13 Months of Abstinence

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Lord Of The Lost

Lord Of The Lost

Күн бұрын

A few sincere words from Chris on behalf of the entire band. Thank you so much for all your support.
Tickets for our SINISTER SUMMER STREAM available here:
Chris, Pi, Class, Gared & Nik ❤️
#lordofthelost #lotl #loveyourband #thankyou

Пікірлер: 205
@Kat-qr6cz 3 жыл бұрын
We give our hearts to the lord of the lost🙏🏾🖤
@tiffanyrosepritchard 3 жыл бұрын
Take it back! I gave mine and I got sucked into Hell.
@АлисаСмотракова 2 жыл бұрын
@АлисаСмотракова 2 жыл бұрын
начав в
@АлисаСмотракова 2 жыл бұрын
привет 👋
@АлисаСмотракова 2 жыл бұрын
@Lixae 3 жыл бұрын
Lord of the Lost has easily become my favorite band of all time. I'm determined to see you guys in person live one day ,whether that's in America someday if possible. Or I give you my word I'm forcing my way into Germany to come see you guys play.💙💜 Quarantine has really been an eye opener and showed a lot of ugliness in the people around me. I know that once we get Covid behind us concerts are going to be so much more special to all the fans and bands. See you all at the livestream!
@nnn248nnn 3 жыл бұрын
I totally agree. This band has touched my heart for a long time now, and since it looks like they won't be able to come to America any time soon, I am making efforts & plans to see them in Europe as soon as possible.
@rosyglezfit 3 жыл бұрын
Agree. I believe that it's time to fly to Germany 😁
@RosenrotMinsk 3 жыл бұрын
As you say; "I said in good times as in bad In light as in darkness From the first kiss to your last breath In light as in darkness" We, your fans are with you guys, It´s so sad in my case because in Argentine where I live It´s too difficult save money, I hope help you sometime ´cause I love you, love your music and the kind of human being you are...So, go strength, you´re not alone!
@emmaroxx4275 3 жыл бұрын
As you say in one of your songs, one day everything will be okay right ? I hope that someday everything will be back to normal and that we'll be able to attend concerts again ! Thank you for this video and I'll continue to support the band cuz you helped me a lot and you deserve to do what you like ❤
@thornstar335 3 жыл бұрын
we love you and need you, too. thank you guys for showing us the ways to support you (quite obvious, but sometimes a kind reminder is necessary). hope, one-day things will turn to normal. and thank you all again for kicking ass to make something special for you again and again!
@kiralieberum1316 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, starke Worte. Danke für die Ehrlichkeit, danke für die Authentizität, danke für das zusprechen von Mut. Ich glaube im Namen aller Fans zu sprechen wenn ich sage nicht nur ihr als band haltet zusammen, sondern auch wir als Fan Gemeinde. Danke 🙏🏻
@PatientX989 3 жыл бұрын
I am very thankful that this was subbed in English as i love the German language but sadly do not speak it, this band has been a focus of mine as of recent few months, im glad i found this band.
@yannisgouras4482 3 жыл бұрын
I honestly wish I was half as smart and half as well spoken as Chris is I hope when tours start back up you guys will tour the US and I'll finally get to see you
@rosendorn5207 3 жыл бұрын
Das crasht tatsächlich auf logische Art und Weise den Spruch: "Vorfreude ist die schönste Freude." und baut einen neuen Spruch auf: "MOMENTfreude ist die schönste Freude." Danke Chris! 🙏🏾🖤
@cirrusfloccus6080 3 жыл бұрын
Eine ganz wichtige Sache: dass es einem vielleicht insgesamt besser geht als anderen, heißt nicht, dass es einem nicht schlecht gehen darf! Sonst dürfte es niemandem schlecht gehen, weil es immer irgendwo irgendjemanden gibt, der es im Leben schlechter hat als man selbst. Und außerdem bezeichnen wir uns ja auch als glücklich, obwohl andere Menschen glücklicher sind als wir, mehr haben, etc. Gefühle interessieren sich einfach wenig für irgendeinen Status oder irgendwelche Privilegien, die man vielleicht hat.
@BarynDeSade 3 жыл бұрын
I don't like the thinking that just because someone else's misery is bigger than ours, we are not allowed to complain. No suffering turns into pleasure just because someone suffers more, and we are all allowed to feel desperate, so please do not ever feel ashamed or anything when you simply want to cpmplain (and this is for everyone). Life isn't easy.
@therealbuechel1361 3 жыл бұрын
R.I.P. Die Kreatur. R.I.P. Dero.
