Dude’s taking the “but you can’t stop watching him” a BIT too seriously 💀
@ContradictoryKevin2 ай бұрын
Finally... I can make the request for someone... to MAKE A POWER LINK COVER WITH PARKER AND JIMMY! After the beat drop, you can use snippets of the burger song from the Cook Serve Delicious segment! The ones I had in mind were "Bacon-bacon-lettuce-lettuce, bacon-lettuce-meat-some-lettuce, bacon, lettuce, cheese, tomato" then just random screams Parker did during the show. It'd be so good.
@yakiegraper2 ай бұрын
This was one of my favorite episodes
@GingerJohnson-d4t2 ай бұрын
it went from cooking show to reality show all the way to surviving show LOL
@paybatshadow2 ай бұрын
This show is so funny i missed this show so much
@foxtube22 ай бұрын
He gives him the rose and still voted him off wow...... jerk