132 ANSWERS: Challenging Michelle Stone with Real History, True Doctrine, and Sound Logic

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Remaining True to The Restoration

Remaining True to The Restoration

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@scottwheeler5741 9 ай бұрын
The parable of the wheat and the tares does not only mean people. It also refers to DOCTRINES of man.🤔
@PeppermintZeal 9 ай бұрын
Michelle's question #8 just irks me. As if women haven't been horribly scarred in monogamous marriages, too. How many women in monogamy have cried up to God in pain and sorrow for their tribulations due to marriage? By using Michelle's thought process, apparently monogamy isn't of God either? 🙄 Polygamy and monogamy can both work and can both produce strong faith and happiness. Polygamy and monogamy can both NOT work and can both produce pain and sorrow and misery.
@geography_guy335 9 ай бұрын
Because of hypergamy and hook-up culture outside the church polygamy world without the benefit of matti is already in force
@geography_guy335 9 ай бұрын
Very good presentation. I've never actually seen a woman defend polygamy before. Interesting
@remainingtruetotherestorat6506 9 ай бұрын
Thank you !! Why wouldn't a woman defend the historical practice of Plural marriage? LOL! God started the House of Israel with polygamy and it makes sense that he would restore it in the last days through polygamy. The women of the restoration were righteous women and the men whom God gave a commandment to live this law in the early days of the Church and they sacrificed so much to build the kingdom of God. I am a recipient of the blessings that came because of THEIR sacrifice. I don't understand why so many today think that it pleases God to bring dishonor to them by attacking a practice they have never lived or never been asked to sacrifice so much for the Lord.
@geography_guy335 9 ай бұрын
@@remainingtruetotherestorat6506 I've always leaned in the direction that polygamy is a celestial law. I often wonder that if once we build the City of Zion and polygamy is reintroduced how many members of the church will struggle with it and maybe lose their faith.
@franciscos5055 9 ай бұрын
You are a light in the darkness. Thank you Kim. The evil that attacks you here and elsewhere are a witness of the effort you make for Righteousness.
@remainingtruetotherestorat6506 9 ай бұрын
Thank-you. It is small price to pay. The woman and the men of the Restoration are the ones under attack and it is the least I can do to defend their sacred honor. It is through them that I am a recipient of the blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant. We all owe them a debt of gratitude.
@franciscos5055 9 ай бұрын
@@remainingtruetotherestorat6506 welcome. These imps and demons do not seem to understand how hard it is, particularly for a woman, to speak truth on this topic and to accept the terribly difficult principle this can be. Especially when they are happily and lovingly married to their husband.
@brianstutzman5037 9 ай бұрын
Great job
@mcurtis7696 9 ай бұрын
Abraham only had 1 son via Sarah according to Genesis 22:2&12, Hebrews 11:17, D&C 101:4, Jacob 4:5.
@remainingtruetotherestorat6506 9 ай бұрын
Hagar's marriage to Abraham was a blessing for her and her household. How else would she become a mother of many nations with any other man except Abraham, the Father of the Covenant? Ishmael was promised to be the father of 12 princes and a great nation (Gen 17:20). Ishmael's descendants today are innumerable. In no other way, could he have obtained that promise than by being the son of Abraham. Hagar's father told her, "It is better for thee to be a handmaiden in Abraham's house than to be a princess in my house. Hagar was excited when she became Abraham's wife, and sorely heartbroken when she was asked to leave. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that "Abraham was guided in all his family affairs by the Lord; was conversed with by angels, and by the Lord; was told where to go, and when to stop; and prospered exceedingly in all that he put his hand unto ; it was because he and his family obeyed the counsel of the Lord." Joseph Smith TPJS 252 And you have a minimal understanding of God and his restored Gospel. Jesus Christ himself said that Abraham has been resurrected. What do you think Abraham and Sarah are doing right now? Are they sitting in a cloud in the spirit world wasting away their days? No! they have inherited their kingdom--their Physical Kingdom and they are continuing the work of God by continuing in their sphere to have more children. Abraham is also with his other wives who are also bearing more sons and the House of Israel continues from generation to the next forever and ever.
@cameronsmith5786 9 ай бұрын
My question for Mark is this: Why do so many men who claim to prefer monogamy have porn addictions? I guess I have a really bad taste in my mouth for your group after being associated with Phil Davis for so long who couldn’t even obtain one wife and then couldn’t control his habitual masturbation problem. God doesn’t give nor command those kinds of men to have more than one wife EVER! Abraham and Jacob anciently would find today’s modern porn addict to be repugnant. If Brigham Young was an adulterer like you claim he sure made it extremely hard on himself. He took upon himself the sole responsibility of caring for so many women and children who all lived righteously. His was a system of added responsibility not lust. John C Bennett tried to hide his crimes by performing abortions. But I wouldn’t expect you to be able to tell the difference between a man who is righteous and a man who is not. After one conversation with Phil Davis, I knew immediately he was lying lunatic! It’s sad that it took me exposing him before anyone would admit to themselves they had been deceived!
