10 things Veteran players know in Warframe | Warframe

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@rodrodrodrodrod 7 ай бұрын
All veterans must know one thing: When helping a new player, don’t tell them to click the auto slot button for ayatans. It’s locked until MR10
@TheMasterplanter 7 ай бұрын
Give them ayatans, not ayatips :P
@derekspringer6448 7 ай бұрын
Wtf, really? You're lying to me?
@IvJo 7 ай бұрын
​@@derekspringer6448nope, that's an actual requirement for auto slot
@LordSandwich27 7 ай бұрын
Bruh why is it even locked, it's not like manually clicking stars is some high end gameplay
@JayTheOtt 6 ай бұрын
​​@@derekspringer6448 nope it's real. I know because I have an MR 0 account where the goal is to get as far as possible at MR 0, and that MR 10 lock for a basic feature always annoys me (not that it matters much ad Maroo's Bazaar is MR 1 locked)
@chickendrawsdogs3343 7 ай бұрын
"This is my Ignis Wraith. It Wraiths Ignes."
@Dazllingston 7 ай бұрын
This is my stug. It stugs.
@jameskirkland3187 7 ай бұрын
Zis is a flammenwerfer, it werfs flammen
@Arbyjar 6 ай бұрын
This is my Kuva nukor. It nukes kuva
@tyrantofcans465 6 ай бұрын
"This is my Itzal. It oversteers..."
@Sound_Tech 6 ай бұрын
This is my Tenet Arca Plasmor. It arcs plasma through my tenets
@weltraumaffe7460 7 ай бұрын
This video seems to be for new players so one more thing that i personally love doing at the start of pretty much every session is going to the earth relais and afking for 5 to 10 minutes to get a couple of blessings
@ameri7260 6 ай бұрын
Try 30 to 45 min
@weltraumaffe7460 6 ай бұрын
@@ameri7260 on just ANY relais you might struggle to get blessings but specifically earth relais is widely considered to be the blessing hub. Ive never waited longer than 15 minutes max.
@christopherbruce9010 6 ай бұрын
​@@ameri7260 Go to the busy relays. 5-10 is pretty accurate. I get them all the time.
@CelestialDraconis 6 ай бұрын
Yep this. Start up Warframe, afk at Earth relay, wash the dishes/clean the house, come back to a full stack of boosters.
@rc2k524 6 ай бұрын
same here, I take a shower and come back to full blessings
@sp4rklsz 7 ай бұрын
The most veteran thing I do is randomly go to E-Prime looking for new players. They are SOOO CUTE 😆
@Naffa0204 7 ай бұрын
Especially the unpainted Excaliburs - cuteness overload
@Diabeticmonk69 7 ай бұрын
@augustinvaclavik6282 7 ай бұрын
@MrHeiska01 7 ай бұрын
With pink Winged Grendel.
@pancakemixwithblueberriesinit 7 ай бұрын
Omg I used to chill on the Plains of Eidolon waiting for baby tenno to help them out with bounties and stuff it's so nice :3
@17400 7 ай бұрын
6:05 you can load in the dojo quicker than through navigation console. You go ESC -> Communications -> Clan -> Clan Dojo And it doesn't trigger 5 second timer, you start loading instantly
@Megazawr 6 ай бұрын
Also it sends to the dojo of the player that launches it, and not to the host's dojo
@ponyforhire 5 ай бұрын
Speedrun strats
@khaozcat 7 ай бұрын
To add to this, what many, many people do not know, even some veterans: -Swapping polarity slots does NOT require consuming a forma and does NOT reset your equipment rank to 0. You can do it as many times as you want at no cost, you only have to have at least one forma on the piece of equipment you are doing this with. -Aura and stance slots can be polarized with a normal forma, you do not need an aura/stance forma UNLESS you want to use multiple builds with stances and auras that do not have the same polarity and you absolutely need the capacity. -Very obvious tip, most people have this figured out, but when formaing weapons put the forma on the highest drain mod. The amount of configs I've seen where people put a V on a 60/60 instead of a galvanized chamber is alarmingly large. Saving capacity on a warframe also gives you more starting energy so reshuffle your mods as needed.
@IvJo 7 ай бұрын
I don't like the implication that people don't know the second one, as someone who played for years before they were introduced... But now that I think about it, yeah, I totally get why people would think the only thing you can put on an Aura/Stance slot would be an Aura/Stance Forma...
