📍In August 2014, the world watched in horror as ISIS tore through the Sinjar region of Iraq, committing a brutal genocide against the Yazidi people. Ten years on, through the harrowing experiences of two Yazidi girls, we look back at the Yazidi genocide. Hala was 16-year-old when she because a sex slave for ISIS. After escaping captivity, her fight continues as she struggles to rebuild her life in a crowded refugee camp in Iraq. Faiza, just 10 at the time, endures the trauma alongside her mother and younger brothers. Sold to multiple slave owners, they find a twisted form of coexistence with the perpetrators. But when the opportunity for freedom arises, they flee to Canada, only to be met with a devastating new challenge - her mother’s incurable illness.
@StandinOnBuniss20 күн бұрын
It should have been said that the Yazidis were betrayed by Barsanis kirdish figthers who sold them out in a secret deal with ISIS, and disarmed them before abandoning them to the incoming terrorists hoards
@PEACE-everywhere-again17 күн бұрын
Any genocide is not acceptable … Good created man/humanity but man created RELIGIONS …. Only if we can learn to coexist can humanity survive 🙏
@garfield27423 ай бұрын
Did you see any muslim protesting about ISIS in your country?
@kulanithomasshikweni49383 ай бұрын
What's the meaning of ur question Bro? who's directed to?I'm just trying to understand here hope u understand everything
@johannakadar43143 ай бұрын
Exactly speak up!!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻
@garfield27423 ай бұрын
@@kulanithomasshikweni4938 its a simple question did you see any? Because i lived with nearly 200M muslims and i dont see them complaining about isis.
@kulanithomasshikweni49383 ай бұрын
@@garfield2742 I don't think is a question of Muslims complaining,but all about what Isis did to this ethnic group,we heard stories we saw documentaries,we saw some of these on TV so as I said is not about Muslims not complaining let's not create divisions amongst ourselves using religion Isis did bad things to innocent people
@lislelisle54533 ай бұрын
I was thinking this too!!! 🤔 My heart is so angry for this.
@remi47073 ай бұрын
these are the real refugees Australia should take
@Chantayoll853 ай бұрын
Exactly!!! It’s evil hey !
@Vanessa_6802 ай бұрын
Yes Amen 💖🙏
@Ak-uj3ur2 ай бұрын
I am Ezidi living in Australia. Australia has helped Ezidis a lot and we are very grateful for it. Hala herself now live in Australia.
@mazinilyas34232 ай бұрын
I am a Yazidi living in Australia, where our community numbers around 6,000, which is not enough as many Yazidis continue to face discrimination and live in refugee camps. But, I am incredibly grateful to Australia and its people for welcoming us with such generosity, and I hope more Yazidis can be brought here in the future.
@mazinilyas34232 ай бұрын
@Blahblahblah_420 Many Muslims hold discriminatory views and dislike Yazidis. Recently, there have been thousands of hateful speeches directed at Yazidis from some Muslim scholars, religious leaders, and the general public.
@elizabethsommers74863 ай бұрын
I worked with a yazidi girl she walked from iran to turkey amazing person
@sridharsirEnglish3 ай бұрын
My deep condolences to the yazidi people..may God give the courage to them...from India
@jeniceexe3 ай бұрын
The documentary made me cry. I really hope they find their missing members. It was an amazing film!
@lislelisle54533 ай бұрын
Yes, I'm in tears right now. WHY, JUST WHY.
@HafizullahAmiri-rk9ys3 ай бұрын
you are right i am totally confused how and why happened this
@ynnalazodnemapapid5 сағат бұрын
Heartbroken 😢
@fuyukabalitone2 ай бұрын
Justice for Yazidi people
@IvaK24583 ай бұрын
I cannot believe their own army turned them back & pushed them into their deaths. This is so sad :( The Yazidi's have suffered so much. How is this not talked about any longer? I cannot imagine what all these Yazidi women went through, Humanity is dead :(
@hann52402 ай бұрын
yes but the video forgot to mention the YPG which is a kurdish guerrilla group that saved the yezidis please dont confuse them there are many kurdish fighters each one of them have their own ideology but the YPJ branch of YPG came to save them
@laurarudolph7451Күн бұрын
Yes where were all the people screaming about this genocide. Or the ones in Africa. It is strange. It is horrible and so scary what happened to them.