@IngloriouslyRandom 3 жыл бұрын
Half a year ago my husband brought my attention to your Judas album and dear Lord... While I enjoy music in general, music that grabs my heart and inspires me is... Rare. It inspired me to seek out the arts again, to use my voice again. The fact that a band made such a masterpiece in a pandemic. The fact that they focused on what was possible while seemingly everybody was caught up in all the things that were not... And to not make it a "look at what we recorded in our living room", but to make truly musically gorgeous and to make the video's so damn good... That is truly remarkable and it was certainly an inspiration to me to make the best of this terrible situation. Last week I bought tickets to the ensemble tour and booked a hotel. We will do everything in our power to see you in Wuppertal and I am just trying to have faith that it will happen, if not in April than someday. Iron Maiden is my long-time absolute favorite metal band... They better keep the offer to take you with them on tour up! 😉
@MegaHorrordoll 3 жыл бұрын
Wir vermissen Euch auch sehr, ich bin so froh das wir bei Euerm 10 jährigem Jubiläum in Hamburg waren, und das ich Eure Rock Show mit Equlibrium letztes Jahr mit erlebt habe, ich bereue es definitiv NICHT. 🤘 Denkt immer daran , Ihr seid RENEGADES 😉 Ich mache mir schon lange Gedanken wie lange das noch gut gehen soll, wie all die Bands sowie auch Orchester diese Durst Strecke überleben sollen, aber darunter leiden auch die Clubs in denen Ihr immer spielt, ich habe bedenken das der Club Z7 in Pratteln oder auch andere Clubs/ Hallen das nicht mehr lange überleben, aber daran denkt ja keiner von denen die den Virus weiter UNBEDACHT verteilen 😢 BITTE haltet durch, und vor allem BLEIBT GESUND , Ihr als Bands und all die treuen FANS hier 💖💕 ich gehe mir jetzt ein Ticket kaufen für den Sommer 😉💖
@The_Modeling_Underdog 3 жыл бұрын
The Harms. The myth. The legend. Telling it like it is. Gotta lov' him for it.
@bakurakatamani3044 3 жыл бұрын
Lieber Chris, Ganz herzlichen Dank für dieses tolle Video! Um ehrlich zu sein, ich hatte zunächst ein bisschen Angst, es anzugucken, weil ich den Inhalt sehr viel negativer erwartet hätte. Was verständlich gewesen wäre. Umso schöner, was stattdessen kam: Macht was draus! Das ist für mich die zentrale Botschaft und es macht so viel Mut und gibt Hoffnung. Vielen Dank dafür! Umso mehr finde ich es beeindruckend, das gerade von jemandem zu hören, der aus einer der am schlimmsten betroffenen Branchen kommt. Aber gerade deswegen ist es wichtig, dass das Video viral geht und ich hoffe und drücke die Daumen, dass das auch so passieren wird. Bin selbst schon fleißig am Teilen und Erzählen! Es ehrt dich sehr, dass du bei der Frage "Wie geht's dir?", so sie ernst hemeint ist immer bedenkst, dass du, dass wir hier in dieser Blase, zu den 2 % gehören, denen es am besten geht. Trotzdem schmerzt es mich oft, dass du dir, wie es mir scheint, nicht erlaubst, dich auch einmal zu beklagen. Denn dass wir privilegiert sind, verpflichtet uns zwar- und das tut es in jedem Fall! - uns für die Belange derer einzusetzen, denen es schlechter geht. Und das fängt vor der eigenen Haustür an und nicht erst weit weg im fernen Afrika. Aber ich finde, das spricht uns nicht das Recht ab, uns schlecht zu fühlen und das auch zu äußern. Und sei es innerhalb unserer jeweiligen Blase, derer wir uns in jedem Fall bewusst sein sollten. Insofern bin ich auch erleichtert, dass du dir ausnahmsweise das Recht herausnimmst, aus ebenjener Blase zu uns zu sprechen. Auch finde ich, dürfen wir uns geehrt fühlen, denn das spricht von großem Vertrauen uns gegenüber, da es ja nun doch etwas teilweise sehr intimes ist. In dem meisten kann ich dir einfach nur zustimmen: Dass wir plötzlich 83 Millionen Hobbypolitiker sind und alle mal kleinere Brötchen backen sollten. Dass es die Freundschaft ist, die uns zusammenhält, immer, aber gerade jetzt. Ich bin so, so, so froh für euch, dass euch euer Zusammenhalt nicht nur stärkt , sondern genau genommen im Moment das Leben rettet! Ich bin auch ganz egoistisch froh für uns Fans, dass wir euch, zumindest in naher Zukunft, nicht verlieren werden. Ihr seid eine wunderbare Band und wunderbare Menschen und ich bin froh, euch gefunden zu haben. Und zu guter Letzt bin ich froh, Chris, zu hören und zu lesen, dass du sagst: "Ich bin Musiker." Denn das heißt, dass du dich, dass ihr euch, trotz all der Schwärze und Ungewissheit trotzdem nicht selbst verloren hast/habt. Und das ist unglaublich wertvoll, um nicht zu sagen, dss Wichtigste. Auf ein baldiges Ende dieser Situation! Auf dass ihr die Situation weiterhin so gut meistert und sie letztlich gut übersteht. Auf dass alle 7 Milliarden Tickets für das Sommerkonzert verkauft werden😉 Auf dass wir uns bald alle persönlich (wieder)sehen! Nur das Beste für dich und für euch! Viele Grüße und danke, dass es euch gibt🤗🥰🖤
@PhecdaPlato 2 жыл бұрын
I did not see this, until now! I am soooo amazed by so many things you do. All of you. I love you so very much. I am positive many of us do. And this video, is one of the many reasons you are so incredibly wonderful. ❤ #ThankYou for existing us #Losties, we are your far away family ❤ from another world. Stay amazing 🦄🌈🫶🏻 #ForeverMore we’re in this together
@lornamcguire1854 3 жыл бұрын
You know as fans we don't actually think how you guys must feel when we ask you about gigs as your in the dark as much as we are and I think as fans we should think how frustrating this is for you listening to your music will keep us going until the world heels a bit and we can see each other stay safe Guys much love and respect to you all from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
@PhoenixLulu626 3 жыл бұрын
We have been listening to Lotl pretty much every day during this current lockdown, they've become the anthem to it if you like. I do my crafting to it, my boyfriend even works out to it and we play board games with them on in the background. When we cannot think what to ask Alexa for, they are our go to choice. I constantly have We give our hearts to the lord of the lost going round in my head. We sing bits of the songs to each other in the deepest voice we can manage and have a good laugh at our terrible singing, they have got us through this very strained time here in the UK. We have future Lotl concerts to look forward to hopefully, there is no band we would rather see first as soon as it's safe!