@Francisah 7 ай бұрын
Wait, how do you swap polarity slots??
@byrd3242 7 ай бұрын
@@Francisah in the gear modding screen go to actions just like you would to forma and next to the forma button is the "swap polarity" button
@cl4655 7 ай бұрын
​@@IvJoOne of those people is me just now lol
@khaozcat 7 ай бұрын
@@IvJo I was running plaguestar with like an mr 28 and i told him you could do that and he thanked me for saving him the headache and the forma. And yeah you would totally assume you need a specific forma for these slots unless youve been playing since before those.
@Audalyst 7 ай бұрын
A little fun fact for the two Index maps, the open air map is called Outpost, and the larger Jupiter map is called Gas Works!
@GewelReal 18 күн бұрын
That's so gas
@bahamut256 6 ай бұрын
Spawn rates are based on line of sight/draw distance. Whatever you can’t see/isn’t rendered is where enemies can spawn. While doors are good for high spawns, looking at a closed door will still lower the spawn rate of enemies behind it because it’s being rendered. The exception to this is corrupted enemies, those can only spawn within a short distance of the player and actually need line of sight to trigger their animation. It’s why those mobs always seem to turn corrupted as you open the door to the room they are in. You get the most spawns by looking directly at the floor in the corner of a room with many small adjacent rooms.
@StillActuallyCharlie 5 ай бұрын
This can bug out occasionally, especially on some maps like Ascension. Enemies can and will spawn directly in front of you if you're at the top of the elevator shaft before the elevator, and the same goes for the spawn closets on either side of the final hallway. They just appear lol
@MarkestoVi 7 ай бұрын
6:05 not just from a clan dojo, a relay works just as well from last i checked
@clockworkharvester2663 7 ай бұрын
It being from the relay was how I got given the tip as well. Good to know it's also from the dojo though.
@estray-chan 6 ай бұрын
Yyyyeeeeeaaaaaahhhh, legendary 3 speaking. It doesn’t work. I have like 50/50 to 40/60 (40 is bad map, 60 is not) chance to join any of the maps. Solo or not, doesn’t matter. Things everybody’s talking about just won’t work for me Edited: I’m talking about starting from relay. Dojo idk, haven’t tried much
@OrloxPhoenix 6 ай бұрын
​@@estray-chanThen stop doing it from the relay and do it from the dojo... It just works 😅
@estray-chan 6 ай бұрын
@@OrloxPhoenix I don't know much about joining from dojo because I have no clan. I am aware I can also join from dojo chart or something, but that's a hassle so I just hate index lmao
@GewelReal 18 күн бұрын
​@@estray-chansounds like skill issue
@xenibyte5898 6 ай бұрын
The biggest discovery for me was using the gear wheel in the orbiter, dojo and relays. In relay you can instantly teleport to Baro (Void Trader), in dojos you can use any teleporter pad location and even warp to the trading post or labs quickly via the gear wheel, and in both dojos and orbiter you can quickly go to the arsenal and even foundry or helminth in the orbiter.
@NotoriousNickNorris 6 ай бұрын
That's a brand new feature.
@JohnsonJohnsonJohnson-j6r 6 ай бұрын
Thats a new feature, really useful
@GewelReal 18 күн бұрын
Wait it's new? I thought I felt super dumb for just discovering it after playing for 6 years
@sonohanabira9703 6 ай бұрын
Another small tips: Rolling whilst picking up objects (stars, sculptures, cells, etc.) completely cancels pickup animation. Small boost to QoL. Speaking of QoL, using cypher on corpus consols and pressing esc key right after using one cancels short zoom-out animation as well. This only works for corpus consols though.
@someguy6152 6 ай бұрын
It's especially useful in Excavation, since you need to constantly pick up stuff
@rodrodrodrodrod 7 ай бұрын
Adding onto the movement section, if you want more movement but can’t use slam at the angle that you need to travel then hold aim glide and aim slightly above the location you want to go to. Quickly swipe down and back up again and tap quick melee when the camera is looking down. This will execute a slam jump which although it can’t be cancelled with a roll it can be cancelled with an ability cast of any kind, the benefit of this is that it can travel with the speed of a slam outside of a slams normal range of movement and can even travel vertically
@Consa_Lu 7 ай бұрын
This is a very powerful movement trick and once you master it you're gonna breeze through levels. I myself can only get it to work about 1/4 of the times I do it but it still helps a lot, specially in big open maps such as those of jupiter or even some tilesets in cold corpus maps (i.e non corpus-ships maps such as V-Prime).