@gail26982 ай бұрын
Imagine world without Islam
@bunnu9872Ай бұрын
Everyone will be happy Everyone will live together ✝️🕉️✡️🔯🕎☦️☯️
@ThefraudkillerАй бұрын
Isis aren't muslim
@p4p4jujuАй бұрын
or any religion
@SAKE00120 күн бұрын
@theashgirl866217 күн бұрын
No, imagine a world without radicalism and fundamentalism.
@philipdurling19643 ай бұрын
Sending love to my Yazidi brothers and sisters in Christ.
@Ibi163 ай бұрын
What Christ??? They don't worship white god
@HeatherBoo9163 ай бұрын
@TherealStevenSeagal there are Christian Yazidi's, what are you talking about?
@greentractor13 ай бұрын
@@Ibi16 Jesus isn't white.
@OASIS_PATRIOT3 ай бұрын
@@greentractor1jesus is brown skin
@niamtxiv3 ай бұрын
Rude. You can send prayer without bragging. Yazidi are not Christians.
@DevanshTiwari-h8m2 ай бұрын
Muslims did same thing with Kashmiri pandits in kashmir in india
@AarizHaq2 ай бұрын
@BHAGWA.enbdhdjskej2 ай бұрын
@@AarizHaq1992 kasmiri pandit genocide
@AarizHaq2 ай бұрын
@@BHAGWA.enbdhdjskej so like you think because some Muslim’s killed then we should all die?
@zaidalamara69224 күн бұрын
I pretty sure shia muslims got prosecuted then any other faith
@Tyretacnical16 күн бұрын
@nejialcantara26273 ай бұрын
Religion of peace
@richarddawkins46073 ай бұрын
now you kknow. -exmxlm
@Tuzlak3093 ай бұрын
@quankedg3 ай бұрын
Peace for themself in the cost of others' peace. smh
@Karmic_Shaft2 ай бұрын
They even kill each other. Religion of only conquest.
@AarizHaq2 ай бұрын
@@nejialcantara2627 nice argument
@lanad.14233 ай бұрын
@5673073 ай бұрын
@Blahblahblah_420 All-Ham-dulilah I am not Musclim 🤡 to fall fo this al-aska propoganda 🕋
@bunnu9872Ай бұрын
@@567307take beer
@monicakieck75013 ай бұрын
So sad😢😢😢😢😢 may God take care of those that are left; RIP beautiful people 😢😢😢😢
@pentaxtp75272 ай бұрын
not all muslims but always muslims
@bunnu9872Ай бұрын
☪️ancer ☕️ ☕️
@PEACE-everywhere-again17 күн бұрын
So true
@amandajohnson8116Күн бұрын
@TonyRakib2 ай бұрын
Muhammad did the same thing with jews of banu qurayza. They are inspired from their Prophet. Religion of peace
@zaidalamara69224 күн бұрын
Stop the lies and more shia muslims died fighting isis than anyone else nd we have largest cemetery in the world to prove it
@gauravdixit583517 күн бұрын
he was a womenizer and whole community worship him like a ideal man poor fellow
@WoundedWarrior2012Күн бұрын
@vickythefist70623 ай бұрын
I remember watching the live coverage of the people on the mountain trying to escape. It was horrendous.