@sarawells-olston4517 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for being here. Your music truly has helped me hold on through this.
@SamStemler 8 ай бұрын
It's so weird, but this video showing up on my page after listening to a few songs made me a huge fan. I actually looked for this monolog because it was the catalyst. After i saw it, I got excited for the unplugged concert, and I was totally hooked. Since then, I've seen LotL in Germany twice, Sweden once, can't wait to welcome yall to the US for Baltimore, NYC and Boston in 2024!! ❤️❤️❤️
@kichacz361 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this video. We are here all big family, we won't give up so easly :) be safe people!
@sarahlec9351 3 жыл бұрын
Genau deshalb liebe ich euch Jungs so. Ihr macht super Musik und auch ohne Musik seid ihr so motivierend. Das war ein echt emotionales Video, ich habe geflemt 😭 Danke
@amydamian Жыл бұрын
Wie sympathisch einfach!
@vikinglore1066 3 жыл бұрын
Artists are so undervalued and under appreciated in our world, it saddens me on a normal day and now when they need us most they find it hard to survive. Your words are so well chosen and so well spoken which any fan could attest to your eloquent lyrics so it’s no surprise but it’s what the world of fans need to hear. Support your favorite bands and independent businesses when you can. How many times have we listened to a cd we barely paid for a minute portion of the creativity and hard word involved in creating it?Buy a shirt, buy some CDs,and absolutely take in the live stream! They are wonderful and help us far more than the artist I think but they need it just as much as we do. I attended both streams and it’s probably the only time I’ll see them play love because of where I live. It’s an incredible opportunity and far better than one more episode rerun on Netflix. I really appreciated and felt what you said and I’m sharing it everywhere I can. You can count on me for as much support as I can give. Thank you for your wonderfully spoken lead during this time.Thank you so much for the English captions. It makes all the difference to we who are still learning your language.
@katharina9534 3 жыл бұрын
Wir Ärzte geben uns die größte Mühe. Hoffentlich bald wieder. See you soon....
@sandrinecastagna3820 3 жыл бұрын
You have made an epic and charismatic album, for me album of the year, so we are with u, be patient, it's very hard but people who love you are always here, kisses from France, thank u for your magnificent album🙏🖤
@vildefrance9667 3 жыл бұрын
Спасибо за эфир и за стримы. Будьте сильными и терпеливыми, парни! Ваша музыка поддерживает, вдохновляет и делает жизнь ярче.
@tamara76331 3 жыл бұрын
How beautiful, thank you for uploading your videos, you are the best
@divaniaantora2996 3 жыл бұрын
All love and support from Mexico 🖤 Viva Lord of the Lost!!!
@brigidireland 3 жыл бұрын
These guys are easily the most un-rockstarish rock stars I have ever known!
@marcmontelongo2776 3 жыл бұрын
I actually found LOTL during covid quarantine.. I too speak from privilege because I live in Texas where most of us said to Hell with quarantine and had very lose restrictions as opposed to the rest of the world and I see the suffering that others are facing. LOTL although fairly new to me, has been helping a lot during these times especially the songs Voodoo Doll, Raining Stars, and Under the Sun. Please don't give up hope as we look to you to be the beacon of light for those of us, well, needing a Lord being lost in all of this. Stay strong Chris, we will make it through this together even in silence.
@mig7503 3 жыл бұрын
We do all care about you, as humans, not just as 'pieces of entertainment'. I personally have made my first merch purchase from you (I'm a new fan), and will be getting the streaming tickets as well. I...we, wish you and the whole crew all the best and we hope to see you in person soon. ❤️
@patriciaspringer3470 3 жыл бұрын
Danke für die Ehrlichkeit. Auch wir Fans vermissen die Konzerte wahnsinnig. Es ist echt schön, wenn man sein Ticket endlich bekommt und dann sich monatelang darauf vorfreuen kann. Das ist mit den Streams natürlich super Sache, aber irgendwie vermisse ich die verschwitzten fremden Menschen neben mir (hä?), mit denen man gemeinsam eine geile Musik feiert. Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass wir die Pandemie irgendwann unter Kontrolle bekommen, wenn wir zusammen- und durchhalten und dass dann auch wieder Konzerte möglich sind. LG PS: Ihr seid aktuell meine Lieblings-Baumwollverkäufer.
