《前來敬拜祢 》 主我前來敬拜祢 Lord I come to worship 我渴慕貼近祢心 I long to draw near to Your heart 祢賜我生命氣息 You’ve breathed life into me 稱我為祢的兒女 And called me Your child 主我前來敬拜祢 Lord I come to worship 讓我靈向祢甦醒 Awaken my soul towards You 獻上我全人全心 I give You my whole heart 願成為馨香活祭 As a fragrant offering 來到我主寶座前 I come before Your throne 專心瞻仰祢榮面 To gaze upon Your beauty 祢腳前放下冠冕 I lay my crowns at Your feet 讚美祢直到永遠 And praise You forever more 我未成形前 祢已認識我 Before I was formed You knew me 我受造為要榮耀祢 I was created to give You glory 主祢深知 我每個意念 You know my every thought 我降服自己由祢掌權 I surrender myself to You 唯有祢 聖潔和公義 Only You are Holy and righteous 唯有祢 配得大讚美 Only You are worthy of praise 祢擔當了我的罪 You have borne all my sin 洗淨我的污穢 Washed all my iniquities 唯有祢信實不改變 Only You are faithful till the end 高舉祢聖名到永遠 We exalt Your Holy name forever 坐在寶座的聖潔羔羊 To the Lamb who sits on the throne 祢配得讚美 配得讚美 You’re worthy of all praise 眾天使和長老要宣揚 Oh the angels and elders declare 祢配得讚美 配得讚美 You’re worthy of all praise