12 Undiscovered Warshipwrecks of world war II

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The Buzz

The Buzz

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@cnichting08 2 жыл бұрын
I know one US battleship that still needs to be found is uss Pennsylvania
@kirbysinclair9936 2 жыл бұрын
USS Pennsylvania was scuttled in Kwajalein Atoll in 1948, after having been a 'target' in the Operation Crossroads Atomic Bomb Tests in July 1946.
@cnichting08 2 жыл бұрын
@@kirbysinclair9936 that's true but exactly where in Atoll
@WardenWolf 2 жыл бұрын
Also USS Oklahoma, as she sank near Hawaii while being towed back to the mainland.
@dhamrick100 2 жыл бұрын
Pennsylvania should have been preserved since it was Arizona's twin sister.
@cnichting08 2 жыл бұрын
@@dhamrick100 I have to agree with you and she shouldn't have been in that test in the first place and I've been to the Arizona memorial in person
@juliancate7089 Жыл бұрын
HMS Centurion was scuttled in very shallow water to form an artificial breakwater. Her wreck was never fully submerged and was completely salvaged for scrap after the war. So the reason her wreck "has never been found" is because it doesn't exist. Repeat, it was cut up for scrap decades ago.
@markusmueller2246 Жыл бұрын
I was wonering what kind of barrier it would have been if it never was even found......
@juliancate7089 Жыл бұрын
@@markusmueller2246 Yeah, I hate this sort of click-bait garbage.
@mastick5106 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for clearing that up. I couldn't figure out how you could possibly lose a ship sunk in shallow enough water to form a breakwater.
@shai-hulud_1693 6 ай бұрын
KZbin top-ten lists are totally the best place to looking for historical accuracy, lol.
@xgford94 2 жыл бұрын
HMS Centurion does not need discovering as it is clearly marked on charts and has been since it was scuttled, it did move in the squall and has been partially salvaged, but it’s not “Lost”
@zombieshoot4318 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah kinda perked up on that one. The allies sunk it on purpose so they knew exactly where it was when it sank. Just no one actually cares enough about it to go see it in person as it wasn't lost in battle.
@dspates51 2 жыл бұрын
HMS Centurion is not a King George V class battleship.
@givenfirstnamefamilyfirstn3935 2 жыл бұрын
@@dspates51 Oh yes it was. Look it up.
@lirune1558 Жыл бұрын
@@dspates51 there were 2 different King George V Class, one in 1911 (4 ships) and fought in Battle of Jutland, another class were made in 1939 (5 ships).
@Telefiend Жыл бұрын
I was trying to understand how you could possibly not know where a ship you scuttled to be part of a mulberry harbor was located?
@wardkelman7994 2 жыл бұрын
The French Submarine Surcouf has never been found. At the time of her sinking, she was the largest submarine in the world. It is believed she sank in the Caribbean.
@HrothgarHeavenlight 2 жыл бұрын
As is ORP Orzeł.
@edl617 2 жыл бұрын
Puerto Rico trench ?
@lancerevell5979 2 жыл бұрын
The Surcouf was an interesting design study, though how well she would do in battle was never really tested.
@Ibuki01 2 жыл бұрын
USS Dorado, a Gato class lost on the way to the Panama Canal.
@hollymartins6913 2 жыл бұрын
Such a beautiful and fascinating boat! I've been intrigued by the Surcouf story since I was a boy.
@gregoryp2859 Жыл бұрын
There are many terrifying ways to die in combat. Being trapped in a dark, confined and flooding compartment is certainly one of the worst. RIP to all those brave souls who perished.
@barneylinet6602 2 жыл бұрын
These shipwrecks are places of honor. Nations of people placed their hopes and faith in these warriors of the sea. Rest in peace shipmates.
@scottspink8722 6 ай бұрын
Doesnt stop the Chinese from plundering them though
@AussiePom 5 ай бұрын
There are some in his world who don't share that sentiment and they salvage warship shipwrecks like the cruiser HMS Exeter which no longer exists there just being a depression in the sea floor where the ship lay. Some want pre atomic age steel and they're prepared to pay astronomical amounts of money to get it and one to get it is to cut up war grave warships in relatively shallow watery graves. The governments these ship once served do nothing to stop it but issue a few strongly worded statements which of course are ignored by the governments who waters the ships laid in and the people doing the salvaging.
@scottspink8722 5 ай бұрын
@AussiePom Chinese have a bad reputation for doing that, doubt they are the only ones but I'm sure those who do it would object if other countries went off salvaging/desecrating their own
@AussiePom 5 ай бұрын
@@scottspink8722 Creating zones around the wrecks won't stop the salvaging unless those zones are regularly patrolled.
@BjarneLinetsky 5 ай бұрын
@@AussiePom The armor used on these ships was some special alloy, the composition and details of which was secret.....that is what these buzzards are after. there is a curse on it. i would not wish to offend the spirits who died in violence....
@IcanDriveIt Жыл бұрын
I cannot wait until someone finds the wreck of the shinano. It’s such an intriguing ship
@AngryCanine 2 жыл бұрын
HMS Barham was accidentally sunk by the German U-boat stalking the convoy which also had HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Valiant, those being 2 of Barham's 4 sister ships, the others being the greatest royal navy warship ever built but not present, HMS Warspite, as she was seriously damaged and in dry dock for repairs, and also not present HMS Malaya which was escorting a different convoy I think at the time. Of the 5 Queen Elizabeth Class Super Dreadnoughts, only 1 was ever lost. The U-boat that took down Barham was spotted by the escorting destroyers. The U-boat captain saw the Destroyers suddenly turn towards the sub and knew he had been spotted, and would be a sitting duck if he wasn't to act now and retreat. The process of an emergency decent required the torpedo tubes to be emptied, so without a target he ordered the torpedoes to be launched and begin falling back. He managed to get away from the Destroyers because he acted quickly enough, however he and his crew were shocked when they got a new look at the group, to see Barham leaning to port with an evacuation taking place, meaning the stray torpedoes had in fact found a target. The video of Barham beginning to lean to port, roll over and explode was filmed on the deck of HMS Valiant, as she tried to get close enough to Barham to rescue her crew, but not close enough in case something were to happen, in which case, the rear magazine detonating almost right after rolling over 90 degrees to port, submerging most of the super structure, and leaving most of her crew sitting on the side of the ship, thinking they were safe, only to be killed by the sudden explosion. Almost every crew member onboard Barham that survived were already in the water. The explosion took over 850 lives, of the 1100 or so crew. Ironically though, because Barham was sunk and the other 4 Queen Elizabeth dreadnoughts scrapped (Warspite going out on her own terms) Barham remains the only Queen Elizabeth Class Dreadnought left, even though she is somewhere at the bottom of the deepest parts of the Mediterranean sea, likely in 2 large pieces as the explosion likely ripped her in half, and seeing how she went down after the explosion, appears as if she did break in 2, sinking incredibly quickly while her bow remained on the surface until nearly completely vertical under water.