@hetki86 3 жыл бұрын
It goes without saying that you are handling the situation very well. Everything that you have done since the beginning of the panedmia - in social media, especially Telegram, is similar to awareness and sanity. No hysteria, no madness (some of your "colleagues" have now come to believe in conspiracy theories, it is scary). But not you. LOTL gives us a lot of positives. And you personally, Chris, constantly checking your privilege all the time (yes, I notice that you constantly say that you live in a prosperous country, and you see, that it is more difficult situation for someone. respect!). You care about the musicians, about the fans, and, of course, about your family (behind the scenes). So let me wish you a decent reward for everything that you are doing now. And yes, you are very convincing. Let the stream be successful :D Scientists say that everything will be more or less normal only in 2023, so I have no illusions now. But let it happen much earlier. PS sorry for the long text :D
@biwean2322 3 жыл бұрын
Vaccine is deadly. Full stop there's sience, no conspiracy theory
@tanjaglaser2838 3 жыл бұрын
Lieber Chris, vielen Dank für deine Ansprache. Ich hoffe inständig, dass wir spätestens nächstes Jahr zur Normalität zurück finden. Durch meinen Beruf als Hebamme in der Klinik und freiberuflich geht und ging mein Berifsleben nahezu weiter wie bisher. Auch bin ich in der glücklichen Lage schon geimpft zu sein. Ich sehe auch, dass es uns hier im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Menschen auf der Welt gut geht. Aber ich kann nicht die Augen davor verschließen, dass gerade Musiker ( und auch andere) unter dieser Pandemie leiden. Ich habe dieses Jahr soviel Merch und Musik wie noch nie gekauft, um euch und auch andere zu unterstützen. Ihr seid mir aber die liebsten. Trotzdem bin auch ich traurig, wenn ich an dem Stapel Konzertksrten vorbei gehe, die nun schon lange warten. Ich werde, falls keine Konzerte stattfinden, keine der Karten zurück geben. Und ja, ich als Alter Iron Maiden Fan hoffe dass ihr weiter mit ihnen Touren könnt. Ich werde euch weiter supporten. Haltet durch. 🖤
@XR400Kistenkai 3 жыл бұрын
Haltet durch Jungs, wir müssen da alle durch. Wir sehen uns hoffentlich bald wieder live in Sachsen. Eure Konzerte auf der Festung Königstein und besonders das im Alten Gasometer Zwickau waren legendär. Bis dahin kaufen wir eure Baumwolle und kucken eure Streams.
@SomniumProxy 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking the time, we are also going a bit crazy in quarantine and hearing from you helps ! We love you and we will be waiting for you, whenever the next concert is.
@historianalex 3 жыл бұрын
Die stärksten Nerven, das beste Durchhaltevermögen, und alles Glück der Welt wünsche ich euch als gesamter Band und den Familien, found and in blood, hinter den Kulissen. Chris, ich habe einen riesigen Respekt vor Deiner Eloquenz und Deiner Bescheidenheit, und ihr habt das verdammt noch eins so dermaßen verdient, mit fucking Iron Maiden auf Tour zu gehen. Vielen Dank für die lieben und weisen Worte, und diesen Stream werde ich mir genau wie die vorherigen beiden ebenfalls wieder anschauen. Durchhalten. Wir kommen da durch. Von der Position einer werdenden Historikerin: die Menschheit hat noch jede noch so schlimme Pandemie überstanden und ist wieder zur vorherigen Normalität zurückgekehrt. Das werden wir auch tun. Danke, Chris.
@remshart 3 жыл бұрын
Greetings from France. We'll continue to support our favorite band. We love you Lords
@kieranmwade1687 3 жыл бұрын
The most dangerous part of anxiety and depression (at least in my personal experience) is how it feels like I don't have the right to complain since so many people have it so much worse than I do. But the fact that someone is hurting more doesn't erase your own pain. Invalidating your own suffering because you're comparing it with others' only makes it worse. Thank you for your honesty and transparency. It's time to say goodbye to empty words and start speaking from the heart always. I hope to see you live soon.............even if I have to drive out of state to catch a show!
@ladytakarazuka 3 жыл бұрын
As much as it is useful and important to acknowledge what we have, to be able to keep some distance about things when needed, I totally agree with you about depression. Trying to hide feelings/pain or silence them is among the worst things to do if you want to heal. Only by accepting and understanding them can we overcome it.
@ladytakarazuka 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, I feel so relieved to hear all those words coming from someone else.Thank you for being a honest and nuanced person. I discovered Lord of the lost's work a few weeks ago and the music you all create together is beautiful and moving, I believe it can help many of us. Your songs sound close to heart. Aside of all this, there are so many people needing help right now (although there have always been) that sometimes I feel at a loss about how to decide who to support...so when the mind can't make a decision, let's go with the heart.
@marissam61 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, for your honesty and for making sure your entire band is supported as a team. Lord of the Lost is a fantastic band and I'm so happy to be able to support you all!