@PeppermintZeal 9 ай бұрын
Michelle's question #4 is exactly why I believe the polygamist Mormon sects are out of line (if we remove the discussion of authority for a moment). You can bet that many of those men are in it for lustful purposes. Polygamy can only be practiced by righteous men that aren't going to lust after a bunch of women. And it's possible for a man to seek another wife, while already married, and keep the commandment in Matthew to not lust after another woman. It's just rare for a man like that to exist. Which also goes back to her other question about the surplus of men. There's not a surplus of men righteous enough to live polygamy. There never has been. There will be a surplus of men in general, but not righteous ones.
@grantbeck9228 9 ай бұрын
Polygamy has only ever been practiced by lustful men. Don’t try to put some kinda celestial shine on it. It’s about coercing women for sex.
@downsmath 9 ай бұрын
Wonderful presentation! I look forward to more episodes. Bruce R. McConkie also taught, "Those portions of [the Abrahamic covenant] which pertain to personal exaltation and eternal increase are renewed with each member of the house of israel who enters the order of celestial marriage." How many times do we see more women attending religious services than men? I have little doubt that this will carry over into the next life. In order for this excess of women to be able to progress and move forward and have eternal increase, polygamy has to carry on. After the millennium, no one marries. To think that from a purely mathematical standpoint there will be exactly one man for every woman when all is said and done is illogical. A loving Heavenly Father has provided for this. We, as immature mortals, cannot fully grasp what love is generally all about. We think we understand LOVE, but we are quite limited and selfish at this current moment. We are mere babes. To think we understand it all, simply proves how little we actually know. You must remain humble. Our eternal salvation depends on that.
@rightsongsrighttime 9 ай бұрын
I'm so curious about question 3A. What does Michelle Stone mean by the design of the birthrate? Our birthrate changes depending on culture. The birthrate has been going down in the last decades. There's no design in it. Does anyone know where I can find Michelle Stone's original question to understand it better?
@wowmerica 9 ай бұрын
She’s referring to the fact that the percentage of males and percentage of females is almost exactly 50%
@tvede1027FML 9 ай бұрын
Good job
@crenshawize 9 ай бұрын
Fascinating...may i ask if u have a polygamous background in the church? Meaning in your ancestry. I think its good that you are doing this to answer these questions...therw are more views than ine on this topic...you are a very brave sister to do this and im sure you are getting flack for your views but the best way to show the other side of a matter is to share evidences of that view...this is not an easy topic. .blessings to you
@remainingtruetotherestorat6506 9 ай бұрын
Yes, I am a descendent of a faithful polygamous couple in the early days of the Church. Today, I am a faithful Latter-day Saint who loves my religion and I am not ashamed of this order of the Priesthood and marriage that God established in the early days of the Church so that he could ensure that the faith was passed on from one generation to the next. Anyone who has a sincere heart and a true desire to know--can go to the Lord and ask Him why Plural marriage was practiced in the early days of the Church. I decided that if I wanted a lasting testimony of the Restoration that I needed to gain that knowledge for myself. The knowledge and understanding that God gave me concerning this principle and why he commanded it in the early days of the church just as he commanded it anciently has been a great blessing to me. For one, it has helped me not to be deceived by the many dissenting voices in the Church who are using the historical practice of polygamy to attack and even destroy the foundations of the Restoration. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught: "Knowledge does away with darkness, suspense, and doubt for where Knowledge is there is no doubt nor suspense nor darkness. There is no pain so awful as the pain of suspense, this is the condemnation of the wicked; their doubt and anxiety and suspense causes weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. In knowledge there is power. God has more power than all other beings, because he has greater knowledge, and hence he knows how to subject all other beings to him."
@terminuselectron6900 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your logical, eloquent, and beautiful testimony as a daughter of Abraham and our Heavenly Father!
@remainingtruetotherestorat6506 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for your continued support.
@icecreamladydriver1606 9 ай бұрын
My dear, you gave a lot of scriptures about Abraham and seed but you do not need multiple wives to produce seed. Adam and Eve did it by themselves with only one man and one woman. Section 101 of the 1835 Doctrine and Covenants states very clearly that marriage is between one man and one woman. Brigham had that section removed in the 1844 copy of D&C. Don't you find it at all disturbing that everything in favor of polygamy and Joseph being a polygamist came forth years after Joseph was dead and he could not defend himself. Why do all of you ignore Emma, Lucy and Joseph's son Joseph the third? All of you are so willing to believe the Utah women years after they supposedly were married to Joseph and yet reject Emma. I just don't get it.