@johngregory4801 2 жыл бұрын
Ahhhhh, HMS Warspite. The Grand Lady ALWAYS set her own terms!
@Eire_Aontaithe Жыл бұрын
Got what they deserved. The entire british isles should be sunk
@uffia.6817 Жыл бұрын
Accidentially sunk - are you sure? Do you have a source for that affirmation? Emergency dive or any deep dive required the torpedo tubes to be CLOSED, not EMPTIED. Torps were too precious to be wasted in that manner.
@AngryCanine Жыл бұрын
@@uffia.6817 Yeah. The tubes are emptied before an emergency dive and flooded before being closed. Barham was not the intended target according to the captain of the U-boat, he was more concerned with getting the U-boat away from the several destroyers closing in on his position, so the torpedoes were fired without a target, but still managed to find Barham. If I wassnt to busy at the moment to sit and try to find the name of said U-boat I would put it here so you can read up on it. That uboat was never sunk, but surrendered at the end of the war to the British forces or the American forces, don't remember which, and it was sunk deliberately soon after.
@uffia.6817 Жыл бұрын
@@AngryCanine Well, I have some very serious doubts about the quality of the "information" you spread here. For example, I would think that torpedo tubes which are open for firing are also open to the sea and thus don't need to be "flooded before being closed" - kinda logical. Furthermore the name of the said U-boat which sank the Barham is well-known in interested circles and easy to find via Google, and oh wonder, even a simple Wikipedia search yields the information that said sub - U-331 - was sunk on 17 November 1942. In short, your claims about the history of said sub are simply not true. I am a hobby WWII naval historian for 30+ years and happen to be able to read German sources. I tell you that I have never come accross any claims about an "accidential sinking" of Barham. The history books and the accounts of the commander of U-331 which survived the sinking of his sub do not mention any "accidential sinking" by "emptying of the tubes into the blue" - on the contrary. And I have never ever come accross a reference about a procedure of "emptying the tubes" before an emergency dive. Have you ever played a subsim which models such a procedure? I happen to have played many WWII subsims since Silent Service on the C64, including "realism mods" - and none of them has an emergency dive procedure that includes emptying the tubes. Unless you can provide some reliable sources to back-up your claims, I can only conclude that you don't know what you are talking about. PS: At www.uboatarchive.net/Diving/DivingRegulations.htm you can find the English translation of the German Navy's Diving Regulations for U-boats published in 1943. There is no mention of emptying the tubes for an emergency dive. It is said that below a diving depth of 20 meters the torpedo tube outer doors must be closed "in consideration of the torpedoes". Just wondering - why bother if those torpedoes tubes have just been emptied according to your story?
@logandarklighter 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting notes about the Japanese Aircraft Carrier Shinano ( 06:03 ). When her hull was first laid down, she was going to be the third Yamato class battleship. However, the Japanese saw the way that Naval Combat was evolving (a bit too late) and switched gears mid-construction to make her an aircraft carrier. One of the reasons she sunk so easily is that she did not have a full crew aboard - merely a "transport" crew transporting her to another port where her construction was to be completed. A trained military crew with all her damage control capabilities installed might have saved her, or at least gotten her to beach herself somewhere along the Japanese coast. But with no trained crew and safety and damage control gear not yet installed, she was doomed the moment the torpedoes struck.
@metaknight115 2 жыл бұрын
There was also the fact that her watertight doors were either not sealed properly or not installed at all
@ddland45 Жыл бұрын
@@metaknight115 She was still technically "under construction" and a lot of her systems had not been installed yet. She was hardly "sea worthy" yet, but I think they moved her to avoid being bombed... so she got torpedoed.
@sirfrydryk360 Жыл бұрын
The seals for her water tight doors were not installed yet, they were going to be at the port she was being moved too.
@goldgamercommenting2990 Жыл бұрын
There’s actually an argument currently going on that includes shinano Due to size and weight, shinano was argued of being the first super carrier, though she’s not That’s still being argued over shinano, midway and Forrestal with no one claiming as the first super carrier Only time can tell
@ddland45 Жыл бұрын
@@goldgamercommenting2990 Technically, at 72, 000 tns fully loaded, Shinano was the largest and heaviest "aircraft carrier" until the 81,000 tn Forrestal was built in 1954. But Shinano was still a converted battleship and, in reality didn't have the hangar capacity for any real "fleet" carrier status. Her size and weight were mainly attributed to being the third Yamato-class battleship that was roughly 45% complete with her main armor belt, machinery and lower decks installed. Her actual designation was as a support carrier, carrying aircraft, fuel and ordinance for other fleet carriers.
@bernardtimmer6723 2 жыл бұрын
Eagle was a converted battleship, both Glorious and Courageous were converted from light battlecruisers, as was half sister Furious. Shinano was designed as a third sister of Yamato and Mushashi, converted whilst being built. Gambier Bay was converted from a mercantile hull as she was being built. Centurion was disarmed following the London and Washington Treaties but still used as target ship and in port as a repairship. She joined Operation Vigorous, made to resemble a capital ship, a convoy supplying Malta in 1942. She ended her career scutled as a breakwater at Omaha beach at D-day, mostly salvaged after.
