I agree with everyone. They need to stop fining large quantities. Send them home and ban them for many years.
@pepshaven65204 ай бұрын
Where banning is concerned, we’re one of the laxest countries out there. Our ban is UP to 3 years. That is nothing. If America refuses you entry, the ban is 20 years. I’d call that a good deterrent and we should absolutely do the same.
@cijmo4 ай бұрын
@@pepshaven6520 Yes - and no appeal or anything. "I didn't know, I forgot etc" are not excuses when the card is in your own language and they always ask you again verbally.
@frankblangeard88654 ай бұрын
They spend a whole lot of money in Australia. Got to keep them coming back!
@daniellai93704 ай бұрын
The penalty should be $750 per item not overall or per person. I agree to ban them from coming for 5+ years.
@mochino38444 ай бұрын
If anyone is wondering why the fine is so low, these episodes were filmed a few years ago and now the fine is about 2,000 aud
@taihancock56113 ай бұрын
Finally GOOD !!!
@tinageorge80582 ай бұрын
@marcopienaar9351Ай бұрын
Still doesn’t explain why someone who accidentally brings in a half eaten hamburger in her handbag that she bought at her previous departure, gets fined 900usd. But someone who deliberately doesn’t declare kilos of food gets fined $200 less. Even if the fines have been readjusted. You shouldn’t get fined a salary for having a half eaten hamburger!!😂
@cramnh0j4 ай бұрын
A person brings in an apple she forgot she had, fined $400+. Chinese family doesn't declare 45kg. of prohibited goods, fined $720. Doesn't seem fare.
@613miami4 ай бұрын
@amandab84334 ай бұрын
It's up to $10,000 fine in the US. Should be some everywhere to disuade people.
@Nancy-xb6wh3 ай бұрын
What a joke
@taihancock56113 ай бұрын
@JohnnyXanax2 ай бұрын
The apple lady got her fine to just a warning. It was just for shuck value for the show.
@WilliamHudgins-n7q5 ай бұрын
They don't declare because they don't care. Each adult should have been charged $700, and that may have gotten their attention.
@maxpayne73125 ай бұрын
Probably not like someone said if they were able to buy that much food 720 means nothing to them, so even if they charge them 700 (per each person) that’s just a drop in the bucket and they’ll easily make back that 700 (per person) in no time at all (especially if they run a huge company or own several businesses in their country) They lose 700 per person then they gain twice the amount from their businesses they run
@JDo-z6o5 ай бұрын
You’re so right. They have no respect for laws outside of their countries
@luclking70035 ай бұрын
They know not to bring there food but they don’t care should be fined. Big $
@gibbs19665 ай бұрын
7000 AUD pr person minimum. THAT will teach them a lesson... Chinese are the worst. period
@Karl-cj2sn4 ай бұрын
@@JDo-z6oprobably they don’t respect the laws in their own countries either
@xo2quilt5 ай бұрын
The fine should have been assessed to each individual who signed a card, not just a single fine. These people will not stop until they are hit where it hurts...their wallets!! People who bring in as much as they did should be charged for importing a commercial amount of product into Australia, go to prison or face a life-time exclusion from Australia.
@cbman47675 ай бұрын
I totally agree but they should be ban from the country.
@xo2quilt5 ай бұрын
@@cbman4767 I agree with you! Australia is a beautiful, unique country that should be protected and those who try to smuggle in anything forbidden should be banned.
@veronicacrabtreehill66085 ай бұрын
Spot on ❤
@kimw72525 ай бұрын
Ugh it's really annoying because they like to act clueless and sometimes it's not even their first time entering the country. So what the heck you know what you're doing just hoping not to get caught..🙄
@cbman47675 ай бұрын
@@kimw7252 Why are you jumping on me? I was just agreeing with the original poster.
@kawangkwok52625 ай бұрын
I am Chinese and I am really sick of my fellow countrymen keep bringing food to Australia, ignore the Australian environment, AUD720 penalty is really kind from offical, should penalize each of them, and confiscate all other "Legal" food as well.
@dianapeek69365 ай бұрын
Good on you. Perhaps you can pass the news back.
@beckhan21444 ай бұрын
What's the reason they keep doing it?
@kawangkwok52624 ай бұрын
@@beckhan2144 Most Chinese just simply keeps their own Chinese habit, so as their diet. Some people also ask why they do not buy in Australian Chinese shops. Apart from buying in Australia in more expensive, include transportation fee from different countries to Australia, you can see some products are not allowed in Australia. Because most Chinese, especially older generations not care about the environment, they just try their luck to sneak these products in Australia.
