13 things i've changed my mind about

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@WolfLykaios 8 күн бұрын
I'm sorry the world has been so rough and cruel to you Ian. I can see the change over the last year to year and a half in your videos. The bitterness, anger bubbling under the surface, the hurt. I wish you had never experienced the mistreatment and traumas you have and I hope you find people, or even a person, that you can say "no matter what, they will be there for me, they've got me." I think if you take the advice you would give others in your position you will be happier, and more peaceful. You don't deserve to suffer and you don't deserve for your kindness to be abused or misused. You also don't deserve to lose this part of you. I hope by being more guarded you can protect yourself, while also saving your kindness and energy for those that deserve it. Its what I do now, and has worked wonders for me. I hope things get better for you.
@BitingComics 8 күн бұрын
I thought fridging came out of a comic where Elongated Man's wife got murdered and put in a fridge. There was an argument, IMO vastly overblown by the online crowd, that this was happening a lot and was very sexist. My own thought is that killing a loved one of the hero is a classic start to the hero's journey, and obviously, some of those killed will be the hero's girlfriend, wife, mother, sister, etc. Of course, men get it too, so long Uncle Ben, Batman's dad, and Jack Murdoch (Daredevil's dad).
@KirkpattieCake 8 күн бұрын
This just tells me everyone has a different concept of what fridging is so no wonder there is mass confusion. 😂
@johnmorey720 8 күн бұрын
My thoughts on Fridging are that, if the character's existence is only to Cause Angst(tm), it makes the dead character cheaper - more of a prop, not a person. You can have dead loved ones, and you can do it without fridging, but it's sort of in HOW it's done. It's a little hard to quantify ("I'll know it when I see it"), but you can tell when it's a cheap use of a trope rather than something good.
@mikedesousa4040 8 күн бұрын
I think some of the confusion is from the term being stretched so as to insinuate the motive and vices of the writer even if it's well written.
@johnmorey720 8 күн бұрын
@@mikedesousa4040 Oh yeah, definitely. That applies to so many things, though - the term and concept are useful., but people go bonkers with it.
@kylegovender6211 8 күн бұрын
Is there like a bald version of this Asking for krillian
@smeastwest 7 күн бұрын
I agree with you about the character changes in adaptations. Everyone knows that the book and the movie are going to be different, and there will be varying reactions to both of them.
@halahsback 7 күн бұрын
the "how are you?" keeps walking greeting happens a lot at work....and I still answer relevantly, then wonder why they kept going and even bother to ask. Glad to catch up with you and see some positive vibes sliding back into your life. Stay creative
@Grumbless 8 күн бұрын
I don't understand the logic of people going "okay i get you don't like this thing but this one is different." Maybe it's part in love for the thing they do like but it feels a lot like "you're wrong here's why," with a sprinkle of "the thing I wrote is so good it will blow your mind." Please read more people
@AllisonMiller30 8 күн бұрын
I keep thinking that silver thing on the wall is a play button. Which Ian totally deserves. I liked this laidback video with the vulnerability at the end. I always feel like Ian is more human than other KZbin book reviewers.
@Grumbless 8 күн бұрын
I totally agree with creators being able to rework work however they feel if they have permission. I did just remember the whole thing with the change to the MC of Devil May Cry though. I advise creators not to make fun of old fans for something as silly as liking the original hair 😂😂
@brokenentertainment327 8 күн бұрын
Fortunately I've never changed my mind about anything and am basically perfect. *Sarcasm tag*
@AllisonMiller30 8 күн бұрын
I don’t want to have any more of a relationship with my readers than they bought the book and reviewed it, and I wrote another book for them. I don’t need to be a positive influence to someone’s daughter or agree with what they say politically, I just want to get paid to put words on a page. To add to some to your last point. Years ago I had an idea for a book of three orphans trying to solve a mystery when they accidentally started a fire while winter camping and then found a body under the snow. The orphans would have worked alongside the police to find who killed the man, and found it tied to their parent’s deaths. Anyway, two people who had never read more than a tweet or facebook post from me cut me down until I got so discouraged I didn’t write the book. Well, I carried that anger until this year when I took the bones of that book and wrote Buried Deep. It’s about three people a brother and sister and the sister’s boyfriend solving old crimes together that are tied to their personal lives. One big problem they had was they didn’t like the name Jorie, so I started there.
@halahsback 7 күн бұрын
@marocat4749 8 күн бұрын
I think it takes strengh to be open despite having heatrs crushed, but also yeah selfcare important, and best wishes getting better seeing when people mean and listen and when its taking adventage. Also i thiought the critiques are pretty fair of that works trying to see what people might like, like honest not angry criticism is good. Idk the conttended books series is pretty interesting and the one of weird books, through i get it might be depressing to read smut "romantasy" with abuse? I think changes are kind of nessesary in adaptions and, it just should have a vision for something worthwhile, not just cynical. Then its fine. And yes there will always be not great tries, even if i dont know for whom straight oscar wilde is.