@frederickcrow6178 Жыл бұрын
@patmurin4630 Жыл бұрын
Gambier Bay was actually a purpose-built Casablanca-class escort carrier, and not converted from a mercantile hull.
@Harldin Жыл бұрын
Barham was found in 2017 Centurion was sunk as a breakwater a few dozen yards off the French Coast in shallow water, they knew where it sunk.
@captainAlex258 Жыл бұрын
now we need a documentary by james cameron to dive to the wreck
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
Barham was found?
@sniper321fire Жыл бұрын
@@Engine33Truck yeah quite a while ago. google says this as first search. Merlin Burrows have found and pin-pointed the exact location of the wreck of HMS Barham
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
@@sniper321fire interesting. I’ve found no documentation on her wreck. Was it not surveyed?
@sniper321fire Жыл бұрын
@Engine33Truck not sure, but quite a few websites just say found, so probably not
@jeffjones3040 Жыл бұрын
My paternal Grandfather was on the USS Gambier Bay. While on deck trying to get all the aircraft off, a torpedo or large shell hit the ship so hard that it knocked him and others, off their feet. His head hit the deck and knocked him out for a minute or two. He awoke underneath a plane that was on fire. He rolled off the deck and into the water. While they were waiting for rescue, they got to see their shipmates getting attacked by sharks.
@ralphfoster6283 Жыл бұрын
That had to be brutal for your grandfather to watch his buddies eaten by sharks and thinking he may be next! Bless your grandfather for his service! My dad was a machinist mate on USS Saratoga and transferred to USS Swanee during the war. His job was to keep the aircraft in good working condition.
@jeffjones3040 Жыл бұрын
@@ralphfoster6283 ....Thank you. I happen to be a machinist.
@patfromamboy Жыл бұрын
My uncle helped build it in Vancouver Washington. I still have his hard hat from Kaiser Shipyard. I have a model of the Gambier Bay that I haven’t put together yet. It’s made in Japan. They think it’s amazing how it went straight at their main force including the Yamato.
@OFCbigduke613 Жыл бұрын
@mikechrister2736 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. Long enough for the information but short enough for you to watch. Going to subscribe. 👍🏼
@aka99 2 жыл бұрын
I readed bbc reported that about 40 known ww2 ship wrecks had mostly gone duo scrap metal hunters.
@myassizitchy 5 ай бұрын
Not readED. U read. Short e sound. YW
@Straswa 2 жыл бұрын
Nice vid. I hope the USS Langley (AV-3) is found someday. She was formerly the very first American aircraft carrier but converted into a seaplane tender before WWII started. She was sunk by Japanese bombers in the Java Sea while ferrying P-40 Warhawks.
@Tundraviper41 2 жыл бұрын
Uss Langley is also famous in another way as her sister ship, ss cylopes was sunk in the Bermuda triangle, and was one of the more well know ships that disappeared in the triangle without a trace.
@lancerevell5979 2 жыл бұрын
The Cyclops was, as some theories suggest, carried many miles north of her sinking location by the powerful Gulf Stream. People are looking in the wrong place. And she may likely have been broken to pieces when she hit the bottom, still being pushed by the current.
@dryalga4000 2 жыл бұрын
If she lies at Java sea, it might already be too late. Illegal scrapping is happening a lot there. They already scrapped most of the ABDA ships sunk around Indonesia.
@Straswa 2 жыл бұрын
@@dryalga4000 Curse those scrappers.
@jonbridge8064 2 жыл бұрын
@@dryalga4000 Langley was sunk in the Indian Ocean, about 120km south of Tjilatjap, Java
@BBP749 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: IJN Shinano was originally supposed to be a Yamato-class battleship, but this decision was changed to an Aircraft Carrier due to the Battle of Midway.
@hanzogaming8432 Жыл бұрын
Shimano is a Yamato class aircraft carrier
@netowl3922 Жыл бұрын
In his book on the subject, I seem to remember the captain of the Archerfish was told by the periscope watch that was looking at Shinano misidentified it as an island (they had NO clue it existed in then-current identification books) and said "Sir, your island is moving...."
@robertphillips6296 2 жыл бұрын
The USS Block Island the only US Aircraft Carrier to be sunk in the Atlantic Ocean during World War Two. The wreck has not been found.
@lancerevell5979 2 жыл бұрын
Many WWII wrecks are dissappearing, as unscrupilous people are scavenging them for their high grade steel. A wreck yesterday, gone today.
@Straswa 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly scrappers have no regard for the lives lost or the history they are breaking apart. They just see money to be made. A terrible shame.
@vk2ig 2 жыл бұрын
@@Straswa The scrappers are up there with the poachers slowly killing off species such as rhinoceros, etc. I wonder how these people will want to be remembered in future?
@Straswa 2 жыл бұрын
@@vk2ig Agreed.
@kamikazefilmproductions 2 жыл бұрын
@@vk2ig they expect a giant gold statue of the shit they ruined.
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
That’s why Kongō likely doesn’t exist anymore. The area she was reported sunk in is 350-400 feet deep. Well within range of these scavengers.
@gacol20 Жыл бұрын
ORP Orzeł, submarine of the Polish Navy, became famous for escaping from internment in Estonia to the UK without maps.
@WojciechWachniewski-st1zm 5 ай бұрын
Right. One of only two Polish submarines lost during WW2. Missing since May-June 1940. 😊
@TheSamMarsden 2 жыл бұрын
It's sad that all of these, as well as all those not mentioned, are unknown, but HMS Eagle hits a little close to home for myself given it was the ship my great-grandad served on as part of the fleet air arm. He was lucky in that he wasn't aboard at the time of the sinking, he was injured the night before they sailed from Gibraltar on Operation Pedestal and had to remain behind in medical care. Grew up with his various war stories so understandable why that one in particular hits close to home.
@mlys7184 Жыл бұрын
Here's a thought... if not for that injury, you'd probably not be here today. Life is a miracle
@normfreilinger5655 2 жыл бұрын
Bottom of the Pacific Ocean is paved with Japanese Ships
@dutchman7216 Жыл бұрын
That was interesting thank you.