@joneslo55724 ай бұрын
@@beckhan2144because the fine is a joke and no jail sentences. Be serious, fine them heavily and jail time for offenses.
@vinznearby43154 ай бұрын
@@joneslo5572 you are right there. Pretty soon the Communist China Party might use this loophole to try and sabotage Australia through attacks via biosecurity. They might try and flood Australia with all their Chinese countrymen bringing contrabands into Australia. Imagine all passenger of just one plane carrying all sorts of banned organic produce into Australia. That will be a disaster to Australia's Agriculture and economy in the end.
@PAPIKen07282 ай бұрын
$720 is a pittance for this family who are wealthy enough to travel. If lawful, each member should have been fined.
@jennstewart30035 ай бұрын
The Korean man is also breaking Korean law with his habitual gambling. Korea is a country that polices behavior of their citizens outside of the country. If you do drugs in a place where it is legal and return to Korea, that is an offense. Habitual gambling is also a crime
@seungpark59425 ай бұрын
@wonlee24052 ай бұрын
중국애들 하는짓거리나 하고....국위선양 하고 유툽에 박제되고.. 참 열심히 산다.
@lindadeeds53262 ай бұрын
That’s very interesting.
@Derpy19694 ай бұрын
This show has taught me a lot about traveling to any country.
@SueCarroll-e9t5 ай бұрын
If they don't declare any food or plant materials, they should be fined, and all of their food should be confiscated. Don't repeatedly reward them by letting them keep food they swore they didn't even have.
@luclking70035 ай бұрын
They should be allowed back in why to many do this
@Nutajel4 ай бұрын
They confiscate all food items
@LG-cf4dl4 ай бұрын
Okay, seriously - people - how many people worked on the search for the Chinese family with illegal items in their 15 (!!) pieces of luggage?! That nominal fine they imposed wouldn’t even cover those wages and benefits! Seriously. & then you let them into Australia? Wow.
@KayBacciАй бұрын
I love these sniffer dogs. Dogs need to work. Louis is so happy and enthusiastic about his job. It's obvious that he and his handler have a good relationship.
@GrammaTink6155 ай бұрын
Any items undeclared that should have been declared should be seized, whether they are legal or not. If the punishment is not steep, they will just try again.
@lindajong57375 ай бұрын
The fine is too little for them ,they have money to buy almost the entire grocery store.$ 750 hundred dollars is nothing to them.
@dianapeek69365 ай бұрын
@geraldhagen2989 check just how old this episodes is, its now 2024 and then do some Maths.
@Champagne15 ай бұрын
I Totally agree with you. They Should have been prosecuted. 🇬🇧🇨🇦
@virginia29494 ай бұрын
@@dianapeek6936 Doesnt matter. $750 AUSD (less than $500 USD) would have been low for 1999. These items are deliberately brought in (they had been to Australia before) and they potentially can destroy large parts of the agricultural system. They should be sent on the next flight back to China. They are usually filthy rich and will do the same next time - because it is worth the gamble to them. Chinese authorities would throw them in jail if they tried something similar there... They signed and falsified a federal government form - each of them did. That alone should send them back to the heaven they came from. Australian laws dont deserve respect due to their pathetic and bizarre "fines". So they dont get respect.
@tracewallace234 ай бұрын
They should've charged them those fines per person. They had enough to start a restaurant
@GingerSpy24 ай бұрын
This is the reason Singapore keep caning as legal punishment.
@skozzy19684 ай бұрын
one fine for a family all with their own bags and with food is shocking, it should have been one fine per person.
@engegiger3 ай бұрын
I just Googled on Australian website, in 2012 fines were 110 AUD per Unit, (I don't know what they mean by unit), in 2023 it went up to 313 AUD per Unit. Still doesn't sound like much tho. Watching from Switzerland. 🙂
@LucienSabre3 ай бұрын
@@engegiger Yeah, definitely still too little. They should make the fine at least 400-500 AUD for _each kilogram_ (instead of per unit) found of undeclared organic items….see if people will try smuggling food or plants again after they paid thousands of dollars in fines.
@qldkev4 ай бұрын
What a joke. $700 fine for 45kg of illegal imports/ bio security into Australia, but for using a phone whilst driving is almost double that.
@deb31vers355 ай бұрын
Don't let them back in, no respect for our amazing country.