@sandramaessen5548 3 жыл бұрын
I wish you , as a band, lots of strength & health! 🤘🏻🖤 I keep listening to your music💙 And thank you Chris for your story. Greetings from the NETHERLANDS! (Your neighbours) ; )
@frogos13store 3 жыл бұрын
So much honesty and kindness from you. Really great speech! I will surely buy at least shirt of your band, which I know only for a few months, but love it. Stay safe and way you are. Dont worry, we fans are your lighthouse in the dark. 🙂 See you soon in Czech republic I hope.
@MisaoYlonen 3 жыл бұрын
I think one of the '' good '' things I got in this corona era is these streams, 'cause I'm on the other side of the world and I can't see you in person. The two streams I watched brought a greater emotion than I had when watching shows recorded by the fans. The first one touched me (even more because I got a gift from a fandom fan, wonderful). The second I can buy with my girlfriend. And I really hope to can buy the current one too, at the moment I have no way, but we will definitely buy it someday because it is a band that is worth it. I met a little while ago but I'm already too emotional. Thank you for your patience, for your love and affection with the fans in this difficult time. It is reciprocal, for sure the LOTL fandom is pure love and helps you. And sorry my english if I say some wrong hahaha We give our hearts to the LOTL
@jorgeherrera3776 3 жыл бұрын
I know it's hard, even I as a student from the other side of the world have been struggling but If this can cheer you up be sure your music has made this pandemia a little bit better for me and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Greetings from Mexico
@MrSokar53 3 жыл бұрын
To comment with a Disney qoute:"Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind." You got a great ohana :D
@goisermass 3 жыл бұрын
@comedianfreak 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this with us. I'm a stand-up comedian in America, so I find myself with some similar dilemmas. On the bright side, I found out about you guys because of your KZbin videos during the pandemic. My wife and I love your music and have been telling everyone how much we love your music and that they should check you out. Your music has definitely brought us a lot of happiness during this time and we wish you the best. Much love from our dark hearts to yours!
@darkeye3283 3 жыл бұрын
Ganz fettes Like! 👍🏻👍🏻 Ohne weitere Worte!
@joeminartz339 3 жыл бұрын
I love you brother Gothic meets classic Amen!!! I am half German and do not much my language but listening to to you helps me remember my Papa gone from Alzheimer's and dementia!
@gundam4509116 3 жыл бұрын
i really hope y'all stay healthy live long time. i really wanna see you live. You are very cool band!!
@ЄгорШелест 3 жыл бұрын
Actually, i remembered words from your song “Voodoo Doll”: “No black magic can control me, and no curse will let you own me... I’m not your voodoo doll.” Even in this horrible situation, you continuing live of the group and your own live too. I hope, that your activity will be restored soon and you will give us some more perfect songs. Gruß aus der Ukraine.
@lorettawilson7264 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Chris for everything that you've contributed to the world ....and you have helped me a lot more than you know ...your friend always, Loretta... (The Broken ones ).and ( Lighthouse )& ( In Silence )...I love all Lord Of The Lost mucic...
@ssgearmyveteranforever3025 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you and the guys for holding up so well. I just purchased my ticket for the streaming.
@JoeCoffin-dj2ru 3 жыл бұрын
Lord of the Lost... geilste Band ever!! Wünsche allen ganz viel Kraft und durch halte vermögen, nach dem Corona sch... geht das Leben hoffentlich wieder normal weiter.
@TheHarliestQuinn 3 жыл бұрын
I wish y'all can just come to NJ and get vaccinated here I already had my 2nd dose back in March. Thank you so much for your honesty and I sincerely hope things get easier and happier for you Keep hanging in there ❤️
@CatyaZamalodchikova1976 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. It’s reassuring and melancholy in equal measure, but do good to know that you guys are, fundamentally, alright. Lockdown 3 killed my business and I know, first hand, what it’s like to try to support your kids with no income, so to know that you’re all managing ok and that you’ve still got fight in you, is really comforting. You’ve encompassed our trepidation, cynicism, fortitude and perseverance in one fifteen minute video - I think a lot of people share you sentiments. Whether things return to relative normality or whether this is the ‘new normal’, at least we now know that after it all, along with cockroaches and Cher, there will always be Lord of the Lost and their army. We’re indestructible.
@hetki86 3 жыл бұрын
@elkezenger1903 3 жыл бұрын
Es ist wirklich eine schwere Zeit, und genau dieses Video hat mich sehr berührt. Welche Band nimmt sich so viel Zeit seinen Fans die aktuelle Situation einfach (bildlich) zu erklären? Ich bin ein Fan von gutem Metal, aber es gibt noch so viel mehr....und genau das...habe ich bei Lord of the Lost gefunden. Ich wünsche euch Jungs alles Gute, macht weiter, macht bitte weiter ! ich bin ganz bei euch! ....ein Fan
@maggierezac5820 3 жыл бұрын
Danke LOTL and especially Chris for putting this out here! Your message is one of great import! I, personally, have been homebound by disability since before it was "fashionable"! 😉 Dec. 18, 2018 to be exact, was the last time I was able to leave my apartment. That said, I am still so very impressed with the fundraiser and best video ever, with the Heaven Can Wait Kor! How are they doing now? Peace to all who read these words! No Pollyanna nonsense, I know better, but find your peace and screw everyone and everything else, because, in the end... does it even matter? 🔥🤘😎💨💨💨
@jaydenmoon5083 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you & I'm supporting you as much as possible buying merch & tickets for live stream as well as for your concerts when they do happen. I have been supporting a few bands same way. Thank you guys for all that you do & one day when you do play live again we will party harder than we have ever done.