@tinaphillips7239 2 жыл бұрын
They need to find the battleship USS Oklahoma. After it was raised at Pearl Harbor, it was towed to the west coast but sank in rough seas and nearly took the two tugs towing her down with her.
@kamikazefilmproductions 2 жыл бұрын
Damn, I didn’t know that happened
@robertyoung3992 Жыл бұрын
the tugs broke loose the Navy is not giving the coordinates out
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
@@robertyoung3992 they’re not because they don’t know. Oklahoma’s hulk sank in a violent storm, almost taking one of the tugs with her. The tugs probably didn’t know exactly where they were at, and and definitely didn’t have time to check and record it while fighting for their lives. All the tugs reported was they were “about 525 miles from Hawaii on course for California”.
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
It’d be nice, but given she was just a hull on the way to the scrap yard, there’s no desire to find her among those with the resources to do so. Though now that her sister Nevada has been found, it would be nice to find New York and Pennsylvania.
@ArielCuachon Жыл бұрын
Hope you have something on World War 2 submarines still not located.
@klipsfilmsmelbourne 2 жыл бұрын
USS oklahoma wreck is still somewhere between hawaii and san diego but her sister ship nevada was found the only wreck still have her guns unlike oklahoma whats left of her is only turret base without her barrel
@TrickiVicBB71 Жыл бұрын
HMS Glorious, HMS Acasta, HMS Ardent have been "found" on Royal Navy submarine sonars as it shows three large objects on the ocean floor close to each other. But no Underwater Survey team have gone to find the wreck
@Eternity999 Жыл бұрын
Do you have a source for that please?
@TrickiVicBB71 Жыл бұрын
@@Eternity999 If I could remember the war magazine I read it in. I would tell you. Been ages
@elli003 2 жыл бұрын
This is interesting. Warships found to date were of either great historic fame that could raise funding and were recoverable with current technology. Getting these 12 back to the surface might be a stretch.
@mpetersen6 2 жыл бұрын
Its possible that either Hoel or Gambier Bay will be the deepest known shipwreck when found
@mastick5106 Жыл бұрын
Given that they were sunk in the same battle as the USS Johnston and USS Samuel B. Roberts - the previous and current holders of that record - you could very well be right. The Philippine Trench bottoms out at over 10km deep, and Johnston and Samuel B. Roberts lie at just under 7km down. The Battle off Samar happened not that far north of the deepest spot in the trench.
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
True. Johnston and Samuel B. Roberts were found on the edge of the Philippine Trench, as well as the Japanese wrecks from the battle that’ve been discovered. I’d venture to guess that the edges of the trench were searched well, so the remaining undiscovered wrecks have to lie inside the trench. The heavy cruiser Suzuya is almost certainly in the trench, as the coordinates reported for her sinking lie dead center in the trench’s track.
@Zero_2558 10 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@Engine33TruckI hope one day we can find her, mogami class heavy cruisers are all surprisingly capable on soaking up damage dispute their poor hull strengths and extreme bad luck for all 4 of them, and I just hope suzuya by the time we can find her is still in one piece and didn’t got completely crushed by the water pressure down there
@pablopeter3564 2 жыл бұрын
EXCELLENT job. Keep on working and thanks for this presentation. Greetings from Mexico City.
@raven_1133 Жыл бұрын
You call Courageous a Battlecruiser yet call Shinano a bloody Aircraft Carrier.
@iDuckman 2 жыл бұрын
Estimated depth would have been nice. Most of the Pacific losses were in very deep water. But the Mediterranean and North Sea losses should be less to.
@papabonedaddy4116 2 жыл бұрын
USS Oklahoma still hasnt been found either.
@luciankim4574 Жыл бұрын
Well god dam 2 torpedo's? That's a new record of sinking a career. Man Germany surprises me a lot when I'm watching this kind of video especially the Bismarck.
@americanpatriot2422 2 жыл бұрын
Great Video!
@erebus8579 Жыл бұрын
It seems interesting to me to point out that the French submarine Surcouf is a wreck from the Second World War which has never been found, of course there were many submarines sunk during this conflict, but the Surcouf was that time the largest submarine in the world with two guns whose caliber (8 inches) was the largest that had ever equipped a submarine. On February 12, 1942, he sailed for Tahiti, via the Panama Canal, he still had serious problems with his electric motors. In Panama, precisely in the Canal Zone, this American enclave that runs along and borders the canal, the tension is extreme. The authorities fear, not without reason, a massive attack by German and Japanese submarines. Surcouf was then called upon to strengthen the protection of this strategic place. He was expected on February 19, 1942 in Cristobal, the main port of the city of Colon, where he never arrived. It seems that the Surcouf was sunk either by accident or by mistake; there were no survivors. The investigation reports of the American authorities were not convincing, and did not remove the doubt as to the exact causes of the sinking. The most common version of his disappearance concerns his boarding by the American freighter Thomson Lykes. Another version mentions a bombardment by an American plane. For almost seventy years, in the Panamanian Caribbean Sea, lies the wreck of the Surcouf in depths of around 3,000 meters, about 140 km northeast of Colon. During the days that followed, the sea deposited corpses on the beaches of Pointe San Blas. They were collected and buried by the local population, the Kuna Indians. To learn more about the history of this ship: kzbin.info/www/bejne/sGLOf41qf6pnepY
@TwistedSisterHaratiofales Жыл бұрын
They never found the Kreigsmarine Light Cruiser Munich either.
@WojciechWachniewski-st1zm 5 ай бұрын
There is a legendary German cruiser SMS Essen, that was mentioned in some war stories from the times of the WW 1, and literally DISAPPEARED since. Another question are the missing U-boats. We have one such unit, but e.g. the Kriegsmarine MUST cope with no less than 40 of her submarines marked as VERMISST. The missing U-boats are objects of my interesy; I have chased them through all the War's Navies' lists myself and found a number of steel sharks waiting as wrecks on the Lowlands for discovery. Still another category are ships/board lost at war due to non-combat causes like e.g. collisions. One such collision 'consumed' two German U-boats in Mid-Atlantic in May 1943. Most horrible were cases, wojen an intact submarines submerged with complete crew, sat, after a repair at Yard, and NEVER surfaced again... 👍♍🇵🇱
@daffahilmi6918 2 жыл бұрын
Poor Barham exploded and split into two pieces, like Hood
@givenfirstnamefamilyfirstn3935 2 жыл бұрын
Hood is in 3 significant pieces.