@kayden98165 ай бұрын
They most likely won’t let them back in for repeated offenses
@AnnacolleenEtters5 ай бұрын
@@EthanAndMadison Shocking. The Chinese don't care about what they do to the environment, and that disregard has a way of trickling down, to it's citizens. If they have no respect for their own country, I don't see why they would care about Australia's laws, protecting it.
@virginia29494 ай бұрын
Australians dont have respect for their amazing country or they would give meaningful consequences.
@ipfreely39844 ай бұрын
They will 1000% bring food next time as well. They don't care about rules and they have the money for fines that are that small.
@Ryan-pm4fk5 ай бұрын
There should be harsher penalties for carrying prohibited items as this is almost always done knowingly.
@iris_nazarena_48824 ай бұрын
Poor Officer Andrea, she always gets the tough cases!
@veronicacrabtreehill66085 ай бұрын
Funny how they always seem surprised when food is found. They should be on the stage, as actors.
@theresaeng53304 ай бұрын
😱😱😱how did that get in my suitcase? LOL. Yes the fines should be way more than it is. and ALLLLLLLLLLL food thrown. Come on AU has food, Chinese, Korena, Japanese and any other kind of food. You don't have to bring rotten food in. They are i*diots IMO and should pay a big price. Like refusal to the country and all food thrown out. Not keep some, but all food. Maybe then it will get around that it's not a great idea to do this.
@katehobbs20084 ай бұрын
Over a certain amount, their visas should be cancelled. It makes me so mad when they just lie and lie, and get a tiny fine.
@Shello585 ай бұрын
Sending the gambler back home was the BEST thing you could have done! He would have gotten in deeper. He's desperate and needs help!
@deekang62445 ай бұрын
Don’t they have gambling in Korea? Pretty sure I’ve seen casinos.
@disee14904 ай бұрын
Surprised they didn't notice the gambler's Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 18ct Gold watch, around $80,000. Something going on there.
@susanpogreba96815 ай бұрын
Officer Andrea is one of my favorites. It just boggles my mind all of the food people bring to the border. 😊
@CarloHofilena3 ай бұрын
Me too! 😊
@roses93395 ай бұрын
They know but the fine is pathetic. Cheers Rosemary Western Australia 73yrs
@pcdude23944 ай бұрын
When you carry 15 giant luggage and declare nothing, you stick out like a sore thumb.
@gland18305 ай бұрын
I think Boarder Force is way to kind. If the card says no food, any and all food, allowed or not should be seized and either destroyed or donated to food banks leaving the offenders with no food whatsoever. And a fine more than $250.00, and depending on the amount, prosecution.
@Toblyy5 ай бұрын
45 kg is crazy
@noeljr.77245 ай бұрын
This might sound crazy but the way to enter Australia without issue is the following: - Pack only clothing. - Have adequate funds. - Know what you want to do and see while there.
@dianapeek69365 ай бұрын
Thats not asking too much is it?
@thitran13624 ай бұрын
and dried food. I don't get why people bringing too many fresh food with them? The most I have packed is maybe instant noodles, beef jerky and seasoning packages.
@bate010713 ай бұрын
That does sound crazy.
@lindadeeds53262 ай бұрын
@@thitran1362 right- bringing some food (and declaring it!) is not a bad idea because then you don’t have to worry about finding food as soon as you get there. But not kgs worth!
@MichelleNorton-h5y5 ай бұрын
The fines are a ridiculous amount of money for bringing in so much food and the devastation that could be caused and should be doubled or tripled not that petty amount no wonder they just keep on bringing it in 😡
@nitzztin99935 ай бұрын
@johnwsmith55 ай бұрын
@MariaWerner-sf1ef4 ай бұрын
They are Chinese. It amounts to the same thing.
@peteypops4 ай бұрын
They are Chinese…just saying…
@sussanbryant9033 ай бұрын
@@johnwsmith5I agree they know
@paulk96344 ай бұрын
They all read and understood the declaration cards written in their native Chinese language. They each signed their own declaration card. They still brought in 45kgs of contraband without declaring it. This is blatant disregard for border security and shows they are just thumbing their noses at Australian regulations. $720 in fines?? Ridiculous. No wonder they keep doing this, there is no punishment if they get caught. These people should be in gaol. No excuses.
