10 Times Games "Did Right By The Fans" (And Pissed Everyone Off)

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@thekid92sho 11 ай бұрын
Inquisition was a treat. Nothing like getting your character strong enough to solo dragons.
@Ervgotti1985 11 ай бұрын
Since when did people not like Twilight Princess?
@deluge6479 11 ай бұрын
Since Whatculture gaming told you so
@charlesmwolf 11 ай бұрын
when it first came out, the big issue was that the left handed link was made right handed to accommodate the wiimote controller. and the motion controls in general hurting the gameplay for many who couldnt get used to it. it was a controversy that faded quickly but was something that popped up for a few months when it came out
@PandaKnightsFightingDragons 11 ай бұрын
I wondered this too, at the time it seemed like it was the first game in the series that fans agreed was on par with OoT. But since the release of BotW I've seen a lot more people bemoaning it online, not just WhatCulture.
@SteveGameSDG 11 ай бұрын
I always HATED the Zelda series... then I bought Twilight Princess on a whim, just because I wanted something different to play. The Zelda series is now one of my all-time favorites.
@MrCaerbannog 11 ай бұрын
I don't think people really dislike Twilight Princess per se - it just went from being a mega-hit thanks to launching with the Wii, to being "that Zelda game no-one really cares about one way or the other".
@gremlininblue2601 11 ай бұрын
I adored the Mako so much. When I loaded up Mass Effect 2 after finishing the first one, I was heartbroken to find my beloved Mako gone
@Lark88 11 ай бұрын
Same. It didn't need to be removed, it just needed work.
@dream6562 11 ай бұрын
​@Lark88 I think that's what was miscommunicated instead of saying what they liked and disliked, they hated on the negatives only, so they took it as they don't like the mako
@thatboybear 11 ай бұрын
Bottom line: fans suck. Fans with internet access suck to infinity. We’ve lost the ability to enjoy things; we want control, power, dominion. It’s just like, bruh, play, have fun, or don’t play, do something else. There’s options.
@kieranhair37 6 ай бұрын
What I've noticed on a lot of boards is that there are gamers who basically complain about everything because they think it justifies piracy. Then they wonder why game companies are raising prices and forcing us to have an internet connection. The idea of "just don't play the thing if you hate it so much" hasn't occurred to them. Because the truth is they want to play these games, they just want to feel like not paying for them gives them some sort of weird moral high ground.
@DMBLaan 11 ай бұрын
This is why you don't listen to the vocal minority and assume they represent the whole fan base.
@jotheunissen9274 11 ай бұрын
I remember just rage quitting Arkham Knight at the part where you have to drive around in the Batmobile, sneaking up to the Arkham Knights tank, shooting it and then getting the hell out of there before the Arkham Knight shoots you. And you have to do this multiple times.
@pirateadam3686 11 ай бұрын
I loved the Mako! The only thing it was missing was a radio that played a selection of Country and Polka music while tooling around blasrltong shifty looking cows and pyjacks.
@SamButler22 11 ай бұрын
The Mako was so good! I don't get the hate, I could make that baby dance!
@forestwells5820 11 ай бұрын
I will forever contend that the problem with the Mako was the level designs, not the vehicle itself. Some of those cliffs were epic, and not in a good way.
@EnzoPinheiro 11 ай бұрын
wtf? the ONLY flaw in twilight princess is not having Gerudos in it. Everything else is just perfect.
@lnsflare1 11 ай бұрын
I think that the major flaw in TP is that it arguably has the best melee combat in the series, but since most of the moves are optional and the combat is fairly easy it feels like wasted potential.
@charlesmwolf 11 ай бұрын
when it first came out, the big issue was that the left handed link was made right handed to accommodate the wiimote controller. and the motion controls in general hurting the gameplay for many who couldnt get used to it. it was a controversy that faded quickly but was something that popped up for a few months when it came out
@PandaKnightsFightingDragons 11 ай бұрын
A lot of people have recently started criticizing the prologue (time from start of game to the first dungeon) for being too long. You could probably beat the child section of OotA in the time it takes to get into the first dungeon of TP
@MrIAMNOTANOOB 11 ай бұрын
Well after Ganondorf was executed, the Gerudos had to be exiled.
@EnzoPinheiro 11 ай бұрын
@@MrIAMNOTANOOB I understand it makes narrative sense, but I still miss 'em.
@hurdyb1 11 ай бұрын
I loved the Batmobile and the Mako. I was aware of people not being happy with the Batmobile and the Mako but I had no clue people wanted the Mako back. Anyway......I LOVED THE BATMOBILE!!!!
@kacperrobertsson4855 11 ай бұрын
Same. I had a lot of fun driving the batmobile and thought it was a cool alternative to gliding all the time. It wouldn't occur to me that people didn't like it had I not heard about it in some videos. I enjoyed it. Mako was okay, better than planet scanning from Mass Effect 2, that was tedious.
@GabePuratekuta 11 ай бұрын
Why do9n't you marry it, then!
@lusians3 11 ай бұрын
@@GabePuratekuta shus bad troll get beck under your bridge
@arjuna6224 11 ай бұрын
Batmobile is cool when you are not in a tank battle, because that's the reason it's being hated on. Most bosses are tank battles with the exception of 1 in the main story.
@hurdyb1 11 ай бұрын
​@GabePuratekuta - I probably would have but WB canceled that Batmobile pre-order years ago.😂😂😂 Want to ask another dumb question and get a dumb answer?