@TheMasterplanter 7 ай бұрын
On the topic of anim-cancelling with powers, you can still preserve gap closer momentum with abilities that jump (Firewalker, Bloodletting, etc.) or by gap closing off a cliff with any other ability that doesn't cancel momentum.
@Zapples12 6 ай бұрын
this has got me jump into abyss uncountable times when i was noob and use to do lots of down smash
@swapnilkarmakar7473 6 ай бұрын
@sirgoreth9176 6 ай бұрын
reminds me of Destiny shatterskating
@MimoTooThanks 7 ай бұрын
Quick aya shop and the 'selling duplicate mods' trick are both new to me! Thanks!
@junkandcrapamen 7 ай бұрын
Don't sell your mods for credits, only for endo. Credits are way easier to get just playing regularly than endo is and you will need A LOT of endo.
@MimoTooThanks 6 ай бұрын
@@junkandcrapamen I'm gonna sell all my primed mods for credits, you can't stop me
@Ssssuuuuupppppppeeeeerrrrrr 7 ай бұрын
I have 3,600 hours on this game and i never knew thats why the secondary energy colour i thought i was either trippin or they were updating them😭
@NotoriousNickNorris 6 ай бұрын
That's the one new thing I learned. Which is why even as an LR2, I will watch these videos.
@AndrewC-bb2es 6 ай бұрын
Same lmao
@TheBiggestMoronYouKnow 6 ай бұрын
you have to scan back over old content for changes, a lot has changed in the last 4 years for me
@jonathonspears7736 6 ай бұрын
MR21 and I never knew that either.
@ReceivedYou 4 ай бұрын
i honestly thought it was just exclusive to weapons with radial attacks 😭
@babaskeep 7 ай бұрын
With the bullet jump tip. You can get the speed boost from crouching mid-air several times if you spam crouch
@venomancer1002 7 ай бұрын
My veteran tips: -yes, you only need two normal green shards for full armor strip but the Tau version will come in handy when you face the Acolyte since the number of the same type of status procs is capped at 4 on them -Netracells is very good for Simaris standing farming, just bring Loki with Quick Thinking -farm thousands upon thousands of Omega Isotope when you can so that you don't have to worry about Bile ever again -Orokin Eye air support ability can mark the Orokin Vault location and likewise tell you that the Vault is far away from the spot -don't forget that Spy missions in Invasion only have one vault to go through
@phucpham-yummytoasty4610 6 ай бұрын
Dont you hate it when you know the 4th fact but your paranoia self keeps telling you to check to be sure =))
@heksatek3407 6 ай бұрын
How does the netracell loki one work tho can u elaborate
@venomancer1002 6 ай бұрын
@@heksatek3407 Loki is purely for stealth scanning. You can use Octavia but you know, she's a carpal tunnel syndrome frame
@decompilerlite 6 ай бұрын
now only heat is needed , cus armour cut , you need 33 millions of dmg in order to eliminate effective hp ( armour + hp)
@jausat141 5 ай бұрын
I"m 70 hours deep in Warframe but I didn't understand a thing you just said
@bladeedgerunner6854 4 ай бұрын
5:11 Hey btw when you have so many duplicate mods and you’re not sure if you already ranked up a mod once before, go to the incomplete section. It’s the fourth tab from the right. Not only does this filter show you mods that haven’t been fully ranked up yet it also removes the mod from the list once you’ve fully ranked it up once. So before deleting piles of duplicates I go here and make sure to mod at least one in each pile from this menu so that I don’t accidentally rank up a mod twice or delete a mod before ranking it once. This took me 1000 hours to learn. It’s a crucial tip I don’t think many people talk about or know about.
