Рет қаралды 64
1 . Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
2. Adopt or Amend Agenda
3. Guest Presentation(s)
4. Action Item - Approve Consent Agenda
A. Minutes from October 2023 Regular Meeting
B. Bill Payments 5. Patron Input
6. Informational Reports
A. Financial Report
B. Technology Director's Report
C. JES Principal's Report
D. Superintendent's Report
E. Trustee Report(s)
7. Action Item(s)
A. Consider RFP for KHS Parking Lot
8. Action Item(s) - Policy
A. Consider Amending 7430 Travel Allowances and Expenses
9. Policy Review
A. 2335 Digital Citizenship and Safety Education
B. 3460 School-Related Foreign Travel by Students
C. 3520 Contagious or Infectious Diseases
D. 3523 Head Lice (Pediculosis) (New Policy - First Reading)
E. 4330 Spectator Conduct and Sportsmanship for Athletic and Co-Curricular Events
F. 5280 Professional Standards Commission (PSC) Code of Ethics
G. 5500 Personnel Files H. 7260 Student Activity Fund
l. 7440 District Credit Cards
10. Board Member Input for Future Agenda Items
1 1. Adjourn