@krvgames9258 11 ай бұрын
Leave Twilight Princess alone Jess. Sure Wind Waker had a different art style, but Nintendo did not “kidify” the Zelda franchise with The Wind Waker because they were trying something new and that was only with the Adult Timeline. And there have been a few Zelda games in other timelines with a cartoon like art style like The Minish Cap and the Four Swords games.
@donaldfrederick501 11 ай бұрын
And yet #1 still won 2014's Video Game of the Year (interesting way of defining a backlash).
@igitaq 11 ай бұрын
I had fun in the mako and never felt bored in Inquisition. I did get a little let down in Dragon Age 2 when everytime I went to go explore I was in the same dungeon only with different doors sealed or opened. I am probably too easy to please though compared to others. I enjoyed Andomeda a lot and even had fun in Anthem, at least for a week or two. Iust admit I might be a bit of a Bioware fanboy seeing as KOTOR was one of the first games to get me back into gaming aftery Atari and Tetris days.
@stickman4087 11 ай бұрын
Dragon age inquisition is a great game. Sure there are a few things they could have done better but as RPGs go, I would definitely place it as one of the best, lots of freedom of choice, great gameplay mechanics, great story, awesome characters, and lots of replay value, all around good game
@101Mant 11 ай бұрын
​@@stickman4087I found it very disappointing after the first two. Origins had the origin system and DA2 had Hawke with the personality system. Inquisition ditched these for the blank slate approach so your character had no backstory, no personality and no connection to the world. It also had the most oversized and cliché fantasy plot with an ancient dark lord resurrected who you have to stop. DAO and DA2 had some nuance in their antagonists outside the mindless ones. The open world was dull, nothing interesting to do, no interring NPCs or side quests and the story stuff happened in it's own odd closed off sections. In fairness the DLCs were a massive improvement with better NPCs plots and locations but the core game is very bland compared to it predecessors.
@stickman4087 9 ай бұрын
@@101Mant to be fair I didn't play the previous games because I was consumed by Skyrim in the PS3 era and didn't have time for two medieval fantasy RPGs on top of everything else I was playing, but I'd probably be inclined to agree with you if what you say is true
@Stjurgeon 11 ай бұрын
Inquisition is the only Dragon Age game I've played, and while I enjoyed it, I couldn't help but notice much of a drag going through much of the world was.
@cppblank 11 ай бұрын
The Batmobile wasn't bad at all.
@jamesianhutchison1165 11 ай бұрын
It was a shame about CoD:WWII. Personally, as someone who only plays the Zombies, I really enjoyed The Final Reich, loved the guns and their mods and had a great time with all the Zombie Challenge maps. Might actually be my favourite Zombies out of the whole series.
@FlippingC 11 ай бұрын
Developers making a curry adds 1kg of turmeric Players - There's too mch tumeric Developers - Oh you don't like tumeric, in the next curry we wont use any Players eat new curry - Where's the tumeric? Developers throw hands in air - Honestly players have no idea what they want!
@anonymuswere 11 ай бұрын
damned if you do, damned if you don't. we just had that with a mod scene as well with an obsolete, but this time it was a dev backlash when, after popping up again after decades, they found out that everything they'd worked on had been altered over the years because it was assumed to have been abandoned. they attempted to torch the scene and run :P
@PikaLink91 11 ай бұрын
Pray tell… how COULD a villainous Cortana have worked then?
@TD71859 11 ай бұрын
I enjoyed the batmobile, outside the stealth sections
@bankylaw3745 11 ай бұрын
I enjoyed it except for the racing I liked the combat missions in it it handled really well in tank mode
@Bman32x 11 ай бұрын
Beating the crap out of MG Ray finally using MG Rex felt so right. But man I remember toward the end game the nearly 2 hour cutscene with minimal gameplay was memorable but not for the right reasons.
@rosssnyder4490 11 ай бұрын
The batmobile was the least of the problems with Arkham Knight.
@redmondartwork 11 ай бұрын
DMC3 was "too difficult for american audiences" so..they released a "spedial edition"...that put in level checkpoints. When the original didnt have them. So when you died you started at the last save point or beginning of the level.
@gregmilne4378 11 ай бұрын
I think that's how it was in the original Japanese version of the game, but the people who made the US port took that out and bumped all the difficulty settings up. Special Edition's closer to the Japanese release in terms of difficulty.
@RedDev1l757 11 ай бұрын
I think the problem is that the biggest section of gamers now is the casual market. They're the loudest and least loyal section of gaming.
@JounLord1 11 ай бұрын
I wonder if there is enough instances to populate a list of times game companies completely ignored fans and paid for it. Stuff like Fallout 76 where gamers wanted a Fallout experience with friends but got a pretty boring empty Rust clone or the Xbox One where fans of the Xbox wanted a nice game console but they seemed to barely care about games in the marketing and pushed then unpopular things like always online and no used games.
@nathanielcockayne2376 11 ай бұрын
Man mgs should have been a magna movie at this point. Never played one the way through. Got to phycomantis on tactical espionage.... the first game and I was so over the tank control and constant cut scenes. But after many many years I picked up the phantom pain and the cut scenes are still really real
@raychelgonos224 6 ай бұрын
I personally loved the Batmobile. It was one of my favorite parts of the game.