@DragoSmash 7 ай бұрын
a little extra for the movement bit when you fall from high heights you will get locked in a landing animation, *unless* you slide (press crouch) midair before hitting the ground, this way you will completely skip the landing animation also for a veteran tip don't feel bad for the grind or not having the best equipment in the game, the game *IS* the grind, enjoy it, enjoy being a newbie, because once you get to really high levels, there's really not much to do, except maybe for meme builds that you may like playing
@buccanerk 6 ай бұрын
Great video! Could you do a veteran Simulacrum guide next? Basically explaining how you test your loadout and compare weapons. This may sound obvious but I was already MR20 when I found out how to get access to Simulacrum and it was the first time that I could actually test and see what my weapons were doing in terms of how they applied status effects. This is when I realised how wrong I’ve been playing this game before by always keep shooting at targets until they die instead of shooting them only with a short burst, move on to next target and let the status effects take care of the rest. Still there is a lot more for me to discover through the Simulacrum. Like I never cared so much about all the blue icons in the top right corner of the screen that show your buffs from arcanes, abilities, and allies. When you pause the game you can hover over these icons and see their meaning. Something I would never have the time to do in a mission but thanks to Simulacrum I figured this out and it made me realise how wrong I‘ve been using arcanes in the past that were actually never activated.
@ironmooss1946 7 ай бұрын
That aya trick is gonna save me so much time
@7slimy278 7 ай бұрын
can this be a series, these are really helpful
@TheKengineer 7 ай бұрын
I've covered general mythbusting and tips in previous videos too. Further suggestions are also welcome in the suggestions channel on my discord. Links for all that in the video description
@joedoe7572 6 ай бұрын
​@@TheKengineercan you turn them into a playlist?
@Mandingy24 6 ай бұрын
For The Circuit, just wanted to mention Garuda's Talons as well. Since they aren't an arsenal item and can't be physically selected and instead get equipped when you don't take a melee, their config will match the one you choose for Garuda just like the exalted weapons
@Allmyf4ult 7 ай бұрын
As a veteran player whos done many long survival runs the enemy spawn control tip has actually become a pet peeve of mine over the years lol. Anyways a good tip for it is, try to keep the door closed as often as you can. IF you have a weapon that can kill enemies a room over. abuse that, that alone will speed up the spawn rates tremendously. If you need to grab the loot, make it hella quick. and do it when a large group of enemies has already spawned to prevent them from spawning further away.
@inhojeon1931 7 ай бұрын
I see Kengineer upload, I hit that like button😊😊😊
@MangoNvi 7 ай бұрын
IM NOT SURE IF ITS BEEN FIXED, Please be careful running index! There has been a bug in multiplayer lobbies where if the HOST leaves and you or others stay it has a chance to SOFTLOCK the mission and you will lose EVERYTHING that has been earned PLEASE BE CAREFUL
@andstrangecount4703 7 ай бұрын
Yea not in index but in my game host leaves while im capturing target. After that game is bugged and we cant finish mission.
@MangoNvi 7 ай бұрын
@@andstrangecount4703 yes sadly migration of host can cause a multitude of problems and these problems have been a thing since I started playing in middleschool.. im 24 now
@Unah129 7 ай бұрын
Got host mig at the third step of the eda. Twice in a row. Always a pleasure.
@Diov7 7 ай бұрын
My comment is off topic but be careful with kuva lich assassination missions, if your host leaves the mission before you send the rail jack to to somewhere else (Saturn relay in my case) you will be able to finish the mission but the assassination will not count and thus you don't get the weapon and ephemera. That's sad for me because I like to carry inexperienced players doing the assassination since I can solo the whole mission very quickly.
@jamesn0va 7 ай бұрын
This can happen with many more mission types than index. It can happen on any open world and the circuit is my experience. Not just those vut they are the only ones I can confirm
@nicoleeboo38 6 ай бұрын
Not camping in survivals and not chaining parkour movements for the speed boost are definitely the two most glaring tells that someone is new to the game, or plays alone.
@ShugoAWay 6 ай бұрын
Or they play on controller as some of those moves are a pain on controller
@pcdeltalink036 5 ай бұрын
Yeah controller player here. I can’t roll. If I get roll back I lose bullet jumping and no way am I giving up bullet jumping.
@ShugoAWay 5 ай бұрын
@pcdeltalink036 exactly I'd rather be .1 second slower per tile than damage the controller or have it miss input and lose more than 3 seconds per tile cuz I lost all the buffs
@masterhand1998 7 ай бұрын
4.8 thousand hours in this game and I didn't know about the circuit exhalteds config trick. Thanks for teaching me something new!