@mikedesousa4040 8 күн бұрын
I forget which author (Ann Rice maybe?) wrote a piece very critical of fanfiction, and she had some very good points that turned my view on it. The biggest one is that copyright isn't the protection of the author's future earnings on a piece of work, it's protection of their work itself. Making money has nothing to do with protection of copywrite. It doesn't matter if the author gives away free copies or sells it or uses it as toilet paper, if they created, they own it, they have the sole say over it. So, fanfiction, by the letter of the law, even its just for fun on some forum somewhere, needs the permission of the author. And though, I think many authors wouldn't mind giving permission (or have the time/energy to care so long as it's not for sale), some wouldn't like their creations having a triple x version shipping everyone with everything.
@siroliverdrab6067 8 күн бұрын
Yes however uou also forgot about the fair use policy where even if someone was to use a charscter from a copyrighted material the transformative art that fan fiction can fall under allows for such use. I dont know if it allows for monetary gain (but i assume it does considering youtube, etc) however fair use throws a monkey wrench into all of that
@KirkpattieCake 7 күн бұрын
Fair use does not allow for monetary gain through fanart. That doesn't mean people don't sell copyrighted characters/merchandise, however, most creators do not go after individual creators because it doesn't infringe on the market, they don't claim ownership, and it helps propagate the audience. At any point, a creator CAN send a C&D to fanartists or people selling their characters. However, the most obvious sign of this is how many people write fanfic, then in order to sell it, they have to "scrub the serials off" which is removing any of the copyrighted content, because you cannot legally publish and monetize off someone else's copyrighted materials. That's why Master of the Universe, a Twilight Fanfic, had all the names changed and other minor details to then become 50 Shades of Gray--Then, it was legally able to be sold since it was no longer fanfic of someone else's property. I would research the laws surrounding copyright infringement and fanfic/fanart before making statements like this. In the coming AI video on Saturday, this subject is specifically mentioned because people worry about the lawsuits cracking down on fanart. Again, please research the subject and the culture around fan-merch before you get in trouble attempting to monetize copyrighted materials for personal gain.
@mikedesousa4040 7 күн бұрын
One thing pointed out in the article I mentioned above that helped convince me was how even if it's not for monetary gain, it can still hurt the creator She used the example of a popular fanfic at the time of shipping Kirk and Spook, but I think a hypothetical example might be better. Suppose HBO's Game of Thrones was a free fanfiction by, say Jeff Bezos, available for anyone, anywhere, and further suppose, they landed the ending with gangbusters fanfare. Everyone loved it. Friends became lovers, lovers became friends and the hero married the horse and rode off into the sunset Now, the author, George Martin, is in a pickle to compete with his own creation in the minds of his readers! And suppose his ending isn't popularly received. The internet will be on fire with how better Bezos understands Martin's own creation! He might even have fans come up to him say, "yea, you're ending was okay, but I'm going with Bezos from now on. I really love how he made the hero marry the horse. So poetic! Plus, it's free." Now, we get into damages done. A recent example might be Star Trek's Axanar Fan project which created a 4 years war between the Federation and Klingons. It has millions of views. Now, what is the copyright-holder suppose to do if they already had a plan for that timeframe in the lore? (This case far more complicated, it's just an example) But suppose you only made a free fanfic of just Kirk. Put him in a made up universe, doing nothing that resembles star trek but his character and name. The problem is "James Kirk" name and character is copywrited, too. This is where the Simpson's joke of "It's the Shinnning. Do you wanna get sued, boy!" comes from. Because, even taking a well-known piece of a copywrite material might lead to trouble. This is why you might be reading, say, Wheel of Time and think, "wait, Lan *is* Aragorn from Lord of the Rings" but he isn't called Aragorn and Jordan put enough of a different spin on the character to not be Aragorn Of course, fanfic writers and authors would have to have a judge to decide if the fanfic writer has created sometime truly original or not. And that takes time and money, neither of which have. So, ---I've found that many fanfic writers over decades of have enjoyed the privilege of gaining notoriety for popularizing, say, the Kirk/Spook romance the creator never intended, and they've become comfortable writing fanfics without an author's say. And such comfortability has, in some cases, led to entitlement, too-- Edit: In other words, some who have written popular fanfiction and gained a following on another's work without permission for so very long, may feel they no longer need it. Or even that they have tacit approval. Get away with something long enough and you may forget it's against the law. Long time users of pirated material come to mind.