@Jacob_White 11 ай бұрын
The sad truth about the Batmobile 😢
@Phoenix2312 11 ай бұрын
With Final Fantasy VII Remake... Much as I do love it ... YES, 100% AGREE!!! Its not teh story shift that so many complained about... In fact, I love the story even in the remake! It is the FORCED DUNGEONS and its far too linear - I know the OG game was in Midgar as well, but they kept promising more and giving us less! And as a Die Hard Fan of FFVII... I am just going to say it and I know many Fans will agree with me... They could have just added the new Graphics and Cutscenes to the OG game and just re-released THAT as the "Remaster"... Literally just doing COSMETIC WORK and we would still have bought it as that was honestly, The only issue I had with the games age... Those Blocky Graphics...
@ryanrowe1975 11 ай бұрын
Batmobile should driving at the right mechanics of shooting up to the car
@hackcubit9663 11 ай бұрын
I'm ashamed to admit I was one of the people who reacted very poorly to Windwaker when it was new. Granted, I'd like to think that I wasn't making my opinions known outside my immediate group of friends, and that I'd still have played the game if I'd had a GameCube at the time.
@DjSamination 11 ай бұрын
I'm one of those who wanted a game that resembled the Tokyo Space demo. While I did play it on the GameCube, I can't say I was extremely fond of it. I tried giving it a 2nd go on the Wii U, but I stopped playing before I got to the first proper dungeon...
@davidaitken8503 11 ай бұрын
Supposedely Paper Mario was turned into the Sticker Star and everything that came after mess it is now because we all marked gameplay as more important than story in those Nintendo surveys of the time. I don't know if this has ever been confirmed but it is a serious misinterpretation of what fans wanted.
@OversoulGaming 11 ай бұрын
Damned-if-you-do damned-if-you-don't. The only right answer when it comes to Art is to do whatever you want. There's an audience for everything
@720jlconner 11 ай бұрын
343 should've never messed with the Cortana-Chief dynamic in the first place.
@toongrowner1 11 ай бұрын
Always glad to see youtubers who don't praise the ff7 remake to heaven and actual call out its flaws. also its a shame that, even with the wind waker example happening back then, a lot of people still dismiss cartoonish style/demand more and more realism and seriousness.... it's specially wierd in the residen evil series, where it's cheesiness was actually one of the big reasons the series is such a hit in the first place.
@InfectedChris 11 ай бұрын
A whole disk of filler for what should be a good introduction to the game.
@raidengoodman8754 11 ай бұрын
@@InfectedChrisit was my first introduction to FF7 and it was my GOTY for 2020. I’d like to know if there’s anything not said in this video that irked you with the game
@InfectedChris 11 ай бұрын
@@raidengoodman8754 Unnecessarily making the game just Midgar because you don't spend a lot of time there in the beginning anyways.
@codynoth4183 11 ай бұрын
@@InfectedChris Which is ironic because I have seen people seriously get pissed that you couldn't explore the top sections of Midgar for...reasons? Zoomers shouldn't have access to video games.
@InfectedChris 11 ай бұрын
@@codynoth4183 dude, I am 38. I still own the physical copies of my games.
@JFDSmit-rm6tw 11 ай бұрын
Just wondering what would've happened, had Bioware rather made DA:I an expansion to DA2 instead of a standalone game?
@hansjaeger4166 11 ай бұрын
Seriously hojo dungeon takes people hours? Really what were they doing studying his thesis ?!? I was out of there pretty quick I thought
@L0n3W0lfBl4ck 11 ай бұрын
Your FF7R comments are only your opinion, I really enjoyed the side content, as I felt it help show the world and developed the characters more.
@dowman5 11 ай бұрын
While I enjoyed FF7R, the backlash did come from a segment of fans who thought the ending ruined the storyline. That's what Jess referenced. Also, while there was plenty of great new side content and expanded lore, some of the padding did get out of hand. Like that second trip through the sewers. Almost nobody enjoyed that part of the game.
@AJsMillions 11 ай бұрын
Couldn't this also be called "10 times creators listened to fans, but overcorrected"? Much of the lament for Cortana in Halo IV is probably around its whole 'rampancy' story arc and a visual upgrade that was neither needed or asked for.
@Toadum101 11 ай бұрын
That batmobile is on every other whatculture video i swear
@joseconde8031 11 ай бұрын
My goodness I thought I was one of the only one who disliked the batmobile 😅
@ezzwhitezombie666 11 ай бұрын
Youre not the only one, Jess from whatculture also hates it. The rest of us love it though
@joseconde8031 11 ай бұрын
@@ezzwhitezombie666 said disliked not hate. But it's just some of the missions. Overall game was great
@deluge6479 11 ай бұрын
Everybody complains about the tank missions. Everyone.
@LordRain1031 11 ай бұрын
I downloaded that game for free. The "batmobile" is one of the biggest reasons I uninstalled the game, without beating it. 🤷‍♂️
@jetla22 11 ай бұрын
It's the tank missions. It killed the pacing of the game
@triniborn76 11 ай бұрын
The batmobile in Arkaham Knight was too much! It killed the game for me and i never finished the game.
@clericofchaos1 11 ай бұрын
Patching out the cheat chests in starfield. I'm not sure what bethesda was thinking with this one, people don't like game breaking bugs, but people do like exploits that make the game more fun. So, in an effort to either please fans or kill the memes, 3 weeks after the launch of starfield they patched out one of it's best features. Hopefully the merchant chests are returned at some point because i honestly have no intention of starting a new character until they do or until mods come to consoles. It just has too slow a start. Also, the dawnstar chest was in skyrim for 13 years...seriously bethesda wtf?