@oakalquine5484 6 ай бұрын
i started playing about one year ago. so new to the game that i did duviri paradox before awakening. got obsessed, have played 1600 hours this year (about 1/5 total time spent alive). managed to pick up every tip here except for index manipulation, and duplicate mod stacking. i think the best tips here are the movement stuff, energy color stuff, and spawn manipulation stuff. that last one in particular is something i wish more people would do in survival missions popular for grinding rare items. when it's anything else, i _love_ watching new players, and protecting them from insta-kills they don't understand yet. but when i'm trying to get tellurium on uranus, or mutagen samples on deimos, it's a real shame that the other players boosting the spawn rate is usually completely nullified by them just... wandering around. lots of them have kuva weapons, too, so i'm left to wonder- why would someone who's cleared the star chart public queue onto a grind node with no fissure active, and kinda just go for a walk?
@nickr1246 6 ай бұрын
@ekman2095 6 ай бұрын
On the note of maniuplating enemy spawns. Enemies spawn close to the squad host. This is especially apparent in the index.
@RandomPerson59 6 ай бұрын
add one thing to this list, to transfer from your operator to your Warframe, it is much faster to do that by doing a melee transferance instead of the normal one, that skips the long transference animation and if you have a lot of attack speed on your melee ( or no melee weapon in the first place ) the transference will be instantaneous.
@matthewmartinez3550 7 ай бұрын
I randomly found config swapping when I accidentally held my click on customizations config. Glad to see it works on modding, too.
@someguy6152 6 ай бұрын
0:45 I might be wrong but after holding aim before dodging you can do a slide attack and cancel it with the dodge to increase the momentum.
@se7enhaender 3 ай бұрын
Another great beginner tip: The first mission after daily login gives *double credits.* Look out for what missions you have available that pay out a good amount of credits for you, like maybe a Nightmare Survival, and always do those first each day after receiving your login rewards. Maybe also park your Warframe in a relay for 15 minutes before you actually start playing to get some 3 hour buffs for your session. I'm unsure, however, if the first mission credit buff stacks with things like the credit blessing. If someone knows, please comment below.
@TheMasterplanter 7 ай бұрын
I cannot stress the importance of knowing the little shortcuts and optimizations in this game. Nothing beats the satisfaction of knocking out your nightwave for the week within a couple hours of reset.
@BigBen_81 6 ай бұрын
Im playing WF for 5-6 years now and didnt know you can swap the position of configs nor i could change the weapons energy colour😮 thx mate.
@yeyga7960 7 ай бұрын
As a longtime player who just recently passed 1k hours, I had no idea that you could see the Varzia shop in the orbiter. Thanks 🙏
@DariusDarkest 7 ай бұрын
I've been playing for years and never knew about the energy colors D: Good vid
@RailedYa 7 ай бұрын
Didn’t know about the index tile manipulation because I have never farmed it for credits. I still have plenty from the raids.
@Blayne06 7 ай бұрын
As someone whom began playing shortly before Raids were dropped from the game, I'm closing in on 300M Credits just from doing Sorties and selling off Mods I don't need. Then again, there was also the Eximus Rework "issue" where they were dropping 25k+ Credits on kill without a booster active.
@ShugoAWay 6 ай бұрын
Yeah just time it so the daily reset lines up with a lucrative mission like sortie 3 or the 3rd stage of LoR nightmare each day/week and you will never run low To the point you only have to touch index when Nora puts Day Trader again
@NobleVI_343 16 күн бұрын
@@Blayne06 that with secura lecta must have gone nuts
@Benzinilinguine 6 ай бұрын
PSA: if you play Baruuk without the Desert Wind augment, you are genuinely playing him incorrectly. Desert Wind Augment is the best mod in the game, full stop. It SWITCHES YOUR DAMAGE TYPE TO MATCH ENEMY WEAKNESSES ON THE FLY. Why make a "corrosive build" when corrosive doesnt do sh*t against corpus? Use the mod. Always hit weaknesses.
@fredsigu6684 6 ай бұрын
Chromatic blade: observe
@bladeedgerunner6854 4 ай бұрын
One thing I changed a long time ago which made movement so much easier for me is adding a slide keybind to my middle mouse click. This splits up the work your hands need to do when bouncing all over the place with bullet jump. It feels much better I highly recommend it.