@gabiromstatter 3 жыл бұрын
Wowww, so ehrlich und natürlich und sympathisch! 👍🏻
@RavenStorm1031 3 жыл бұрын
Sir u and ur band have helped me through so much during these last two years. I wanted to say thank you, you are all such amazing people and I'm very proud of you and grateful that u are being real with us.
@valeriaketterer4512 3 жыл бұрын
Danke Chris, felt your words, my small band had amazing opportunities lost thanks to corona and I know it sucks, it gets everyday harder to keep going but we have to...
@Guddler 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the subtitles!! I didn’t realise the “live” stream link was still a thing. I only discovered it a couple of days ago and just thought “shit, missed that then”. Will have to cough up and watch it one evening then. Like you say, it will be better than all the mindless BS on Netflix or Amazon!!
@AS-ok2ni 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your honesty & your kindness! I for one am still waiting for the live shows to come back. I appreciate all the live streams. You guys personally have brought quite a lot of light & laughter to this world. With things like the X Mas songs. So thank you for that. I hope you are able to get back out on the road soon. Thanks to the inter crew behind the scenes at these live shows as well! They wouldn’t happen with out their knowledge. I hope they are all doing well.
@T4ST4TUR3NT0CHT3R 3 жыл бұрын
Das eigene Leid muss nicht mit dem der Anderen verglichen werden, um einen Wert oder eine Daseinsberechtigung zu haben. Auch der privilegierteste Mensch kann Schicksalsschläge erleiden, psychisch am Arsch sein, etc... Ich finde dieses Video sehr menschlich, die Message gut und dich/euch sehr sympathisch. Bleibt so wie ihr seid und vor allem bleibt gesund :-)
@surrealrosalynd 3 жыл бұрын
I will forever support you guys, you are my favourite band. I can't wait to preorder the album and watch the stream!
@leonlemieux7620 3 жыл бұрын
A gentleman. Whom has my deepest support forever.
@AkaBodom 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for these words. Being based in Bayern, Germany, this climate of uncertainty is always there, omnipotent as a deity and frightening all the same. Working in the music retail industry, everything does change every week and even our colleagues at the shop don't know whether they'll be spending the following week at the shop or at their homes. No matter how big the company, some things remain the same for most. Many a person in that big team of ours here plays music, even records albums and plays live shows and the still current context took a great toll on everyone. We have been doing our best to support each other, as I know I've been to support my favorite bands with money that I'm glad to spend as a means of supporting their music and them as people. Everyone needs money to pay the bills and put something in their stomach. Long story short, I'll be supporting you guys too -- I bought your first opus and will buy the next ones when I can! Take good care of yourselves.
@xydoit2024 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Chris for approve me in FB. I was in a real shock. I waited 5 years for that. Thank you. Hope to see you soon (i really hope that germany will open to flight already) your biggest Israeli fan ever.
@mypeculiarworld 3 жыл бұрын
@MusicSoulbound 3 жыл бұрын
Danke für diese wohl überlegten und empathischen Worte lieber Chris!
@kgsvamp 3 жыл бұрын
This situation has been hard but sometimes we don't even take into account how horrible it's been for the entertainment industry. I will support you and wait for the new album.
@evajenacek7707 3 жыл бұрын
Deine Worte sind sowohl schön als auch schmerzlich, und danke, dass Du Deine Gedanken mit uns teilst. Ein Glück , dass ich Euch noch vor diesem ganzen Irrsinn in Wien live erleben konnte. Eure Swan Songs höre ich zwar oft, doch ein Konzert ist unbestritten eine andere Liga. Wenn Du die Stimmung vor Beginn und sowohl die Musik als auch die Begeisterung während des Acts körperlich spürst und die "Schöpfer" Deiner Lieblingsmusik leiblich vor Dir loslegen - dieses Gefühl schafft auch nicht die allerbeste CD. Auch ich klage auf hohem Niveau, aber diese Pandemie hinterlässt Spuren auf der Seele, und ich fürchte, auch wenn der Wahnsinn vorbei ist, werden wir nicht mehr die Selben sein wie zuvor. See you soon (on stage)
@kathi-h8333 3 жыл бұрын
Danke. Einfach nur danke für die ehrlichen Worte. Wir als Fans haben das Glück, euch zu haben. Wenn alles schei#e ist, rettet ihr uns den Tag. Wenn man die Krise bekommt, weil einfach alles noch beschissener ist als der ganze normale Alltagswahnsinn seid ihr mit eurer Musik da und fangt es auf. Da ihr so breit aufgestellt seid musikalisch, findet man immer etwas was einem gut tut. Etwas trauriges, etwas trösten des, etwas mutmachendes oder einfach etwas hartes um sich anzuregen. Danke dafür. Auch für euren merch (bin seid meinem Geburtstag endlich Besitzerin eines Heart-Zippers, war vlt nicht die beste Idee sich im Weihnachten ein Sporttop zu wünschen... Jetzt hab ich ja was warmes). Jedes Mal wenn ich in den Spiegel schaue, freue ich mich über euren merch. Wenn ich auf meinen Schreibtisch schaue, freue ich mich über eine eurer Autogrammkarten. Auch ich habe es aufgegeben, auf Konzerte zu hoffen, aber irgendwann sehe ich dich live...wenn alle line ups bestehen bleiben sowohl auf dem Melu als auch auf dem VKV und ich freue mich riesig darauf (wann auch immer das sein wird). Was ich eigentlich sagen will: danke, dass ihr immer für uns da seid und uns mit livestreams, podcasts, alten tvofthelost episoden, Musik, twitch und jedem einzelnen instagrampost die Pandemie versüßt. Ihr rette mir so oft den Tag, deswegen von ganzem Herzen: Danke, ihr seid die besten.