@LG-cf4dl4 ай бұрын
Why in the world are they not immediately barring the Chinese family from entry into Australia, especially after fraudulently trying to bring so many things in (& lying on their entry form)?! The officials are so politely explaining why the family can’t bring the various items into Australia - when that entire family knows (!) they were not allowed to bring those things in! Good.golly.
@Guillaume-m8w4 ай бұрын
Hum... these food smugglers are plain criminals. The fact that the lady begs for her food means that she either understands zero or is totally disrespectful of the law. They should be treated more harshly.
@marilynnandbobseifert3986Ай бұрын
I agree. They should have been fined per person.
@shindoboy4 ай бұрын
Should’ve charge the family $700/kg of food. That should wake them up
@KittyDukeson4 ай бұрын
Not only should every person be fined but also have ALL their food taken for not declaring
@elizabethpetrie27324 ай бұрын
Don’t say “okay?” when explaining that something is being confiscated. You are not asking whether the offender agrees with you. 😡
@Jake-co3wk3 ай бұрын
I can't believe how laughingly low the fines are, how there aren't more prosecutions (especially for repeat smugglers) and how patient the officers are.
@abelaboim48373 ай бұрын
They should be fined individually to learn the lesson.
@bernadettemarietavendale70555 ай бұрын
There needs to be a blanket ban of individuals bringing in food in their luggage from overseas & the only way approved products can enter the country is commercially via a shipping container or air freight & you need to have an ABN & business to import
@lindadeeds5326Ай бұрын
I think that would be too harsh. I like to travel with snacks because then I don’t have to worry about finding food right away. Flights (especially to Australia!) can be really long, and then getting your luggage and clearing border control can take a long time. However, it makes sense that any food someone brings needs to be declared and potentially confiscated if it is a potential biohazard.
@wearenot7withyou5 ай бұрын
Did they take an entire grocery shop home like bro
@lindajong57375 ай бұрын
They don’t respect the rules of law in this country, don’t let them in .
@ashleyw.67025 ай бұрын
The suitcases should have gone in the garbage... especially with all of the fungus on the plants.
@michaelvilleneuve1943 ай бұрын
I will never get why they don't fine this criminals THOUSANDS of dollars, AND deport them, AND ban them from returning. If you are serious about the crime, then be serious about the punishment.
@alexandernemeth45485 ай бұрын
Re the fines. We have to remember this was filmed a very long time ago..it’s now on average $5,000
@enzodiegosno1devoutfan5315 ай бұрын
Just what i was going to say i have seen this episode a few times now just for the Chinese shock food factor 😅😅😅😅
@Zero-gh9lp5 ай бұрын
I dont get why people are bringing flour and seafood into Aus. Do people not realise we have that here? I think the fine should be higher so people start taking it more seriously.
@thecatgotfatfromtheratinthehat4 ай бұрын
The fines are just ridiculous it makes Australia look weak 😒 🙄 Should be thousands first time, tens of thousands for 2nd offences. Third time, you get banned from the country for 10 years, simple.
@NardiBlanch4 ай бұрын
All of them should have fined they think it is a joke
@melotone33054 ай бұрын
The fines for the family were mild-medium. They showed zero remorse, or even the acknowledgment of wrong doing. If they are lawful permanent residents or citizens of Australia, they should be fined via federal taxation. Make sure that evading the fine/tax will have real consequences.
@BeverleyPrice-ty7xr2 ай бұрын
Hats off to all Australian Customs Officers, they are so thorough in what they do. Just imagine the mess our country would be in if it weren't for them,
@miroslavtomic70383 ай бұрын
When somebody, especially group of people or in this case family, brings in 45 kilos of commercially packaged food items that can only mean they are going to sell it. That is very obvious.
@AnniekinsMyshkamouse-r4j4 ай бұрын
If food is not declared, allowed or not, it should be seized and destroyed. Small fines do nothing.
@cpeng98564 ай бұрын
Why would they declare if they know it’s illegal to bring in. Fines should be higher and ban re-entry.
@gjm44005 ай бұрын
Why are the fines so low? 45kg of undeclared goods. $750 fine. Ridiculous
@RedsKevin5 ай бұрын
TIL: Border Security agents are also anti-gambling counsellors.
@garfieldsmith3324 ай бұрын
Fund one undeclared food item, confiscate all of the food items. Heavy fine for trying to bring the food in and a second heavy fine for falsifying a document. Second offense double every fine and a ban from entering the country for 5 years.
@elvergalarga84705 ай бұрын
Is there no food in Australia?