@chilledouttt6845 6 ай бұрын
Platimum tip: rank up 2 syndicates, you get access to 2 augment mods a day, if you sell those for 10p each thats 7000 platinum per year just off augment mods.
@d2kwazza57 6 ай бұрын
Hey mate only just discovered your channel and have been binging a bunch of your videos. I love your frame build videos they are well constructed very informative and just refreshing. Your frame videos are clear concise and easy to understand
@SorryItsEric 2 ай бұрын
I'm surprised how many people don't know about the max distance jumping. Once you get comfortable chaining them together, you can add a little parkour velocity and always be first to the objective.. It's also handy for speedrunning relics
@senselocke 6 ай бұрын
OMG I didn't know middle-click selected the whole stack of mods. SO MUCH TIME SAVED!! =)
@xs10shul Ай бұрын
One thing it took me time to realize is that you can gain height by aiming straight up and bullet jumping. This is great for things like searching for decree fragments in the duviri circuit.
@spamandsazon 6 ай бұрын
Your closing lines are always the best.
@Gnurklesquimp2 6 ай бұрын
Aimed plunges are still one of the best additions. Wf at its core is about mobility for me, then there's a huge sandbox around it to keep it varied. The straight and upwards plunges have never actually been patched out btw., they said they were back then, I for some reason confidently figured they overlooked one method, and I was right. It's tricky to time and slows you down when screwed up, so I think it makes the game better. Also, i got a doritos ad after the ignis part...
@sonrza6257 6 ай бұрын
The biggest thing I do that makes me feel old in warframe is play solo. I do everything solo or with a friend because it’s faster then playing with a squad 99/100 of the time
@deio977 7 ай бұрын
Super helpful video :) One aspect though: if you stay too long into a room in a survival mission, the enemies will drop less life support and less loot. Might be DE's way for anti camping. I have tested this extensively in many maps on various scenarios. Eventually, you will need to move in a different room and repeat.
@TheKengineer 7 ай бұрын
It's the anti-afk kicking in. It's not about being in one room but not moving enough in that spot. Moving just a small amount constantly (like I do in the videos) is enough to mitigate this.
@junkandcrapamen 7 ай бұрын
@@TheKengineer Can confirm.
@decompilerlite 6 ай бұрын
Something from me : > animations can be cancelled - or minimized > picking up keys in disruption mode - pick them up in slide , much faster . >you can void dash while recovering pet/player >locking Animations mid Jumps prevents you from stagger(Roar). >Also using locking animations mid jump is better , in most cases you are going to fly in its direction , reducing time when you are not able to move . >revenant can fly if you use 3 in aim glide mode , + parried with slam you get tons of move speed - which accelerates you up to 45-55 km/h ( Titania speed lvl ) > If you are new player , dont waste all your resources on wisp - she requires zaw to play ( almost up to 320 plat -cus of exodia +100 k kuva riven, which costs up to 200 plat ) + umbra mod . There are better warframes to beat the game ( octavia , saryn , gauss , revenant , mag , dante , kullervo , citrine, the holy farm trinity ( Nekros, Khorra, Hydroid ) ) and much more useful than her . >If you need help - just ask it , we will be glad to help ) > Have fun while playing - game muss bring happiness. >Mastery does not mean dude is good at game , don't be consumed in Mr Ego .
@Male_Parent 7 ай бұрын
2:23 I learned that one a few months back. I was ripping my hair out trying to figure out why my ivara's bow damage was so low during one of the runs. 💀
@Meathead-10810 4 ай бұрын
That last tip about room spawns is new for me, gonna need to remember that one :)
@VallornDeathblade 3 ай бұрын
For the second energy colour, there's several options where selecting a true or near true black in there can make rad looking negative colour energy effects.
@jidhindharanm.p9351 5 ай бұрын
One can alsp use Void sling to move over large distance rather doing it in warframe itself.. Thats how i sometimes beat titania and gauss to the extraction
@Sardar-wd1no 6 ай бұрын
U can also spawn the same open map if ur in any relay as well
@Jefffrrry 7 ай бұрын
L3 player here, had no idea I can click and drag configs... Always thought I had to just manually redo them when I wanna move one to the A slot :D Thanks.