@jeffjones3040 Жыл бұрын
@@givenfirstnamefamilyfirstn3935 ...If I remember, weren't there only three survivors of the Hood?
@lightfootpathfinder8218 Жыл бұрын
​@@jeffjones3040 yes from a crew of 1,418
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
HMS Centurion isn’t “missing”, her wreck was salvaged postwar. The Japanese government has publicly stated they don’t want Shinano found, though why remains a mystery. Kongō likely doesn’t exist anymore. The area where she was reported sunk is around 350 feet deep, so she has likely been salvaged over the years by the same illegal salvers who are scrapping sunken warships in the South Pacific.
@bobberttv8565 Жыл бұрын
That's a shame honestly. I'll never understand people placing coin over history
@sgt1418 Жыл бұрын
Like the ones who scrapped deruyter
@dominicsaviochettiar Жыл бұрын
Is there an official source for the Japanese government’s statement that they don’t want Shinano’s wreck found? I mean, given the fact that they considered (albeit seriously) ordering the retrieval of any surviving remains of Yamato’s crewmen, they’d certainly be interested in at least locating Shinano…..
@richardwolf8024 2 жыл бұрын
I would guess that many submarine wrecks from all the warring powers have not been found, or identified. Also many cargo ships sunk by those submarines are not located. I put in another vote for the Surcouf.
@geoffroberts1126 Жыл бұрын
There's another to add. The Free French Cruiser Submarine Surcouf vanished on the night of 18/19 February 1942, about 130 km (70 nmi) north of Cristóbal, Panama, while en route for Tahiti, via the Panama Canal. There were no survivors and the wreck has never been located. Two possible fates, a collision with a freighter or an attack by a USN PBY5a that mistook her for a U boat. The damage to the freighter SS Thompson Lykes suggests the collision wasn't serious enough to sink the sub (which was reported as smaller than Surcouf (reported as a 'partially submerged object') so the blue on blue attack seems most likely.
@Tarakasper1012 Жыл бұрын
The Gambier if discovered will be the deepest shipwreck found in the world, he is estimated to be 35000+ ft down
@nicolasdiazperez2978 Жыл бұрын
Maybe it's just a matter of time before they find them, one after another.
@Otokichi786 2 жыл бұрын
HMS Eagle (1942) HMS Barham (1941) HMS Centurion (1944) HMS Glorious (1940) HMS Courageous (1939) IJN Hiryu (1942) IJN Soryu (1942) IJN Kongo (1944) IJN Mikuma (1942) IJN Shinano (1944) USS Hoel (1944) USS Gambier Bay (1944)
@Mrmartins345 2 жыл бұрын
After seeing the tragic news reel and seeing those poor sailors on HMS barhams Hull when she exploded upsets me everytime. I don't think there would be much left and if there was it would be over a long distance. But they need to find her to lay a memorial of some kind on the wreck to all her brave sailors lost that day.
@teamtripledent31nextgentls94 Жыл бұрын
USS Hammann is a U.S destroyer which sank along side USS yorktown in the battle off midway and the Hammann is yet to be discovered and another one would be HMS Glowworm when she sank trying too ram admiral hipper and her bow was sheared off and her 31 survivors were saved by the admiral hipper.
@patfromamboy Жыл бұрын
My uncle helped build the Gambier Bay in Vancouver Washington at Kaiser shipyard. I have a model of it that is only produced in Japan because they respect it after it went straight at the main Japanese center force including the Yamato.
@vintagethrifter2114 Жыл бұрын
The reason that you have a model of it is because Hasegawa and Tamiya saw the opportunity to produce a model of a class of ship that had 50 different names. This means that the same model can be released with 50 different names. Both of Hasegawa and Tamiya's Casablanca class escort carriers have been issued with names other than Gambier Bay. The Gambier Bay never went "straight at the main Japanese center force." She was quickly put out of action and spent her time trying to hide in the rain until she sank. Her only claim to fame was being a member of Taffy 3 and the only American aircraft carrier sank by surface fire.
@patfromamboy Жыл бұрын
@@vintagethrifter2114 that’s a different story than others I’ve read. I like real history so now I’m going to do more research. I’ve read that the Gambier bay shot it’s gun at other ships too. Vancouver’s shipyard had several carriers in the battle. It’s nice to hear about what happened to them.
@vintagethrifter2114 Жыл бұрын
@@patfromamboy As an escort carrier, its guns were never in range to hit anything. kzbin.info/www/bejne/anLHlKl6nqZmoqc
@cliffordclaussen2321 Жыл бұрын
​@vintagethrifter2114 that's a little harsh. Even if it is true. Why turn a good memory for someone into a negative?
@vintagethrifter2114 Жыл бұрын
@@cliffordclaussen2321 History is the truth so why perpetuate a lie and keep spreading misinformation generation after generation.
@fredhayes6162 2 жыл бұрын
Also the IJN Fuso, She would be a great wreck to find
@barneylinet6602 2 жыл бұрын
Fuso broke into two halves, which briefly stayed underway independently.