@carliejames78365 ай бұрын
Haha! It's funny coz I live about 5 hrs from Syd in a small regional city & we have like 4 Asian/Indian supermarkets. Big cities would have way more. Not sure why they wanna bring all that in unless these were filmed way back. We have had the groceries here for many years.
@MrSouthernlord5 ай бұрын
There is, but none of it contains diseases or insects that could wipe out our environment. This is where those travellers come in to fill that gap.
@maxpayne73125 ай бұрын
@@MrSouthernlordI’m pretty sure the cardboard boxes the food comes in (from the shipping dock to the transport truck) already has insects inside of it since that food comes from other countries as well so they’re just defeating the whole purpose of throwing away the food from other countries They probably don’t want to actually admit that Australian food also comes from other countries since that would make them look bad so they have to find a way to penalize travelers coming into Australia with undeclared food (without it the Australian government wouldn’t get any money)
@MrSouthernlord5 ай бұрын
@@maxpayne7312 You do realise that food that is transported into Australia for sale is checked by Border Security the same as the food brought in by our Chinese friends? Every country does this.
@maxpayne73125 ай бұрын
@@MrSouthernlord doubtful but you’re the expert, YOU know everything
@Flower_289384 ай бұрын
The charge should be raised up to thousands, and they’ll start to care
@sumotiko4 ай бұрын
Everyone knows that the airport only performs random checks so there is still a very high chance of getting those items through otherwise people will not even try.
@mm-fn1tk5 ай бұрын
And how many people slip through with dangerous goods, prepared to take the risk because of the pathetic fines.
@TheParky134 ай бұрын
they always say a billion dollar industry could be affected but they get a pathetic $700 fine , massive fines or refusal into the country unless you're a citizen
@MinhNguyen-mo5fp5 ай бұрын
A valuable lesson to all illegal actions, these people know right from wrong, so they still make the choices that lead them to the consequences . So there they go . . . . Thank you the officers whose do their job bravely.
@steveearnshaw19174 ай бұрын
Less than 50 dollars a bag, that's no deterrent. A single passenger can get a 400 dollar fine for one bag.😮
@joneslo55724 ай бұрын
It's just a joke. This will continue unless heavy fines and jail sentences are given.
@TheresaRMitchell4 ай бұрын
I think that what they don't declare should be confiscated. Even what is permitted all foods
@GFSwinger16934 ай бұрын
I sure wish they would stay on one case, complete it, and then move to the next case.
@mahmoudhawli32354 ай бұрын
Airport should make new rules not allowing to enter any food for everyone ❤❤❤
@chiaandrew69344 ай бұрын
There should imposed heavy penalties and attend mandatory re-education course.
@chuckiehan66114 ай бұрын
Whatever the excuse is...The korean bloke has an airport employees card...
@annmarie84145 ай бұрын
Why bring that much food, are they going to starve without eating, Plus what are they going to wear for clothes!!??. Needed to up the fines by how much they have the food!!!??
@callumhatton5994 ай бұрын
Make any fines a miniumum of say $2000 to $5000 to start with when they have lied on the paperwork. You cant say you didnt realise you had to declare all the stuff
@HAMISH1956074 ай бұрын
They should fine them for each individual item not bulk , one item = $350 so the fine will be a large fine and hit them hard and cancel them and send them to jail .
@johngriffin81214 ай бұрын
Break the law send them home “ They may think twice next time …Australian border security to soft .
@freemindmindfree5684 ай бұрын
Australia has an extremely vulnerable agricultural industry that is what I could tell...WAIT, Australia has agricuture?!
@DeborahFairbairn5 ай бұрын
Who pays to send them back? And why are these bags not checked , where they get on plane? I just don't get it.
@garrynarmstrong67904 ай бұрын
Most countries in Asia don’t care what food you bring in/out. Also in the video it sounded like they are either Aussie citizens or PR, so they wouldn’t just get kicked out
@cpmow8315 ай бұрын
Good doggo!
@Jennifer-vl6po4 ай бұрын
Fine should depend on the weight/amount the individual is bringing in their bags
@krisbest64055 ай бұрын
Why dont you play these on the plane in several languages ,may be less liars
@LG-cf4dl4 ай бұрын
The cigarette guy had his visa revoked and was barred from entry. The Chinese family - nothing (a minuscule fine). There is definitely an inconsistency in the application of law upon entry to Australia. Hmm.
@PJ9024 ай бұрын
The Chinese family live here so are residents, you can't deny them entry as they aren't on a tourist visa. Yeah i think they should of been fined more but that is why the difference.