@Celtic_Iron3 ай бұрын
Firsttime hearing about the Kurds being responsible for turning the Yazidi people back. Shocking
@hann52402 ай бұрын
the video also forgot to say that YPG a kurdish guerrilla group came to save them in hope u dont confuse peşmerga as ypg they are different armys
@shelleyhender85372 ай бұрын
Thank you for this film! As a CANADIAN, who has a Christian family…but…also have a sister who married a Muslim and converted to Islam a number of years ago. I also consider myself fortunate to have many kindhearted Muslim and ex-Muslim friends. This has given me insight into the abuse and diabolical cruelty inflicted by ISIS and many other zealots within the Islam and the Muslim community at large. To be a Muslim, one must believe, pray, and live by the Qur’an. Unfortunately, the Qur’an is a very disturbing text - filled with the justification of such barbarism and evil intent! I have tried to discuss this with my sister, but years of abuse by her husband and his family, along with the belief that she is meant to obey her husband, his family, and a diety at all cost - if she ever wishes to enter paradise, has left her with tremendous scars - of which she is reluctant to discuss. Fortunately, her children have chosen not to marry someone from their parents’ faith…choosing to marry Christians or nonbelievers. Personally, I only want my sister and her children to have a happy and fruitful life - regardless who they marry! Unfortunately, in the west, we are so terrified of being labeled a racist or an Islamophobe…it has allowed and even encouraged such abuse to continue. I have been a therapist for decades…working with sexually abused children. Sexual abuse is the darkest of cruelties, and inflicted on the most innocent within our communities! We need to stand up for their justice…but more importantly…we must do our utmost to prevent such abuse from occurring. We must protect the Innocent and insisting our communities offer support to those who have endured such malevolence. We also need to encourage families to discuss this topic, and know where they can find assistance and therapy. As many are not fluent in the language of their new homeland, we need to inform both the public and the victims in a bilingual/multilingual address. Finally, I am grateful to our Canadian government, careworkers, therapists, and volunteers, for their sensitivity, humanity, and protection from the cruelty of such predators! I am always encouraged when I witness men standing with us, as we can save lives by doing so! May these precious souls find peace and joy in their futures!
@kawtarhadi73592 ай бұрын
Have you read the Quran? Have you read the interpretations?
@isoldam2 ай бұрын
@@kawtarhadi7359 I've read the English translation. I was not impressed.
@kawtarhadi73592 ай бұрын
@isoldam Did you benefit from the English translation?
@shelleyhender85372 ай бұрын
@@kawtarhadi7359 I sure have!
@kawtarhadi73592 ай бұрын
@shelleyhender8537 Some say that the English translation has several verses deleted.
@ZEROPENDES3 ай бұрын
So sorry for all those who suffered, may those innocent men and women who died rest in peace.
@vickythefist70623 ай бұрын
Amazing documentary. Well worth watching 😢
@alina04052 ай бұрын
It’s sick that this kind of evil can exist. Horrible 💔
@Willowz88uy2 ай бұрын
And Palestinians holding them as slaves...
@Vilator2 ай бұрын
Doesn't make sense
@ludwigjosh96192 ай бұрын
Yupp theres one captive in hamas territory
@Ron-dv8jj5 күн бұрын
200 hostage Yezidis Palestine…
@navit436923 күн бұрын
Yazidi girl was rescued by Israel from Gaza. Were is your protest for that!
@KhattaMeethaOficial3 ай бұрын
Religion of peace after all…..
@Jenvlogs4043 ай бұрын
One of the most ancient and unique grassroot communities, lost over half of its popuIation and the preying does not end, local benefit and later claim its history and say naturally changed, how can any remotely support and the world is siIent and why think priorities must be made.
@Namit-q7i3 ай бұрын
Yezidis are beautiful
@eriklindbergh12553 ай бұрын
May Jesus protect them
@niamtxiv3 ай бұрын
❤ prayer to Yazidi. May they continue to keep their culture and religion into the future. I cannot forgive the Muslims and Christians for their barbarian beliefs, causing chaos in the worls
@eddiewood75732 ай бұрын
If you read the teachings of Jesus Christ you would know that he does not encourage killing in any way! The muslims does that the quran teaches hate and killing. The Bible Teaches you to pray for our enemies, Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17You shall not murder! Thou shalt not kill !
@SP-wg9bbКүн бұрын
Unfortunately, you see the same pattern all over the globe!!!!!!!!! More power to all such ancient Indigenous communities, love and strength to you all from a Kashmiri Hindu community who faced the exact same brutality and genocide.
@eduardojuarez14492 ай бұрын
So glad to see the catholic priest helping out the refugees this tells a lot which religion is the true and which one is from the devil.
@theguy5806Ай бұрын
Just imagine what islam has done when there was no cameras back few hundred years ago
@briannec20168 күн бұрын
EVERY major religion has extremists who have done horrible things.