@Siobhan_OLaoghaire 3 жыл бұрын
😘 Right back at you. I consume whatever I can get from you. Your Lord of the Locked series has been lifeblood for me and the livestreams have been devoured by me. Thank you for your honest update. We give our hearts to the Lord of the Lost. ❤️
@gerdzuschlag4101 3 жыл бұрын
Danke fürs Wachrütteln , sehen uns dann heute Abend 👍
@jessicafialho1394 3 жыл бұрын
We give our hearts to the lord of the lost ❤❤❤
@Sicki6 2 жыл бұрын
wow das video ist jetzt schon 1 jahr alt.... man kann es kaum fassen. Aber um so mehr freue ich mich wieder euch zu sehen! DIESES JAHR Nach fast 3 jahren endlich euch wieder abzufeuern auf der Bühne. Ihr seit mit IM auf tour gerade und das ist einfach so unglaublich. Ich weiß noch in was für kleine hallen ihr angefangen habt, bin selbst seit 2009-2010 immer an eure Seite und das wird sich nie ändern. #Wirerleuchteneuchindernacht
@YourLifeFashion 3 жыл бұрын
It's hard for us to understand your whole situation, since in our city, in fact, for all these 13 months, there was only a total lockdown for 30 days. the rest of the time everything works. services, schools, theaters and cinemas for a long time now, we have freedom of movement, rest, and in general, almost "everything" is the same as before, except for borders .. but your situation is much more difficult. and this is, first of all, morally difficult! I wish you and your families health and that everything will get better in the world as soon as possible!🖤🙏🖐️
@tinakleen1361 3 жыл бұрын
out of curiousity: Where do you live?
@YourLifeFashion 3 жыл бұрын
@@tinakleen1361 Russia, far east... Nearest the Vladivostok, may be you hear about it... Really .. we dont have same problems in small towns in our country... And its terrible to hear about it in other world!
@lindalobstadefenda 3 жыл бұрын
that was so well said. I didn't know you had done streams though.. now i will for sure make sure to save up to see the summer one :D hang in there everyone. and be kind to one another.
@hanskrieger157 3 жыл бұрын
From Chile Sending Positive energie and Love. Thanks for the video beautiful words. I can understand you I was musician
@juergeng6502 3 жыл бұрын
I wish you all the best and thank you for the truthfulness. 🤗👍💜
@ivanarznrzn4778 3 жыл бұрын
Respekt für die Ehrlichkeit. Wir sind alle psychisch und finanziell getroffen und wir müssen uns zusammen halten und unterstützen. Danke dass es euch gibt 💖 ich schick euch viel Kraft, Liebe und gute Energie. Wir schaffen es irgendwie 🧘‍♀️🏋️‍♀️
@Kilandil 3 жыл бұрын
Tolles Video. Sobald ich wieder aus der Miese bin geht definitiv Geld an euch.
@noxy_667 3 жыл бұрын
I've finally found a job... I was recovering from my horrible mental state (that started shortly before corona.. Awesome timing...), where your music helped me a lot, you, indeed, became my Lighthouse, as I am really one of the lost and I am happy to be here now... So I will give you back as much as I can. I definitely can skip any shopping if I can get a ticket for your stream and FINALLY some merch xd. It was devastating for me that I couldn't be there with you on the Dirty New Year... Oh and I really got excited when I heard you'd come with Maidens! And I thought "oh my, I will go for Iron Maiden for support again 😅" daaaaamn why won't you come to Poland otherwise :c I know why! To make me finally visit Hamburg 🤔😁 Thank you for all you said here. Thank you for everything you do. I was scared to watch this video to be honest but glad I did, cause it calmed me down. I can't loose my favorite band, I just can't.
@nathanb.1089 3 жыл бұрын
Keep your head up! I love your band and all live performances. My church has always been live music. We just have to keep our shit together and hold until the moment comes that we can all be together under one roof tearin that. Bitch down. 🤘🏻
@gunmetalgamer2642 3 жыл бұрын
Ordered a tshirt for my partner and myself, and bought a ticket to the stream. I don't typically buy a lot of band merchandise, but this video really struck me. We need to support our favourite bands in different ways during difficult times, and it took this video to really make me realise how we could do that. We love you guys, and I listen to your music everyday. Thank you for creating such beautiful art, and please never forget how much we as your fans love you! We give our hearts to the Lord of the Lost, just stay safe so we can see you again soon!