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
Fusō’s wreck has been found. Her location was known to divers, but was documented by RV Petrel. They didn’t stay and survey the wrecks of Fusō and Yamashiro as long as they typically do, as they were side notes on Petrel’s mission to find Musashi. Fusō did not “break into two halves that remained underway independently”. That’s a myth, and it’s unknown where exactly that came from. Fusō’s wreck was found upside down with her bow ahead of No. 1 turret snapped off and laying barely off to the side. That was caused by impact with the bottom, as Fusō is about 150 feet longer than the water is deep there. Her, and almost every other ship in Center Force and Southern Force, was fueled with unrefined Bohol oil. Crude oil is highly flammable, and the Japanese didn’t have the ability to refine it in the South Pacific or ship it to refineries in Japan. When Fusō sank, she was leaking large amounts of fuel, which predictably ignited. The conflagration was spotted by Vice Admiral Shima Kiyohide’s 2YB and thought to be the wrecks of both battleships of Vice Admiral Nishimura Shōji’s Southern Force. The conflagration was also seen from the US battle line and even briefly appeared on radar. It was still burning come sunrise (since oil floats), which led Louisville’s crew to believe it was the floating wreck of Fusō and shelled it. When Fusō sank, she was on a northerly course in an attempt to beach. Survivors reported that all nonessential (as in not damage control or engine room staff) crew were ordered on deck to get out of the way of damage control. When the order to abandon ship was given, most of the crew made it off the ship, but unfortunately for them they found themselves in an oil slick. When the oil slick ignited, most of her crew was incinerated. The ones who made it on shore were killed by natives, and only around 10 survived the war. Some additional were rescued by the destroyer Asagumo, but she was sunk just a couple hours after rescuing them and herself only left 39 survivors.
@SithEmpireV08 3 ай бұрын
Fun fact: Shinano was the 3rd Yamato class Battlleship that was converted to an aircraft carrier because of the Pacific war. USS Gambier Bay was also sunk by shots from the IJN Yamato
@Ro6entX 2 жыл бұрын
I know there are many more ships that haven’t been discovered yet nor not mentioned but I won’t get into that. I often wondered what the wreck of the HMS Braham looks like, which depending on the depth but probably in huge pieces especially after how massive that explosion was. The Hood suffered huge damage from explosion and it’s in many pieces at the bottom. I stand corrected about Braham; it was discovered several years ago. No real detail other than it’s sitting upside down.
@c.j.cleveland7475 2 жыл бұрын
Did I hear correctly that the HMS Braham had no survivors?
@Ro6entX 2 жыл бұрын
@@c.j.cleveland7475 I’d have to double check on the video but if so, not accurate. Well over 800 died but little over 300 survived.
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
Likely would look like Hood. Not only did they both suffer magazine explosions, but intact sections of the ship (like the front half of Hood) were also likely further destroyed by implosion. Barham, like Hood, didn’t have time to fully flood when she sank, so intact compartments filled with air would’ve succumbed to pressure implosion as the wreck traveled to the bottom. So I’d venture to guess that Barham is nothing more than a debris field, and would only be recognizable by pieces of wreckage (like 15” guns) that could only come from a battleship.
@Mike__O_757 2 жыл бұрын
ORP Orzel. Legendary Polish submarine
@fightforaglobalfirstamendm5617 Жыл бұрын
I doubt there is much left of HMS Barham. Exceptionally famous footage of rolling over, capsizing and explodes.
@dereksmith5019 Жыл бұрын
I can think of two battleships that were sunk , and may not have been found yet , Hood & Bismarck , and what has become of King George 5 & scuttled Graf Spee .
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
Hood and Bismarck have been found. There’s no logical way you have enough interest in naval history to watch this video and not know that. Neither ship named HMS King George V was sunk. The only WWI King George V class battleship sunk was HMS Audacious, and her wreck had been found and documented (Centurion wasn’t “sunk” but intentionally scuttled during D-Day and salvaged postwar). The only of the WWII King George V class (both classes were battleships) sunk was HMS Prince of Wales, and her wreck has been found, documented, partially salvaged by illegal scavengers, and is watched. Admiral Graf Spee is well known as her wreck is still partially above the surface.
@dereksmith5019 Жыл бұрын
@@Engine33Truck Thanks for the answer , and yes i am a casual observer .
@rolandschlossmacher1859 Жыл бұрын
Bismarck was a battleship not a battlecruiser - there’s a huge different between this kind of ships. Battlecruisers are less armoured to win speed over battleships but that has made them more harmful.
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
@@rolandschlossmacher1859 in the beginning of battlecruiser design, yes. By the end, as in Hood, there wasn’t much difference between the two types of ship.
@pdmacguire Жыл бұрын
These ships may not have been located, but nobody has really gone looking for them, yet. They will no doubt be rediscovered over the next decade or so.
@mgytitanic1912 Жыл бұрын
No mention of poor little Glowworm. Or Scharnhorst.
@francisbusa1074 2 жыл бұрын
USS Princeton (CVL-23), Independence Class Light Carrier, scuttled off Samar, 10/24/44 in 3,000+ fathoms.
@colinfurey376 Жыл бұрын
great video did they ever find the Uss indianapolis?
@mikemilner8080 Жыл бұрын
Yes, in 2017 by Paul Allen's Petrel.
@TheRetirednavy92 Жыл бұрын
I'd love to be out there searching for these ships.
@VioletSilence 2 жыл бұрын
Just to think that such a cyclopean warships (first two) were sunk in minutes... German U-boats were truly a lurking danger back then
@oldschoolamerican748 Жыл бұрын
When you find a ship parked in the vicinity run them off with a warning to stay away or they will be sunk without remorse.
@spartan-s013 Жыл бұрын
you forgot to say that there are much more than just 12, still missing ww2 wrecks out there
@mochaholic3039 2 жыл бұрын
There's quite few major IJN warship that hasn't been found- IJN Ryuujou a light carrier. Sunk in the Solomons by USS Saratoga and Enterprise. As well Zuikaku and Shokaku. Unryuu too but doubt there's much left of her as she blew up so completely when she took torpedo hits from USS Redfish, detonating her hangar full of Ohka suicide planes.
@Emigdiosback 2 жыл бұрын
There's also the IJN Taiho, sunk during the Battle of the Philippine Sea. Hit by a single torpedo from the USS Albacore and due to poor damage control, the ship was filled with gas fumes that ignited. She sank at 12°05′N 138°12′E.