@azadi6995Ай бұрын
Literally after 10 years of genocide. I can't get over the hell of ISIS. I don't know why they did all this to us. 😢
@FaustusChajaBell16 күн бұрын
@azadi6995 I hope one day you wear a limonite pendant. The folklore of the limonite mineral is stability, healing, protection. I hope you Google this mineral and find out about it's metaphysical properties and folklore. If I could give you something I would give you a limonite pendant as it will help you heal. There's lots to learn about it. All the best to you. I know you would have inner strength.
@georgihАй бұрын
I was in Lalish a month ago, very interesting place and yazidis were very warm people
@KevinNguyen-zn4vv3 ай бұрын
Theocracy is a dangerous weapon.
@user-wd2ol8ry3h24 күн бұрын
Fawzia Amin Sido (21), the young Yazidi girl who was kidnapped from her home in Iraq in 2014 when she was 11 years old - and was freed from the Gaza Strip about two weeks ago - told the British "Sun" about life since the kidnapping, starvation, abuse - and the rape she went through. "They cooked rice and meat, and brought us something to eat. We were so hungry, so we immediately ate everything that was on the table," Sido repeated. "We knew something was wrong, because the taste was strange, but we were hungry. After we finished, we all had stomachaches and felt unwell. Then they told us that the meat we ate was from babies." According to her, one of the women had a heart attack and died on the spot. "They showed us pictures of babies whose heads were cut off, and said 'these are the children you ate'. It was very difficult but it is not our fault. They forced it on us. It was not in our hands," she said. In a chilling description, Sido added that the mothers of the babies cried and screamed at that moment - because they understood why they were separated from their babies. "One of them even recognized her son in the photos they showed her," she added.
@vskarki3 ай бұрын
Hope they will recover from what they have faced.
@toocooltobecruel14 күн бұрын
My heart breaks for the girl in Canada 💔 Life is so unfair. I’m hoping for a miracle - that her mother recovers and that they can live a happy life after everything they’ve been through.
@Pattys19672 ай бұрын
Amazing video,thank you for sharing.❤
@johnnychannel78243 ай бұрын
Why don’t Muslims fight their battles?
@prodigygirl1Ай бұрын
Yazidi are beautiful people.
@DinaAutore3 ай бұрын
This really gives us Westerners an open book at Yazizis reality. These poor people, are just trying to live. Their captors, may they ALL live in eternal Hell. These men and women, remind me of Palestinian’s, with their strength and steadfastness. Truly loving people, I love their culture ❤
@user-sj8ki6ep5i2 ай бұрын
@DinaAutore, the Yazidis are nothing like the Palestinians. Yazidis are an ancient people who lived in their ancient homeland for thousands of years. The "palestinians" are a myth created by Yasser Arafat and the KGB in the 1960's.
@motasis12 ай бұрын
No one should go through this
@akhilrai77003 ай бұрын
Salute and great respect and love to all those people who are looking after those people who are suffering around the world ❤ keep up the good work
@user-sj8ki6ep5i2 ай бұрын
Sent this video to Owen Jones, maybe he could ramble and rant and distort the truth about this.
@kaosaelee31462 ай бұрын
In the end, war always affects the innocent the most! Where do these ppl go now that the war ended? They shouldn’t be forced to suffer in refugee camps either!!!!
@g.free2.play1Ай бұрын
Will there was no War, just our Moslem neighbour did that to us. We don’t have a country to be in War with anyone.
@liigachka32 ай бұрын
Thank you for the great documentary! Thank you to all the brave girls speaking up! It's too sad genocide like this is still happening to this day, in our modern world, life would be so much better without Islam 🙏
@Vilator2 ай бұрын
Might need to get more knowledge about Islam before you say that, just a note that there are different types of Muslim. Not all Muslims are the same.
@liigachka32 ай бұрын
@@Vilator the more I know about Islam, the less I like it. In my country Latvia we are mostly christians, but we also still have our ancient belief in our deities and celebrate our ancient holiday of the summer solstice and other important celebrations. There are no contradictions between Christianity and the faith of our ancestors, they coexist very well. But with Islam it is completely different - islamists wherever they go, they always insist that others learn their ways and adjust. You can not do that - it's a two way street. Sooner or later there will come a time when you will face an insurmountable wall because there are many older, more developed, better and stronger religions in this world, and then what will you do. Develop your faith in your own country and leave other countries and people alone - we were better off without you.
