It’s a learning journey. I’ve watched old school collector channels who scoff at the value of a binary that’s not 0s and 1s only , any trinary, any low serial number that has less than six leading zeros, and so on. Well, times have changed eBay has your proof. I’ve let some good notes back into the wild listening to the old schoolers! Live and learn. I wish you success with your pain management journey!
@allincurrencycollecting11 күн бұрын
Hi. Thanks for checking out the channel and sharing your insights. Appreciate you. I agree with you on that there is a whole new collector base and a new range of fancies to be collected. Thanks for your kind word's.
@wibianawulannandari941915 күн бұрын
Very nice sharing video
@allincurrencycollecting11 күн бұрын
Thank you for your kind words. I will always try my best to share honestly and speak from the heart. Thanks for checking us out and I would appreciate your input on future shows. Hope your weekend is great.
@ChangeIsGoodCoinHunts15 күн бұрын
Here's my input, and it's actually in your favor. The 6-of-a-kind 1's note is actually a 25 point note, as we placed them in the same category as regular radar and repeater notes. We can't really give a 1-point "trinary bonus" to 6-of-a-kinds because they're always going to be either trinary or binary notes. The slight miscut note isn't quite enough to be scorable. Neither one of us has had enough of a miscut note to score with it yet. I was thinking it has to be cut right on the border. If the opposite border is showing, that would qualify as a moderate miscut. As for the inking error, it looks good under the scope, but it's also very minor, similar in measure to the over-inked "7" I found recently. The one I found also looked cool under the scope, but I didn't score it. If an entire digit was missing, it would definitely be score-worthy. The errors are always going to be tough, as they're all on a spectrum. Nonetheless, my point total for your battle was 38 points, almost a tie. Not as bad as you thought 😎
@allincurrencycollecting12 күн бұрын
Hello Brian. Thanks for catching my missed You wouldn't believe the mess that happened here. As soon as I finished shooting I uploaded my video before I added tags and description. Somehow my phone entered the twilight zone and was never seen again. All my data was lose in the wind. After days of frustration and many hours of switching around plans and somehow spending hundreds of dollars on free phones, we're back in the saddle again. Congratulations in your victory upon the field of battle, my friend. Best of luck in the hunt.
@ChangeIsGoodCoinHunts12 күн бұрын
@@allincurrencycollecting I wondered why you went dark all of a sudden haha. I'm glad you got things straightened out 😀 I forgot to congratulate you on reaching 100 subs!
@kevingalusha221012 күн бұрын
True binary has only 0s and 1s. True trinary has only 0s 1s and 2s. True quarternary has only 0s 1s 2s and 3s. New subscriber here. Thank you for your content!
@allincurrencycollecting11 күн бұрын
Hello. Apologies for my late response. Had data breach issues. Thanks for the input on the true trinary and quaternary. I'm working on learning the new types of fancies being collected now. Appreciate your viewing and following the channel. Input on upcoming shows would be great.
@kevingalusha221011 күн бұрын
@@allincurrencycollecting Brian from Change is Good recommend your channel during one of the competition hunts. Good call! I’m still learning too but I’ll put in my two cents worth if it helps.