@kimchijam 7 ай бұрын
the ayashop is actually huge
@jaysonmoore5166 7 ай бұрын
3000+ hours in, and i didn't know i can click and drag loadouts. I've literally soent resources undoong and redoing helminths to reorganize loadouts 😂
@NotoriousNickNorris 6 ай бұрын
I was somewhere in my MR20s when I figured it out by accident. Nobody told me!
@Marshall_Francies 3 ай бұрын
As someone going for mod completion and many more credits, that mod tip is SUPER helpful. Didn't know mouse three did that
@quantumpanic Күн бұрын
Here's one: you can pickup an energy cell using warframe then transfer out and pick up another one while your warframe still holds the first one. Useful for excavation. Transfering back it drops the second cell, though.
@Spacecowboyable 5 ай бұрын
7:18 what is the build of glaxion and lavos? You are doing red crit
@phlwgames 5 ай бұрын
For the forma color thing, try using a bright red and a bright blue. Gives a really cool effect. Also works with orange and purple
@marrassek Ай бұрын
theres two more things about movement, you can cancel upwards momentum with air gliding and you can dodge and slide simultaneously to get more momentum
@savitargod0fspeed290 6 ай бұрын
To be honest as a Veteran and feel embarrassed for saying it. I didn't knew about "the circuit" Loadout trick I thought that always by default will be the A Config no matter what.
@ditlus5834 6 ай бұрын
For corpus sabotage (the ship one) you can cut down the time by putting the yellow cell on the "wrong place". When you take out the cell (blue) for the first time there's a chance for you to put something back. After this, you need to hack the console. During this, you could leave to search the exit or kill any enemies. Everything will go dark, so the enemies will get confused.
@Exzircon 6 ай бұрын
For the slam roll cancel, I usually try to aim-glide a very short distance above the ground so that if I miss time my roll I'm not stuck in the slam animation
@dementedcaliber8107 7 ай бұрын
another veteran tip i'd add is never stay when the host is leaving if u have good rewards you absolutely want to keep, because there's always a risk the mission bugs out or disconnects you then you lose everything. It doesn't happen often and many times i don't mind taking the risk because as a vet player i don't care about most rewards much, but it can happen. You won't always be able to tell when host is leaving or who it is, but the little yellow star above their name in the choose to extract screen some missions have will inform you.
@Zelsius00 7 ай бұрын
Besides the "crown" icon on the extraction window, you can know who the host is from the numbers on the squad interface on the top-right, below your health/shield bars. Host is number 1. Also applies for the waypoints, host will always have WP1 to pinpoint.
@Arbyjar 6 ай бұрын
For endless missions such as defense, interception, etc. where the screen comes up, you can just hover over everyone’s icons. Host will be labeled
@dementedcaliber8107 6 ай бұрын
@@Arbyjar yeah thats what i meant by "choose to extract screen"
@metalsynkk 6 ай бұрын
The "rank every mod just once" thing blew my mind and I am 1400 hours in. I've been always clicking the mod, selecting all, then pressing the down arrow, then accept, for all my large stacks. Doing the 1-rank thing will also take some time with all the mods I have but at least I will only ever have to do that once.
@WolfHeroEX 7 ай бұрын
The other Index map is very easily manipulatable as well. Stay around the corner from where your turn-in point is, and go in and out of that left-side hall entrance, the l-shaped area. Into that room, then left into the hallway, then out and back down the steps, rinse and repeat. Super easy.
@wij2012Gaming 7 ай бұрын
I had no idea about swapping mod configs around. None. That's awesome.
@talaie 4 ай бұрын
Been playing for years and I didn't know many of these, all though the movement one I knew about I just don't have the figure control to execute correctly. I also knew about the forma one, but this was still so very helpful.
@techoftheblind1374 6 ай бұрын
Been playing for five years didn't know you can drag comfogs
@NullOderSo 6 ай бұрын
When you tell them about roll to cancel, you can cancel the pick-up animation from i.e energy cells for the excavator as well
@TheMlgCat 6 ай бұрын
they added a radial menu to orbiter, so now when you hit Q you can fast travel to any menu in your orbiter
@pulsss 4 ай бұрын
really glad I kept watching because i had NO idea you could access prime resurgance from your orbiter. so much wasted aya and time that could have been completely avoided
@facundoc602 7 ай бұрын
that index from dojo its soo weird i don't even feel ashamed to not know that
@nccastro653 6 ай бұрын
Man I am a veteran and learned some things here! Wow. Learning everyday!