@lililalalololeleАй бұрын
my heart goes out to the beautiful Yazidi people may you find peace I'm so sorry for what happened to you. its absolutely horrible
@irishdevil149018 күн бұрын
I am really stunned by this , it's more then heartbreaking it's criminal, I will pray for them and for all of us , times are more terrifying then people realize and this bubble of being safe is going to pop and people aren't going to be ready.
@kulanithomasshikweni49383 ай бұрын
People of any colour can defend those Isis dangerous monsters but we cant defend what they did,it cannot be undone,n nothing beautiful or good to be said about it.isis did the unspeakable to these innocent tribe of people,this was the most insane brutal treatment of humans old people,fathers mothers brothers n sisters n children.very sad, regardless of who u are,skin colour this is so hurtful to watch n see what happened to these people may the perished ones their souls continue to rest.stop killing people in the name of religion!
@TheRevering2 ай бұрын
I didn't know the Kurds did that...... That is rather shocking.
@azadi6995Ай бұрын
I am Yazidi and everything in the documents is true, unfortunately.
@kwemoiabed2661Ай бұрын
Islam 😢
@Griffel013 ай бұрын
And the countries that can, does not help? The countries that knew did NOTHING...!!!??? God's WRATH is coming for those governments that can and do nothing...! I could not help crying as to see and hear what people do in the name of a religion...! 😢
@gabrielsanzuАй бұрын
this documentary breaks my heart. Why are people so crewl to eachother
@shakuntalapandita42503 ай бұрын
May God protect yezidi
@daphnegreyling97065 сағат бұрын
My heart aches for the awful suffering and persecution the Yazidis have suffered over the decades. May God have mercy on their souls and comfort them.
@ranotw55Ай бұрын
More people should see this, this history of how governments can sacrifice people like they are nothing, only for political gains. People should see how radical islam can be..this happened to many minority of people from different religions who lived in iraq.
@briannec20168 күн бұрын
46:56 This girl is so damn strong, but my heart breaks for her, I can't stop tearing up. I remember crying while watching live coverage of the Yazidis trapped on that mountain. First, they were tears of heartbreak, then they turned into tears of rage because NOBODY (mainly my useless gov) was going anything!
@lindathorburn99122 ай бұрын
Heartbreaking. My hearts goes out the the Yazidi people and to those who helped or are now helping them.
@TinkuMathew8 күн бұрын
How can they kill someone in the name of their God.
@torchtube56212 күн бұрын
I can't believe my hero Kurdish people allowed that to happen. The Kurds have always been the bravest people I knew in that area in one of the few bright spots I seen about Islam😢
@HermojenesMarquezКүн бұрын
Pray for Kurdish people,GOD bless you.
@vickythefist70623 ай бұрын
I wonder if there are still enslaved girls who haven't managed to be reunited
@azadi6995Ай бұрын
Yes, there are still many female captives in Al-Hol camp and no one knows anything about them.😢
@SamMaefolo3 ай бұрын
Very sad
@zullyfeehilly89683 ай бұрын
Blame it to hillary clinton who create and fund them
@isoldam2 ай бұрын
That's quite a stupid conspiracy theory you've got there.
@zullyfeehilly89682 ай бұрын
@@isoldam why ? Even trump Siad that ...
@nichellebinion3763 ай бұрын
Have been watching videos with Iraq spelled with k not q,can someone tell me why
@richarddawkins46073 ай бұрын
this is the true !, slam
@danielndungu43173 ай бұрын
Religion, theology, man's quest for the truth about his own choices
@BaBR-3 ай бұрын
To be fair , the video on 3:00 its from series.