@Grumbless 8 күн бұрын
You're awesome Ian I'm always happy to know you're honest ❤ I think for myself I need to be nore openly honest about thr things i do and don't like 😂 I'm getting better and feel like I have felt some of your frustration there 😭
@spookyfirst9514 8 күн бұрын
My heart's held together with binder twine, and duct tape. 🤣 Fridging: it's lazy writing. Done right you end up with a character with depth. Fridging as a plot point is meaningless. 'Purity': If the character shines through, I don't care what the actor looks like. Ex: In the Dresden Files books, Murphy is a short blond, and Susan (Harry's love interest) is a Latina woman. In the TV show, Murphy was played by a short Latina actress, and Susan was a tall blond. This worked, because the actresses knew the characters. I didn't know anything about the Witcher until the TV show came out. Based on two main characters, I picked up the books and enjoyed them. Some book series like the Dark Tower is tough to chop down to fit into a 2 hour movie. (I've never read it. My brother has and he said the movie was too choppy.) Retellings and remakes are hit or miss. If the writing is phoned in 'because everyone knows the story' it's too frustrating to read or watch. I'll often watch movies based off of games because I don't play them, so there's nothing for me to get upset about. Exceptions are book series like Game of Thrones, I couldn't get through a single episode of the TV show, and the sample of the first book put me to sleep. Reading outside the comfort zone: This is why I read non-fiction between genre fiction books, and why I watch this channel. Reviews of different books here helps me get out of that comfort zone without buying books I know I won't like. My hard dislikes are YA, Grim Dark, and Erotica. I did enjoy watching a few Dark Romance review channels, and had to stop. The books depressed me too much. Hearing people out: If there's no equal time, I've learned to walk away. There are times someone comments and I have zero clue what they are talking about. If I have to resort to the Urban Dictionary more than three times I'll drop the conversation. Honesty: It's the default. It's openness that is the key. Reading the 'room' helps gauge how open with my thoughts I can be. I learned the hard way that some people hate honesty so much they will ruin you if they can. Questions, sharing the journey: I don't share my art openly for that among other reasons. Feedback: I only do this for ARC reads. I got tired of other writers saying they'd read my work in exchange for feedback, then never hearing from them again. Worse, people saying 'send me a chapter and I'll review it on my channel' and then nothing happens.
@PrimRoza 8 күн бұрын
I just finished watching the video you mentioned..
@scarletcosmo 8 күн бұрын
13:10 I never heard of people not wanting a different main character. Ciri is training to be a Witcher, and if you go off the books, Ciri gets her moments in the spotlight as well. Also the games are different than the books, (I got to a certain point in the DLC, thought I was spoiling myself, so I read 7 books then realized they are separate stories lol). Also I think Witcher 3 has an important event occur that is only ever eluded to in the books.
@marocat4749 8 күн бұрын
I havent played but ciri is a book main character and even in witcher 3 apearently. But both of them have her as a main character, i mean the books end with her.
@feckoffthePRvillain 8 күн бұрын
I missed ya lady!!! And I'm excited to hear what you changed yer mind about... You better still not like cuckoo tho 😳🤣
@frankburnstein1195 8 күн бұрын
I feel like your perspective on sexuality in games has been tainted (understandably) by the ungodly amount of smut books Personally I don't really care about it, and I think the people crying "censorship" are goofy and are just kinda doing it because "muh culture war", but they're not wrong. What with DEI initiatives, the double standards for sexuality between men and women, but also the double standards for Eastern and Western games. More and more modern games are trying to desexualise things to a degree where the characters just look like parodies of what real men and women look like. Like in Pokemon Go's updated "inclusive" character models, or the character creator from the latest Dragon Age. For double standards in terms of East vs West, The Last of Us 2 gets a pass with its sex scenes, while literal erotica games from the East have to put up with nonsense censorship to be localized here. It got to the point where what would have been a mediocre Korean game in Stellar Blade was able to succeed partly due to how overtly and shamelessly the game sexualised the main character, which would have never worked, if gamers™ weren't so starved for that kinda thing.
@ThePersephoneDiggen 8 күн бұрын
13:40 it’s ok if it’s a sequel or a prequel of an existing story, but if it’s based on a certain story with a certain main character, it can be annoying, it’s like having a different main character in Sherlock Holmes or James Bond in their stories, can you imagine any of them as any other character than what they originally are?
@KirkpattieCake 8 күн бұрын
Yakuza did this by allowing the story to be about other characters in Yakuza 4 and 5 at least. Not sure who the mc is for 6, and as much as I love him, I don't mind Kiryu gets to retire. I loved getting to meet Tanimura and Akiyama. Saejima brought his own kind of charm. But ultimately, I don't mind. Might be sad to not get more of characters I like, but I prefer that over dragging them out forever against their given character and destroying their legend just to keep profiting off their names.