@Zion_Or_Bust 9 ай бұрын
"Why do all of you ignore Emma, Lucy and Joseph's son Joseph the third? All of you are so willing to believe the Utah women years after they supposedly were married to Joseph and yet reject Emma?" Yes.
@tvede1027FML 9 ай бұрын
I believe the testimonies of the Utah women over Emma
@Mtns175 9 ай бұрын
Many in history who didn’t live polygamy to produce seed had to live some form of Insest.. (Adam and Eves children, Noah’s children possibly. I’d much rather live polygamy lol. I don’t like polygamy, but I think good can come from it when directed by God.
@northslope1 9 ай бұрын
But increasing seed is one stated reason why God may command polygamy. See Jacob 2.
@josephdunn9427 9 ай бұрын
@@northslope1 Jacob Chapter 2 DOESN'T SAY INCREASE seed. It says RAISE UP SEED. Faithful FATHERS RAISE Faithful SONS. Plural marriage allowed for the Noble spirits to come through the lines of the MOST faithful and the MOST VALIENT men and women of the Restoration who would raise up multi-generational families who would carry on the faith and it take the restored Gospel to the world which is exactly what happened. God wants FAITHFUL MEN to have NUMEROUS SONS so that those SONS carry on the faith from one generation to the NEXT!!!
@icecreamladydriver1606 9 ай бұрын
I am not sure what point you are trying to make in section 124. It seems like you are thinking that verse 59 is referring to the blessings promised to Abraham when, if I am not mistaken, this is referring to the Nauvoo house as stated in verse 56. 56 And now I say unto you, as pertaining to my boarding house which I have commanded you to build for the boarding of strangers, let it be built unto my name, and let my name be named upon it, and let my servant Joseph and his house have place therein, from generation to generation. You are such a sweet and sincere person but I feel that you like so many others have skipped right over very important teachings in the scriptures. I do wish the best for you and I will try not to keep jumping on here and just listen to what you are saying but polygamy is a big thing to me because as I have studied and searched, everything points to the fact that it was never to have happened.
@remainingtruetotherestorat6506 9 ай бұрын
The entire Restoration is the fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Priesthood only comes through the lineage of Abraham's seed. plural Marriage is NOT about multiplying seed. It's about multiplying the Priesthood. You will never be asked to live plural marriage. Just like you will never be asked to take off the head of man in order to save scripture like Nephi. The more you seek to bring dishonor and shame to God's chosen servants who laid the foundations of the Restoration so that you could receive the blessings of Abraham the more you mock God and spit in his face for what he offered you so that you could be part of the household of Israel and be saved. God will not be mocked.
@icecreamladydriver1606 9 ай бұрын
@@remainingtruetotherestorat6506 I have certainly not spit in the face of God. Jacob 2 tells us that polygamy is a "crime" and an "abomination" in the sight of God. What will it take to get people to realize that polygamy is a crime and an abomination? Brigham said polygamy was about raising seed. Old men don't need to marry teenage girls from 12 to 17 years old. Joseph was God's chosen servant and he did not practice polygamy. Why would he and Hyrum and Emma fight against it if he had been practicing it? Why did Joseph deny it? Why did Hyrum give a big sermon at the April 1844 conference condemning polygamy. He even called it a "damn fool idea".
@SaundersClark 9 ай бұрын
27:30 The Hebrews out-populated the Egyptians because of the sanctioned law of plural marriage as found in the Law of Moses??? I’m no Bible expert, but the Law of Moses was given AFTER they left Egypt. So it’s ironic that you would use that as an example to try to prove your point.
@remainingtruetotherestorat6506 9 ай бұрын
Great question! Thanks for asking. Polygamy did not originate with the law of Moses. It was in existence in the days of the Patriarchs long before Moses was born. See Genesis 38:6-10. Judah had three sons namely Er, Onan, and Shelah. Er having married Tamar died without a child. And Judah said unto Onan, go into the brother's wife and marry her and raise up seed to thy brother. When he refused, Judah required Tamar to "remain a widow at her father's house until Shelah was grown." Here we see that BEFORE the law of Moses was given, the Patriarchs understood and practiced the law which required the deceased's brother (even if he was already married) to marry his widow to continue the name of the dead. Among the people of Israel, the Lord chose Gideon, a man having many wives and children, to redeem his people from bondage. To the Polygamist Gideon, God sent an angel and showed him great signs and wonders, and gave him many revelations how to deliver Israel. (Judges 8:30, 31 also 9:5, 10:3, 4 and 12:8, 9, 14) )
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