@gangstersnow 6 ай бұрын
If you dont have a vacuum mod on a companion, bullet jumping also sucks in loot near you so you dont have to walk directly over them.
@MrCavonta Ай бұрын
@TheKengineer Ай бұрын
And thank you too! Much appreciated 😄
@Chrysamer77 Ай бұрын
Duplicate mod stacking is actually amazing tip. I didn't figure this out on my own after 1000 hours xD
@AngelsoftyGaming 6 ай бұрын
what gun is he using at 3:35 ive never been able to figure it out
@Crash-Lazarus 3 ай бұрын
It's a Tenet Arca Plasmor. The name is to the bottom-right of the screen there
@wouldntyouliketoknow99 Ай бұрын
I have 1000+ hours and I still learned something, 10/10
@mungolockhart3875 6 ай бұрын
I had been playing warframe for weeks then went to another game and tried bulket jumping. Movement is so good.
@NimbleBard48 3 ай бұрын
2:00 MR32 and I always swapped mods between builds...
@filipobert6729 6 ай бұрын
Spamming slide during aim glide gives you even more speed than just sliding once.
@sqk8851 7 ай бұрын
I'm L3 and I didn't know about the aya thing, thank you do much sir
@Hypercane_ 7 ай бұрын
I have an unhealthy addiction to arcane consequence, I actually put it on voruna and use it in tandem with her first passive please someone help
@liathedoll 3 ай бұрын
Survival farming run tip: have Hydron, Nova with speed build and go in a dead end room so the enemy is forced to come through Hydron’s tentacles 👍
@simonkyblicek9913 6 ай бұрын
Playing since 2016 with way more hours then i should have, and the energy colour blew my mind
@yetiinthebeddy1368 6 ай бұрын
Over 1500 hours and I did not know you could use the quick access wheel in the orbiter to jump around the ship LOL
@DemonicInfinity 6 ай бұрын
I started playing in October 2013, didn't know i could buy aya items from my ship lmao. Thanks.
@LilFeralGangrel 6 ай бұрын
as a veteran my belief that veteran status is not a number, it's a mindset. I've met many high MR players who do not play like veterans nor do they conduct themselves as them.
@brinsonopinion 7 ай бұрын
Those last 2 were news to me, thanks!
@amnesicturtles4145 7 ай бұрын
Last month I went to an earth lith mission and found a couple of low mr players that started talking about me like I was a unicorn because of being a lr 2
@FranklynPearson 6 ай бұрын
This is genuinely helpful
@potroastmutt7915 6 ай бұрын
I'm at over 3000 or so hours now and I JUST learned about the tab switching for mod configs lol
@djsculli6523 6 ай бұрын
Ive been playing Warframe for 11 years and i just learned about fast traveling in the orbiter with down on dpad 2 days ago
@ShugoAWay 6 ай бұрын
That is new though
@djsculli6523 5 ай бұрын
@@ShugoAWay oh that explains why I didn't know about it and can feel less bad
@TizonaAmanthia 7 ай бұрын
using configs is something I've never gotten good at...and I got well into MR31...either it was just never explained well enough to wrap my head around, and...it also was...cumbersome, and did stuff I didn't want it to do.
@ParagonQuille 2 ай бұрын
im a veteran myself, but this was still useful. Also really well made, thank you
@Xercodo34 6 ай бұрын
Like with the Varzia thing you can visit various relay people directly with the syndicate console, be it the 6 syndicates themselves, or Simaris or Teshin to quickly get the simulacrum or steel path shop. You can also use it to travel directly to heads of town factions like Konzu, Eudico, and Mother. It skips the selecting of an instance, the countdown, loading animation, landing animation and fast travels you right to them. and while I'm on the topic of syndicates you can use the profile system to not only check how much daily cap you have left, but how much another player's daily cap is left too. This is perfect for when you're out playing sherpa for new players. You can get an idea of which rank they are for a faction, how much daily cap they have left that day, anticipate what rank up materials they'll need, or what wares they have available in the the relevant shops without needing to ask.
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