@metaknight115 2 жыл бұрын
Don't forget Soryu, an Hiryu, and every single Japanese carrie except Kaga and Akagi
@mochaholic3039 2 жыл бұрын
@@metaknight115 Of course, that's why I said there's quite few undiscovered IJN ships. There's one quite important ship I'd like to be positively identified, IJN Fubuki- she's quite important as destroyers come, she's the first to represent a leap in destroyer design philosophy, the first serial destroyer class to have enclosed turrets that protected the gunners from the elements and various other features that were adopted in other navies. Her final resting location is near IJN Kirishima but there's a dilemma, dozens of other destroyers also sank in the Iron Bottom Sound and it's difficult to ascertain their identities.
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
Let’s just put it this way: the ONLY Japanese aircraft carriers discovered have been Akagi and Kaga. All the rest remain unaccounted for.
@jeffreyphelan3515 Жыл бұрын
Many have been scrapped by scrap pirates as well. Some ships dispite being war tome Memorials, were salvaged for scrap. And if found, the scrappers ain't telling.
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
Most of the ones mentioned in this video, save Centurion, were lost in deep water. The ones in the Pacific were lost in water far too deep to salvage at.
@hollymartens8059 2 жыл бұрын
German U-47. The U-boat, captained by Gunther Prien, which snuck into Scapa Flow to sink the Royal Oak earlier in the war.
@l.cressey6806 2 жыл бұрын
That was in October, a month later.
@yukotani7871 Жыл бұрын
Sorry to tell you but all 4 of japans carriers were located by japanese reasearch teams
@robertsnow4923 Жыл бұрын
One that I can think of would be the USS Ruben James sunk by U-552 in October of 1941, prior to the US entry into the war
@ChillGamerLad 2 жыл бұрын
the hoel is most likley scattered about several miles, it was a shattered burning hulk by the time she sank
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
That was also thought of Johnston and Samuel B. Roberts, but they’re in surprisingly good condition given the amount of damage they took.
@johnmoore1290 2 жыл бұрын
USS Hoel is pronounced "Hoyle".
@noahsawesomevids422 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome 😎 this amazing
@DEP717 3 ай бұрын
I am kind of surprised that Shinano has not been found. The position reports on the sinking must be out there.
@Mullet-ZubazPants Жыл бұрын
The titanic naval battles that occurred in the Pacific Theatre, carrier vs carrier, was a first, and will probably be the last time
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
Right. The Battle of Leyte Gulf is considered the largest naval battle in history. It will likely be the largest naval battle ever as there’s no need to maintain fleets the size of what was fielded in that battle. The US Navy now is barely larger than the Japanese fleet of Leyte Gulf.
@rolandschlossmacher1859 Жыл бұрын
Glorious and Courageous where original classified as large light cruiser - generally a much lighter armoured type of a battlecruiser. After WW I they were converted to carriers.
@JustJohn505 Жыл бұрын
I-400, i-401, i-402 are still out there and the U.S navy has the wrecks hidden to this day for some reason and that pisses me off lol
@markkravtsov4457 3 ай бұрын
Its surprising how soryu wasnt found yet because the kaga and akagi were found yet the soryu that sank in very close proximity
@guodzillakaiju5683 Жыл бұрын
Akagi, Kaga, Soryu and Hiryu. They were the battlefleet that attacked Pearl Harbor, and they were all lost at Midway. None yet found.
@sgt1418 Жыл бұрын
Akagi and kaga were found
@davekaplan2393 5 ай бұрын
@billclarke5916 2 жыл бұрын
IJN Taiho has yet to be found
@Jremyisawsome1111 2 жыл бұрын
If China can salvage the parts, then I assure you it's just not publicly known.
@Mrmartins345 2 жыл бұрын
Hms Prince of Wales and hms repulse have been hacked to pieces if not mostly gone and various other small warships have disappeared off the sea bed. sure a whole barge full of prices from the ijn kuma?? was intercepted. Oh and these are war graves as well.
@jakerocinante1133 2 жыл бұрын
I’m surprised the Yamato isn’t on this list. Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s wreck has not been found or photographed
@Milner62 2 жыл бұрын
Wreck was found long ago. She's in multiple pieces upside down.
@jakerocinante1133 2 жыл бұрын
@@Milner62 thanks I didn’t know. Although her being upside down is not a surprise. Many other found Japanese battleships because of the tall and heavy superstructures would capsize easily when damaged. But I am curious as to why she’s in multiple pieces was the air attack on her that fierce and effective?
@Milner62 2 жыл бұрын
@@jakerocinante1133, given enough depth majority of ships right themselves but the Yamato is in 1,120 feet of water shes upside down in two pieces. No mention ever made of why they believe she is in two pieces. There was talks in 2016 to raise her to recover the bodies for burials but never heard anything after 2016
@Emigdiosback 2 жыл бұрын
@@Milner62 I heard she broke apart after a magazine explosion right after capsizing. there's a photo of the Yamato's explosion cloud.
@arthurmilmore7685 Жыл бұрын
yes it has the forward magazine exploded as it sank blowing it into 2 pices
@kevq761 Жыл бұрын
HMS Glorious was NOT a battlecruiser but an Aircraft carrier
@erebus8579 Жыл бұрын
The USS Gambier Bay (CVE-73) was also the only warship that was sunk on October 24, 1944 during the Pacific War during the Battle of Leyte Gulf by the powerful artillery of the battleship Yamato, the largest battleship never built after being badly damaged by the heavy cruiser Chikuma. The USS Gambier Bay is also the only warship the battleship Yamato sank throughout her career.
@allaboutboats Жыл бұрын
Another interesting factoid is that another CVE sunk at Samar the USS St Lo CVE63 was originally named USS Midway as she was built, launched and christened in Portland OR Kaiser Shipyard. But when the keel for the large heavy aircraft carrier USS Midway CV41 was being planned and laid, the name "Midway" had to be changed to "St Lo". Some say that changing the name of a ship is unlucky.
@alucardgd2831 2 жыл бұрын
little fact the Kongo and IJN Mikasa are british built ships we then sold to the japanese navy
@WardenWolf 2 жыл бұрын
Not quite. They were built in British yards under contract from Japan. They weren't built then sold later.
@Hydra360ci 2 жыл бұрын
Isn't the Kongo a BB?