@Seth22087 11 ай бұрын
In all honesty, the biggest mistake you can make with Bethesda games is that you think it doesn't matter which platform you play them on... because they are always just shallow framework for mods and console commands. Hence why I would never get it on anything other than PC. Want to correct any of mechanics, make them deeper or add additional functionality thought power of expanding scripting support in ways Bethesda never intended on game exclusively available on Steam verison on PC? Mods. Don't want to grind money? Console commands. Hate digipick minigame? Mods or console commands. Hate limited inventory? Mods or console commands. Hate how poor merchants are? You guessed it console commands or mods. Like why depend on limitations of exploits when world can be your playground. And guess what? When Bethesda wants to disable your achievements due to using console commands? More mods. :-D Oh and if you think we need to wait for Bethesda to bless us with ability to use mods, we just laugh and get mods within first week while any other limited platform has to wait till next year and pray that Bethesda doesn't take achievements away, if you want to use mods to fix flaws. That being said, at least up till now they figured out by not making saves into time bombs on consoles, like with Oblivion, where if you did too much and save got bloated, your game would end up stuttering and eventually crash and loading earlier save to fix it didn't work, because it would also suffer for same issue. Like loading 1h earlier save would just put you 1h before same issue.
@clericofchaos1 11 ай бұрын
@@Seth22087 gaming pc's are too expensive and complicated. My xbox and gamepass are really all i need.
@Strategistmaster 9 ай бұрын
Anyone else hear that? Weird 8-bit music that you can just barely hear in the background?
@kitemaywilder1792 8 ай бұрын
luna reborn summed up, horribly mangled by 1 forced to pick a pvp faction with no nuetral option 2 keeping in mind side content almost all has a max level cap the experience gains are now so fast it forces you to pick what side content you're gonna go for. 3 crafting went from a source of great gear to they may as well removed it completely.
@jamesmorton2621 11 ай бұрын
It's time to fire Jack 'Poorly' Pooley
@Paulunatr 11 ай бұрын
The rule of internet fandom is that devs could serve up a literal divine rapture in video game form and there will still be people who bitch about it.
@theBRANDOProductions 11 ай бұрын
This is why I’m worried about the POP remake
@ramrodbldm9876 11 ай бұрын
you need to start worrying about why you only get 1 view per video 😼
@Zarek523 11 ай бұрын
Literally no one hated on Twilight Princess like you described. WTF
@gaminggoof1542 11 ай бұрын
Agreed. I love TP, so deliciously serious and dark yet still magical. Like a successor to MM.
@morgantaylor84 11 ай бұрын
You're right, they hated it because of the tutorial section being literally over an hour long. Even going as fast as you can without speed runner level skipping it's still around half an hour. Plus almost every game before and since hid the fact you're in a narrow passageway tutorial objectively better. Not to mention that for a Zelda game franchise Zelda herself plays zero part in the actual story, which wasn't liked. Those are the real reasons people disliked it on release.
@linkneo5 11 ай бұрын
I hate the wind waker cartoony style to this day. So much so I refused to play it until the hd remaster years later. Twilight Princess was better in every way. Just play the gamecube version if you dont like the motion controls lol.
@davidwiley4953 11 ай бұрын
Twilight Princess is FAR better than Wind Waker.
@sheldoncooper8199 11 ай бұрын
Amazing Topic for a Video
@christopherhuff237 11 ай бұрын
I'm getting tired of hearing how bad people think the batmobile was. I enjoyed using it and think arkham knight was a good game. This tiresome trope is getting old.
@gabeclement1131 10 ай бұрын
Twilight Princess was the first Legend of Zelda game I ever played.
@speedingoffence 11 ай бұрын
OMG Multiple times in FF7R I found myself saying "when will this be over..." When it was doing what it did well, it was great. Most of the time, however, it was just a slog. It's a 5/10 at best.
@ИгорьЛ-л6ш 11 ай бұрын
Might & Magic Heroes 7. After sixth installment pissed off old fans of the series (who mostly look on Heroes 3 and 5 as best parts of the series, myself included, so bias is possible:) ) with ridiculous mechanics overhaul, sloppy city design and bastardized skill tree, Ubisoft attempted a return to form in the 7th part, returning a lt of gameplay from fifth part, but it was sloppy, the story telling was atrocious, the premise of telling tales during a war council for rebellion (which softly contradicted old lore, introduced in skirmish maps in HOMM 5), uninspired approach to cutscenes and very, very bland viuals with most of the engine recycled from the previous game simply killed any momentum of the installment and the franchise ground to a halt after just ONE DLC.
@oliviamoore3426 11 ай бұрын
No no. Getting rid of the maki was a good thing. It handled like the lower back.
@pokemorris 11 ай бұрын
I actually loved DA: Inquisition. Never understood the hate. 🤷‍♂
@JBReaperZ123 11 ай бұрын
when i saw the batmobile in that first trailer first thing i said "god i hope they didnt make this game around this car" andddd i was right and it was ass
@mrg2155 11 ай бұрын
Nobody missed the MAKO
@malware8310 11 ай бұрын
The batmobile was one of the best parts of the arkham knight game 😂 I dont understand why people dont like it 😅 absolutely loved the combat with the tank ❤ the only part that sucked was the riddler driving sections but the riddler has always been the worst part of all the arkham games at least IMO
@rogersreviews5529 11 ай бұрын
Dragon Age 2 is amazingly funny and a solid experience with what i thought was the perfect size map .🫤
@damiandekker474 11 ай бұрын
There were plenty of cutscenes in MGSV, and there's so much organic in game storytelling that makes up for it. The main issue is that the game just isn't finished. Miracle that it's still a good as it is.
