players are spoiled with all your m1 fruits.
@Niki.m23Ай бұрын
When I started impound stor them but couldn’t unstop them
@DidiTheCoolio29 күн бұрын
I played this game in 2019 and I didnt even know how to play. These new kids spoiled with them knowing how to play.
@ahmedbinrashidkhan629522 күн бұрын
i agree, i got dragon control venom and etc. and i once even threw an dragon into the water....
This is just relaxing
@TeamRustia23 күн бұрын
10:13 nahh rocket for perm control os crazy!
@Chipidkwhy-n2oАй бұрын
Bro this was actually cool as hell
@ParthuSai-yr8xkАй бұрын
the rocket for perm controle caught me off gaurd
@Lucky-rp1vbАй бұрын
10:52(ika) 3:16 (l54) i can’t find the third🥲 i want perm gas🤗 good video 👍 luckyman9505
@4STRO_276311 күн бұрын
11:51 4:21 "so do i look like him?" ahh moment
@donknowsall5956Ай бұрын
Found someone who gave me a rumble for my pheonix. Called him the MVP
@QuasarRobaАй бұрын
6:28 before trading this is the best thing to do plus when getting better use this as a refrnce not as absolute
@ElshaunLovesRamyeonАй бұрын
wait... the guy he said ez noob was just him from the past!😂
@goosegamer2412 күн бұрын
no way bro actually disrespected dark mode like that
@Alex-k8i4n26 күн бұрын
I learned so much in this video
@HmppvirusАй бұрын
6:38-7hs 3:16-154 10:52 - Ika Username : khalidbinprince (I watch all your videos, i will appreciate any fruit idc)thanks 😂😂😂
@dragonsteak90812Ай бұрын
Bro broke my eyes with discord light mode 💀💀💀
@NamanKabra-y6y3 күн бұрын
bro just gifted himself the perm dragon bcs u redeem it if u trade it lol :)
@astronautgamer11Ай бұрын
6:38-7hs 3:16-I54 10:52-Ika
@FreechyFriesАй бұрын
3:16 - l54 6:38 - 7HS 10:52 - IKA (User: SDZ_SHADOWZ) Just a Perm Kitsune would make me happy
@gh0sts888Ай бұрын
just learned something in this vid thx
@ChefplayerrorАй бұрын
This is more like a guide to me so I can trade better and honest
@KavinKamaran23 күн бұрын
Codes: 6:38-7hs 3:16-154 10:52-lka
@haniamrani2422Ай бұрын
your vids are so good keep posting more and more
@KingofBread-ii9krАй бұрын
1:40 who scams for a ice fruit💀
@SigmaBoy-x3jАй бұрын
bro started his villain arc
@Brawl-Stars-mit-BossАй бұрын
hello Frostt i cant join your giveaway because i dont have the rights for it. How I do it can you help. Love your vids😃
@GBLIN_BGАй бұрын
The noob bacon having shark v 4💀
@Name-z2g4zАй бұрын
Huh this seems oddly familiar to a video about the classes In tf2 the music is also very similar if not the same…