@PO-PANDA4 ай бұрын
They should have asked that family to stop hovering over the counter when they were looking thru their bags. Lady coughing after visiting China 🙄
@cestmoi12624 ай бұрын
Having watched enough of these episodes I wouldn't omit mentioning the Ricola coughdrops and 10 Tums I tend to carry in my pocket.
@alexwilke73983 ай бұрын
Somebody should ticket the guy parking the K9 truck.. he is illegally parked ( MIN :0:48 )
@waynetujaka91925 ай бұрын
What would it be if we did this in China?
@MariaWerner-sf1ef4 ай бұрын
Exactly. If you overstay your visa, it’s 500 RMB (50-60 Euro) per DAY and no excuses
@snudder.s.m.l.50265 ай бұрын
Amazing skills that dog have. ❤❤❤❤
@patriciamorgan673226 күн бұрын
What a disgrace they should have been put on the next plane home. Or if they live in Australia criminally charged and fined thousands. What a joke.
@TheresaRMitchell4 ай бұрын
I agree that each bag should be fined $500.
@milesjohnson5487Ай бұрын
The dog is rewarded with nothing for his hard work.
@edwardwood65325 ай бұрын
There is something strange about that man's eyes. He knows he is busted and may have to be the front man but it just makes him push on without shame.
@pablohassan68975 ай бұрын
Why aren't people made aware before they travel here, that food is not permitted? And, most, if not all that food is available at Chinese supermarkets here in Australia.
@AnnacolleenEtters5 ай бұрын
I thought they were, when they fill out the forms at the departing airport. When we traveled to Italy, 17 years ago, I filled out declaration forms in my country (US), at the airport, before they took my bags, into the airplane. I smoked cigarettes, back then, and was going to return, in 10 days. I also had a favorite brand of tea. I had to declare my 10 pkgs of smokes, my 30 tea bags, and my pain medication. I kept my pain meds with me, and left my smokes, and tea bags, inside my luggage. On the way back, I was almost positive that I had a pear, which I'd intended to eat on the bus, or in the airport, in Rome. I was asked about it, and the customs agent helped me to unpack my bag, but we were unable to find it. It went through Paris, and back to DC. We found it at Dulles Airport. It was pretty late, about 1 a.m., and I explained to the man about searching in my luggage with the agent, in Rome, and was very apologetic. I told him I'd never tasted fresh pears like it, in America, because packers pick them too green, but understood that it was I who had made the mistake. He was very understanding, and wrapped my pear up, very fast, shoved it back into my suitcase, and said, "welcome home to DC, Ma'am"! Best Pear I've ever consumed, on US soil!
@bannanna.4 ай бұрын
Always Chinese 🤦🏻♀️
@Miscz_3 ай бұрын
the sniff dogs are sooo cute, whenever they get rewarded for finding the narcotics and they do their little puppy dance and run around
@garyedwards48012 ай бұрын
At what point do we start refusing entry to blatant ignoring of the law? At the very least, prosecution. Australia is seen as a soft touch, so this will never stop until we do. I live in China....I have several times told Chinese friends NOT to visit my country because they just laugh at ridiculously low fines.
@Moomoo-wp5zr4 ай бұрын
I am so sad when the bio inspector said them thank you thank you who is breaking the law. So exhausting people.
@milly_lily13954 ай бұрын
I realize that Asians have a different diet and often bring comfort foods that can't be found in other countries, but wouldn't they also want visitors to respect their county and ecosystem? When I visit abroad I understand the food in used to at home won't be available but I try to find something similar or get adventurous and try something new!
@22ergie2 ай бұрын
8:20: Dog handler: "Dogs have strong noses." I believe it's called sense of smell; aka, canine olfactory system.
@Rose070135 ай бұрын
Why they carrying so much food 😏the security did amazing job for seizing all the food 45k is a large amount of food I wish people watch this so they won’t repeat the same mistake great lesson to learn 👏🏻
@khalilramos34994 ай бұрын
Ban and jail those people with violations of bringing drugs
@bruhitsme26014 ай бұрын
Trust me, a lot of people don't think other countries have food, so they brought the whole farm with them. LOL
@sandydixon90205 ай бұрын
They make me sick, they think it’s a joke😡🤬
@andiridha16635 ай бұрын
They have to stop doing this
@louisebb41835 ай бұрын
They are Australian residents then they know the rules!