@LigmaSigma-nv6hx 11 ай бұрын
I think a good balance, somewhere between what we got and what MGS4 had, would have been perfect. MGS3 had a perfect amount of cutscenes. But yeah, it being finished would have helped a lot.
@halfricansaint7727 11 ай бұрын
Yeah I’ll agree that there were enough cutscenes but the cutscenes aren’t the Metal Gear style most fans came to love. They aren’t overly expositional and over-the-top and so it comes off like a completely different series. It doesn’t help that the game wasn’t finished either.
@liamdwyer4260 11 ай бұрын
Worst part of MG5 for me was half way through the missions where just "go back to this previous mission and redo it, but this time you need to do this bit extra"
@devinkerr5474 11 ай бұрын
I remember having no prior knowledge of MGS when I booted up #4 and wondering why I was being treated to an entire movie of an opener. The latest entries have felt a bit nicer to get into.
@MrAjking808 11 ай бұрын
I rather watch then read or listen to tapes .
@cppblank 11 ай бұрын
This just proves, no matter what you do, there will be a giant group of whiners that will complain.
@theREALfearsKLOWNs 6 ай бұрын
And the loud-mouths who complain about the whiners, not realizing they're turning themselves into whiners by complaining? 😂
@bluegold1026 11 ай бұрын
Game devs: Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Game fans: Be careful what you wish for.
@zachtwilightwindwaker596 11 ай бұрын
Be careful what you wish for, Parker.
@JohnClam 11 ай бұрын
That makes no sense, bub
@bluegold1026 11 ай бұрын
@@JohnClam care to elaborate?
@reniervandermerwe 11 ай бұрын
Dragon age inquisition was amazing
@kevinclapson 11 ай бұрын
Two major takeaways from this topic: vocal gamers are a considerable minority of gamers, and of that minority fewer still know a damn thing about game design, writing or production. Even a handful of these listed games did extremely well sales wise in the face of "backlash" from the vocal minority.
@peterlustig7336 11 ай бұрын
I mean you’ll never know if you deal with minority or majority only because a comment gets a lot of likes on some Plattform. Thousands of likes on a post with millions of views is far from any majority. I find so many games very good and “people” were hating them so much.
@KamisamanoOtaku 11 ай бұрын
Capcom is made of this. In general, they either overuse or ignore their franchises. Take Mega Man: Capcom went from spamming multiple games per year to almost nothing.
@derrickhaggard 11 ай бұрын
Correct on so many levels.
@dowman5 11 ай бұрын
I thought the criticism on each game wasn't necessarily bad, but if misinterpreted by the devs, or if the solution was too extreme, the fix can be as problematic as the original complaint gamers had in the first place. As an aside, I know I'm in the minority on this, but I was glad MGSV reduced the cutscenes. MGS4's pre-mission cinematics made my eyes glaze over after a while.
@mobunagathevoiceofresistan801 11 ай бұрын
Well said
@SageofStars 11 ай бұрын
I feel about half this list is not THAT they did these things for fans, it's how, or what they replaced them with. 10) Batmobile isn't terrible, but it's used too often, and is used far too much in the place of bossfights. 8) The Mako needed help, not to be ditched entirely. And the Hammerhead was okay, even if it was too squishy. That said, the thing that made people mad was what replaced it. Planet scanning, even in the Legendary Edition, sucks. 7) This is one of those things I never get when people bring it up. There are lots of Twilight Princess fans out there. Midna and Wolf Link would not get so much love if there weren't. This is a case of the fandom just being so big, it can support both. 5) This was a case of 'it felt like trend chasing' after Battlefield 1 did this earlier that year(Or was it the year prior?) to great effect. The problem is pretty much what she says, it's not THAT they did it, it's that while doing it, they just stripped a lot of fun things from the players, without replacing them with any new fun tools. 4) It sold fantastically, I think the only problem most people have is it's an action RPG now, not an RPG, and the added story bits feel...wonky, as we basically have it that the original happened, and some people seem to be aware of it, but not everyone. It's weird. I think most found the additional context for Midgar to be okay to great, like showing how normal people feel about the stuff going on, and making Shin-Ra a lot smarter than they originally were. 1) It's not that it's too big, it's that you're too slow, and the Horse being capped at your own running speed, just adding speedlines to the sides of the view to 'fake' being faster did not help...still love my Bog Unicorn though.
@codysimonson6260 11 ай бұрын
COD WW2 also had terrible gun mods. LOTS of guns had the capability to add modifications that simply did not exist when those guns were around.
@DiebeNacht 11 ай бұрын
Maybe it's because it was one of my first open-world games, but I loved Dragon Age Inquisition. There always felt like there was more to find and more side quests to complete.