@khobuzovenuh933517 күн бұрын
Please have a look at the war going on in Manipur(north east india ) .it's going on for more than a year and the government are still turning a blind eye.😢
@ayushsnandan8 күн бұрын
@StandinOnBuniss20 күн бұрын
It should have been said that the Yazidis were betrayed by Barsanis kirdish figthers who sold them out in a secret deal with ISIS, and disarmed them before abandoning them to the incoming terrorists hoards
@binky8501Күн бұрын
Blurring these videos is disrespectful to those who died
@PEACE-everywhere-again17 күн бұрын
“An eye for an eye “ makes the whole world blind ….. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@LightninCloud2 ай бұрын
Our people experienced genocide. Native Canadian.
@PEACE-everywhere-again17 күн бұрын
Am sure for an eye makers the whole world blind 😢😢
@YourLoyalHighness8720 сағат бұрын
I watch interviews of men who have fought over there. They have crazyyyyyy stories. Ones we can’t even cook up in our wildest dreams or nightmares.. but one thing that always sticks with me is one guy a couple weeks back I saw, he said of all the enemy forces, ISIS is by FAR the worse and most brutal and had the most depraved ways of killing people, even their own. Ps- don’t quote me or anything, I obviously wasn’t there. But I do very much believe what he said
@PEACE-everywhere-again17 күн бұрын
The answer lies in the most basic of human sins , jealousy, gluttony , envy and rage …. Bestowed by Islamic rulers and NOT. The populace itself …. Let’s not be 3 blind mice … Let there be peace for all … The world is a family , together we thrive 🙏🙏🙏🙏🫶
@bmbm13788 күн бұрын
@alansouter67133 ай бұрын
Sadam was kind to them
@heekyungkim8147Күн бұрын
So much evil in the world….. why kurds betrayed yazidi people?
@pavelp9887Ай бұрын
So Obama and Biden could have prevented this and didnt. Good to know.
@rohiniAlavi2 ай бұрын
may jesus protec yzied i
@LorettaBrail3 ай бұрын
Why cover the pictures? Are we to believe any of this if it is hidden? Stop hiding the videos.
@Chantayoll853 ай бұрын
Think I do believe in Hell again ! Now I grow up and see the evil And that needs to be a place of accountability as it’s not here! A saint of a man spirit of God I’m him that was saving them ! Good on those men 🙌🏼💜
@BakariHenryGideon2 ай бұрын
I wept
@sarthakpokharel2404Ай бұрын
Fullah hu fuckbur
@butter5144Ай бұрын
@rohiniAlavi2 ай бұрын
@HoraceThompson-nt7qn9 күн бұрын
@Tyretacnical16 күн бұрын
Fake propaganda vedio
@azadi699514 күн бұрын
The quality of old videos has been improved by AI Smart.
@JulieB-k3h3 ай бұрын
JV team.
@garyjaguar80663 ай бұрын
I can only see women fleeing the country and escaping , why no men come to uk . Its just women and still do full cover. Strange
@kathy13103 ай бұрын
Because ISIS murdered the men! Don't you get it yet? How could they escape when they were DEAD? Geez!!!!
@dlwlrma70823 ай бұрын
this documentary has too much ai and photoshop in it
@NemoElohemi3 ай бұрын
God sees and God knows. Stop lying. This happened before AI and we were all watching it live!
@butter5144Ай бұрын
@smallpack989914 күн бұрын
😂 yes the world is lieying but blood on your hands are true
@myilham813 ай бұрын
ok those AI photos unnecessary.....and sloppy 🤔😑😯😩😵
@yashfini_20.103 ай бұрын
Yazidi girls is Palestinian girls
@rambocobra50142 ай бұрын
@sashagarcia62052 ай бұрын
7:43 my god 😢
@lanamoknii60593 күн бұрын
Jesus arms are open for you beautiful Yazidis. God bless you.
@moalllivesmatter2 ай бұрын
American narrating 🤔🤔🤔🤔 I know ISIS did bad things but for an American to be narrating this, I better get this documentary elsewhere. I cannot believe a word that comes out of this man’s mouth
@dlwlrma70823 ай бұрын
the video at 3:00 looks like ai. is this propaganda? or what
@Yazdegerdiranyar3 ай бұрын
It's “AI-improved”
@NemoElohemi3 ай бұрын
We saw it live before AI. AI has nothing on people. People are worse than any AI.