yes, if anyone touch my daughter, i will try my best to protect her.... She is addicted to the man! They are the same as they just love themselves, more than thier son...poor kid.
"佢都一樣係扭曲曬d事實,明明係佢唔岩,佢會話係你問題,又或者話你蠢,不斷去踩低你,令你慢慢成個人冇曬自信 係朋友面前扮到對你好好,令好多朋友都會講:佢對你真係好好阿!令你有種,其實佢對我好好既感覺,可能平時只係返工太辛苦所以有d脾氣姐既感覺" They never felt they have mistakes. Normally those kinds of people are very big ego like this and they like to use this to manipulate another one to boost their ego and make them feel superior. Deep down they are low self esteem. They brainwash you to feel inferior cos they know no one can take them like this except you, that's why to keep u stay and u cant walk away
每個人嘅生命本身都係獨特而且寶貴的。你嘅丈夫明顯長期無好好尊重同保護你同小朋友。要focus on 佢嘅行為,唔好理太多佢講嘅說話。佢將佢嘅不良行為合理化,唔代表真係合埋。 我係一個逃離domestic abuse剛剛一年,前夫疑似有人格障礙嘅媽媽。你要求助同好好加油。有d人係點都要唔會明你嘅處境,但總亦有唔少有經歷嘅人可以同理你嘅感受。唔好灰心。做多d research 睇吓自戀型人格同gas lightning 心理abuse嘅資料. You tuber 如 Dr Cater 同 Dr Ramani on narcissistic personality都好詳盡。