@mobunagathevoiceofresistan801 11 ай бұрын
I loved Dragon Age Inquisition. It's my favorite Dragon Age, tbh
@willpatscully 11 ай бұрын
I liked the Mako. I would drive as fast as possible and then launch myself of off the side of a mountain. Or try and pick off the enemy at extreme ranges. As far as Cortana, I thought the fact that she thought the only way to bring peace to the galaxy was to basically enslave was great. I was concerned when they said they were going to soft reboot for Halo:Infinity, but I wound up liking how they dealt with Cortana, and I know I am in the minority here, but I like Halo: Infinity single player.
@TrumpIsTheRootOfAllEvil 11 ай бұрын
I liked Dragon Age 2 SO much more than Inquisition. FF7R is the best of them and I don't agree with their issues at all. I don't believe a perfect game exist, but I found different flaws with 7R. Rosch was a fun boss to fight, but I hated everything else about him: Appearance, delivery, weird motorcycle fetish. I hope they bring him back in Rebirth and give him like a wildly sad/depressing/deep backstory. Just cuz, what else do you do with that guy? Also, how shitty sector 7 looked after getting crushed by the plate was SO dumb.
@landonewts 11 ай бұрын
I loved the Mako, but to be fair, played Legendary Edition more then the OG game. I even named my new car The Mako. I hated the Hammerhead in ME 2, tho.
@sacysily8968 11 ай бұрын
You're definitely right about the Mako, @willpatscully, but just as definitely wrong about Cortana and Infinite. For one thing, she was supposed to think herself out of existence at the end of 4, her splitting herself to help with the final fight against the Didact irrevocably sped up the spread of her rampancy, and AI simply can't come back from that in the Halo lore. They burn out, for lack of a better term, thinking themselves to death with such rapid complexity that they literally burn their cores out from overactivity. As for Weapon in Infinite . . . No. Just no. Combat AI like Cortana are incredibly unique, and moreover, IMPOSSIBLE TO REPLICATE. Even Dr. Halsey herself said she would never be able to make another AI like Cortana specifically, because she was so uniquely specialized and so far above others in her field. So Weapon is both an insult to the memory of the real Cortana and the entire lore around which Halo AI are based.
@josephtorres3778 11 ай бұрын
Dragon age 3 is a great game I loved how it gave freedom to the player with bigger map and a bigger world felt better then the first 2 games
@newageBoundhippie 11 ай бұрын
To further the part about Cortana, they also ended up deciding to just kill her off off-screen between the end of Halo 5 & the beginning of Halo Infinite...
@WalkerMcCaine 11 ай бұрын
Inquisition was Game of the Year in 2014, and I only remember hearing about the Batmobile and WW2 multiplayer complaints, though to be fair FF7R was bloated.
@landonewts 11 ай бұрын
Big love for the Mako here! The Hammerhead they introduced in that ME2 DLC, tho, not so much. If the Nomad from Andromeda had guns, it would be a perfect Mako successor.
@pyrosplicer85 11 ай бұрын
It’s almost as if the most vocal of fans don’t know what they want, complain anything/everything and have little idea of what goes into movie or game design.
@happyjam92 11 ай бұрын
The loud minority strike again
@geovaninateras1200 11 ай бұрын
It hard to that what the fans want and don't want in the game because the fans don't want this in it and remove it later and the fans get mad why devs remove it.
@Canadamus_Prime 11 ай бұрын
"Fans are clinging complaining dipshits who will never ever be grateful for any concessions you make. The moment you shut out their shrill tremulous voices the happier you'll be for it." -Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw
@tristangoodfellow9180 11 ай бұрын
OK Chronicles was supposed to be filled before The Angel of Darkness hit PS2, and yet I've played it countless times and adds real depth to Lara's background. True it isn't as complicated as Tomb Raider 3 or 4 but it's still brilliant! Also the tank battles in Arkham Knight really aren't that bad!!!! I'm a massive fan of both the Tomb Raider & Arkham series and each has its own merit! Extremely excited for the remaster of Tomb Raider 1-3 in 2024!!! 😍
@danieln.285 11 ай бұрын
I know a lot of folks were wanting FF7R to have the combat of the original FF7 - the ATB system. Or at least change it. The fact that it didn't come with that left a few pretty disappointed.
@Neonsilver13 11 ай бұрын
Number 8, The Mako was just one of the many things that instead of improving them got cut entirely (or at the most some token leftover remained) when they made ME2. Considering that this was also the time when Bioware was bought by EA, I wouldn't be surprised if that was something mandated by EA. Streamlining the game for a wider audience, so the game went from a RPG with 3rd person shooter elements to a somewhat generic 3rd person shooter with some token RPG elements. Other examples, that they cut or reduced to be just a token leftover, inventory and equipment management, leveling and assigning skillpoints and weapon mods. The mako got something of a replacement in some DLC content in the form of the hammerhead in ME2, while it controlled better it was only available for a few missions and the stupid thing blew up the moment an enemy looked at it funny. Number 1, the problem with Dragon Age 2 wasn't necessarily that the players were confined to Kirkwall and it's surrounding area, it was that they had maybe 3 dungeon areas (cave, beach, house in Kirkwall) that they reused over and over. They only blocked of some pathways to make them look different (and then they didn't even bother to adjust the minimap of those areas). Additionally every choice you made in the game felt pointless with the result being nearly the same regardless of what you did, which felt at least to me highly frustrating. Also while Dragon Age 1 was released after Bioware was aquired by EA, it's likely that they mostly kept their hands off of projects that were already in progress, Dragon Age 2 seems to mirror issues that other games had after the developer was bought out by EA.
