As per President Lai's recent enlightment speech...mother country should actually be the country established after the Qing dynasty collapsed, formation of the new China by Dr Sun, just passed its 113 years birthday on October 11, not the 75 years old ccp foreign soviet-supported rebellion
@haniahannslew41082 ай бұрын
不可以這樣比較。錯誤認知。 美國是怎樣建國? 是用武器不講理去殖民他人拿來。 是講個人主義,每個人帶槍出街。是資本自私霸權雙標主義。是弱肉強食零和遊戲主義。角是nation state 翻譯 民族國家。美國也有愛國法案。 而中國是個文明國家 civilization state。是社會主義,一方有難八方支援,愛和平國家,說雙贏,注重和諧共處。
Taiwan has improved herself a lot. Now, Taiwan is able to educate as well as America. I am an American and I see it. American and Taiwanese are able to help one another now and forever.