@tinakleen1361 3 жыл бұрын
Das ist mit das, wovor ich am meisten Angst habe: das Leute, die ich geschätzt habe, plötzlich Leute sind, die ich nicht mehr erkenne. Und das ist bereits im Umfeld und in der Verwandtschaft passiert. Ich möchte nicht, dass das bei meinen Idolen auch noch passiert. Danke für die ernsten Worte. Ich sehe einmal mehr, wie viel Glück ich habe, und wie dankbar ich sein muss, dass mich Corona nahezu nicht einschränkt, bis auf dass Spazierengehen mein neues Lieblingshobby geworden ist. Ich hoffe weiterhin auf den Rockharz, oder dass zumindest alle Konzerte soweit verschoben und nachgeholt werden, dass 2022 ein Jahr wird, in dem ich einfach jeden Tag irgendeine Band life höre. Bis bald. btw: macht mal lady shirts für Mädels für mehr Oberweite.
@sidoniel.8304 3 жыл бұрын
bei den Oberteilen bin ich voll dabei. Es dauert immer ein bisschen bis ich die Shirts so weit habe, dass die mir normal passen. Eine Größe größer sieht immer komisch aus
@akashalorenz6273 3 жыл бұрын
Ja da sprichst du einem aus der Seele. Dreh auch immer durch. Ich hoffe, dass alles bald ein Ende hat und wir wieder gemeinsam feiern können. Bleibt gesund und bis dahin ;-)
@Lina-mq2uj 3 жыл бұрын
🖤😍Thank you for being honest with us! But I really love your band and your music and I`m looking forward to visit your concerts someday. I am your biggest fan and your music saves me in my darkest hours. I know life`s hard but we will be with you. And I also hope that this whole situation will return to normal. And I was really worried for you. "We give our hearts to the Lord of the Lost"
@CatyBallado 3 жыл бұрын
we keep going on, all the best from Mexico, my heart and support is with you guys, all the best, chris, Class, Gared, Niklas and Pi
@kattanattagaming7078 3 жыл бұрын
i send all my love to you chris and all the band members! I hope everything works out and i will definetly by a ticket ;) Love you all you are my favorite band and youre music means the world to me! see you at the next live stream!!
@janeausten2607 3 жыл бұрын
Klasse Statement, danke für soviel Offenheit und Ehrlichkeit. Haltet durch!
@neanight222 3 жыл бұрын
Ich weiß gar nicht wirklich, was ich dazu sagen soll, außer dass ich immer im Rahmen meiner Möglichkeiten (und manchmal auch darüber hinaus) versuchen werde, euch und meine anderen Lieblingsbands zu unterstützen, wo ich nur kann. Ich kann den Tag kaum erwarten, an dem Konzerte wieder möglich sind. Und egal, wie lange es noch dauert, dieser Tag wird kommen und wenn er da ist, dann bin ich dort, wo auch immer ihr seid und auftretet, versprochen! 🖤 Und noch etwas zu dem, was du am Beginn des Videos gesagt hast, Chris... Ich verstehe diese Art zu denken und kann auch nachvollziehen, was du gesagt hast, aber nur weil man weiß, dass es vielen anderen Menschen auf der Welt genauso schlecht oder noch viel schlechter geht, als einem selbst, sollte man seine eigenen Probleme nicht unbedingt so sehr herunterspielen. Es ist wichtig, wie es einem geht und dass man sich entsprechend um sich selbst kümmert und damit auseinandersetzt. Damit sage ich nicht, dass man all die schlimmen Dinge in der Welt ausblenden und sich in Selbstmitleid suhlen sollte, es tut gut, sich jeden Tag bewusst zu machen, was man alles hat und was im eigenen Leben gut und schön ist und dafür dankbar zu sein. Aber es geht jedem auch mal schlecht, manchen öfter, manchen weniger oft und das ist vollkommen normal und in Ordnung. Und ich denke, jeder Mensch, dem man nahe genug steht und genug vertraut, um ihm die Frage "Wie geht es dir?" komplett ehrlich zu beantworten, der würde das auch immer verstehen und sich wenn man ihm ehrlich sagt, dass es einem gerade schlecht geht, nicht denken oder sagen "Reiß dich einfach zusammen, anderen geht es viel schlechter als dir", sondern die Antwort respektieren und die schlechte Phase mit einem gemeinsam durchstehen. ...ich hoffe, dieser halbe Roman ergibt halbwegs Sinn. Ich habe mich sehr über dieses Video gefreut, trotz des ernsten Themas und freue mich auch schon auf die nächsten Konzert- und Twitch-Streams. Ich wünsche euch 5 und allen, die mit euch zur LotL-Familie gehören, nur das Allerbeste. 🌠🖤
@janmaibier9298 3 жыл бұрын
Sehr schön gesagt! Stay strong!!!❤️❤️❤️
@carola5299 3 жыл бұрын
Great statement 🙏🖤🌹
@izzyonyoutuba 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing, I look forward to the day I get to see you live and in your happy space 🖤
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