@dowman5 11 ай бұрын
Honestly, I don't think EA had much influence on how Mass Effect 2 was developed. ME2 and Dragon Age Origins were close to finished by the time EA acquired them, so their influence was minimal at worst. ME3 and DA2, however? Most definitely. Bioware changed ME2 so drastically because the first game had a lot of flaws that needed addressing. Many of the changes were warranted, but some went too far in the opposite direction, like the Mako and the tech trees (though the latter was fixed in ME3). Still, ME2 is considered the best game in the series by most fans, so Bioware clearly did something right.
@Neonsilver13 11 ай бұрын
​@@dowman5Bioware was bought in 2007, that was the year the first ME was released, ME 2 was released 3 years later. I admit I couldn't really find anything about interference from EA in the development. It's mostly conjecture due to how far the game departed from ME 1. It went from an RPG with shooter elements to a somewhat generic (at gameplay wise) 3rd person shooter. At the time shooters were the current trend and EA isn't exactly a company that is known for being creative. I wish they had at least kept the heat mechanic for the guns, the in game explanation for everyone switching to disposable heatsinks was just stupid and it was a somewhat unique mechanic. Same with shields/barrier/armor automatically protecting the enemies from nearly every ability.
@dowman5 11 ай бұрын
@Neonsilver13 I totally get that. I know that some fans much preferred the feel of ME1. Even as a ME2 enthusias, there were a few aspects of ME1's design that I wished carried over to ME2, like the vast and open looking Citadel. I wasn't as much a fan of the ME2 strip mall and ME3 airport versions of them. Planet exploration was flawed, but with the Bringing Down the Sky DLC, it felt like Bioware figured out how to properly use the mechanic, so it was a bit disappointing that they didn't go further in ME2. On the flip side, I always felt that ME1's RPG mechanics weren't that great to begin with. The menus and inventory were clunky, buying gear was pointless, since you'll always find better loot, and you got so much stuff, eventually, you'd have to sell your weaker equipment or convert it to omni-gel. By the end, you have an abundance of credits that are essentially useless. The ME1 tech trees were too dense, though I do agree that ME2 cut them down too far (but ME3 found a happy medium between the two). As for the combat, it was pretty lousy and repetitive. Switching ammo types was a hassle, guns were unwieldy in their inaccuracy, and the abilities weren't too helpful. That's even with the ME trilogy re-release enhancements, let alone the original version. ME1 has a great narrative and inventive world building, but too much of the was bogged down by mediocre gameplay. I'm glad I stuck with it because the Virmire mission really showcased its greatest strengths, but I don't blame anyone for skipping the game and going straight for the better playing sequels. Bioware choosing to embrace and improve the 3rd person shooting while reducing the RPG mechanics made sense to me, but I understand why some fans oppose the changes.
@flexiblenerd 11 ай бұрын
Hadn't actually played Dragon Age prior to Inquisition and I did enjoy the game. But I never finished it. The battles were very difficult early on, and grinding honestly didn't bring a lot of rewards. Even in games like The Legend of Dragoon (amazing game, by the way), where you have numerous abilities you can grind up to max to get their full potential, there is a bit of a reward for all your hard work. But the only thing you really got from the grind (at least in my experience) in DAI was basically reaching the maximum potential of what you could do in a given map. And given how large it was, like you said, it was almost too much of seeing the same things over and over to the point of becoming boring. While I love the game for its same-sex romance options and it does have a pretty good story overall, even reminding me to some small extent of The Cleric Quintet (one of my favorite book sets, which focuses on a Forgotten Realms cleric who questions his faith), the game overall is fun but has more space than the game can fill. Now look at Horizon: Zero Dawn. Setting aside the GORGEOUS environment of the game, there is a LOT to do in it and a lot of space to do it in. Every hunt can be done differently, and a lot of spots have multiple paths to reach them, allowing you to explore and find something new each time. Skyrim is kind of the same way, giving you a plethora of things to do and numerous ways to play; and even as quickly as you can cover ground, the world is still large enough and complex enough beyond the open spaces themselves that it just feels complete. While DAI is great, it almost didn't feel complete - like that was the final test run, the game was ready to play, it just didn't have everything loaded yet, or...something. I dunno, I got bored with it in places because there was a certain amount of monotony to it. At a certain point, you just want to get a little stronger and do the things so that you can move on, not spend the entire game ONLY grinding. At least in older games, even those from just a few years ago, there was a point to the grind.
@captbuckyohare5585 11 ай бұрын
Jess and Psy are the most engaging and slick Whatculture presenters and fight me.
@morgantaylor84 11 ай бұрын
MGSV is the perfect example of not knowing what you have until it's gone.
@happyjam92 11 ай бұрын
People complaining about metal gears cutscenes baffle me. If you got to the fourth game in the series you know that cutscenes and dialogue are just as much a part of the game as the gameplay itself. MGSV was a huge disappointment, repetitive missions over and over in an empty open world until the credits roll, almost no boss battles, a missing ending and all the plot is told to the player through cassette tapes rather than shown.
@54raynor 11 ай бұрын
The main thing that pissed everyone off about FF7 Remake wasn’t that it was more fleshed out. It’s that it was unfinished. The fact that the ending basically came from a completely different game didn’t help matters.
@evolancer211 11 ай бұрын
I mean it's unfinished cause it's a trilogy but I guess that doesn't mean anything
@54raynor 11 ай бұрын
@@evolancer211 considering how many fans had already played the original game to completion, I’d say no, it doesn’t.
