お母さんの福岡に行く前に『行く•行かない』で、頭の中で戦っておもしろかったけど、今度東京に行く前に、お母さんが『行く•行かない』で悩む場面はあるのか気になります😊(笑)。 3月なら空港内の紅梅の花、4月なら桜の花、5月なら空港内の青い藤の花(鬼滅の刃)が咲いてると思います😊。 = 어머니의 후쿠오카에 가기 전에 『가는 • 가지 않는다』로 머리 속에서 싸워서 재미있었지만, 이번 도쿄에 가기 전에 어머니가 『가기・가지 않는다』로 고민하는 장면은 있는지 궁금합니다 😊(웃음). 3월이라면 공항내의 홍매화, 4월이면 벚꽃, 5월이면 공항내의 푸른 등나무꽃(귀멸의 칼날)이 피어 있다고 생각합니다😊.
It may be a difference in translation, but it is written as somen, but it is Japanese soba. Hana herself had the experience of risking her life to escape from North Korea, so it's wonderful that she wants her son to experience the preciousness of freedom. Japanese conveyor belt sushi is cheap and delicious! If you have a chance someday, why not go to a popular conveyor belt sushi restaurant in Ishikawa, Fukui, or Toyama prefectures in the Hokuriku region? It's more expensive than regular conveyor belt sushi, but the quality of the ingredients is different and it's very delicious.