@ThePersephoneDiggen 8 күн бұрын
@@KirkpattieCake ok. You said cp shouldn't exist in your video, do you mean by critique partners, and why it shouldn't exist?
@KirkpattieCake 8 күн бұрын
Based on context of the video, I stated child pornography before shortening it to cp and further stated child sexual abuse materials. I have never referred to a crit partner as cp specifically to avoid the confusion. What would make you think I meant critique partner? Personally, I think crit partners who know what you're doing are very important to creating the best version of your story you can. I have talked multiple times on how I think it takes more than one person to bring a story to its best possible version, however, not everyone is a good fit for being your crit partner and you have to make sure to find the right person to speak your language and help you work on your book in the right direction. Please indicate to me where you'd take that as me saying crit partners shouldn't exist or why you'd make that assumption.
@ThePersephoneDiggen 8 күн бұрын
@@KirkpattieCake when you said cp, I thought it was the letters for critique partners, I didn't say that's what you said, I didn't know these letters are for child porn. Anyway, I didn't say critique partners shouldn't exist, I thought you said that because I didn't understand that you were talking about child porn, they've the same initials.
@ross4814 8 күн бұрын
I appreciated your opinion on my book, although opinion isn't the right word. Anyway, I knew my genre wasn't something you would like, but that's what I was looking for, a view of my writing free of love for the subject matter. I think you're really good at staying clear-minded and focused on what is and isn't good writing.
@Jerry11606 8 күн бұрын
I'm very glad I decided to put this on while working today. I really understand that feeling of being burned by wearing your heart on your sleeve and wanting to share your creative journey. I also very much relate to feeling like I dont really have "my people" so to speak. Im glad making this channel has helped you in that regard, and tells me there still may be some hope. That little pep talk you did toward the end really hit home here. So thank you.
@amerrywolf 8 күн бұрын
I've changed my views on a few things. Here are probably the most relatable. Success = 10,000+ readers to success = every time I sell one book. Stopped watching most critics of woke stuff in art. Some of the critiques are fair, but it's gotten so out of control and nasty it's just not good to be feeding that all the time. Came to terms with the idea that people might not like my art and I might not like theirs because we're not each other's audience lol. I'm sure there's more, but that's what's off the top of my head. This channel has been a positive influence on a lot of changes.
@iisbobby3523 8 күн бұрын
I approach everything with the mentality of a jaguar, watch and observe until you know it's safe.
@Visitormassacre 7 күн бұрын
Devour the weak. Humble the strong. Chaos rules!
@polackdyn 8 күн бұрын
I am all for retelling, even if I prefer people create new stuff, but I have a big issue when a creator makes a big deal about sticking to the source material and the end product is so disjointed from it that it could be a whole different thing without the brand name, which for me seems like all they want is to piggyback off said name. Perfect example, Netflix's the Witcher. Hilarious miscasting aside, the story changes so much compared to books that it's very jarring. And again, the lady who was in charge kept the goddamn author on set and in every interview kept highlighting just how important books are and that she doesnt even have to write scripts and they will stick to the source. They followed it, kinda, in the first season, they had some good episodes but by the end they went off the rails, only ruining stuff more with further seasons. Henry Cavill himself, a big nerd and fan of the books, had to apparently fight to have a proper Roach death scene instead of a joke. But there are good retellings as well. You just have to not lie to me, a consumer, that you are sticking to the source story. Be loud and proud: we are making XYZ story BUT we want to make it our own so there will be changes or even different plot entirely. Resident Evil 4 was a remake that also introduced some changes and nobody cared. Cause the product was good. LOTR cut a lot of stuff from the books and it was fantastic. "The Thing" was a different take on "The Thing from another world" and now has cult following. Netflix's Witcher should have either hired more experienced writers who can tackle changes to the book or stuck to them as promised. Cause if it was a good show I wouldn't have fallen asleep or started reading webtoons on my phone cause it was boring me to death. Sorry, I basically grew up reading those books and they hold a special place in my heart, fantastic trilogy of games make me appreciate it more, and then I felt stabbed in that heart once I watched the adaptation. Bit of an offtopic fun fact, the same people who are crying about dwarves being CGI instead of people with dwarfism in the new Snow White were crying that Netflix cast people with dwarfism as the dwarves... The moral of the story is to stay away from people who farm hate for clout instead of being objectively critical.
@ChadOfAllChads 7 күн бұрын
I love I mean we love you!
@genemaxwell4 8 күн бұрын
Love your videos. Hope you got my wife's submission from her indy book and if you did hope you like it!
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