@evolancer211 11 ай бұрын
@@54raynor yeah I completely understand that, I too played and loved the original. But i dunno it didn't really piss me off much, sure it's a bummer the whole thing wasn't released in one go but what can you do? I look at the remake as more of a jumping point for new fans, rather than for us diehards. Yes it's for diehards as well, but Square probably was aiming for new customers since the original players would buy the game no matter who it was aimed at
@jakphannak817 11 ай бұрын
And also not a remake.
@evolancer211 11 ай бұрын
@@jakphannak817 if they didn't want us calling it a remake, should have left it out of the title
@SonicTheDarkHedgehog 11 ай бұрын
That’s the problem. You literally can’t make everybody happy no matter how good the game is. Edit: Most of these games are loved by many.
@PikaLink91 11 ай бұрын
Instead of scaling the difficulty up or down… why not add more difficulty options???
@xzwer-gaming3044 11 ай бұрын
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who enjoyed the Batmobile 🤔
@vandaken3612 11 ай бұрын
If you can't handle the Mako then are you really SPECTRE material?
@gamergustav1639 11 ай бұрын
The Settlers New Allies They wanted to make everyone happy and make everything half way and soulless Nice video
@LabyrinthMike 11 ай бұрын
While I have yet to play Tomb Raider Chronicles, it appears to have been 4 or 5 ideas that the developers didn't think would make complete games. The biggest problem is that it was sort of a punishment to the developers who were burnt out creating a new Tomb Raider game every year. So the publisher forced them to produce yet another game in a year, and gave the job of working on a new game on PS/2 to a group of new game developers. It would have been better to let the veterans and the new people work on Angel of Darkness together and give them two years to complete it. And, they could have answered what happened to Lara in that game.
@djblade187 11 ай бұрын
Back 4 Blood post launch. Most people complained that it was "too hard" so Turtle Rock changed the entire formula of gameplay as well as dumbed down the AI significantly. Although I've logged well over 1500 hours, I still preferred the game on launch day compared to what it is now. They changed it to please the masses of people who wanted to play it for a week and never touch it again. I know I'm in the practically non-existent minority with this opinion, but I even preferred the flashlight that wasn't the blindingly bright LED that's in the game now. Not sure if it was the community that ruined that game or if Turtle Rock is to blame for changing their entire work of art to appease those displeased with everything else. I sincerely appreciate the game, just wish they held more of a FromSoftware stance when it came to community feedback.
@codysimonson6260 11 ай бұрын
I was one that said back for blood was too hard. Problem was that they scaled the difficulties awfully. At the lowest difficulty my wife and I had major issues getting past certain levels. I honestly think they should've just added more lower difficulty levels in the game and neutered the rewards to compensate. I liked the game at launch but when I stopped having fun because I was dying so much and could do nothing about it...
@alexwalker2582 11 ай бұрын
The Battlefront remake. Everyone kept saying "Don't make a Battlefield reskin!", when that was basically what the originals were, and were successful as a result. The Battlefront remake's subsequent failure because they listened to those people really made me want to say 'told you so' to everyone crying not to make it a Battlefield reskin.
@jeuryrabassa4724 11 ай бұрын
Note to self and word of advice: Never whine, beg nor complain about everything, anything, everyone nor anyone at all. As well as Never make excuses nor apologies at all. Because it's pointless and it's not going to change everything nor anything.
@GabePuratekuta 11 ай бұрын
But complaining about everything gets you views!
@jeuryrabassa4724 11 ай бұрын
@GabePuratekuta I would prefer normal conversations and normal talking than/over complaining and arguing. Atleast that way makes it more simple, more meaningful, more definitive and more understandable.
@tristianity5460 11 ай бұрын
How are you going to say whining is never going to change anything in the comment section of a video dedicated to times whining changed things?
@GabePuratekuta 11 ай бұрын
@@jeuryrabassa4724 So do I. It still doesn't change the fact that a current trend in social media, especially for smaller channels, where hating on everything is cool and liking things means you're a conformist.
@jeuryrabassa4724 11 ай бұрын
@GabePuratekuta Maybe and Perhaps I am. I just don't want to hear any whining, complaining, arguing, begging, excuses nor apologies from everyone, anyone nor even from myself. Because it's puts me in really bad, stressful, frustrating and upsetting mood. And I really and always dislike that.
@dvdhound79 11 ай бұрын
Windwaker is a masterpiece
@cppblank 11 ай бұрын
Inquisition is just fine.
@candycover 11 ай бұрын
The problem with Wind Waker when it came out, is that we were shown a development for the game that didn't look cartoonie
@MatadorMedia 11 ай бұрын
TR Chronicles also included the Level Editor on PC which made for years of fun community creations.
@akun50 11 ай бұрын
Games Developers: Fans: WE WANT ! GIVE US ! Game Developers: Fans: NOOOOOOOOoOOOoooOOOooooOOOoo! This isn't what we wanted! We wants more !
@MrSkullMerchant 11 ай бұрын
Dont care what anyone says, the batmobile is the best part of the game.
@samslenderman 10 ай бұрын
Lol I'm sorry, I was heavily involved in the gaming community in 2007, worked for a company and went to conventions and events, and Twilight Princess was BELOVED by everyone I encountered. Truly truly NOT hated by the Zelda community. Perhaps this perceived backlash was regional?
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