@captainredbeard542 Жыл бұрын
When they where built the where classified as Battlecruiser's in the early 1900's they weighed 27 tons think around ww2 they got reclassified as Fast BattleShip's when refitted for modern naval combat late ass reply to your question you probably googled this long ago but here is a bit of info if you haven't lol
@Corristo89 Жыл бұрын
The Pacific is a very deep ocean, the USS Johnston rests at ~6,5 km depth in the Philippine Trench, which can reach up to ~11 km in depth. That's really deep and plenty of deep underwater ravines and valleys to hide a ship in, which is TINY compared to the vast Pacific Ocean.
@1ramyus 2 жыл бұрын
There is much more warships not found yet.
@lemonacidrounds7293 8 ай бұрын
Imagine you're a sailor on a ship sent to attack or scout during WW2 vulnerable against pretty much everything! And lets mention its nowhere to run or hide. The kind of balls these sailors had...
@stvandy1 2 жыл бұрын
They don’t mention that Mikuma collided with the Mogami. That was when Mikuma took most of her original damage.
@MGB-learning 9 ай бұрын
Great video
@stevenpilling5318 Ай бұрын
USS HAMMANN, a Sims class destroyer, was sunk at Midway. Her wreck is still undiscovered.
@edwardwatts2566 2 жыл бұрын
Wouldn’t this make them “discovered” now and why are they so important now?
@isilder Жыл бұрын
WW2 created most of the wrecks of 30m or longer ships in the worlds oceans.
@VirgoShelter 2 жыл бұрын
I want the discovery of the USS Hammann
@goldgamercommenting2990 Жыл бұрын
I don’t know if we don’t need to look for gamebier bay because of… Kuma, takao and yamato literally pummeled that light carrier
@benjaminrush4443 Жыл бұрын
Always like the Buzz.
@stevekolarik2857 Жыл бұрын
If I am not mistaken, uss gambler bay is the only ship that Yamato sunk.
@KManXPressTheU 2 жыл бұрын
Hoping the World's First Supercarrier, The Shinano, Will be found soon.
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
For whatever reason, the Japanese government has said in the past that they don’t want her to be found.
@Imachowderhead Жыл бұрын
At 10:57 pm Shinano finally capsized and sank stern-first at coordinates (33°07′N 137°04′E), 65 miles (105 km) from the nearest land, in approximately 4,000 meters (13,000 ft) of water
@alexbenis4726 2 жыл бұрын
Fuso and Yamashiro, two japanese battleships finding Fuso would solve mystery of how she actually sank.
@alexbenis4726 2 жыл бұрын
@Gilad Pellaeon Cool to meet another IJN student. If you get the chance pick up/borrow a book called Battle of Surigao Strait by Anthony Tully. There are accounts from survivors of the Fuso and what they say happened is very different from the usual story.
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
Both have been discovered. Both of their sinkings are well documented. However, Fusō’s sinking had been shrouded in legend. She did not blow in two on the surface and those two halves were not sunk by USS Louisville. Her wreck was found with the bow ahead of No. 1 turret snapped off, which was caused by impact with the bottom.
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
@Gilad Pellaeon what was even more poetic about Yamashiro’s sinking is she was smashed by USS West Virginia. She was then finished off by torpedos fired from the destroyer USS Bennion. Bennion was named after Captain Mervyn S. Bennion, who was captain of West Virginia during the attack on Pearl Harbor, and was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during his last day.
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
@Gilad Pellaeon what caused the misconception that Fusō blew in half was the fact her fuel was unrefined Bohol oil. Being based in the South Pacific, many of the Japanese ships deployed at Leyte Gulf used unrefined Bohol oil for fuel. The Japanese, thanks to US submarines, no longer had the ability to get oil from the Dutch East Indies for refinement and then back to the naval bases in the South Pacific. And the retreating Allied forces blew up the refineries in the Dutch East Indies in 1941/early 1942. Crude oil in its unrefined state is highly flammable, needing only the slightest excuse to combust. Fusō was leaking fuel when she sank, which predictably ignited. That incinerated many of her survivors, and the conflagration was not only spotted by Shima’s 2YB force (and mistook for the burning wrecks of both Nishimura’s battleships), but was also spotted from the US battle line and briefly appeared on radar. It was still burning by morning, which made Louisville’s crew think it was the floating wreck of Fusō and they shelled it.
@paku5311 Жыл бұрын
Almost all sunken IJN ships on leyte gulf, surigao straight, sibuyan sea(musashi), san bernardino straight never been found
@mikemilner8080 Жыл бұрын
Not true. Google for "RV Petrel" for a long list of IJN warships discovered by Paul Allen's efforts, including Musashi, Yamashiro, Fuso, Kirishima, Kaga, Akagi, Furutaka, and Mogami plus assorted destroyers. Yamato was also found, although not by Petrel. Allen also found several US carriers lost in the Pacific during WW2.
@michaelwilliams9574 2 жыл бұрын
Some of you guys are ridiculous. There's more water on the surface of the planet than there is land. The oceans are gigantic. Are you going to fund the search expeditions to find these lost ships that you want found, searching the vast ocean bottoms?
@volks-jager 2 жыл бұрын
has the German pocket battleship Deutschland (renamed Lutzow) ever been found? the Soviets apparently sunk it after the war in a weapons test.
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
I think I read once that it was scrapped in situ over the course of a few years.
@ScarletCyanstars404 Жыл бұрын
@@Engine33Truck supposedly the Russians sank it in a weapons test somewhere in the Baltic. there was some confusion as there was another Lutzow (Renamed Petropavlovsk) the unfinished Hipper class cruiser that was sold to the Soviets before the war.
@Engine33Truck Жыл бұрын
@@ScarletCyanstars404 yes, which was renamed Tallinn, but was never finished. My understanding with Deutschland (Lützow) is she was sunk in shallow water by weapons tests and later scrapped.
@Premium_ToiletPaper-fn9df 2 жыл бұрын
Shinano. The Yamato-class CV
@rulerofdgloria2932 3 ай бұрын
On regards to Kōngou, the ship will never be found as its presumed to have been cut up for scrap as her wreck lay on a shipping lane. She sunk in shallow waters, cannot recall where.
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